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East Midlands tournament and social thread


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2009
The B Button
Regarding Almas and Brawl+, I forgot to mention I have Brawl+ also, so I can set it up on my Wii if people want to play it.

Almas, is there a newer build of Brawl+ than the one you gave me? If so, can you either send me the files over MSN at some point or give me them if you come? =)

(and is the music hack working for UK wiis yet? I really want it on normal Brawl... I want to Brawl to Three Days Grace on Battlefield. lol)

K.Mac can i challenge you to a Yoshi MM on Melee? Hes my new secondary what do you say?
I haven't played Melee in ages so your Yoshi will probably beat mine easy :laugh:

but sure, why not? Melee's a fun game and Yoshi is LOL.

And I'm going to stay out of the eDrama about entry fees. :laugh:

And Tamoo, I will beat you this time. Hopefully no dimensional jape johns like last time. XD


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
Calz: Regardless of your intentions, the way you portray yourself on smashboards makes it seems like you are in it for the money. Asking TOs to raise the entry fee seems both elitist, like you can overrule their decision, and so called 'money grabbing', trying to get the pot as big as possible because your very likely to come 1st.
If you dont care about the money, then why are you complaining about the money?

And lol Kmac, tbh, i was winning at that point anyway, and pretty much throughout the whole match, i dont think the sd woulda changed that much hehe.
And if i enter brawl, which is likely, im goin luigi all the way :) (unless i lose ;))
Mar 28, 2008
*Attempts to go off topic*

Tamoo you'll love my melee Jiggs <3, you'll **** her so hard but the lulz factor will be too high xD. If you enter brawl, we must play, you can see just how spammy my spamus is <3


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2008
The Netherlands
This thread is being gay, sorry for a dutch person to enter the UK brawl chat.
But i have some stuff to say. Help or not just read it.

The UK money pot is the lowest pot of all it = a fact.
People stop being so cheap.
Calzorz keeps traveling a long distance just to enter a tournament.
By boosting up the tourney fees you could help people getting there travelling money back.
I am not talking about boosting the entree fee to 10 Pounds but to 5 Pounds.
Just give it a try.

The Dutch community fee has always been € 5, and we boosted the fee up to € 10.
50 % new smashers entered to participate because they wanna try to win there traveling costs. You have to see the money as a extra.
Just try things out.
If 5 Pounds doesn't attract people then change it back to 3 pounds if it does then leave it.

I am not saying this because i wanna help the top 3 players of UK.

But come 'n you guys. You are the UK community try to help each other, dont hate on someone because he/ she is asking to boost up the fee. ~ like Brado <.< ~

Anyways Go UK!

Note* If you wanna attract foreigners or other people try boosting up the Singles + Doubles fee it helps just try it.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Calz: Regardless of your intentions, the way you portray yourself on smashboards makes it seems like you are in it for the money. Asking TOs to raise the entry fee seems both elitist, like you can overrule their decision, and so called 'money grabbing', trying to get the pot as big as possible because your very likely to come 1st.
If you dont care about the money, then why are you complaining about the money?

And lol Kmac, tbh, i was winning at that point anyway, and pretty much throughout the whole match, i dont think the sd woulda changed that much hehe.
And if i enter brawl, which is likely, im goin luigi all the way :) (unless i lose ;))
as istudy attract other country players as some of them are coming to visit me soon if we can go to a tourny and theyv got a chance of geting some little cash back and some fun so what i asked for entry fee to be bumped up? if i wasent coming 1st and i was coming 3rd or 4th consistant i wudnt care about 2 pound extra cos if i did win it would be nice to get a good little amount of money , and i think whoever gets top 3 shud deserve something instead of 60/30/10 is it? and 3rd place getting a few pennys w/e im done with arguing


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
Lets just leave it to Brado, i have no opinion either way tbh, im just rather bored today :p
I must admit, ever since the london monthly introduced entrance fees, weve seen more than quadruple the attendance, I remember my first tournament there were 11 ppl, now there's like 50-60 im not gonna argue that an increase in the entrance fee is a bad thing. At the same time its seen this success with a measly 2£ entry fee. Something to consider Brado i guess

And yes killerjawz, lets def play some brawl, interested to see this **** samus

gm jack

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2009
Reading/Cambridge, UK
Again, I won't be too fussed either way. I'm sure I can cheap out on something to get any reasonable pot. However, I know I'm not going to win, and I just go to improve. Entry fees are something for the TO to organise. Personally, I would want them lower to save me losing a few quid to make the top players a bit richer each time. I'm sure the guys who are pretty much guaranteed to place top 3 are going to want to get it as high as people until it reaches a point where it puts a significant number of people off (hence lowering the pot).

In the end, if you want high stakes competition, try organising a big event and get as much of the UK and some foreigners to come and play for £20 entry fees for several hundred pound pots. Use the monthlies and ranbats to hone your skills (maybe train a secondary to deal with your personal harder matchups) and then go for the big events.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2009
Birmingham; England
And if i enter brawl, which is likely, im goin luigi all the way :) (unless i lose ;))
MM luigi dittos? =)

Oh and calzum, I wanna MM lucario ditto you too. Been hearing good things about it and I am angered, I have best lucario in em! ;)

Brad: what time shall i get to yours on friday? I'm around all day so time is no issue for me, it's just a matter of convenience for you.
And also do you or cal know anything about the few vids we made at yours a few weeks back? i wanna see them if they're up yet.

And are you ready for Yen and The Rake?!
BOON! Rake, Rake Rake the BOON!

Off topic, jack, what bass is that?


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
lol rake, sorry but me entering brawl is enough money spent on brawl for me hehe, i really dont wanna play that much brawl, nor do mms in it

but i dont mind just doing luigi dittos, maybe at brad's house or something?


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2008
No music for PAL Wiis yet, KMac. There's only a handful of hackers left, and none of them have the competence necessary to perform the port. I could do it if I had a day to myself and the motivation, but I don't have either. I'm leaving for university in the morning. I'm not sure what version PAL Brawl+ is on at the moment; America is on 5.0 which contains a LOT of changes. I can always bring a game/SD card with the required components just for the fest, and load them up on a hacked Wii.

Rake, you know that you can launch Brawl+ without having a hacked Wii? It's a newish method called Stack Smash, you can find it on the Smash Workshop (sub board of General Brawl Discussion). It takes a little while longer than launching with the homebrew channel, but it works.

The tournament would be at the end of my fresher's week, so I'd be pretty exhausted from it all (not to mention out of practice; I'm not taking a Wii/GC to my place). I'll see how it goes. If I do come I'll arrive the night before, because that's when the good stuff happens. If someone will house me, of course.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2009
Birmingham; England
lol rake, sorry but me entering brawl is enough money spent on brawl for me hehe, i really dont wanna play that much brawl, nor do mms in it

but i dont mind just doing luigi dittos, maybe at brad's house or something?
Ah fair enough, ill make do with dittos then (Y)

Rake, you know that you can launch Brawl+ without having a hacked Wii? It's a newish method called Stack Smash, you can find it on the Smash Workshop (sub board of General Brawl Discussion). It takes a little while longer than launching with the homebrew channel, but it works.
I had heard through the grapevine but was completly unaware of how far along it was, I was told it was available in america but unsure if it was available here yet. I'll have to look that up sometime, although tbh i have no idea how to put it on my wii....


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2009
The B Button
Calz: Regardless of your intentions, the way you portray yourself on smashboards makes it seems like you are in it for the money. Asking TOs to raise the entry fee seems both elitist, like you can overrule their decision, and so called 'money grabbing', trying to get the pot as big as possible because your very likely to come 1st.
If you dont care about the money, then why are you complaining about the money?

And lol Kmac, tbh, i was winning at that point anyway, and pretty much throughout the whole match, i dont think the sd woulda changed that much hehe.
And if i enter brawl, which is likely, im goin luigi all the way :) (unless i lose ;))
I will do a lot better against your Weegee than your Oli. I'm quite unversed against Teh Olimar unlike other characters (Marth, Snake, Falco, etc) which I tend to get more play against.

I've played both Calz Weegee and Rake's, so don't think it'll be so easy. I can always be a john and CP a certain camping stage and use Wario like I did against Rake once. That match was so freaking funny.. :laugh:

And I will chip in on the argument about prices. The entry fee is £3? I thought it was £5. O_o I wouldn't mind paying either really... it's only a difference of £2 (i.e. 2 cans of rockstar >_>)

@ Almas - WUT. serious?! wow. I need to get that. IN YOUR FACE NINTENDO.
And please.... set aside the time and dedication to get the music hack working on PAL. If you get it working properly (i.e. offline, online, different music per stage, no freezes etc) then I will pay you £10 the next time I see you. I'm not kidding. I WILL PAY YOU MONEY.


Smash Champion
Dec 14, 2008
lol poor calzorz, traveling so much and training real hard just to be with the smash scene.
and when he asks if the entree's can be higher, everyone starting flaiming on him because THEY aren't at calzorz' lvl..... I know im DUTCH and I dont have anything to do with this, but seriously what if all of you lived at least 5-6 hours from the tourney, I doubt that even 40 % would come for a 30-50 pound pot.


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
Lol wtf is up with Europeans

I have a very good chance at winning melee pot, am travelling from 5 to 10 and i couldnt care less about the pot, cos at the end of the day, its melee, a game i enjoy enough to dish out £100+ a month on travelling to tournaments etc. Money is an afterthought in my mind more than anything else, more the feeling of placing well is what its about.
Mango has shown the spirit of a true champion, its time more people took note of his attitude towards the game.
And MrR, why should Calzorz have the power to go to a tournament and demand for the pot to be increased. At the end of the day, its the TOs choice whether to increase pot or not, not calzorz's.

everyone starting flaiming on him because THEY aren't at calzorz' lvl
What a ridiculously petty and elitist thing to say, some brawlers need to man up


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2009
Birmingham; England
lol poor calzorz, traveling so much and training real hard just to be with the smash scene.
and when he asks if the entree's can be higher, everyone starting flaiming on him because THEY aren't at calzorz' lvl..... I know im DUTCH and I dont have anything to do with this, but seriously what if all of you lived at least 5-6 hours from the tourney, I doubt that even 40 % would come for a 30-50 pound pot.
The first tourney i went to took me 3 hours to drive there, thats 150 miles. I had no chance of winning anything and i knew that, who expects to have a great placement in their first tourney? no one, thats who. I went because i wanted to play other smashers, get in the community and all that. Since then ive travelled around playing in a few more tourneys and just meeting with other brawlers just for the sake of great games. That is the attitude that I still employ. I know that when i go to these places I'm losing money but i dont think of it like that. it's a day out having fun, improving yourself, getting involved in the community, people should treat all fests like that.

I must say calz I realise why you want the entry increased but at the same time this is a small fest and there are reasons for setting the fee so low. to put it simply, and I mean no disrespect when I say this, if you don't like the pot size you don't have to come.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Lol Ramin GTFO out UK thread, we dont give a **** about ur opnion, jks ur true man, but im not talking about this anymore cuz there are so many reasons For and Against.


Smash Champion
Dec 14, 2008
And MrR, why should Calzorz have the power to go to a tournament and demand for the pot to be increased.
He DOESN'T, just the fact that you guys don't even consider his request just because of his placings annoys me.

What a ridiculously petty and elitist thing to say, some brawlers need to man up
So what I can't point out the facts and someone that says calzorz only wants the entree fee higher because he gets first most of the times, CAN ?
So let me get this straight, I cant use calzorz' placings for my argument, but other people who dont want the fee's to be higher CAN?

At the end of the day raising 3 pounds to 5 is almost nothing compared to the american entree fees.

thats it, I apoligize for posting on a UK thread and im gonna be quiets now, I'll reply by pming the person.


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
MR R, were not flaming him because he's the best, were flaming him because he's insisting that the pot be raised, even after the TO has expressed his desire to keep the pot as it is.
I for one would also welcome an increased pot, of course I would, I mean, its a bit more exciting isnt it? but im not gonna harass the host for it when he's already said no. Thats why we're flaming him, k?.
He should try running and organising tournaments with his desired entry fee if he wants, but dont expect hosts to bend to his will.


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
you guys save like £2 with a lower entry fee...

on the other hand first place gets like £24 more, second gets £12 etc and they earn it.

though it is a regional so I think its a max of £5.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2008
Leicester, England
I never was against rasing entry fee because of Calzorz placings, I have my own reasons for it.

So can we all just get off this topic. This is a small regional event and the price is fair and reasonable to ask from everyone.

End of topic please, anymore discussion on it will be off topic and not for this thread and I will be reporting anyone for it. Entry fee's were never up for discussion in the first place.


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
That ban was so ****.

Lol at the money **** I'd make a comment but I won't bother to avoid bringing all this **** back up.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2009
South West London
Lol good luck to anyone from London whos going to this.


"No freindlies during tournament play" :/ i find that pretty fail. lol


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
If you went to any tourney out of London you would realise why that rule is there Unreal. =]


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2008
Leicester, England
Sooner the tourney play finishes the sooner everyone can play friendlies, i'm hoping to get the brackets done in a couple of hours.

Tamoo doesn't stand a chance ;]


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
no friendlies during tournament play is legit, I wish London would be stricter on this :ohwell:

I might bring out my shiek in earlier rounds cos im in desperate need of a good secondary lol, or falco/marth, see how im feeling, but jiggs all the way if my match is being recorded lool
Mar 28, 2008
no friendlies during tournament play is legit, I wish London would be stricter on this :ohwell:

I might bring out my shiek in earlier rounds cos im in desperate need of a good secondary lol, or falco/marth, see how im feeling, but jiggs all the way if my match is being recorded lool
I actually like friendlies during tourny play, all the players have to do is ask them to move for a match, but then again, suppose its more organised.

Btw play Mewtwo on me <3. May actually win a match


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2006
I'll be there + convenient since I'm now living in Leicester :)

See you all next Saturday!!


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2008
Leicester, England
Pretty cool for a regional me thinks. I'm going to check out the venue tommorow night to see where i'm putting everything. I'd still need a couple more of you guys to bring a setup please =)
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