Two aerials + fsmash + side special = 4 moves for lance.
Jab + tilts + usmash + uair + up special = 7 moves for sword, not counting final smash.
Three characters from a Fire Emblem game again... yeah, that'll go over well. Haters are beyond caring about actual movesets at this point.
For the lord the grabs with swords and most of teh tilts are ok, what we need is ways to change sword of teh creator. All of teh lords can be promoted to unique sword clases (lord) so them using normal swords is not super weeird. Also change the weapons from relics to more normal weapons (outside of each lord relic)
it would be nice if we could reuse stctics and animation from other attacks as bases, still obviously we are just talking about a "what if" thats not gonna happen (even if they are put together from other moves and come withouth stage and music, i fear for Sakurai's life if they add even one extra FE character thats is not an easy echo... hechk, even maybe an easy echo too)
For Dimitri, bot up air and upsmash could be taken from the belmonts and for edelgard from Ike. down tilt could come from marth, IMO the biggest offender is UP B Up B could be where you consider special features of the character and based on other up B, you design an uique move (Roy's Up B for edelgard when you can act after it "raging Storm") for example.
give Dimitri a variation of Down B where he uses the lance and trades super armor for range and edelgard a variation of side b where she uses teh axe and trades range for super armor or shield damage and they can still retain a good chunck of their personalities.
That gives us rapid jab and final smash, as for final smash, just a gambit that is common for all the lords would work.