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Eliott's Huge "Just Attack" SFL Tournament!! ChuDat Will Be There!!! 1/5/08


Smash Champion
Nov 8, 2005
Nice guys, and I'm surprised who did Lambchops loose to?

Good stuff Colbol!!


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
wtf ESAM what a let down.... play harder next time :):)

jk see you at Gigs if you go.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Esam you tied with Sheik SSBM for 7th.

Great last tourny, good enviroment, no hostility to be found, and free food toward the end!

Elliot- it was soooo fun teaming with you, hope you know i turned down an offer from SheikSSBM to stay as your team partner ;) Double Dees for life man. I believe you made top ten too, good job on that. (Your match vs Otru, Annoyingly histarical)

Esam- playing against ur own crew mate really is weird.... First match close, second match i three stock, third match you three stock..... Eh? good matches though

Nick- Congrats on getting 4th man! And hooray for our crew (save andres) getting top ten!

Animal Control- Matches are too close man.... Tooooo close, mad good fox

Wes Jr. - Sorry, too much samus training to be knocked out by you lol good matches tho

DDD- Mad fun playing you so much man, well needed after the countless tournies we both didn't attend. Came to a point i almost wanted to go to SWFL just to play u guys. I wonder if that one stock you took from me in the begining of pools would have made a difference in how the tourny played out :p

SSBM- Im surprised i beat you honestly, after you were moppin the floor with me in friendlies, i was having a hard time getting a close match earlier that day. Luigi survives foreverrr

Doodah- I'll never use marth vs u again... Thanks for helping (runing) the tournament, after u left i bascially took over, but it was nothing compared to the work you put into it. Thanks for all the times you've helped out when others would or could not. Doodah for best tourniment host in the world.

I think i realized something as far as pro's go, with help from chudat anyway. Chudat, or any pro, coming to a local tourny, is like me going back to my highschool and beating noobs at smash. It's crazy how good pros rly are, and shed some light on how much time i don't wanna put into this game anymore. Nothing more than fun for me from now on.

Good **** from everyone, and continue rockin hard later on.




Smash Ace
May 11, 2006
SEFL representing samus in the sunshine state


Doodah-Good seeing you, funny how after your match with cam you were like Okay lets go and i got a bye. Good job running the tournament.

Gangsta-Fun tournament, good venue, your dad was so drunk dude, it was funny.

Chu-I almost beat a pro, im happy as hell. Very very very very very very good matches, and i will beat you next time, even though there won't be another next time. Lol at in the money match my pika vs your YL on rainbow cruise. Weird match....Good **** on first as always and 2nd in teams. Next time i play you, im banning corneria cuz i can do better on FinalD like in the MM, 3stock on corneria as opposed to 1 stock on FinalD. Wobbling is gay lol.

Colbol-WTF you beat chops!!!! Good **** dude, can't wait to play you in gigs. The only people chu has had to wobble down here are shiz and you. Very good, i heard you went shine crazy against nana.

Seibrik-lol at the set we had, you got ***** on everywhere but your counterpick. 2stock and 3stock yeeeeahhh.

Nicholas Riddle- I hate you for beating me, but good **** beating animal control. Gratz on 4th, and placing higher than me. Nicholas Riddle for power rankings? (lol)

Linguini- CREW BATTLES OMG. Chops took out colbol and 2 stock of skrach i think, and you took the rest. Your ganon is sick as hell, you did amazing for your last tournament.

Mcscrub- lol at you and linguini lying about you being in the hospital for alcohol poisoning. I laughed even when i thought it was true ^_^

Cameron- SINCE WHEN DO YOU HAVE A FOX??? You 3 stocked me in a ditto and you would've beaten my samus if you didn't suicide twice. Good **** for not being high. "Dude lemme play you so i can go to sleep" lol

GOod tournament, one of the best ive been to. Funny how you guys were charging 2 bucks for a hot dog and soda then your dad comes and gives free piza and drinks, SUPERIOR HOSTING FTW. Good stuff to all, and to all who aren't going to gigabits next week, i bid you farewell. The legacy of ESAM is now closed in SEFL

Col Bol

Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2006
Casselberry, FL

1 Colbol + Chops
2 Chu + ******
3 SheikSSBM + DewDaDash (Forfeited to Chu + ****** in Losers Finals)

That's all I remember :(
I think Louis + Joe, Pete + Cameron, and Seibrik + Elliot did good too...

Really fun tournament, good times :)

amazing tourny


Smash Cadet
Jul 9, 2006
Hey everbody, I dont know if u guys know my name on smashboards, but this is Nicky. I just wanted to say that was a great tourney. I will definately be there if eliott has another one. Congrats to chu on a great tourney,nobody stood a chance lol. What a show linguini put on in the crew battle. That was the most amazing performance I have ever seen by a Gannon (took out 14 stocks by himeself "Amazing" ). And yes if anybody heard, I did 4 stock chops "twice" in pools!!!!!! lol I wavedogd him, (anybody who was there will know what I mean). lol great tourney chops. I know everybody else has already said it, but I have to say it "ELIOTT LIVES LARGE" LOL!!!!!!!!!! everybody I didnt mention, "great tourney".


Jan 3, 2006
ELLIOT LIVES LARGE! Good tournament, will post shout-outs after I write down a list of people. Where are the vids?!


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Pritty sure someone recorded Colbol vs Chu I don't remember who though.

Fun tourney thanks Elliot. Your parents are awesome.

Im done going to any tourneys further than 45 minutes away. I suck at this game and its ridiculous that I still get nervous to the point where I can't move in tourney matches after a year and 1/2 of playing.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
Pritty sure someone recorded Colbol vs Chu I don't remember who though.

Fun tourney thanks Elliot. Your parents are awesome.

Im done going to any tourneys further than 45 minutes away. I suck at this game and its ridiculous that I still get nervous to the point where I can't move in tourney matches after a year and 1/2 of playing.
Me and colbol have been playing longer and we still get nervous ALOT.


Smash Champion
Nov 8, 2005
I'm surprised, Lambchops lost to a Fox other than SpeedN's.

Good stuff vs Chu Lamb.

How did Colbol do vs Chu?


Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2005
Pembroke Pines, FL
the video that i record should be up after school when linguini gets time and stops being lazy. Also i didn't get everything had to go sooner then i thought and im only person recording.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2006
Born N Raised
wtf i cant post my soutouts. it took me like and hour 2 write and remember every1!!! fvck!!!

edit: ok well i had like 10 pages of soutz but i guess smashboards is being fvckin gay rite now and has been since saturday nite. so ima keep trying to put them up but if i cant then good game to every1

problem sloved


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2006
Born N Raised
first of all i just want to thank every1 for coming to this and makin it turn out so well. very very special thanks to chudat for makin his apperence at this as well. thanks to all of cfl that made the drive down here and contributed to this tournament as well. sfl u already kno wat it is, keep doin wat u do.


bcc - i dont even need to mention wat happened in our crew match but i will n e way. linguini??? 14 stocks??? i'll leave it at that.

tnt - good try guys lol. no im jus messin wit u. i got nothin but respect for all of you. you guys are all very good players and wuld wreck any other crew in fl. real ****.

chops - good **** as always man. how does it feel to not get 1st in 2 tournaments in a row. hahaha. you'll own at gigs tho.

pasta - nice way to end ur melee reign. incredible crew matches man. the legacy of linguini will always live on. see you at brawl.

chudat - thanks for comin man and thanks for the matches we had. we only got to play a couple matches but we did talk for a while and ur a really cool person. congratz on 1st man hopefully i see u again at pound 3.

xyz - great matches as usual. always alot of fun playin wit u. i thout u were serious wen u said u were givin up falcon. i almost shed a tear lol.

col bol - my dog colin!! u did really well against chu in the finals.very impresive man. o and thanks for finding my keys i was lookin for them for like 30 min.

otru - thanks for not gaying me out of that match we had. i appreciate u playin me again for that last stock. u really gained alot of my respect for that. thats how you can tell apart real players from b1tches.

seibrik - dubl dees till the end man. we shuld have gone alot furter in teams but its all good atleast we both did well in singles. see you at brawl.

pete - thanks for takin over man. everything got realy confusing for me wen the laptop decided not to work. u are by far the ultimate bracket man.

camron - 13 KNEES!! ur my fvckin hero. ur just too fvuckin amazing man. you've got my vote for best falcon in america.

sasha - im bringin my girl to the next sfl tournament and i want u to play her. i think it wuld be pretty intereting seeing the battle of the foward smashes lol.

jason - keep workin on that ganon. i kno this game is gona end in a month but everytime i play u it seems like ur gettin better and better it wuld be a shame to quit now.

a. control/w.jr - thanks alot for bringin the tvs. u guys shuld really go to more tournaments. both of you still got alot of game.

n. riddle - nice job on 4th. very impressive beatin ur lil brother. you gota show christian how to play link. hes lacking something but i dont kno wat it is cuz i dont kno n e thing about link. btw i still owe u money lol. i dont remember how much it was but u gota remind me to give it to u next tournamnet or i'll never remember.

esam - somebody put this kid on the power rankings. he really does deserve it.

shiekssbm - i dont really kno u too well but we had some really close tournament matches. gg's man.

im pretty sure this coveres everyone if i missed some1 my bad i just dont remember. thanks again for every1 that came and i'll see you all at the next tournament. i hope you all enjoyed the free pizza and my drunk dad (i kno pete and chu did atleast lol). and i actually learned a little about myself this tournament, aperently i live large??? im still deciding wheather or not im goin to gigs but we'll see depending on the $ issue. if so then i'll see all u cfl ppl there. hopefully sfl will be willing to make the drive up there too.

thanks every1


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
fack, all my shoutouts got erased for some reason.
GG's to everyone I played.

Ill see you all in brawl hopefully, for now, im done.
Take it easy!
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