Deleted member
You don't have to like my tournament, the way I do anything with smash, or me as a person. But people are still coming to my event and it's still going to be fun. I care about my friends, and the people coming here are going to have a blast. I'm somewhat sorry if you think my comments are jabs at you or that I intentionally left you off the list, they weren't meant to be shot at you, but I don't feel sorry for you if you're going to over-analyze me. It's not my job to impress anyone or make sure I don't hurt someone's feelings, and I don't have to respect anyone just because we have the common grounds of playing smash.
Lots of people think I'm an *** when it comes to smash, and honestly, I don't care. I treat my friends well, and I'm open to being friends with anyone. But until then, I don't care who you are, and if I gave you a bad impression, too bad.
Lots of people think I'm an *** when it comes to smash, and honestly, I don't care. I treat my friends well, and I'm open to being friends with anyone. But until then, I don't care who you are, and if I gave you a bad impression, too bad.