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Earthbound - over


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
No, you asked me about Tale-spin explaining their town read on you. I then asked you why you asked about it, and you never followed up with the explanation. I don't know why you asked me that, and it didn't really feel like it was scumhunting, but another motive. Rather, to defend Tale-spin somehow, or justify their actions, and that is why I felt it was scummy. So, can you explain why you asked me that question now?

Dude, just quote it and I'll look at it.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
**** this, I'm not sitting here while dumb ****s coast and Ran playing like an complete dip **** repeating Hearts Mafia and Simpsons

I'm Buzz Buzz, Town Weak Doctor

I'm a Doctor who dies when I target scum.

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
What the hell did I just read.

I've opposed BW and TDK wagons very openly and discussed how I wanted people to not vote them.

I've talked about how I wanted you and TCat more than anyone else and had my vote on you then questioned people to look for mates, like what?
So, in case I wasn't clear.

you're not scumhunting.

Part 1: the townreads

you have these all-of-a-sudden reads on badwolf and t-spin. on one hand, you say they're leans, or that you're not going to give them a pass. then on the other hand you go out of your way to defend them. which is it?

and more to the point, where do these reads come from?

This is what prompted me to say the first point. Red Ryu is calling Kraken Puns out for ignoring his question. I'm not saying scum partners can't or don't do this, but bringing attention to a connection such as ignoring a question is a higher risk move. I don't believe Red Ryu is calling his scumpartner out for ignoring questions in the beginning of the game.

He asks Badwolf a question about what he has learned, gets an answer, and follows up with constructive questions that both give insight into Badwolf's possible play changes this game and serve as proactive content from Red Ryu. This is where my townread comes from. As I said, the townread is less confident than the disconnect from kraken puns but it's still there.
the most cookie-cutter analysis in the world: 'scum buddies don't normally call one another out' and 'ryu following up on a question shows he's making content'

i'm amazed you can get a townread off of this when it's so stilted that they go to the trouble of pointing out literally the only thing their comments could have been a response to.

and then you stick to that townread all day.

Pretty much I exploded on Soup and other people... Yeah... Not happening again.
and then you townread this? I guess?

I don't even know on this one.

Part 2: the scumreads

so you think tcat and ourselves are scum. in fact you seem to think that we're more or less the only scum. but you can't say exactly say whether we're both scum, or which one of us might be. and what's your analysis of our exchange at the start? it's null.

so I guess the only strategy from there is just to make **** up.

tcat has an exchange with our slot, and later votes someone other than our slot.... and somehow that means they're avoiding us? uh... so tcat's only allowed to vote people they've interacted with? or is it just they can't vote outside your scumreads?

we question t-spin (not our fave slot) w.r.t. them calling out tcat, and so you label us as defending tcat; which is weird because we don't actually disagree with tspin's callout or say anything about tcat's play. but I guess, hey, we're connected!

but the kicker is, even if we wanted to admit all of this mumbo-jumbo analysis that 'suggests' we're connected, basically the only way you could think that was if you thought we were both scum, right? why else would it even be relevant that we were ignoring one another, or defending one another?

but how the hell, given that you thought our initial exchange was null, do you come to thinking that we might both be scum together?

or are you just making this **** up?

of course, NOW, you think tcat is scum because they 'jumped' on a t-spin waggon. I mean, put aside that pretty much everyone has ranmaru as town, and that several other players have voted t-spin as well...

I mean, REALLY, Ryu

omfg claim ninja


#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Badwolf you need to take a step back and calm your hormones because you're trying to drive a point of "question dodging" when I haven't even been here. Sheesh.

Badwolf has been exhibiting the first half of his name in his play recently so I hope that lets up.
1. Your hydra was here. Do you not talk to your other head? I fail to see how this is my problem or fault.

2. You're so funny.

I really don't feel motivated to answer Badwolf's questions. Sue me.
I'm really ok with this slot dying now.

I'll do a full read through in a little. I skimmed.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Badwolf, what do you think of RR's claim?

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
**** this, I'm not sitting here while dumb ****s coast and Ran playing like an complete dip **** repeating Hearts Mafia and Simpsons

I'm Buzz Buzz, Town Weak Doctor

I'm a Doctor who dies when I target scum.
This is legit anger.

I like when RR reassessed his read on Kraken Puns. He is open to reconsidering and he had a REASON for reconsidering.

I like RR's lines of questioning, every time he asks something I can not only see why he's asking it but I can see him reach a conclusion on it later. I just like him, and with his claim we should NOT be lynching him.

Red Ruy targets AM toNight. If AM is town they are safe, if AM is scum RR will die and AM can get lynched.

@Badwolf, I want you to tell me the scum motivation of openly refusing to answer your question, as that point clearly made you dislike me more.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Shiver me timbers, this is bad

RR, let me get this straight.

First you thought us vs. tcat was null.

then you thought we were 'defending' tcat because was asked t-spin to elaborate when they called tcat's play 'poor'

then you thought tcat voting t-spin instead of us was scummy

at this point you think both us and tcat are scum, best expressed in your #225, where you more or less fail to explain why there's any connection between us.

you then start talking about null slots, but still want either of us dead

then you decide you don't want us dead... and it's not clear what you think of tcat

does this really look seaworthy to anyone?

I don't even want to talk about RR's instant townread on BW and subsequent defence of him.

Or the part where he claims scum (presumably 'as a joke').

And I don't know whether i have the words to explain my feeling that RR just seems floaty and detached from this game; I mean he's there, he's churning out reads now and again- but to what end? He seems to spend more time talking about his reads or what he's thinking than he actually does acting on those thoughts and looking for scum. I mean, hell:

Maybe it is, RR. But I don't know why you'd feel it necessary to point this out, especially without bothering to elaborate. Unless maybe, you wanted to look like you were contributing?

Vote: Red Ryu

that's it for now. got more to say, and probably got more **** to answer, but let's just get this waggon rolling already. anyone has questions relating to the waggon, we'll field them first.

Yes, Red Ruy is jumping all over the place with his reasoning.


Think about WHY he is all over the place. It's because he's trying to be CORRECT with his read and he is so unsure every time he thinks he knows. He keeps doubting and changing his mind.

WHY on EARTH would he flop everywhere as scum like that? It's not even a scumtell in the form of he doesn't notice his inconsistencies. That's NOW how scum thinks. Scum pays attention to their stances to make sure they are consistent and WON'T be called out for this.

Red Ruy is NOT being careful. This is because other player's perception of him is not his priority. The same is true for me. I don't give two ****s what you guys think about me. I'd like you to have a brain and see what I'm trying to do, but if you don't I'll explain it when it's necessary. Red Ruy's views keep changing because he just wants to be right.

Can we lynch one of the cancerous slots in this game? I don't have enough for a solid scumpick in a good player.

One of KP/tcat/Badwolf/Gymmo would be dandy

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Gheb I like that you think my slot is town, and I like that you're all for everyone using their own brain and I really do think you have a level head when it comes to this, but I believe you are incorrect in your RR read.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb I like that you think my slot is town, and I like that you're all for everyone using their own brain and I really do think you have a level head when it comes to this, but I believe you are incorrect in your RR read.
For what it's worth I think your reads are bad this time around. You have Crackhead and Badwolf in your lynchpool but have no issue with Glyph or frozen? Are you sure that I am the one with the incorrect read here?



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I would, but I'm waiting to talk to my other half.

We are the least coordinated hydra lol
Did you guys finally get to talking about this? What exactly came up in the discussion? What was the conclusion?

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
I'm all for taking shots in the dark with no other options, but I want to out slots that will lose us the game in LyLo with those shots.

Red Ruy why are you openly asking for CCs.

@Ran: We're talking but don't agree

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
For what it's worth I think your reads are bad this time around. You have Crackhead and Badwolf in your lynchpool but have no issue with Glyph or frozen? Are you sure that I am the one with the incorrect read here?

Answered your concern in my previous post but I want to quote this again to say please don't strawman. My Glyph and frozen reasonings are independent of my RR ones. Answer the question I asked you please. Look at the actual points I bring up in my post and talk about THOSE.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Are you ********?

Wait I know this answer for Ran.

Your going to lynch a slot that can potential incriminate/clear player slots, add information to wither there is a roleblocker or not, stop night kills, and has a higher than likely chance to be shot during the night?



~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb please read my #339 with an open mind and tell me if it even does anything to your opinion.
It shows me that Crackhead's reasoning for joining the Ruy wagon is whack and that he is a tool but what's new? I've been raging about people being unable to use their own brains and spending most of their times crafting together petty excuses to join wagons in quite a bunch of games now. People don't learn unless they themselves start realizing that they're ought to - it's the sad truth. I've even been mislynched in Ryu's game because of that.
That said, your post really touch on the issues I have with Ryu. I think I have pointed out quite clearly that a lot of his posts earlier toDay [page 4, I believe] look like he specifically made them with the intention to establish fake [dis]connections, chiefly between Crackhead and Tcat as well as a disconnection to you. And I've also pointed out that his reasoning is not off because of him being "stupid" in this game - he's been way too calculated for that. Not that he ever bothered to actually shed light on his thought process in that instance.

Furthermore, both major supporters of TownRyu have showed rather lackluster reasoning: TBG's explanation on why he reads townRyu is pretty much complete bollocks and your reasoning is a.) a bit vagueish b.) doesn't really touch on my issues at all and c.) assumes ideal play and is very theoretical. I agree that poor reads and jumpiness are often signs of townies being lost but if you look up my reasoning for voting him you will see that I don't really see him as jumpy or inconsistent at all. That's just the excuse Crackhead uses in attempt to hide away the fact that he's a tool.


#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Badwolf, what do you think of RR's claim?
He's getting pissed. I know the feeling. It's something that you do when you feel like you can't get a point through someone's impossibly thick head. I'm still reading him as towny tho. I like his reasoning.

This is legit anger.

I like when RR reassessed his read on Kraken Puns. He is open to reconsidering and he had a REASON for reconsidering.

I like RR's lines of questioning, every time he asks something I can not only see why he's asking it but I can see him reach a conclusion on it later. I just like him, and with his claim we should NOT be lynching him.

Red Ruy targets AM toNight. If AM is town they are safe, if AM is scum RR will die and AM can get lynched.
This is a terrible plan.

"Hey let's kill the doctor!"

@Badwolf, I want you to tell me the scum motivation of openly refusing to answer your question, as that point clearly made you dislike me more.
Again, maybe I wanted to see how you would REACT to this request moreso than wanting to see it carried out. Actions aren't always straightforward, and I rarely ask questions for the answers. In fact, the answers mean **** all to me when I ask a question, it's about the reaction I get.

Again, you overreact and get all theatrical and it's really quite a disgusting way of getting defensive.
Remind you of anyone?

Are you ********?

Wait I know this answer for Ran.

Your going to lynch a slot that can potential incriminate/clear player slots, add information to wither there is a roleblocker or not, stop night kills, and has a higher than likely chance to be shot during the night?


Let's stop the salt.


P.S. I want AM and Glyph to get in here. A lot.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm asking for a CC because I know for a fact I am the doctor.

If someone does CC I will selfvote and happily see them die tomorrow when I flip. If there is no CC then my role is more likely to be true.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
It shows me that Crackhead's reasoning for joining the Ruy wagon is whack and that he is a tool but what's new? I've been raging about people being unable to use their own brains and spending most of their times crafting together petty excuses to join wagons in quite a bunch of games now. People don't learn unless they themselves start realizing that they're ought to - it's the sad truth. I've even been mislynched in Ryu's game because of that.
That said, your post really touch on the issues I have with Ryu. I think I have pointed out quite clearly that a lot of his posts earlier toDay [page 4, I believe] look like he specifically made them with the intention to establish fake [dis]connections, chiefly between Crackhead and Tcat as well as a disconnection to you. And I've also pointed out that his reasoning is not off because of him being "stupid" in this game - he's been way too calculated for that. Not that he ever bothered to actually shed light on his thought process in that instance.

Furthermore, both major supporters of TownRyu have showed rather lackluster reasoning: TBG's explanation on why he reads townRyu is pretty much complete bollocks and your reasoning is a.) a bit vagueish b.) doesn't really touch on my issues at all and c.) assumes ideal play and is very theoretical. I agree that poor reads and jumpiness are often signs of townies being lost but if you look up my reasoning for voting him you will see that I don't really see him as jumpy or inconsistent at all. That's just the excuse Crackhead uses in attempt to hide away the fact that he's a tool.

Does then being a "tool" affect your read on Crackhead?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Lots of Ninjas and I haven't thought about Ryu's claim yet.

Ryu, why the hell are you asking for CCs? Your claim alone is WIFOM enough, do you really wanna muck things up even worse near the end of the Day? If you wanna prevent your lynch make yourself useful and come up with ideas to prove your claim via NAs rather than make things even more messy than they are now.
From now on nobody will claim whether they are [weak-] doc or not. If anything we will make uop our minds on whether we'll let him live on his claim or not. It's not like we don't have alternative options to his lynch.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I'm asking for a CC because I know for a fact I am the doctor.

If someone does CC I will selfvote and happily see them die tomorrow when I flip. If there is no CC then my role is more likely to be true.
No. This is exactly the kind of scenario we want to NOT occur.

Does then being a "tool" affect your read on Crackhead?
Fwiw I think townies are more likely to be used as tools. Most of the people I raged about being tools also turned out to be town.

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