Good stuff at APEX. Was scared that you were going to lose to luigi. I think it is very hard. Have you practiced more dittos? I will have to practice those counterpick stages. AND i might be playing some new characters too so i dont have to rely on falco. Will you be at SWAT?
Santi i have been confirmed forever and if we play, my falco hopefully wont just die off the ledge twice....
Here is something we have to discuss, couldn't find the quote. I like how he says he didn't sandbag then he says plenty of matches are even vs MK.::::::::::::::
Originally Posted by Mew2King View Post
OMG guys I did not sandbag
I had every intention of winning
I wanted to win for myself and for USA; I have wayyyyyyyyy too much pride to purposely lose the set at such a great opportunity to win. I am really competitive and I'm not going to purposely lose at a great opportunity to slightly sway a stupid metaknight argument give me a break
I was upset that I lost but not very upset about it because of the way I lost - by someone using skill (also I like Ally so it was no big deal to me ... but that certainly DOESN'T MEAN that I didn't REALLY WANT TO WIN)
and I did ask Ally if he wanted to split and he said no. I didn't really care either way though; in fact I'm kind of GLAD he said no because I wanted that epic, extremely fun fight and can't wait to do more of them in the future because that was the most fun I ever had in Brawl in my life, comparable to me vs Shiz from Revival.
(btw this is unrelated, but we split top 3 in Melee after I 3-0d Kage cuz I went upstairs and got drunk and then was too drunk to play Melee. I did manage to beat Chu in a Fox vs ICs money match in Melee tho and I beat Jman 3-1 and 3-0 in Marth vs Fox money matches. They were all really fun.)
that's why I love how this game is going after Apex. It's starting to be really fun
also ICs infinites should not be banned either altho I do think it's very cheap. That is the reason ICs are good and it takes practice to do, so banning that is like... you might as well just ban ICs. The first 2 matches that I lost in the first set... the first one was LAST HIT (like one down smash or w/e from winning I believe) while the last game was like last stock mid %. All 3 games I won in losers were last stock, and first one was last hit. The difference wasn't actually that big at all, it was just barely enough in my favor, and I was camping as hard as I Could. The only thing I think should be banned are stupid stages where luck is involved or random factors or extreme camping are involved, but honestly I don't care much either way. I'm really tired of having everything being banned it's stupid just play the game and try to win.
In crews the last day, Judge lost to Meeps ICs in crews when Judge had 3 stocks and Meep had 2, Meep won by 1 stock 50%. Not only that, Meep messed up the chain grab like 4 or 5 times, so it could have been worse if he mastered the CG better like Lain did. It was on FD, but the point is that ICs are an extremely good character. I honestly do not think I could beat Lain if he mastered that BLIZZARD WALL Thing where he makes one IC jump then the other do it and the other to make a huge blizzard wall. Once he masters ICs even more idk if I can beat him.
Ally I had every intention of winning against and I tried my hardest, but I got about like 20 IMs about Apex asking me if I sandbagged. I would not sandbag, I really really really wanted to win and Snake is also my most practiced matchup by far (computer practice). Maybe I wasn't playing my very best but I was playing at - LEAST - average, I was warmed up, and he just went super beast mode and I wish he would do that more often (he was way harder than at CoT4 because he fixed his habits, such as his air dodge habit and has more mix ups with DI now too).
Dojo I think got 2-0d by Candy in a money match, and lost to Candy 2-1 in tourney bracket (and the match Dojo won was last stock 120+ I heard). Because of Candy vs Dojo and me vs Ally, I changed my mind about Snake vs MK matchup and Snake in general. I think the matchup is dead even now, just like Marth vs Fox in Melee. Bout time the Snakes caught up to the MKs. ICs vs MK also feels very even.
edit - I'm better at being aggressive than defensive now - before Apex I practiced aggressive Metaknight a lot because being aggressive is really useful in teams and it's also way more fun. I tried to make that my style and I don't think I could go back to that camping vs a lot of characters anyway. Snake outcamps Metaknight by far guys - he has projectiles and Ally is MAD good with explosives. All that waiting around does is risk me getting hit while there's no risk of him getting hit, as well as giving him more times to set traps. I don't think a defensive style vs Snake is even good at all honestly.
edit again - I trained Ksizl a few days before Apex for FIVE HOURS AT MY HOUSE since he was willing to take public transportation down here. He wanted to improve really badly, and he told me it took like 4 hours to get here even though it's only an hour and a half drive if he woulda got a ride (idk why it took that long, I'm just telling you what he told me). I also taught him Atomsk's weakness vs Tornado - that once you move away from him he thinks you are retreating for good - and then you can hit him with the very end of the tornado. Ksizl said my advice helped a lot to make him do as good as he did, as well as helping vs other people. 5 hours of MK dittoing me and listening to my advice I guess helps a lot (also their set was 2-1). Atomsk took me to last stock 60% with DDD and I'm good vs DDD. I don't think that matchup is that bad anymore either, but MK definitely has the clear advantage in it.
By the way, MKs down throw isn't even that good vs Snake. At Cat 4 and CoT4, Ally always DId my down throws up and towards me and air dodged soon after, but never fast enough to air dodge my Uair (I don't know why, but you can immediately air dodge it and be safe from the Uair or Fair if you know MK will do that). He kept DIing away, and he also did a lot less air dodges and reacted to down throw really well every time. I was always able to easily get him into the air and juggle him with Uairs, while this time he did not allow that to be possible. Snake easily beats MK on the ground, while MK has the advantage in the air, but Snake has a lot more options in the air than most people think. Bairs, Nairs, Fairs are good too if you use it smart, Dairs can be good because it starts fast so you can use it when you are being juggled by MKs Uair, and B pivoting and holding nades are good too. Random fast falls or not fast falling can be good mix ups as well (and if you saved your double jump, you can DJ then C4). I am convinced that the odds of hitting MK out of down throw are greater than 50/50 after playing Afro thunder and Ally... I mixed it up randomly all the time and they got me like at least 2/3rds of the time x_x