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Earthbound - over

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
TC that is a load of bull, my questions defiantly give me something on a town or scum flip with you or Kraken.

I know who is more likely to be scum with you or Kraken and who is less likely.

Badwolf I'm pretty sure is not scum who either flip I feel fine with him. His posting to you and others is a lot more indicitive of him being alone rather than being in a group since he is coming off as a lot more natural with interactions.

TDK could but I find it be less likely than the players.

Ran is someone who would look worse if you guys flipped scum, but his play overall does not scream scummy anyways.

TGB is a toss up with his posts but his lack of commitment and reasons does disturb me. If you flipped scum I would look better with him but on a town flip I would look intently at him.

TDK is not aligned.

Gheb could be aligned.

The issue is that AM, Glyph, FF, Gymno and Vinyl are blanks and I have no good way to look into their play if at all. Their are too many inactives for my liking right now.

I'm rereading right now but,


I'm not sure Kraken is the one I want gone atm, since the inactive problem is here and there is a player not with you two that I want to look at what he did before.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I mean, have you even read that exchange?

the game we refer to was Ruy and John's Toonami mafia.


question: which was the most recent game you were scum in? how was your play that game?
I want to go back to this for a second, you said there was something from this game that made you want to vote him.

What did his AM read, even when explained, relate to how he acted in my game?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I think I'm less sure of Kraken rereading his posts from the start. He's actually contributing more and seems to have a more streamline thought from start to finish. More so I think I've been reading.

I think what made me lead to this was me not liking the comment to how TCat would be poor town play over poor scum play which felt less genuine in the circumstances. I was reading the early pages and more so thought the interactions weren't telling alone, but later with the defense seemed to lead to a less genuine interaction.

Reading the overall play though...I don't think I'm right here with them. They aren't being less commitful nor not offering some form of scumhunting, kinda like Ran but I just dislike more aspects of their play.

That said, I don't think he is the proper lynch.

More later, FFT time.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Hi there.

V/LA tomorrow on probably hand surgery plus art work this midnight. Gotta draw 25 hands and feet poses, vehicles and faces with loose gesture. Also, I don't know when I'll be available, but I will pop up time to time. Also, his questions aren't giving me anything. He didn't answer my question on why he's questioning like that anyways.

Also, wtf is a backburner.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I've learned to adapt it since I think it helps get my reads going a bit better, it's what led to my Badwolf town lean, it also helps me get some insight on possible connections developing.

I shamelessly copied Swiss, but I like what it can accomplish so I do it in my games now. Same thing with reading into how people word their posts, that is a very very good skill to learn and it useful for getting reads.

I'd like your opinion of Ranmaru and Gheb so far with what they recently posted, more so Gheb's reads and reasoning.
Ok not directly at you but I answered this.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Alkali metal-enriched half of the hydra here.

My apologies for my absence, I've been busy with audition related stuff and supporting my girlfriend at her poetry slam competition and going to school so naturally I haven't had much time for mafia.

I'll get to questions directed to me hopefully tonight but if not they'll come when they come. Badwolf you need to take a step back and calm your hormones because you're trying to drive a point of "question dodging" when I haven't even been here. Sheesh.

For the record, TBG is super solid town for me. Red Ruy continues to be a townread. Badwolf was a townread for my half and scum for T-block (which explains the "turn around" on his slot). T-block has partially convinced me to see his ways so I said he could put our vote there. Badwolf has been exhibiting the first half of his name in his play recently so I hope that lets up. Ranmaru is tunneling super hard on my slot which is causing him to only focus on the "if we're scum" side and draw connections as if we are confirmed scum which will cause him to be sorely disappointed.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Don't like Talespins 171.

Seems more to the feel of : I made it up and can't substantiate it;
You're ********. Why would I put a stance out there and IMMEDIATELY say I'm not going to substantiate it? Because I'm scum and CAN'T substantiate it? Then why the **** am I stating it?

God you're stupid.

I like Gheb in this game because he has a brain, not indicative of alignment off of the first read through though.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
I still disagree. I still think he is trying to force a read on Tcat, instead of discovering she is doing something scummy right out of the bat. I also think it's possible Tale-spin and AM can be scum together, which may be why he didn't push towards Tale-spin and instead attacked TBG.

What do you think of Badwolf, btw? (And his opinions on Tale-spin/RR)
I hate everything about the way you play this game.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
wow, pushing someone to see how they react, early D1! way out of line
I love your reactions to things like this. You get all sarcastic and snarky as if what I asked of you was the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard of. There's nothing wrong with pushing someone to see how they react, just like there's nothing wrong with me jumping on you for doing nothing wrong.

HEY, maybe I was trying to see how YOU would react!

Poorly, evidently.


I mean seriously if you wanted our read on tcat you could've just asked, right? why did you think it was a good idea to try and force more interactions between us?
I did ask. I asked for your read, and then to save time I said "if it's not a solid read do something to make it more solid". Again, maybe I wanted to see how you would REACT to this request moreso than wanting to see it carried out. Actions aren't always straightforward, and I rarely ask questions for the answers. In fact, the answers mean **** all to me when I ask a question, it's about the reaction I get.

Again, you overreact and get all theatrical and it's really quite a disgusting way of getting defensive.

i'm shaking, i'm shaking

I also forget why we need to focus on tcat particularly?
You don't NEED to do anything. I just happened to pick tcat as the person I wanted to try to force an interaction with. Do I care if you actually do it or not? No, I was looking for what I got right here. I chose tcat because of your interaction D1. I wanted to see what would happen if I LITERALLY forced a reaction, since I know the reaction that happened "naturally" seemed forced to me. But rather than just complying and helping me develop reads, you chose to make things difficult.

I can't tell if you're scum or just a really annoying pain in the ***, but I hope you die either way good sir.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
In few words, he's using his brain, he's thinking for himself, he's not forcing any thought processes that aren't there, and I like what he's doing and feel fine having him around. I'm too lazy to give any more than that but I'm not voting him toDay.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@Mod: Request Deadline Extension

Request Gymno be replaced

I want an extension with 4 players in the too afk area of activity and the lack of coordination we got right now for a lynch.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
I'm coming back tonight with a vengeance.

Ruy explain to me how both Crack 'N Puns and TCat are scum together.
Red flag red flag red flag.

AM is getting nothing on RR from this question and probably already knows what RR is going to say.

I am very discontent with AM in a bunch of ways that are tangible but I just can't put into words. Everything is awkward and forced, they went for thread control early and yet their questions are not good ones that will get them anywhere. Furthermore, their inconsistencies such as voting TBG while showing dislike for me during that whole "TBG is sick" debacle are not only present, but numerous.

If they aren't lynched they should definitely be copped.

@AM: Any objections to being copped? You're a good candidate anyways, suspicion aside.


May 26, 2012
ballin mad hardbody son
~ Deadline is February 10th 11:59:59 PM EST. 7 to lynch. ~​

Votecount 1.10
Gheb 1 - Vinyl.
T-Spin 3 - Gymmo, Traveling Cat, BadWolf
TBG 1 - Aggressive Mediation
Red Ruy 2 - Gheb, Ranmaru
Badwolf 1 - T-Spin
Traveling Cat 1 - TBG
Not Voting 4 - Frozenflame751, Glyph, Kraken Puns, Red Ruy

[collapse=]TBG -> None -> Kraken Puns -> TCat
Aggressive Mediation -> TBG
Kraken Puns -> Gymmo -> None -> Badwolf -> None
Red Ruy -> Aggressive Mediation -> Kraken Puns -> none
Frozenflame751 -> None
Ranmaru -> Gymmo -> T-Spin -> Red Ruy
Gymmo -> T-Spin
Vinyl. -> gheb
Traveling Cat -> T-Spin
Gheb -> Red Ruy
Glyph -> None
Badwolf -> Vinyl. -> t spin
T-Spin -> Traveling Cat -> Badwolf[/collapse]

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Why the **** is Gymmo voting us? He's even posted?

I really don't feel motivated to answer Badwolf's questions. Sue me.

Vinyl voting for Gheb? Must be town.

@MOD: Why is badwolf voting for Vinyl and my slot?
@MOD: You have RR listed as having one vote, but with 2 voters on him.

I will not vote myself, RR, Ran, Gheb, TBG, frozenflame or Glyph toDay.

I will support a tcat, KP, Gymmo, AM, or Badwolf wagon. I've got some scum in that there pool.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Red flag red flag red flag.

AM is getting nothing on RR from this question and probably already knows what RR is going to say.

I am very discontent with AM in a bunch of ways that are tangible but I just can't put into words. Everything is awkward and forced, they went for thread control early and yet their questions are not good ones that will get them anywhere. Furthermore, their inconsistencies such as voting TBG while showing dislike for me during that whole "TBG is sick" debacle are not only present, but numerous.

If they aren't lynched they should definitely be copped.

@AM: Any objections to being copped? You're a good candidate anyways, suspicion aside.
This half of the hydra agrees.

We saw strong words from AM, but they lacked direction. I'm wary as well


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
viz. your T-spin read;
i'm not sure whether you think that they have made 'well thought-out posts', if you do, please could you show us an example?

what do you think of T-spin's recent turnaround on Badwolf?

What do you expect to learn from further interactions between ourselves & tcat?

That is what I think, yes. His #125 is a good example.

Ranmaru is Town because of posts like his #111, #185 and his campaigning for Tspin lynch. Puts him at too high visibility if he's Scum and it's a mislynch. #185's first few sentences show Town intent to get more information on current players, rather than Scum intent to appear productive, imo.

Red Ryu is Town because of posts like his #101, #102. In #101, he's defusing the situation if KP is Town, and it's not something I see him doing if both are Scum, In #102, he asks Tspin for his reasoning on why he thought RR was Town. Scum usually don't asking for reasoning that benefits them, because if the reasoning is flawed, the benefit will go away once the flaw is found.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
I do hope your reasoning is more substantial that TDK. And please specified why you find my side more suspicious now versus your earlier vote on Kraken about that.
Did the "I will post specifics tonight" not indicate that there was?
I said why I found your side of the exchange more suspicious in my #242

I gave you leeway for now since I thought your flu was a thing, but I defiantly want you to elaborate on your reads and your vote.

Pretty sure I said I would be doing that, dude.

Red flag red flag red flag.

AM is getting nothing on RR from this question and probably already knows what RR is going to say.

I am very discontent with AM in a bunch of ways that are tangible but I just can't put into words. Everything is awkward and forced, they went for thread control early and yet their questions are not good ones that will get them anywhere. Furthermore, their inconsistencies such as voting TBG while showing dislike for me during that whole "TBG is sick" debacle are not only present, but numerous.

If they aren't lynched they should definitely be copped.

@AM: Any objections to being copped? You're a good candidate anyways, suspicion aside.
I agree with this. I also don't like AM's "I'll post when I got a hold of Alex.". You've complained about excuses, so why are you using one? Ryker's perfectly capable of playing by himself, so why is he choosing to sit out, especially when his self-proclaimed strategy was to power grab?

Detailed thoughts on TC after my mango.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
The post you asked me that question, you quote a part where I am talking to Ran about Kraken Puns ignoring your question at the beginning, NOT T-spin. And when you stated that Kraken ignored you question, I find it very odd you go and ask me later how Kraken ignored it instead of just missing it. Are you even paying attention, or are you just posting questions to look like an active scum hunter? :glare:

That is weak justification.

I agree with Kraken on this. Especially since our forced interaction at the beginning is what started T-spins reading me as scummy.
I don't like the bolded. It's vague (is it scummy or just annoying?) and leaves her options open.

I do hope your reasoning is more substantial that TDK. And please specified why you find my side more suspicious now versus your earlier vote on Kraken about that.

? Speak for RR? That whole interaction comment I was agreeing to was in reply to TDK. Are you not paying attention like RR?

RR's entire play is under the assumption that I'm scumbuddy with KP and voted you to oppose the 'wagon' on KP. And he's going to be left with nothing if we're lynched.

Seriously, RR's been a broken record on me and KP for most of the day. Most of his posts have been asking players about KP and my interactions even though it's been talked to death at this point, and any questions he asks about other players don't go anywhere. I call fake scum hunting.
Here it is again, except on me this time.

There was more than one thing bothering me yesterday, but I can't find any on re-read. Hmm.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
@Mod: Request Deadline Extension

Request Gymno be replaced

I want an extension with 4 players in the too afk area of activity and the lack of coordination we got right now for a lynch.
Denied. Gymmo has 24 hours to respond to me. I do not believe an extension is necessary.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Too many people have T-Spin as scum. Too many people have Ruy as town. T-Spin wagon is whack because Gymmo, Tcat and Badwolf are all players I can't trust to make the right decision for various reasons and I'm not convinced by their reasoning. The wagon has like no substance behind it at all.

Spin, hop off Badwolf wagon plz. Why do you let yourself get distracted in this dumb circle-jerk with him? Why are frozen, Glyph and Ryu no-goes for you toDay? I think you have a couple of reads backwards if you want Badwolf and Crackhead Buns lynched over the people I mentioned.
Same goes for you, Badwolf. Stop this silly bickering around with Spin and start being a bit more productive with whom you want lynched and where you wanna put your vote. Spin's not a play toDay. Why do you support the same wagon as Gymmo [completely inactive] and Tcat [questionable playerslot]? There's no pro-town movement behind his wagon. Join the Ruy wagon or pursue one of your other suspects.

Ranmaru is Town because of posts like his #111, #185 and his campaigning for Tspin lynch. Puts him at too high visibility if he's Scum and it's a mislynch. #185's first few sentences show Town intent to get more information on current players, rather than Scum intent to appear productive, imo.
Agreed @ red part but I think you're a little off @ green part. Ran has definitely posed a number of questions that were bound to go nowhere and are basically asked for the sake of appearing productive. That matches his town meta for sure but I doubt you'd know. If the way he plays this game didn't fit his town meta to a T I would be more concerned with people having him on their town lists but as things stand now I'll agree that he's probably a good guy.

Red Ryu is Town because of posts like his #101, #102. In #101, he's defusing the situation if KP is Town, and it's not something I see him doing if both are Scum, In #102, he asks Tspin for his reasoning on why he thought RR was Town. Scum usually don't asking for reasoning that benefits them, because if the reasoning is flawed, the benefit will go away once the flaw is found.
Pretty bad reasoning @ red imo. Using the assumption that both of them are not likely scum together as your basis to get town vibes from Ryu is bollocks. ScumRyu would definitely benefit from defusing such a scenario in case KP is town [something Ryu would know if he's a scumbag] so assuming that he wouldn't do it if both of them were scum is going a step to far. It's perfectly possible for such a scenario to occur with ScumRyu.

Green part is also totally wrong - if anybody would get flak in such a situation it'd be T-Spin for providing the bad reasoning in the first place. Asking somebody to back up a townread helps a scumbag in either case: if the reasoning is good then it'll paint him in a good light, if the reasoning is bad then Spin's reasoning will be questioned and the spotlight would shift away from Ryu. There's definitely not a clear-cut town tell in that.


Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
Shiver me timbers, this is bad

RR, let me get this straight.

First you thought us vs. tcat was null.

then you thought we were 'defending' tcat because was asked t-spin to elaborate when they called tcat's play 'poor'

then you thought tcat voting t-spin instead of us was scummy

at this point you think both us and tcat are scum, best expressed in your #225, where you more or less fail to explain why there's any connection between us.

you then start talking about null slots, but still want either of us dead

then you decide you don't want us dead... and it's not clear what you think of tcat

does this really look seaworthy to anyone?

I don't even want to talk about RR's instant townread on BW and subsequent defence of him.

Or the part where he claims scum (presumably 'as a joke').

And I don't know whether i have the words to explain my feeling that RR just seems floaty and detached from this game; I mean he's there, he's churning out reads now and again- but to what end? He seems to spend more time talking about his reads or what he's thinking than he actually does acting on those thoughts and looking for scum. I mean, hell:
Kraken puns ignored my question.

Maybe it is, RR. But I don't know why you'd feel it necessary to point this out, especially without bothering to elaborate. Unless maybe, you wanted to look like you were contributing?

Vote: Red Ryu

that's it for now. got more to say, and probably got more **** to answer, but let's just get this waggon rolling already. anyone has questions relating to the waggon, we'll field them first.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698


That means you, Glyph.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
To put it simply even with what TDK pointed out recently, I'm not as much for you being lynched as before. I did a reread and rethought it. There are things I don't like still, I still hate your vote on Badwolf over the AM read. Hate it very much since it feels very much unwarranted.

I don't like how TCat hopped on TDK at all. It's ridding on Ran's faulty reasoning, I still do not like what TCat has done this day phase.

I explained this connection, I think you two were acting coordinated at points with how your reads and actions lined up. This is still a possibility, and I'm not throwing it out, but right now your not the one I think is more likely to flip scum right now.

Vote: Traveling Cat

As for my BW read, no it is his posting style and the things people have problems with are not things that I believe give a tell on his alignment.

I expressed this earlier when I gave an answer to Ran that he blatantly ignored.


Chibo Ran you really need to stop this tunneling attitude you bring in every game. You asked a lot of questions with relating to TDK, but I do not think you attempted to reevaluated it. Nor anyone else. You did this same thing in Hearts and Simpson's Mafia and it is very frustrating when you do this sometimes, I thought you were scum in Simpson's because you refused to let go of or listen to anyone about him Dark Horse nor did you even listen to the obvious scum PR Marshy had that I pointed and explained out multiple multiple multiple times tunneling J and trying to get the unCC Cop John lynched with J and Nabe.

If you don't want to pull a moderator mafia I suggest you learn to stop sinking your teeth into something and never letting go.

Or your just going to do the same mistakes Chibo does in every game.

Also TY for blatantly ignoring my posts to you and answers.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
And I don't know whether i have the words to explain my feeling that RR just seems floaty and detached from this game; I mean he's there, he's churning out reads now and again- but to what end? He seems to spend more time talking about his reads or what he's thinking than he actually does acting on those thoughts and looking for scum.
What the hell did I just read.

I've opposed BW and TDK wagons very openly and discussed how I wanted people to not vote them.

I've talked about how I wanted you and TCat more than anyone else and had my vote on you then questioned people to look for mates, like what?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006

vote: RR


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

Red Ryu, I'll respond to you soon, don't worry.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Red Ryu

Thanks, I'll read those. I asked for those, but I didn't have the time to read them since I had work mon-wed and class yesterday. If you had any questions, please re-state them so I can answer them. Hey, I think I did listen to Gheb, so don't act like I'm not even giving anyone my ear. I felt his points were very legit, and expressed what I felt was scummy about you. Don't get mad at me for pushing for someone who I think is scum. Don't get mad at me for not believing there being genuine intent when you voted Kraken because Travelling Cat 'joined an opposing wagon' when there was no opposing wagon. We can talk more about my mistakes in post-game. I'm always up for improving.


If you have a problem with him, why not vote him with me?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
TBG, you are next. Join the wagon. CHU CHUUUUUUUu

It's calling your name.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
So Ran, you acknowledge that you have done the same thing as me, aka asking why TDK had me as town read. Me asking it, it a scum tell to you, but you asking it is a-ok?
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