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    Votes: 1 4.2%
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    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • enter the hardbody more like enter the swag

    Votes: 6 25.0%

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • wow! strapped with the swag!

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
I also agree with your 913 soup.

It feels weird that I'm on almost the same page as you.

Can it be ? Town-Bros at last ? Only time will tell.

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012


I'l be quoting and handling PJB moreso than Nabe toDay. Ryu has more or less convinced me to let Nabe be for a while in order to pursue PJB, which I'm more or less fine with.

I'll Unvote for now and see where this goes.

Don't worry too much about getting back to me on it, I'd like to see your response but I also don't want our opinion to bleed into the thread and have everyone parrot our logic if they address your 911

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
If I claim hider: Scum says "he's hider, we can't kill him" and doesn't target me.
If I claim my role: Scum kills me.
You know what I mean. Why would you; Someone who was barely being throw around for inactivity : a) need to claim b) be afraid of being killed first at all, when you've been no visible threat to scum ?

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
Notes on PJB:

The scummiest things I see is Swords and Soup going after each other. I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to think there's a scummer in there, but I wouldn't throw the possibility of TvT out the window either. I think there's something there, but I don't think it'll be useful until later in the game, when more than 2 things have happened.

419 : Sudden Drop ? What about the responses

420 :Weaker players being Bardull + Soup ? Wha?

Note how he lumps himself to be a victim of Kata's "easy push"

Note worthy that he , like Bardull brings up Nabe ; In much the same sense that bardull did; Not sure how telling.

Sorry for not getting to this earlier, I'm super duper lazy lately.

J I don't have much of an opinion on, he's been pretty inactive, moreso than me I believe. Wouldn't feel right putting him anywhere other than null.

Kuz I'm ok with. I have zero meta on him, so all I see is that he's around, he's questioning people, following up, facilitating discussion and actually forming his reads. If it's all an act, then he's very good at it. Town

Kat I'm less ok with. While I do see him active in the thread, I don't really see where his choices in who to pressure are coming from. Actually, that's a lie, I do see a pattern in who he pressures. It's easy targets. Looking at this playerlist, I don't think many people would disagree with the weaker players being myself, bardull, ran, and soup. Lo and behold, who has he pressured? Now soup and ran have both gotten a lot better since the days Kat was more active in mafia, and thus, he has dropped them because they aren't ****ing around, and they're not being easy targets. So that leaves Bardull and I. Two inactives in a sea of inactivity. On the weaker end of the playerlist.

I just don't see a difference between my inactivity and, say, Nabe or J's inactivity. Yet Kat wants to be all up in my ***. And for what? My choice of the word "begrudgingly"? For realz?

Scum lean.

447: Very un-commital on Bardull; Non-telling ? > Bardull had just returned.

488: Irrelevant > but Why > Why push you of all the "weaker players " ?

496: Defense over reacting v non-reacting . Telling Y/N ?

623: Do this later

752: My feels. They hurt. Trying to excuse current / future bad play ?

Joker: i am pushing you; Kat pushed you, you caled this push easy > Kata scum , Am i scum for pushing you ? Am I partners with Kat ?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
You know what I mean. Why would you; Someone who was barely being throw around for inactivity : a) need to claim b) be afraid of being killed first at all, when you've been no visible threat to scum ?
Really, Rake?

Town says: "This guy is a claimed PR in an open setup and hasn't been counterclaimed. We won't be lynching him."
Scum then says: "I guess we had better kill the confirmed town PR."

And while I'm already talking to you: please don't buddy people (latest example 921) and don't being swishy on stances (latest example 922), as it's overt and really muddies reading your interactions in a slot that was previously J-style inactive with all the caveats.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I'm certainly leaning more towards PJB. As Ran pointed out, he was the next vote after Bard on my wagon last Day, who was driving the wagon, and Ran showed his voting process to be craycray. I had previously been a force of the Bard wagon, so this push also allowed Bard an opportunity to reverse our standing in thread power.

Vote: PJB
(should be L-2)

My other candidate is Ran, and Soup's reread is already shaping up to be a matter of interest there. But I don't see Ran as a lynch, given the analysis I made of my wagon. Not sure what to make yet of his take on PJB and the motivations there, aside from a sudden interest in my cold hard logic :bee:

Ran: What is your opinion on what I've said in my defense? I'm not sure I've seen a take on that around or prior to your interest in PJB.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Well what you recently posted made some sense to me. Bard was defending me when he voted you, and I don't think that lines up with you being partners with him. Meaning, I think he was trying to bounce momentum your way to get better cred, as he was a definite option. I don't think he was aiming to lynch you as a buddy. As much as I thought "Nabe lied about being hider expecting for a CC, so therefore he is scum", I couldn't help but think there was some opportunism going down from PJB. So, your defense would make me go "Hmm, it doesn't quite make sense", but it wasn't what made me want to change direction. It was PJB's actions that did.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Another reason I am not liking PJB is this:

Anyway, enough about night actions.

Nabe obviously needs to go, his claim is a lie. Townies shouldn't lie with their claims, because this is what happens. I don't even see a reason to believe he's a townie who lied to save his butt, why do that? What if Kuz came out of inactivity to counterclaim him? No, that's dumb, there's no way that was some townie's master plan. That's scum cleverly wiggling out of a lynch, and then getting exposed as a liar by night actions.
I don't think he really harped on this until after Rockin brought up the "he lied, so he shall go" thing.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
@Soup: How are you feeling about Rockin now? Can you answer my #895?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Be back later, going to work-study. Will respond when I get some downtime.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
@Soup: How are you feeling about Rockin now? Can you answer my #895?
It's answered a page back. Indifferent again. He's going to react to all this eventually and I want to see how he'll handle it.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
votecount 2.05
nabe (2) - kataefi pjb
pjb (3) - ran soup nabe
not voting (4) - rockin circus kary death bear

voting log
soup -> pjb
pjb -> nabe
rockin ->
death bear -> nabe -> none
ranmaru -> nabe -> none -> pjb
circus ->
nabe -> pjb
kataefi -> nabe
kary ->

with 9 ballin it takes 5 to hardbody. deadline is 3/29 11:59:59 pm est

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
Firstly : @MOD: I unvoted in my 922. Just to be sure:


Secondly: I didn't mean to have my 922 come off as wishy washy; I guess the most accurate read i could give you of your slot is : Null, with a IGMEOY feel.

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
Also, PJB; Claim por favor.

Death Bears paws are ready. They hunger to maul the scum of the earth. And toDay, Joker shall taste their fury.
We don't need to rush this lynch by any means, but it's highly doubtful short of unexpected events I will be as interested and in favor of a lynch; As i am with PJB's.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Town full of people trying to make a name for themselves.

Also, PJB; Claim por favor.

We don't need to rush this lynch by any means, but it's highly doubtful short of unexpected events I will be as interested and in favor of a lynch; As i am with PJB's.
The hell is this? Stop it. On one hand you say you don't wanna rush, on the other you want PJB to claim? He doesn't claim now. Cut it out.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Well-worn sense of danger

I find myself wondering where Circus/Kata are toDay.
I'm also way confused by no-one talking about Circus toDay. Yo Soup, I want your stance on Circus.

I'm fine with PJB getting some heat. Would be good to hear how he got from one pick to the next and which slots he might want toDay.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Too many one-liners. Well, you crack a smile or you're dour all day.

Oh, and I feel pretty strongly that Nabe should claim which PR he is. I think i'd much rather have you cleared and dead than alive and a huge question mark.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
they call him 'Death Bear'

I don't care about your blood-rage. I don't care how certain you are. I care about how good your read is, and the reasons behind it.

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
I think it's pretty good.

Do you disagree with my past posts on PJB ? If so, help me see your side here.

Help me hone my claws, for those who shall taste their fury.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I find myself wondering where Circus/Kata are toDay.
I'm also way confused by no-one talking about Circus toDay. Yo Soup, I want your stance on Circus.
I am also interested in what they have to say. Thread's going a little slow now.



*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I'm in the middle of rereading!! Unless anyone's figured out a way to search players like before????? (plz help me on this anyone)

One thing I'd like to say just from briefly looking over things: Rockin is shaping up to be likely Town. Bardull made a strange assertion stating if Rockin flipped town, I would be scum. This was around the time Rockin could have been lynched. I believe Bardull knew Rockin was Town to be able to make this assertion. Why would he state this if Rockin were scum? That would mean sacrificing part of his suspicion against me, which is not something I envision a scummie mcscummerson to do, considering they left me alive. Rockin is someone I'm confident in right now, FWIW.

Soup didn't you state that you get a feel for a player when you interrogate them? What changed your read on PJB from someone logical to someone potentially scummy? Also why did you never join the Bardull wagon? And why did you never attempt a wagon against Kuz considering he looked like a big concern when you opened yourself to me?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

Dunno how to search people sadly


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Kat I am deff interested in what you have to say about PJB totally dropping his Soup stance and never going back on it. (I want you to read what I posted when I voted PJB)

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
watching my breath condense in the cold air

I think it's pretty good.

Do you disagree with my past posts on PJB ? If so, help me see your side here.
I don't remember you posting anything that caught my interest. I'm not 100% sure what point you're making against PJB beyond generally being a bit scummy, i'm not sure I really understood your notes. I mean I'm waiting for PJB to respond anyways because i'm not in a rush.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Coming across a face I remember

Yo Kata, i'd be interested to hear what you think about how the lynch happened yesterDay.

Also, I see you're thinking Rockin is town based on Bardull's comments about him. Are there any parts of what Rockin has posted that are backing up that read?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Put the same record on again

Too many one-liners. Well, you crack a smile or you're dour all day.

Oh, and I feel pretty strongly that Nabe should claim which PR he is. I think i'd much rather have you cleared and dead than alive and a huge question mark.
yes definitely address this for me dearest given your position as a huge ****ing question mark

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
This doesn't seem like an accusation, but more like questioning to gain a read. This doesn't line up with PJB's vote on Soup.
So I'm the first guy in history to vote someone that I'm questioning for purposes of pressure?

This seems like PJB making up reasons as he goes. Now, his next point is that Soup was saying that he had 'other points', but how could PJB know he meant that from that single word, 'busted?' Simple, he didn't. He was trying to make it out to be that way.
This is just you making assumptions. I wasn't making it up as I was going along, it's something I was curious about. Having someone say "i think not everything was completely busted" and thinking that means "that doesn't completely refute all my points against you" is not unreasonable in the slightest, and questioning him about it certainly isn't scummy.

Underlined, he seems to be ok with the response. A few pages later. He didn't even respond to Soup's rebuttal. I mean if he's ok with it, he could at least explain how it makes sense to him. This response just seems manufactured, as if he had to drop the soup read.

He explains why he dropped Kat, but he doesn't really explain his progressed read on Soup. It's totally ok! #737
How is me saying "I'm writing off the earlier read as a misunderstanding" not me explaining myself?

Also, why would I explain a progressed read on soup when I'm talking about why I voted for nabe? That **** doesn't make any sense Ran, how come you're not explaining your read on soup in the middle of your case on me? I dropped soup, explained why, moved onto Kat, and ended up dropping that too because my other scumread was becoming a lynch option. Now you're just.. basically making **** up in order to pad your case. Should I not want to lynch my scumpicks?

Now then.

I ask him this:
PrivateJoker-Brown said:
Nabe, convince me not to vote you.​
Ranmaru said:
So, did he convince you by now? Also explain how he did or didn't. Then follow up with a vote.​
And he responds:
PrivateJoker-Brown said:
Not really convinced. Kinda thought Nabe was gonna give us something that would blow our minds, but I'm left unimpressed.

His play just feels like "look at me! I'm SOOOO inconspicuous." I could live without him. Where's he at in the votecount?​
PrivateJoker-Brown said:
nvm, lazy me, there's a votecount up there already that hasn't really changed.

Vote: nabe
Notice how he wasn't actively voting Nabe due to him not 'convincing' him. He only did so because I asked him about the statement he made, which was "Nabe, convince me not to vote you". That already shows that PJB was already convinced in voting Nabe, but there is no reasoning from PJB being 'convinced'. It just seems to me that he already was set on joining the Nabe wagon, but makes the mistake of doing this without really showing his discontent with Nabe beforehand. Then he puts himself in a trap, "Oh, I wasn't convinced, I thought he was going to blow our minds, so I'mma vote nab". I mean, he only did so after I asked him, so again with the backseat scumhunting.
This also doesn't make any sense. I was ready to vote nabe, but I didn't throw a vote out at that moment, because I wanted him to respond. He was posting in the thread at that moment, so I was waiting for a response to all the other people pushing him. Then you asked me if I was convinced, and I wasn't, so I voted him. Why is that scummy? What was I accomplishing to aid my scumteam by procrastinating on a vote?

PJB, I don't know what you're doing this game. I don't understand how you're so certain on some things yet you're fine with just letting it be and not pushing them. I'm reading again and I just get this general feeling of you being there, but not really being there. There's a ton of subjects you're willing to talk about and try to look like you're doing something, but when it comes down to it I don't know where you reach conclusions. You were wrong on reading me. That's fine. You just dropped it though and never mentioned it again. Why? What about Kat too? Not exactly the same instance here but once you latched onto scum-reading him, you just twiddled your thumbs and felt like you didn't have to do anything but that. You even literally make one post that says "Kat dead yet?" This isn't the same as Kuz either before you think I'm just trying the same argument, Kuz is dead and he was V/LA. You're not and you've had plenty of time to explain yourself. What are your reads? How are you reading Kat prior to the Hilt flip? Has anything changed for you?
I'm sorry, but I wasn't aware that I was required to post my exact thoughts about every single person in the game every time I change my mind about something. I kinda figured all the posts I made saying stuff like "I changed my mind about X" would kinda tip you guys off, but I guess I gotta put it in a nice little list. Lemme get that for ya in a bit.

How do we go from:
PrivateJoker-Brown said:
I'd be willing to lynch
Kat, and probably J or Nabe

I might be willing to compromise to Kuz, but I'd want to see some kind of case

I wouldn't lynch anyone else at this point.​
PrivateJoker-Brown said:
Kataefi dead yet?​
PrivateJoker-Brown said:
Nabe, convince me not to vote you.​
PrivateJoker-Brown said:
nvm, lazy me, there's a votecount up there already that hasn't really changed.

Vote: nabe
PJB what the **** was going through your head here these are all in order as we were trying to get a lynch, what convinced you of Nabe so suddenly? This is ****ing terrible.
I dunno what's so confusing about that. I had Nabe as a scumread I was willing to lynch IN THE FIRST QUOTE YOU POSTED. Why is it weird that I was willing to vote him when the rest of town was getting ready to lynch him? It's not, it's a pretty clear cut line of logic.

cuz it's obvious nobody is going for Kat today, and even I'm beginning to question whether or not he's a good lynch. My lynchpicks for today were kat, j and nabe. J was only a pick because he was being completely and utterly useless and impossible to read, but he's gone now. So that leaves Nabe. It's not opportunistic at all, it's becoming obvious that the day is going to either a circus lynch or a nabe lynch, and i don't like the circus lynch idea at all, so naturally it's Nabe. I waited, because he was actually posting, so I wanted to see what he posted before I threw my vote in.​
Why are you content with this or perhaps why were you?
I dunno what this means.

Notes on PJB:
PrivateJoker-Brown said:
The scummiest things I see is Swords and Soup going after each other. I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to think there's a scummer in there, but I wouldn't throw the possibility of TvT out the window either. I think there's something there, but I don't think it'll be useful until later in the game, when more than 2 things have happened.​

419 : Sudden Drop ? What about the responses
Wtf else am I supposed to say here? I read his #306, and it seemed genuine.

420 :Weaker players being Bardull + Soup ? Wha?

Note how he lumps himself to be a victim of Kata's "easy push"

I am literally the newest player in the roster. And I don't think I'm particularly good at being town, because I honestly don't enjoy it as much.

447: Very un-commital on Bardull; Non-telling ? > Bardull had just returned.[/quote
How is not committing to a read on a player I don't have a read on scummy? Yea, he had just returned, and I hadn't seen anything from him prior to it that had convinced me of his alignment one way or the other. I'm supposed to have a solid read on him because he posted a mile long catchup post? Why can't I be a townie who didn't have a read on him?

488: Irrelevant > but Why > Why push you of all the "weaker players " ?
Because I was active in thread, and opposing him? That was an easy one...

496: Defense over reacting v non-reacting . Telling Y/N ?
I'm not really sure what it is you're asking me. The fact that I react to things isn't telling, because it's something I do regardless of alignment.

752: My feels. They hurt. Trying to excuse current / future bad play ?

Joker: i am pushing you; Kat pushed you, you caled this push easy > Kata scum , Am i scum for pushing you ? Am I partners with Kat ?

Telling it like it is

And that's a stupid assertion you're making at the end. I never said "lol, kat made an easy push, so he must be scum". I said he made a bunch of easy pushes over the course of the game. Nothing but, in fact. It's not the same thing you're doing at all, cuz you didn't push the same people he did.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I'm certainly leaning more towards PJB. As Ran pointed out, he was the next vote after Bard on my wagon last Day, who was driving the wagon, and Ran showed his voting process to be craycray. I had previously been a force of the Bard wagon, so this push also allowed Bard an opportunity to reverse our standing in thread power.

Vote: PJB
(should be L-2)

My other candidate is Ran, and Soup's reread is already shaping up to be a matter of interest there. But I don't see Ran as a lynch, given the analysis I made of my wagon. Not sure what to make yet of his take on PJB and the motivations there, aside from a sudden interest in my cold hard logic :bee:

Ran: What is your opinion on what I've said in my defense? I'm not sure I've seen a take on that around or prior to your interest in PJB.
Votes for PJB cuz Ran did such a good job of pointing out why he's scum
Immediately calls the guy who is apparently doing such good scumhunting, scum.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Soup didn't you state that you get a feel for a player when you interrogate them? What changed your read on PJB from someone logical to someone potentially scummy? Also why did you never join the Bardull wagon? And why did you never attempt a wagon against Kuz considering he looked like a big concern when you opened yourself to me?
The inconsistencies and lack of commitment in general. I thought he was being townie and logical about me, but after looking at him again I noticed that he really only pushed me and there was a lot of things that didn't make sense. I pointed it out on my mini-case (if you wanna call it that) on him. It's even worse that PJB himself has admitted to be lazy about all this. The bardull wagon? I don't remember when that was but I do recall wanting something from him and waiting on it. It's odd, he finally responded and Hilt got lynched afterwards, and now he's dead as scum. I didn't attempt a wagon on Kuz because there wasn't anything to attempt. He wasn't here, PJB is. There's a difference. What do you think all of this? Your vote is still on Nabe iirc.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
PJB said:
I'm sorry, but I wasn't aware that I was required to post my exact thoughts about every single person in the game every time I change my mind about something. I kinda figured all the posts I made saying stuff like "I changed my mind about X" would kinda tip you guys off, but I guess I gotta put it in a nice little list. Lemme get that for ya in a bit.
That's not what I'm asking for. You had an intention to push Kat and get him lynched, and the only thing you can say is "Kat dead yet?" I recall you attempting to solidify your read on him and interacting with him, but even Kat noticed how you couldn't commit to it and saw you run away. You're not going to get anything done and nobody is going to want to listen to you if you're not convincing. It doesn't work like that in mafia, just because you vote someone doesn't guarantee anything. This bothers me greatly because I would think you would know this by now, and if you don't, then let me ask what the hell you're doing? You come in here all frustrated and upset with everyone for your lack of play. Where do you stand now? Why is Nabe scum?

I dunno what's so confusing about that. I had Nabe as a scumread I was willing to lynch IN THE FIRST QUOTE YOU POSTED. Why is it weird that I was willing to vote him when the rest of town was getting ready to lynch him? It's not, it's a pretty clear cut line of logic.
"Nabe tell me why I should justify myself to vote you because I don't want to put the effort into explaining it." What did you want from Nabe exactly? Your conclusion to the vote doesn't make sense because it's just like something went off in your head and you suddenly scum-read Nabe magically and had a reason to vote him despite anything being said. What were you expecting of Nabe? What about him tipped you off to vote him?

I dunno what this means.
You dropped everything you had going on Kat and your attempt to push him giving up on the ideal that he wasn't going to get lynched, which is only but your fault. In fact, you had one small instance of interaction and you were somehow content with this. Fine with the fact you didn't really do anything and that you were just gonna hope people saw it like you did. You couldn't even explain why you exactly scum-read him, talking about something about him 'pushing easy lynches.' When I asked you to clarify about this, you couldn't tell me specifically what it meant and if you recall I tried to get you to look at it another way. Your refusal to do so just makes it look like you're clinging something without having a reason, but I don't need to point that out when you've even admitted that you don't really have one. What do you want me to do? What do you want Kat to do? Read your mind? No. I can't read your mind. If you're town, start putting in the effort that's expected or get lynched.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
That's not what I'm asking for. You had an intention to push Kat and get him lynched, and the only thing you can say is "Kat dead yet?" I recall you attempting to solidify your read on him and interacting with him, but even Kat noticed how you couldn't commit to it and saw you run away. You're not going to get anything done and nobody is going to want to listen to you if you're not convincing. It doesn't work like that in mafia, just because you vote someone doesn't guarantee anything. This bothers me greatly because I would think you would know this by now, and if you don't, then let me ask what the hell you're doing? You come in here all frustrated and upset with everyone for your lack of play. Where do you stand now? Why is Nabe scum?
Nabe is scum because he, also, is not doing anything. You think my play is lazy and half-assed, ok that's fair. Nabe is literally just as bad, if not much much worse (I'm of the opinion that it's much much worse, btw. Where are Nabe's pushes? Where has he led us?), and here's the kicker. He also made a terrible terrible, incriminating claim. But somehow, I'm the bad guy here. This is just a big fat ****ing pile of whatever. If you can't see why Nabe is scummy, then there's literally nothing I could say to you. He isn't scumhunting, and his town claim was a lie. What in the world more could you possibly want?

And when exactly did I run away from Kat? You mean the part where he claims I ran away, because he saw me leave the thread and go to the dgames page for a few minutes? Did you forget about the part where I came back into the thread, and responded to him in full? I mean, jesus christ man, I'm in more than one game here, and I was following some other games as well. I'm not allowed to post in this game, and then go check on other stuff? Is that a crime? The amount of ridiculous bull**** that gets sent my way is literally astounding. I mean, Persona was a lot worse than this, (since I actually was scum in that game, yet the entire playlist still only managed to come up with hilariously terrible reasons for why I was scum, which is why I lived forever that game) but if "lol, you left the thread!" is all you've got for why I'm scummy, then you should probably put your noose away.

"Nabe tell me why I should justify myself to vote you because I don't want to put the effort into explaining it." What did you want from Nabe exactly? Your conclusion to the vote doesn't make sense because it's just like something went off in your head and you suddenly scum-read Nabe magically and had a reason to vote him despite anything being said. What were you expecting of Nabe? What about him tipped you off to vote him?
What did I want from him? I dunno, for him to explain himself, claim, wutever. Do something to show that he wasn't scum, or that he had secretly been scumhunting all along, and just never filled any of us in on his reads. He didn't do that, but surprise surprise, I voted him and he did something to show he was town. Something we now know isn't true, which you seem to be pretty content with for some reason. You'll have to explain that to me one day.

You keep saying that my Nabe vote came out of nowhere, and that's still just as much bull**** as it was the first time you said it. I had Nabe on my scumlist WAAAAY sooner than that, and I fuggin posted in the thread for all to see. YOU FREAKING QUOTED IT TO ME. It amazes me that you still think that point is valid. It's not.

You dropped everything you had going on Kat and your attempt to push him giving up on the ideal that he wasn't going to get lynched, which is only but your fault. In fact, you had one small instance of interaction and you were somehow content with this. Fine with the fact you didn't really do anything and that you were just gonna hope people saw it like you did. You couldn't even explain why you exactly scum-read him, talking about something about him 'pushing easy lynches.' When I asked you to clarify about this, you couldn't tell me specifically what it meant and if you recall I tried to get you to look at it another way. Your refusal to do so just makes it look like you're clinging something without having a reason, but I don't need to point that out when you've even admitted that you don't really have one. What do you want me to do? What do you want Kat to do? Read your mind? No. I can't read your mind. If you're town, start putting in the effort that's expected or get lynched.
I stopped pushing Kat because I ran out of things to push. I explained why I was pushing him, in full, in a way that I honestly don't get how people could not understand it. I can only assume they understood it, and disagreed with it. I can't make people agree with me just by saying it over and over again, and I don't see any other way I could say it. As it stands now, the fact that BarDulL pushed Kat for the same reasons I did probably means Kat is clean. Time will tell, but at least I know somebody else saw the same **** I did. Even if was just somebody trying to use that evidence to gain a mislynch. We even posted at around the same time.

I haven't refused to do anything. I haven't been stubborn, I haven't done any of those things. All I've done is take my sweet ****ing time. That doesn't make me scummy, it makes me lazy. Yes, I'm lazy this game. I was the first one to admit that. I'm not doing nothing though, and I've also been clear about what I've said. I've been asked to clarify some things, and I did. your assertion that I have not baffles me slightly. If there's stuff you don't understand, you should try asking me instead of sitting there critiquing the quality of my play. Where are your pushes soup? Why haven't you singlehandedly lynched all your scumpicks soup? Oh that's right, cuz that **** would be ridiculous, and it's unreasonable to expect that out of someone. Have you been so much more successful than me? Like your first push of the game against swords, how'd that go again? Oh that's right, you dropped that push after your interaction was over, and never brought it up again. I guess that's only scummy if I do it huh?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
@Pyjama boy... when you initially suspected me, were you conscious that Bardull had also suspected me?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Nabe is scum because he, also, is not doing anything. You think my play is lazy and half-*****, ok that's fair. Nabe is literally just as bad, if not much much worse (I'm of the opinion that it's much much worse, btw. Where are Nabe's pushes? Where has he led us?), and here's the kicker. He also made a terrible terrible, incriminating claim. But somehow, I'm the bad guy here. This is just a big fat ****ing pile of whatever. If you can't see why Nabe is scummy, then there's literally nothing I could say to you. He isn't scumhunting, and his town claim was a lie. What in the world more could you possibly want?
I've seen him take initiative for his votes and push things he believes should be pushed. I don't understand how this suddenly boils down to a comparison however, and I don't understand why you're going 'no you should look at nabe not me I am innocent.' You don't believe him? You think he's scum just fakeclaiming? Who's the real PR? Is he just fishing? Why? Why do you think this? You want Nabe lynched? Get him lynched.

And when exactly did I run away from Kat? You mean the part where he claims I ran away, because he saw me leave the thread and go to the dgames page for a few minutes? Did you forget about the part where I came back into the thread, and responded to him in full? I mean, jesus christ man, I'm in more than one game here, and I was following some other games as well. I'm not allowed to post in this game, and then go check on other stuff? Is that a crime? The amount of ridiculous bull**** that gets sent my way is literally astounding. I mean, Persona was a lot worse than this, (since I actually wasscum in that game, yet the entire playlist still only managed to come up with hilariously terrible reasons for why I was scum, which is why I lived forever that game) but if "lol, you left the thread!" is all you've got for why I'm scummy, then you should probably put your noose away.
No. It's the fact you dropped it. I don't care if you left the thread. What did you get out of Kat? Was it not enough to unvote him? Was it enough to keep your vote on him? Why can't you just say something? Even Kat was wondering where the hell you went with all this for christ sakes. Stop saying you've done nothing wrong because you're doing everything wrong. It shouldn't take this much to just get simple information out of you.

What did I want from him? I dunno, for him to explain himself, claim, wutever. Do something to show that he wasn't scum, or that he had secretly been scumhunting all along, and just never filled any of us in on his reads. He didn't do that, but surprise surprise, I voted him and he did something to show he was town. Something we now know isn't true, which you seem to be pretty content with for some reason. You'll have to explain that to me one day.
I can understand Nabe's intention to fakeclaim and his reasoning for me. Why does that matter? Didn't he follow through eventually? I thought you were saying he's not doing anything...what was that then?

You keep saying that my Nabe vote came out of nowhere, and that's still just as much bull**** as it was the first time you said it. I had Nabe on my scumlist WAAAAY sooner than that, and I fuggin posted in the thread for all to see. YOU FREAKING QUOTED IT TO ME. It amazes me that you still think that point is valid. It's not.
I need more than a vote. Why did it take you so long to vote him? You only seemed to care after[/] Nabe got pressure.

I stopped pushing Kat because I ran out of things to push. I explained why I was pushing him, in full, in a way that I honestly don't get how people could not understand it. I can only assume they understood it, and disagreed with it. I can't make people agree with me just by saying it over and over again, and I don't see any other way I could say it. As it stands now, the fact that BarDulL pushed Kat for the same reasons I did probably means Kat is clean. Time will tell, but at least I know somebody else saw the same **** I did. Even if was just somebody trying to use that evidence to gain a mislynch. We even posted at around the same time.
Why couldn't you just say this? Giving up on Kat simply because 'nobody agreed' is a load of **** too. Nobody could understand you and nobody agreed with your reasoning, obviously that is your cue to clarify or to perhaps look at it another way. Like I said, we can't read your mind.

I haven't refused to do anything. I haven't been stubborn, I haven't done any of those things. All I've done is take my sweet ****ing time. That doesn't make me scummy, it makes me lazy. Yes, I'm lazy this game. I was the first one to admit that. I'm not doing nothing though, and I've also been clear about what I've said. I've been asked to clarify some things, and I did. your assertion that I have not baffles me slightly. If there's stuff you don't understand, you should try asking me instead of sitting there critiquing the quality of my play. Where are your pushes soup? Why haven't you singlehandedly lynched all your scumpicks soup? Oh that's right, cuz that **** would be ridiculous, and it's unreasonable to expect that out of someone. Have you been so much more successful than me? Like your first push of the game against swords, how'd that go again? Oh that's right, you dropped that push after your interaction was over, and never brought it up again. I guess that's only scummy if I do it huh?
You're being stubborn right now. You're at L-2 and everyone is wondering what the **** you're doing this game. We're not on you just because. Aren't you just excusing yourself saying that you've been lazy? That doesn't cut it. I don't need you posting all the time but jesus christ it shouldn't be this hard. Where are my pushes? Right here. Why haven't you singlehandely lynched all my scumpicks? You're about to get lynched if you don't do anything about it. It's not unreasonable, and I'm not sure why you're in a fit about this. I expect town to want to scumhunt, and want to lynch scum. You can't lynch scum by doing nothing. You're doing nothing. This post doesn't tell me anything besides that you're asshurt that you're being pushed. Critiquing your play? No, I'm calling you out. I'm calling you on your bull****. What's this about my push on Swords? You mean the read I clarified and told everyone how I was wrong? How I told everyone my Stance? How I lead up on something else? Get it ****ing together. Stop feeilng sorry for yourself. I don't want another wall argument about you ******** about the fact you might get lynched. Either prove us wrong or shut up. This was a waste of my time.

Death Bear

Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2012
Ran, this is the Ruy side.

Rake thinks Soup is town, but I am not sold on that yet being town bros with him. I'm still kinda bothered by his D1 behavior with just a question of, "What is the purpose of this?" I'm currently working on documenting Bardull's stuff and Sworddancer's things so I can get a better idea why things happened and who is more likely with reactions.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
While I get to PJB, what I want to know is:

Why are you pursuing PJB over Nabe now, from your own words?
How does Rake agree with this? (He can say this)
How will PJB flipping town/scum affect your read on Nabe?
What does Rake think of you not agreeing with Souptown?
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