I was hoping that ESV would include both Valenwood and Elsweyr since they're very interwoven. Half super dense woods, half savannah/desert lands? Awesome. Plus the Khajiit are my favorite race to play as for stealth purposes, and the Bosmer are mischievious little *******s. Would have been our chance to finally bring an end to Fargoth's peopleI'm also a little worried about the geography. This might sound odd, but I don't really feel like going up north in the snow. I'd much prefer a desert landscape or something more tropical like Elsweyr or the Summerset Isle. I hope they find some way to mix up the terrain.
I also would have liked Hammerfell seeing as how it is the coolest freaking region in all of Tamriel. Though with the shift towards Dragons, I have a feeling that ESVI will be based in Akavir. Anyways, I'm with you on this.
Though Skyrim isn't blanketed in snow. Its southern region is mountainous, forming the border with Cyrodiil which is where most of the region's snow is. The northern reaches along the coast aren't frozen over. And hell, maybe we'll get to revisit Solstheim!
And also, if you guys haven't seen, here's a rumored image of Skyrim that's been floating around the internet for a few years now: [collapse=omg]