awesome move on the hotel guys. maybe the 21+ guys who intend to drink should all stay at the same hotel? =D
I don't care who goes to chu's biweekly, for the record. I had this event posted before I knew he was having one, and I'm not trying to compete with him. If you expect this to be like chu's biweekly, it's not. This is on a college campus, you can walk across the street to get food. Drinking is not allowed here, unlike chu's house. This tournament is for fun, and you'll play everyone. If you want to get drunk off campus, that's your deal, have fun.
If you want a shot at making more than $30, if you want to drink while you play in tournament, if you want to go out to a group korean BBQ, go to chu's. If you want to play everyone at a tournament on a no-pressure rules set, to be able to walk to get food, to play anyone in PA or NJ, come to mine. I'm hoping I can brag to say "play anyone in PA, NJ, MD, VA, NY, MA" but for the moment I'm only going to extend the invitation. I've been recently informed that some peeps from south VA might come up here, and that's a long haul guys, but I hope you can make it. You won't be getting your gas $ back, but no one goes to smash tournaments for gas $ anyway. If you want a ssb64 tournament, or to play other games, come to mine. I'm not going to tell people they can't play other games or that ****, this isn't MLG. I'd hope that you guys bringing other stuff grab a TV too though. If not, no big deal.
It's your choice whether you go to chu's or not. I'd like 95% of the people on my invite list to come, since I've met almost all of them and I know they're smooth operators to chill with, as well as being talented players.
I would like Rumiko, Dogosse Gier, Damon180, TGPAdmin, and any free hands to help me run the event. And I don't mean just brackets, more like making sure the set-ups are placed correctly, since if wires go everywhere we'll run out of room and stuff will get lost. I'll need people to organize food if enough people want to order something like pizza, and then we'll have to make announcements. I especially want someone to make sure every wobbling loses 1 point in the brackets =D It would also be pretty cool if people were to record matches. I will likely not be entering my event unless people talk me into it, but I would love for other people to come here and have fun.
If you want to have fun, no pressure, and for things to be simple and easy, come here. If you're not on the invite list and you want to be, contact me.