I used my Pencil Eraser ability on Red Ryu night 1 since I wanted to test him and make sure he couldn't lie and just say "lol i'm being roleblocked" all game as a cop out for having to produce results. Figured if he was scum I'd be most likely to catch him in a lie early in the game if he felt like faking being roleblocked. If I induced him and he claimed roleblocked I'd have caught him as a confirmed liar. Unfortunately that fell through with RR claiming he lost his powers as opposed to being roleblocked, and since the verbage of my power doesn't make any reference to preventing role loss, only to preventing a roleblock, I wasn't able to really conclude anything.
I used my Zombie paper on myself last night since I felt like I would be a good night kill choice considering I'm a pretty solid townie to have in end game and since I've had regrettably little activity this game, my flip wouldn't really help anyone figure out the remaining scum based on my reads.
I still have my yogurt dispenser power. I'm not really a fan of using random-esque powers.
So there you have it. Whatcha got for us Kanty?
And I think it's cute that you're going for the insulting Kantrip approach. I'm not deterred.
I think it's cute that you're going for the oversimplify and strawman approach, but I'm not deterred either.
Just because I didn't write a sugar coated post doesn't mean that you can just summarize my post as just insulting you. Well you CAN do that, but you look desperate and manipulative by doing so.
So it's down to the Glyph slot and the FF slot. Gheb has lumped these two slots together as the "inactive" slots that we need to kill and has used them almost interchangeably. But every time we go towards actually killing one of them, Gheb has ALWAYS gone for the Glyph slot. There are multiple instances where Gheb preaches about how these cancerous slots need to die, but it's always "Badwolf shoot Glyph" and "Vote: Glyph" and "Let's lynch Glyph". This could be distancing, but considering picking the wrong one of the two coupled with his Daykill and an appropriate Night kill, they would've had game no problem. So his intentions were to actually lynch Glyph and then win with himself and frozenflame. It's quite straightforward.
lol so this is your argument:
Gheb picked on two inactive slots. Gheb flipped scum. Gheb attacked one inactive player predominantly over the other. Therefore, the one that Gheb didn't attack must be his scum buddy.
Does anyone else see the glaring assumption that Kant is making here? You see, there's a thing called fallacious assumption of a causal relationship. You're asserting that THE REASON why Gheb attacked glyph more than me is because I'm allegedly scum with Glyph. Has it ever crossed your mind that there are any number of other far more likely and reasonable reasons why Gheb would have attacked Glyph more than me? Let me give you a few ideas.
1.) Glyph was more inactive than I was and Gheb knew that, hence preferring killing him to me. I might not have been very active this game, but I was certainly more active than Glyph, end of story. Considering your argument relies on the assumption that Gheb was choosing us as targets BASED ON OUR ACTIVITY, it makes sense that Gheb would pressure someone he viewed as being the MORE inactive person, MORE THAN THE LESS ACTIVE ONE.
2.) Even if we assume that Gheb thought of Glyph and I as equally inactive (which I seriously doubt, but I'm gonna be generous here), it's possible that Gheb wanted to keep open an avenue of attack open on me incase he needed to push me for a mislynch and did so by constantly pointing out my poor activity. He may have chosen pressuring Glyph more than me though with the hopes that I wouldn't come after him for being belligerent on the activity issue. Not trying to toot my own horn here, but I think most people who've played with me know that pulling my aggro when you're scum can make your like miserable in a game of mafia, ESPECIALLY as the game nears endgame.
3.) Again, even if we assume Gheb viewed Glyph and I as equally inactive, he may have seen me as a more valuable late game resource (or just a more valuable potential town resource overall), thus leading him to support offing Glyph instead of me.
I could go on and on but I think this should show my point. You're taking and incredibly far reaching causal stance with literally NO EXPLANATION OR WARRANT as to how you can make the assumptions you did in any reasonable manner.
Then there's the fact that Glyph/Gheb interactions are worthy of multiple Academy Awards if they are SvS.
lol I can't tell if you were joking here or if you actually think this is a serious argument.
"omg Gheb and Glyph were really rippin on each other hard there's NO WAI IT WAS DISTANCING MAN! IF THAT WAS AN ACT THEN LOL DAMN MAN THEY SURE FOOLED ME"
This is almost literally what you're saying, and you say it as if it actually has any supporting power for your "case" against me. The argument you're making is entirely WIFOM. You give us NO REASON to believe that what they said to each other couldn't be distancing. You literally just tell us that it can't be distancing because it's more or less "too good of distancing to be distancing" and we should just take that at face value.
Yeah, ok kantrip, whatever you say bro.
Also, your argument that my claim is bunk is ********. What justification do you have for the assumption that Gifted Child = JoaT? Other than your joke of an argument of "Gifted child SOUNDS like a JoaT". Yes, you said that. That was your actual, REAL argument. You ACTUALLY said that Gifted Child = JoaT because you think it kinda sounds like it should be that. Wow.
If anything, I'm the functional JoaT this game. Inventor, tinkerer, scientist, etc. are all very common role titles for JoaT-esque roles. Given that my character is literally an inventor in the Earthbound universe, I don't see why this is so hard to grasp.
But moving on from how god awful kantrip's case thus far is, I'll fill you all in a little as to where I stand right now.
I'm personally deciding between Kantrip and Rockin right now. Rockin replaced into probably the only slot less active than me this game, which makes him incredibly difficult to have a read on. He could easily be just coasting to end game. Think Mister Eric from Newbie 3 IIRC. He didn't do **** all game and won it for the scum. The Glyph/Rockin slot fits the bill for that perfectly, and since I have really no compelling reason to see that slot as town, I have to keep it in consideration.
Kantrip is really my other pick mostly by PoE. I see RR as town mostly because of his claim of power loss, which I seriously doubt he would have faked. I think we're on the same page with this assumption. Yeah, it's WIFOM, but again, I planned to lay a trap for him by using my power night 1 and when he didn't fall into it, I decided to assume him town unless something new came up to suggest otherwise. Kantrip just looks worse and worse though the more he talks though.