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Earthbound - over

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I think it's certainly a possibility, but I don't read it as a bus any more than I do genuine input.

We've got some sort of night killer who just targeted a inactive, so why are you pressuring with votes? Why are you pressuring anything instead of voting a scumread?

Not liking Gheb's interaction with Vult, although I do understand the Town read when he read AM as Scum. I feel the same way. (additionally, finding out Riddle's computer blew up lessens the scumread on AM alone)
You couldn't give us 30 seconds of your time to give us your opinion on RR and NAs?

Also what Gheb said about telling us why you don't like the interaction.

I didn't even remember someone by that name playing. Let me iso and get back to you.
You said this on D1 about Vinyl. Why you break promises? </3

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I said that on Day 2, after I dropped Vinyl, after Vinyl had died, and after I had been in the game long enough to realize that I probably had more posts than Glyph and FF put together.
That's an acceptable explanation but doesn't really change the fact that my question was not weird at all.

Regardless of how you felt about Swiss or other players at that time it's pretty clear that you would've supported a Vinyl lynch had that option arisen at the end of Day 1. Am I right in this assumption? If not, what made you change your mind on Vinyl?
The main reason you weren't concerened with Glyph / frozen is simply that you hadn't had the time to take note of them until later, correct? Assuming that you would've supported a Vinyl lynch yesterDay, would you also support a lynch of Glyph / frozen now? If not, what is the difference between these cases? If yes, will you join a wagon?

As you see, I'm still unsure about where you stand on most things. Despite your attempts to clarify what was supposedly weird about my questions I still don't feel like I know more than I did before and I still don't see why my question shouldn't be answered. YesterDay you made a point of Vinyl being suspect, toDay you say that you've "dropped" him. What does that mean? You dropped him as a lynch candidate? Or just as your main lynch candidate after moving on to Swiss? How do you feel about Swiss now?

T-spin's question is totally valid, not stupid, and you should answer it. But why didn't you answer it in the first place?
It's a stupid question and it's not valid at all. Asking "but why isn't X just distancing" already contains an accusation - in this case me allegedly trying to "distance" myself from you. So his "question" is not a question at all but a way to confront me with an accusation that has no backing whatsoever. It only serves to impose the responsibility of dissolving this mess on me when it's he himself who has to point out how and why I am trying to distance myself from you to begin with [nevermind the fact that he is wrong anyway as I'm giving you a lot of pro-town credit right now].
The way he asks this question is definitely a sign of him being a bad player. Rather than being open minded about how to read people he's trying to confirm his own bias of me being scummy by asking me a question that is impossible to be correctly answered. If he were a good player he'd point out how and why I am attempting to distance myself from you and see whether or not my response to him adds up. But that's not what he's doing. What he's doing is that he throws an empty accusation at me and by way of veiling it behind a question he attempts to make it look like I owe him an answer when he is the one who is ought to explain things. In other words: he's not trying to find out whether I'm scummy or not. Instead, he goes into this discussion with the intention of making me look scummy no matter what by asking such a question. That's terrible play and it wonderfully displays why most dGames townies are so easily played as tools by people like OS while simultaneously having such a pathetic record of finding scum. My response to him was legit.
It's also potentially scummy as his actions can be interpreted as a way to establish the idea that I have no answer to his "question". He can make me look like the bad guy, who has no answers while he remains out of the spotlight at the same time and pretends to have legitimate cases on people. That's safe to play for a scumbag.



Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
Uhhh, why are you assuming that the night killer targeted Vinyl on account of his inactivity? The way you post it makes it seem like you assume that the Killer is going to continue getting rid of inactive slots for us. That's a dangerous line of thinking. I think it's more likely that he targeted Vinyl because he was generally considered to be townie - Vult was the only one who had mentioned to find him scummy but he found no agreement. I will not assume that there is a killer who will consistently perform pro-town actions just because an inactive player died last Night and flipped scum. Unless we have reason to believe otherwise I'm going to assume that there is an SK who picks out slots that are generally considered townie by the majority.
I'm not. I'm saying that since Vinyl was an inactive, we don't know whether it was SK, Vidge, etc. This applies to the Scum as well. If it is Vidge, I'd find it a pretty safe bet that inactives are on his hitlist. I'm not suggesting we should assume that the killer is ProTown, I'm saying that the mafia is probably working around that scenario, since it's worst-case for them. i.e. If I was FFScum or GlyphScum, I'd be worried about maybe being on the end of that kill tonight.

And if it helps you, I think frozen is indivdually scummy, as is Glyph. If you look at their posts - and not just the lack thereof - you will surely find things that incriminate them. I'm not just pressuring them to become active - once this whole nonsense about the "weird question" is settled, I'm actually planning to push a lynch on them and will not base my argument on inactivity [though that will inevitably be part of it].
That does help.

Don't give me that crap. If you understand and agree with my line of thinking then just straight up speak out what it is you don't like about my interaction with Vult. Saying "you don't like it" with no follow-up to it [and actually followed by a direct contradiction] reeks of an excuse to jump a wagon later on so you can be like "yeah, I already had problems with that guy earlier!". You have to give me more than that.


It's tonally off, seems like it's trying to look bigger and more important than it is, (just like you ohohohoho) and isn't about scumreads or pushing them.

I just now found out that you had more on Frozen and Glyph than inactivity. You also just said that you were delaying the case(s) until this is resolved. Why did you delay a case on a scumread to talk with Vult about something mostly useless?

I'll let my better half pursue that, rather than imitate him, but in the meanwhile, remind me;

what's your stance on Swiss?
Town. Has created more content than probably anyone else in the game. If not the most, he's up there.

You couldn't give us 30 seconds of your time to give us your opinion on RR and NAs?

Also what Gheb said about telling us why you don't like the interaction.

You said this on D1 about Vinyl. Why you break promises? </3
Slipped my mind, thought I had posted everything. RR's power being stolen feels scummy/null. If he were Scum riding out the claim, he'd be a lot more antsy now that Vinyl's dead and the general consensus was "lynch him later, get cleared townies even if it's a mislynch".

Is there anything else NA related that needs discussing?

I am a procrastinator. Emphasis on pro.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
Uhhh, why are you assuming that the night killer targeted Vinyl on account of his inactivity? The way you post it makes it seem like you assume that the Killer is going to continue getting rid of inactive slots for us. That's a dangerous line of thinking. I think it's more likely that he targeted Vinyl because he was generally considered to be townie - Vult was the only one who had mentioned to find him scummy but he found no agreement. I will not assume that there is a killer who will consistently perform pro-town actions just because an inactive player died last Night and flipped scum. Unless we have reason to believe otherwise I'm going to assume that there is an SK who picks out slots that are generally considered townie by the majority.
I'm not. I'm saying that since Vinyl was an inactive, we don't know whether it was SK, Vidge, etc. This applies to the Scum as well. If it is Vidge, I'd find it a pretty safe bet that inactives are on his hitlist. I'm not suggesting we should assume that the killer is ProTown, I'm saying that the mafia is probably working around that scenario, since it's worst-case for them. i.e. If I was FFScum or GlyphScum, I'd be worried about maybe being on the end of that kill tonight.

And if it helps you, I think frozen is indivdually scummy, as is Glyph. If you look at their posts - and not just the lack thereof - you will surely find things that incriminate them. I'm not just pressuring them to become active - once this whole nonsense about the "weird question" is settled, I'm actually planning to push a lynch on them and will not base my argument on inactivity [though that will inevitably be part of it].
That does help.

Don't give me that crap. If you understand and agree with my line of thinking then just straight up speak out what it is you don't like about my interaction with Vult. Saying "you don't like it" with no follow-up to it [and actually followed by a direct contradiction] reeks of an excuse to jump a wagon later on so you can be like "yeah, I already had problems with that guy earlier!". You have to give me more than that.

It's tonally off, seems like it's trying to look bigger and more important than it is, (just like you ohohohoho) and isn't about scumreads or pushing them.

I just now found out that you had more on Frozen and Glyph than inactivity. You also just said that you were delaying the case(s) until this is resolved. Why did you delay a case on a scumread to talk with Vult about something mostly useless?

I'll let my better half pursue that, rather than imitate him, but in the meanwhile, remind me;

what's your stance on Swiss?
Town. Has created more content than probably anyone else in the game. If not the most, he's up there.

You couldn't give us 30 seconds of your time to give us your opinion on RR and NAs?

Also what Gheb said about telling us why you don't like the interaction.

You said this on D1 about Vinyl. Why you break promises? </3
Slipped my mind, thought I had posted everything. RR's power being stolen feels scummy/null. If he were Scum riding out the claim, he'd be a lot more antsy now that Vinyl's dead and the general consensus was "lynch him later, get cleared townies even if it's a mislynch".

Is there anything else NA related that needs discussing?

I am a procrastinator. Emphasis on pro.

re-posted with fixed tags

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I'm not. I'm saying that since Vinyl was an inactive, we don't know whether it was SK, Vidge, etc. This applies to the Scum as well. If it is Vidge, I'd find it a pretty safe bet that inactives are on his hitlist. I'm not suggesting we should assume that the killer is ProTown, I'm saying that the mafia is probably working around that scenario, since it's worst-case for them. i.e. If I was FFScum or GlyphScum, I'd be worried about maybe being on the end of that kill tonight.
Yeah, it'd definitely make sense for scum to look at it that way. You understand though that I won't operate under their point of view and prefer to actively push those players whom I think deserve it instead. While it likely won't hurt us to assume that the existence of a Vig - and actually even an SK - would pose a threat to them as scum it shouldn't keep anybody from putting the pressure on inactive players if they think it's due either. And if the existence of a Night Killer puts some implied pressure on them, I think increasing pressure by way of presenting a legitimate case in order to see their reaction is the best way to squeeze a decent read out of them.

How would you suggest going about getting a solid read on them? We can't tolerate their way of playing this game forever.

It's tonally off, seems like it's trying to look bigger and more important than it is, (just like you ohohohoho) and isn't about scumreads or pushing them.

I just now found out that you had more on Frozen and Glyph than inactivity. You also just said that you were delaying the case(s) until this is resolved. Why did you delay a case on a scumread to talk with Vult about something mostly useless?
I don't think asking Vult to elaborate on stuff in regards to the Vinylscum read he had yesterDay is useless. Since nobody really expect Vinyl to die - let alone flip scum - I think all connections to him are worth taking a closer look at and that's what I'm going for right now. Since Vult and I have seemed to missed each others points I can't blame you if you think our exchange has been useless so far but I think that impression will change once he answers my questions and I gain insight into his thought process.


Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Is there anything else NA related that needs discussing?
Maybe the whole insult Kraken thing, but I don't see that going anywhere useful.

I also agree that it's too early to know anything about the second killer.

I am a procrastinator. Emphasis on pro.

Vult if you claim ill shoot Gheb. Deal?
Go make someone else claim. :v About Gheb though. For every few questionable things he says, he says one good thing. It makes me unsure about him. I also haven't read into him much before my entry into the game, so I'm not sure about him as a kill/lynch choice (that might be tonight's project). But I don't think he's looks good.


May 26, 2012
ballin mad hardbody son
Votecount 2.03
frozenflame751 (1): Gheb_01
Not Voting 9 - Glyph, BadWolf, Kraken Puns, Red Ruy, Frozenflame, Glyph, Swiss, Vult Redux, TBG.

Voting Log
TBG ->
Vult Redux ->
Kraken Puns ->
Red Ruy ->
frozenflame751 ->
Gheb -> frozenflame751
Glyph ->
Badwolf ->
T-Spin ->

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
YesterDay Ryu claimed to have an extremely powerful, semi-confirmable role that caused a lot of people to ultimately decide against lynching him. Now that there are supposed to be results he claims that his active abilities have been removed completely which means that whatever he claims to have been able to - kind of a big part on why he wasn't lynched - he is not actually able to do anymore. And now all of a sudden there's a "clause" about his role that makes it look important to keep him alive again? There's at least one assumption too much in that story for me to completely buy it. This is the kind of WIFOM scenario where I'd personally just straight up prefer to use Occam's Razor and lynch him rather than to wait for what next fantastic claim he has to offer. But I'll admit that I don't feel certain enough about it to actively push a lynch on him right now.
Here's my initial reaction.

If RR were scum, then he would have deliberately claimed the role that he did to put himself in a useful position. If I recall correctly, he wasn't in any particular danger when he did claim, so he either claimed because of emotions because he's Town or carefully claimed the way he did because he's scum. So would've chosen Weak Doctor because of the influence (and temporary lynch-immunity?) that is granted him. For example, he could use it fake results to fake-confirm people and change the lynchpool and confuse Townies, which is pretty handy for scum if he could pull it off (probably not in the long-run... being scum doesn't necessarily mean he was smart about it).

It doesn't make sense to me, then, that he would go through that trouble just to give it up by saying his role was shut down. Now he's "stuck" as a Vanilla and can't use a good claim to give himself (as scum) an edge.

This is also @ TBG but I just picked Gheb to quote because


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
Here's my initial reaction.

If RR were scum, then he would have deliberately claimed the role that he did to put himself in a useful position. If I recall correctly, he wasn't in any particular danger when he did claim, so he either claimed because of emotions because he's Town or carefully claimed the way he did because he's scum. So would've chosen Weak Doctor because of the influence (and temporary lynch-immunity?) that is granted him. For example, he could use it fake results to fake-confirm people and change the lynchpool and confuse Townies, which is pretty handy for scum if he could pull it off (probably not in the long-run... being scum doesn't necessarily mean he was smart about it).

It doesn't make sense to me, then, that he would go through that trouble just to give it up by saying his role was shut down. Now he's "stuck" as a Vanilla and can't use a good claim to give himself (as scum) an edge.

This is also @ TBG but I just picked Gheb to quote because
You assume too much of him, I think. If he would be playing an optimal Scum game, I'd agree wholeheartedly with you. I don't think we can assume that, though.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
If RR were scum, then he would have deliberately claimed the role that he did to put himself in a useful position. If I recall correctly, he wasn't in any particular danger when he did claim, so he either claimed because of emotions because he's Town or carefully claimed the way he did because he's scum. So would've chosen Weak Doctor because of the influence (and temporary lynch-immunity?) that is granted him. For example, he could use it fake results to fake-confirm people and change the lynchpool and confuse Townies, which is pretty handy for scum if he could pull it off (probably not in the long-run... being scum doesn't necessarily mean he was smart about it).

It doesn't make sense to me, then, that he would go through that trouble just to give it up by saying his role was shut down. Now he's "stuck" as a Vanilla and can't use a good claim to give himself (as scum) an edge.
1.) I disagree with the notion that Ryu wasn't in any danger when he decided to claim.
2.) From personal experience such a plan is too fragile for scum to successfully pull through. There are too many things that are beyond the control of a single player like Ryu or even a collective as the mafia to make it work out. Once there is the slightest contradiction to any of his claims he is on the chopping block again and the whole plan shatters. Claiming to have one's abilities removed through NA is safer. Your reasoning doesn't convince me.
3.) You still haven't answered my questions from post #882.


#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Hey kraken, does your face hurt? cuz it's krillin me!

that means ur ugly

I lost all my abilities and my action failed last night.
oh well thats fantastic news. hey everyone, look how useful claiming out of emotional response on D1 is! I can't wait to learn so much from RR's baller claim!

anyone else wanna renege on their ******** claims? lookin at you swiss =D

Well then you should tell us what they were, someone has them.
lolwat? Where is this coming from exactly?

I'm sure I don't need to point out that Ran was killed to try and incriminate me. Let's not consider Swiss as a potential scum toDay.
lolwat. yeah, no need to explain. just like you won't need to explain your bull**** claim when you renege right? dayvig in a small game with 2 lethal roles showing already? callin bull**** on that one

nah but seriously not buying one line WIFOM arguments, kthx

lol @ gheb voting me on a coinflip and calling other players baddies

im aware you probably didn't actually flip a coin but wow srsly?

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
I kind of think what RR says indicates that he's Town even though I probably shouldn't. Would like to hear more opinions about that.

Why'd you suggest these guys over Vinyl?

I don't disagree that they were good Vig options, but I'd have thought Vinyl's activity was comparable to theirs, if not worse.

What's your opinion on that likelihood?

Also why TBG? Iirc you didn't mention him much yesterday (correct me if I am wrong).
Low but not out of the realm of possibility.

Vinyl is pretty easy to bus, his low activity made me give him a dumb-town read


not that it particularly matters, with vinyl scum in mind I'm sure i'll dig up something worth pursuing.

Why TBG ?

can I say trust me on it ? :p

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
(took these notes after D1 had ended.)

#736-7 Ran - Not sure where this came from. I call you scum then you vote me... OMGUS?

#739 Ran - Link to Vinyl. I'm ok with this as scum tell now. Covering for him =/= good.
#741 Ran - Don't like the wagon jumps.

#777 Ran - Scum. Hitting all the power players and me again. Linked to Vinyl and hitting strong points of town. I don't like it.


1) Yes, by technicality
2) Explain how it's a scum tell, why you think he was covering for him in a scummy way over giving him the benefit of the doubt , and why he would so visibly cover for him as scum mate who could be linked back to him
3) Be specific as to why him hitting against them is scummy, is he purposely fighting them to create thread confusion ? Why is this link to Vinyl so telling in your eyes ?

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
I do know what you're referring to, but I think you interpreted it way wrong. I just am not sure if it was a mistake or intentional.

I think it's quite weird, if one considers that I replaced in 1 week ago today. I don't know if this applies to everybody on this site, but if I don't mention someone after replacing in it probably means I didn't read them yet, or didn't think they said anything memorable. It is weird that you think I took the time to compare activity levels of those three players and push only one because I weighed the their pros and cons within the first few hours of being in the game.

If you'd forced me to choose at that moment, then sure, I would have preferred to lynch Vinyl. But that's because I had a slight negative read on him and no read on anybody else (I'm exaggerating, but you get what I mean).

Not if they read carefully enough and consider the circumstances

You implied that I had factored in Vinyl's activity level when I pushed him! That is, like, whoa. I was not in the game long enough to know who was active and who wasn't. You also implied (via language like "made you so sure that Vinyl needed to die the most") that I methodically and carefully planned my push when I was really like "derp guise i found this what do you think"
Of course I would think you weren't paying attention.
So you more or less pulled his name out of a hat based on inactivity ?

Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
Gee, Kraken Puns sure is a bad hydra.

Kraken Puns explain why you were townreading Vinyl.

Swiss why did you switch the wagon off of Vult? Obvious reasons, I'm sure, but spell it out for me anyways.

This is weak as balls.

Gheb, why the **** can't this be distancing and why is it enough to turn around the scumread you had on AM?

@Swiss: Help me rationalize why I dislike Gheb so much. Is it reasonable? Help me lynch him?

@Badwolf: Read on Gheb.

@Red Ryu: Gheb or Swiss. Which do you want dead more?
Felt like lazy/dumb town vinyl initially so i put him over into a townish category till I saw something worth pursuing him on.

His inactivity didn't help much.

I'm sure there's something important in vinyl's posts.

/ISOing that later

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
@mod V/LA over the weekend. I am going to a fancy research conference.

Gheb for some reason I couldn't get on this site for the past day and a half. I skipped over your post to write about other stuff but I didn't forget. I will get to it when I have time.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

Deadline extended to March 5th, 12 AM EST.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
#43 TC - Oddly suspicious. Kinda snappy.
#47 KP - WIFOM with the second question. I don't like it.
#50 RR - Woo actually getting convos started. Kinda bland questions but I digress.
#59 KP - I don't like this post. Massive hypocrisy is a sin. >.<
#60 AM- I can't help but like him. He's actually intelligent but I'd like to see some actual content rather than the filler.
#61 TC - Again oddly snappy. "And do I need to bold the 'I've only seen TBG play as town' part? Kinda hard to make a 'familiar' read if you don't have an idea on the wolf side." Don't be arrogant, that's my job.
#66 RR- I was hoping someone would catch something of mine eventually. I don't want to just lurk all game.
#69 TDK - Holy **** no way. I was thinking this a couple posts ago.
#70 AM - Love this post. KP's read is the same as mine and I really enjoyed how he put it. Kind of suspicious with the FF friend claim but whatever.
#75 TDK- Holy **** no way.... Please don't state the very obvious.
#76 AM- I might proxy my vote to his vote just because I like him right now. I'd help kill KP right now, however, staying with the Vinyl vote for a while.
#77 TBG - First post by him. More of a sheep/ugh post. Don't really care at this point but I want to keep an eye on him for sheeping.
#83 AM- Still agreed. Woo for sheep calling.
#84 TBG - lol wut. This is not right. This doesn't feel like SvS and I'm ok with believing that you're stupid but it'll only go so far.
#88 TBG - Heh he's dying. Aggressive much? Probably. Keep eye on him too.
#92 TBG - Woo riding the emo-coster down the tracks. What's with the mood swings? And why do I feel like AtE is in effect?
#93 AM - Pretty much what I've been saying.
#94 TDK - Would people stop posting for length? If you quote something, say something other than "Oh this didn't really matter kk?" However, I agree with the back door "I'm sick" thing + the "fact that he felt entitled to say "you guys will get what I give you and deal with it". " Liking TDK a tiny bit.
#95 TBG - Explain before I kill you.
#98 TBG - Seems legit but keeping eyes on him anyway.
1. TBG - Don't care for, bad back door-ing and needs to calm the nerves.
2. Aggressive Mediation (Ryker/WashedLaundry) - I like him so far. Not a lot of stuff I don't like but that which I don't isn't big.
3. Kraken Puns (Anomandaris_Rake/Kary) - I want to keep an eye on him. He's weird.
4. Red Ryu - I will enjoy playing with him. Either really smart or really town.
5. frozenflame751
6. Ranmaru
7. Gymmo
8. Vinyl.
9. traveling cat - See KP.
10. Circus
11. DtJ Glyphmoney
12. BadWolf28738
13. Potassium/T-Block hydra - Tiny bit of like. Want to watch him.
Everyone else needs to post more. You haven't made an impression on me.
#107 KP - I hate the puns but the underlying message is alright. He needs to be pointed in a better direction but I'm feeling better about this so far.
#112 Ran - I like the logic but can we have some evidence to back it up? I don't want much just a couple of quotes...
#116 DG - The hell?
#123 TC - Can we have some questions or some thoughts made by yourself? I would also accept some quotes that showed something... I don't like the sheeping without reasoning.
#124 TDK - Interesting dodge. However still a dodge of the question. Let's get an answer shall we?
#125 TDK - This is an interesting post. Semi-correct on the high risk moves however I still don't like the earlier dodge.
#127 TC - Cool, dodge call out. Let's see what happens.
#129 TDK - Double dodge spin. Ugh I might have to wring it out of them myself....
#130 TDK - Reasonable I guess.
#132 TC - Also reasonable... This point I'm thinking TvT or TvS but dear lord not SvS. I'm leaning TC just because of not knowing meta, but Rake is making it hard....
#135 Ran - Thank you! This is what I was looking for, town read now.
#144 RR - At this point I'm ok with kicking off KP but I really don't want to be hammer.
#151 KP - lol Wut.
#158 TDK - Agree with the jump.
#159 KP - ****ty reasoning. Gut reads =/= good reads.
#160 TC - Every time I read a post by her it's like I'm reading several posts by other people.... all not linked.
#161 KP - Extended meta read. Don't like. Didn't I say that every read was non-committal at this point?
#163 KP - I hate everything about this question. It lacks intelligence, care, or even an attempt to hide the WIFOM.
#170 Ran - I would too...
#171 TDK - Not sure I like this response. It's not necessary but it doesn't make it not good.
(7 people on at this point, nothing happening)
#174 TDK - Won't try to flesh out anymore, I like this well enough, but if he becomes bad, come to this.
#176 KP - Thought of this earlier. I'm decently glad that we're on the same page.
(still nothing big happening, someone please say something about KP or even me just to get convo started)
#182 KP - At least we're getting somewhere? Not exactly what I had in mind but beggars can't be choosers.... I also don't like him asking me to answer a WIFOM question even after I ID'd it as one.
(seriously someone just say something, accuse someone, quote something entirely random, breathe over the thread... Something!)
(I might just go fap instead.... Holy **** something happened...)
#185 Ran - Why does everyone want a doublevoter?
#189 KP - Ugh, this post. Why ask it if you're not going to do anything with it?
#190 Ran - Thanks for agreeing with me.
#191 KP - Um cool questioning: Yes, yes and some of my own logic.
#198 Gheb - Lol wut. I expect explanations
#200 Gheb - Ok I can see this, decent logic but I still want to go with TC or KP. Leaning TC right now.
#204 Gheb - I like this post. Keeps the mind open for thoughts.
#207 Gheb - Ouch.
#210 FF - Catch up. Interesting ideas with AM and KP.
#211 RR - I like this post. It's cool but he needs to quote... All the quotes!
#215 TC - Not sure of the connection of this post....
#223 AM - I'm waiting with anticipation.
#226 RR - I like when people bring this kind of thing up.
#228 Glyph - Holy ****. Where have you been?
#230 TC - Oh cool that's why it is.
#234 TDK - Answering questions? Nope.
#237 TDK - Now he's accusing me.... Lol this is not happening. I don't like the blatant dodge.
#239 TDK - Woo the vote.
#242 TBG - Catch up.... The walls burn me. WRT my question, ok I can accept this. Ahhh the edit.

#243 TBG - I'm not opposed to it I just wish he was more fluent with it. I wish to see the reasoning without having to request.
#245 Gheb - Thanks for the request.
#254 Ran - I want to know because I'm gathering info on other players. I'm ok with lynching KP or TC today however, if TDK doesn't respond to my questions he will be added to that list. I don't want to vote RR because I have a slight town on him.
#262 TT - This is very true.
#271 TDK - I hate you. SO much hate.
#273 TDK - This isn't even funny anymore.
#279 TDK - Don't see how that's my problem/fault. You're an idiot who isn't helping town at all at this point. Just refusing to answer questions.
#280 RR - Agreed.
#287 TDK - Talk to your damn partner. There isn't a point to a hydra if you don't talk.
#290 TDK - 1. Ok I agree with this. 2. And your reaction is ****. "you overreact and get all theatrical and it's really quite a disgusting way of getting defensive." Remind you of someone else?
#292 TDK - You said the same thing about Gheb but you said it wasn't showing his alignment.
#295 TDK - "I am very discontent with AM in a bunch of ways that are tangible but I just can't put into words." aka I'm either finding a decent lynch for today that I don't want to explain or we should totally lynch Ryker because of his rep!
#297 TDK - Die. Die now.
#304 TBG - Any follow up with it?
#306 Gheb - "Same goes for you, Badwolf. Stop this silly bickering around with Spin and start being a bit more productive with whom you want lynched and where you wanna put your vote. Spin's not a play toDay. Why do you support the same wagon as Gymmo [completely inactive] and Tcat [questionable playerslot]? There's no pro-town movement behind his wagon. Join the Ruy wagon or pursue one of your other suspects." I hate when people make sense.
#308 KP - "I don't even want to talk about RR's instant townread on BW and subsequent defence of him." I swear to jesus if you act as if I'm scum for this I'll grab my shovel.
#312 Glyph - I hate you.
#319 TDK - No ****ing ****.
#322 RR - I agree. He needs to participate.
#327 KP - "and then you townread this? I guess?" If Ruy flips scum I'm ****ed no matter what. Thanks for the random buddy. :/
#336 TDK - Yeah no. Let's not do that.
#339 TDK - Kind of untrue but I like RR right now so I'll give a pass.
#352 KP - Either decent idea or good play.
#355 Gheb - I hate it when my two town reads are fighting.
#361 RR - "If my death is the only one occuring, it means I was shot at." Not necessarily... We could have another doctor.
#382 RR - Again I'm alright with this at this point. I'm down with killing TDK, TC, KP, Glyph or Gymmo.
#383 TDK - Lashing out like this doesn't really help your case... And it doesn't make me too happy either.
#385 TDK - Is "tool" a thing now? Did Gheb start a trend? Unfortunately everyone's just throwing around the word and not actually caring what it means. BTW you're a dumbass "The tools the guy who votes for who he wants dead! Imma go eat lead now." No shut up.
#389 BW - Forgot that I had already gone off about that.... heh.
#398 TDK - "The fight between me and the person who everyone has down as town reads as town vs town. Basically I'm soft claiming but you know whatever."
#401 Glyph - Hey maybe you should you know. PLAY THE GAME.
#418 TBG - You know he could be lying right?
#420 Gheb - A shining light in a sea of stupid. Thanks. I agree witht he TDK stuff.
#421 Gheb - "That's all hypothetical though because I don't agree with Ran playing bad to begin with. I don't really see what led you to this conclusion. Most of his reasoning so far has been more solid than your explanation on your townRyu read. All the players he has supported pushes against have actually deserved it - unlike your BW push - and none of them show the same kind of poor judgement you have displayed so far." And the angels came down. YES.
#428 Swiss - Even typing the name hurt.
#431 TDK - "We're sorry for being scummy. We'll try and stop." Still hate you.
#437 Gheb - Agreed. Might proxy vote to his TDK isn't getting lynched today no matter how much I want it.
#443 Swiss - Awesome catch up.
#451 Swiss - Angry Swiss, not something I want to deal with in this game.
#456 Gheb - Agree in all but KP.
#457 TDK - Can you people ever get it together before the start of the game please? It's like reading two different slots and I really don't like Rake's right now. Plus chainsaw attack is bad attack.
#469 Gheb - Can we please lynch TDK? I'm entirely hopeful in this. I'm really liking this post too. It's intelligent in its logic and I am sounding like a broken record but I really like Gheb at this point.
#475 TDK - Can you like idk talk to your other head before posting? It's really annoying trying to read you when you back out of everything.
#487 Swiss - "#193 wolf town" Um whut? "Town: Gheb, Spin, Kraken, RR Scum: Ran, FF, AM" I don't want this. "Skipping Kraken posts" Someone realized the redundant puns finally.
#488 Swiss - Wow I don't like this.
#490 KP - Can I have some reads?
#497 Swiss - Interesting vocabulary to say the least however I don't enjoy Glyph coasting either.
#505 Swiss - Imma post my notes cool?
#510 Swiss - You make me laugh.
#524 Swiss - Woah that was.... an interesting post by Glyph....
#530 Ran - Even on the skim I don't like this post. He's hitting all the power players.... Leaving the ones who he knows he can take. Slight scum lean just because of this.
Plan: Lynch AM toDay. Wait to see if RR dies during the night. If so yay if not lynch him tomorrow.​
(I'm getting tired of coasters. IMO right now I'm ok with any coasters including Glyph and FF dead.
Would lynch: Ran, Glyph, FF, AM, TDK, and TC)
#558 Ran - Still ok with lynching this slot. Too many turn arounds in such a short time.
#562 Ran - What questions?
#565 Gheb - And this is why you are a tool and I am not. Because in your mind there is such a thing as a "for sure scum read" and in my mind there is not. I've voted him and I made a case on him but that doesn't mean I have a "for sure scum read" on him or that I wouldn't be able to change my mind." Couldn't have put it better myself.
#569 TBG - Throws really bad light on RR right now. Buddying hard.
#572 Swiss - He does arrogance and sarcasm better than I do.... This makes me sad.
#580 Swiss - No, go for it.
#581 Swiss - Glyph was out of line when saying that. I've never even gone that far.
#591-596 People - This is pissing me off. I swear this is coming too close to issues that shouldn't be on this. Stick to the ****ing game and don't you dare joke about abuse again or I swear you will never survive in a game with me.
#599 Glyph -"You know what the worst part of this is, after I read that first post I felt absolutely like garbage. I was frustrated with some exceptionally ****ty stuff I've been dealing with offline (surprise there's a reason I haven't been here for forever) and to be welcomed back to Swiss and Gheb having somehow decided I was not only bad at mafia, but a complete moron was aggravating to say the least." The fact that you're still pursuing this makes you one. Now stop.
#625 RR - I take it as more than just coincidence. It would be stupid for scum to know a PR and just allow them to live. Especially if you're telling the truth with the weak cop thing.
#629 TDK - I feel as if you're not reading.
#635 TDK -"Pretty straightforward AND I already covered this." Ironic isn't it? "I think it's fine. The way TBG gets reads is a way which makes him good at spotting when people are producing helpful content. My slot was producing helpful content in his eyes, and his townread on me is justified IMO. I like TBG because I can see the way he thinks. Other people don't get my townread on him because they can't." In other words you're ok with anyone reading you as town as long as it's town.
#640 TBG - I don't like the thread power grab. Leave that to Swiss. He's better at it.
#641 Swiss - Heh, choices.
#643 Swiss - Awesome.
#656 KP - You're an idiot please stop talking.
(5 people on... nothing happening again)
#663 TBG - Swiss doesn't ask, he tells. And why the hell are you so opposed to giving out a game?
#665 Swiss - I agree. Logic is the only answer in this.
#667 RR - Cool. I can deal with that.
#685 KP - I'm not too fond of hearing your voice either.
(took these notes after D1 had ended.)
#695 TBG - Ugh, this annoys. I don't elevate him. Other people do, I just don't want to do anything about it. I listen to him and I give his words more weight because of his rep and I know he's intelligent. You really need to just go with the flow more. Still not sure why you're opposed to giving out a game.
#702 KP - Don't really care for the shot at him. He can expect logic can't he?
#714 TBG - I'm not sure what's so bad about it. Still not sure why you don't want to give a game.
#718 Swiss - If you make it.... Not entirely sure of intent.
#725 KP - You're an idiot. I haven't actually ever sheeped him on anything. "Mysterious how everypony drops AM like a hot tamale." That makes me want to beat your head against a wall.
#733 Swiss - Agreed.
#734 Vult - Hi. I want to see good things from you. You've been satisfactory so far. Town-lean.
#736-7 Ran - Not sure where this came from. I call you scum then you vote me... OMGUS?
#738 KP - Half the reason why I hate this slot is because of the unnecessary jabs at people. Not really that funny but w/e. Die.
#739 Ran - Link to Vinyl. I'm ok with this as scum tell now. Covering for him =/= good.
#741 Ran - Don't like the wagon jumps.
#747 RR - *Don't remember what I was about to say about this...*
#765 Gheb - Ugh, you too? Why is no one looking at logic here? I'm using him as a backboard for thoughts and he's doing the same to me. I really have no solid town read on him just because of his rep and earlier play with him.
#768 KP - Again with the jabs. You annoy the living **** out of me.
#777 Ran - Scum. Hitting all the power players and me again. Linked to Vinyl and hitting strong points of town. I don't like it.
#778 Vult - I like the looking. Town.
#792 Swiss - Refrain from dying?
#812 KP - I think you're missing the point here. Why exactly does being a douche appeal to you so much?
#841 KP - You're an idiot, please die.
#855 Gheb- How much do you think RR is scum at this point? Can I have some reads please?
#857 Gheb - Agreed.
#870 TDK - Um... Actually idk. Probably null-town as of right now, but his posts annoy me with their length. Eh, I'll reread him.
#871 TBG - Stupid questions @ Gheb. Why does it matter anymore with AM? He's out of the game, look at Vult instead kk?
#872 Gheb - You dodged the question about Vinyl vs. Glyph.... Please, enlighten us.
#874 Gheb - Anyone thought of bussing yet? It's plausible that someone on the scum team possibly threw him under just because they were bothered by him. :/ problems happen within the teams.
#875 KP - You make me laugh because of your hypocrisy.
#882 Gheb - You use the word "tool" way too often. It doesn't make you sound any more intelligent than the rest of us. It's actually getting on my nerves.
#896 FF - Holy **** it's FF. Where the hell have you been?

#899 KP - 1. Not by technicality. 2. Because he singled out Vinyl to defend. 3. He's trying to convince the others to lynch them at the strongest and work outward.

Woo. All the notes. Have fun with that.



Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
Not much to say. If you can format your notes about me into an easier to read manner, I can answer them.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ran is dead right now....

Offing Glyph is a good idea right now, he's going into super coaster mode I don't want a player like this anywhere near endgame. Unlike FF, he is virtually unreadable right now other than, Swiss=/=Glyph me thinks.

@TSpin: Swiss over Gheb, granted not strong since I don't hold Gheb to be a meaningful town read, but Swiss in contrast with the players who flipped town is why I am reviewing and rereading.

I've been rereading and trying to figure out Vinyl's interactions for anything meaningful, or even from others who questioned him at times.

I didn't think that one straight, but that's pretty accurate since that's what he did, and what he's doing now. I'm free, so talk to me. And voting? That'll have to wait, but I'm all in for tcat. Also, ran playing straight as hell, but my god, I would wish I wasn't in ryu's shoes, but that's pretty inevitable. And I got your quote ryu. Be sure to tell me though since i'm always feeling ignored when asking questions. Glyph, you're good on this one for now.

Also, badwolf needs to not be so seriously mad as **** here. Holy ****, lol, I'm seeing your post right now and I'm not seeing one bit of a good logic, but pure Angry Video Game Nerd criticism. Not the best thing to be doing, man.

I sincerely hope kraken's being mostly played by rake instead of kary. Please. I'm looking at you and just after a few skims, it looked like you're on a bad stance. I'm gonna read further though and provide some details real later since I still got art assignments due on monday.

Ran is pretty informative, but can really tend to overdo it with the votes, but he's still looking good. Townie for now, and null for gheb and other inactives.

More left, ask me stuff if you want. I'm not looking for informative ones though since that'll be already answered in the next few posts. As long as I don't fall to sleep.
Things like this are some of the only times he stuck his neck out a little more and all it does is solidify Badwolf is town and maybe Kraken is less likely to be scum. I haven't read all the stances players took on him yet, but I would put those two on a less likely to me aligned with him pile over anyone else in this game.

So all I got out of it was two town leans and more too look at, aka his hop on to TCat and others who voted her.

Vote: Glyph

He needs to bring more or we off him, simple as that.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Swiss can you tell me what you gained from feigning ignorance on your Ran scum read? What did players give you that was telling?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Jesus don't you usually get prodded when you forget you're in a game

I'll get all caught up tomorrow

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
lol @ gheb voting me on a coinflip and calling other players baddies

im aware you probably didn't actually flip a coin but wow srsly?
I actually did flip a coin :bee:

So you more or less pulled his name out of a hat based on inactivity ?
fukacurhnflaxf Shut up and let him answer my questions -.-

Ran is dead right now....

Offing Glyph is a good idea right now, he's going into super coaster mode I don't want a player like this anywhere near endgame. Unlike FF, he is virtually unreadable right now other than, Swiss=/=Glyph me thinks.
Swiss =/= Glyph is an interesting read and totally helpful if true. What posts do you base it on though?

Vote Glyph


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Badwolf, can you please sum up your reads a bit? You're not actually saying anything by just commenting on every other post in this thread. Who do you think should be lynched and why? Do you see any connections worth talking about? Tbh I think you've been more or less a complete non-factor in this game so far despite you not being inactive and not having a disastrously low post count. That's not only untypical for you but also reeks a bit of indie play.

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