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Earthbound - over

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ran I am disappoint.

I lost all my abilities and my action failed last night.

Rereading Vinyl if he said anything useful for connections.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
How do people feel about the likelyhood of vult bussing vinyl ?
Unlikely. Vult's probably off my lynchpool for the moment. Though I don't remember just what he wanted Vinyl lynched for I think I remember inactivity not being a major part of his case but I could be wrong. It's definitely something I'll look into and question Vult about in the near future.

I lost all my abilities and my action failed last night.
Did I ever tell you just how much I hate you?


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Wait, did you say you lost your abilities? Did you get simply roleblocked or did you literally lose them?


Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
I kind of think what RR says indicates that he's Town even though I probably shouldn't. Would like to hear more opinions about that.

Dropping hammer if needed. Vig on Glyph / frozen
Why'd you suggest these guys over Vinyl?

I don't disagree that they were good Vig options, but I'd have thought Vinyl's activity was comparable to theirs, if not worse.

like TBG's the direction today

How do people feel about the likelyhood of vult bussing vinyl ?
What's your opinion on that likelihood?

Also why TBG? Iirc you didn't mention him much yesterday (correct me if I am wrong).

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Well then you should tell us what they were, someone has them.
I get 3 shots of my power, since it costed 5 Psi and I had a total of 15 Psi. When I target a player I will protect them, when I protect scum I die.

There was a also a hidden clause about my role I didn't reveal, if I died via being shot all other NAs but the shot on me would fail and the game would rewind to the previous day. I didn't say this for obvious reasons.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Why'd you suggest these guys over Vinyl?

I don't disagree that they were good Vig options, but I'd have thought Vinyl's activity was comparable to theirs, if not worse.
I've commented on it yesterDay:

Vinyl had a hand injury and is V/LA now. It's true that he could be considered inactive but at least he has declared reasons why and they are legit and his input has been considerably better than that of Gymmo, Glyph and frozen anyway. I think it'd be completely ******** to read anything kind of intention or calculation into his inactivity. It's possible that there are reasons to be suspicious of Vinyl but I don't think you can hold his activity against him unless he's going to keep it up for another while.
And while we're on the subject: what exactly was it that made you prefer Vinyl over frozen / Glyph as lynches when it came to inactivity? Since they were comparable what made you so sure that Vinyl is the one that needs to die the most? Vinyl died and flipped scum so that's definitely a fact that speaks in your favor but that doesn't mean that an explanation from your side isn't due. The way I see it there was no particular reason to see Vinyl's level of inactivity as more damning than that of the other players mention so there must've been something else that bothered you about him, no?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I kind of think what RR says indicates that he's Town even though I probably shouldn't. Would like to hear more opinions about that.
Though his claim was not an important reason I changed my mind on lynching him yesterDay, I think what happens now incriminates him. I particularly dislike this:

There was a also a hidden clause about my role I didn't reveal, if I died via being shot all other NAs but the shot on me would fail and the game would rewind to the previous day. I didn't say this for obvious reasons.
YesterDay Ryu claimed to have an extremely powerful, semi-confirmable role that caused a lot of people to ultimately decide against lynching him. Now that there are supposed to be results he claims that his active abilities have been removed completely which means that whatever he claims to have been able to - kind of a big part on why he wasn't lynched - he is not actually able to do anymore. And now all of a sudden there's a "clause" about his role that makes it look important to keep him alive again? There's at least one assumption too much in that story for me to completely buy it. This is the kind of WIFOM scenario where I'd personally just straight up prefer to use Occam's Razor and lynch him rather than to wait for what next fantastic claim he has to offer. But I'll admit that I don't feel certain enough about it to actively push a lynch on him right now. Something keeps me hesitating - for now I'd definitely prefer to squeeze some answers out of Glyph and frozen. Especially now that one inactive player has already flipped scum I feel like that could prove to be fruitful.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Actually Gheb that clause is gone, it got erased when I lost my powers if I read the PM right. So no, shooting me doesn't do a mass roleblock anymore.

Though if Swiss is implying what he is, that means if someone got my powers they would get that as well. It's part of my role PM.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
OK, I guess I'll stick to my plan for now then.

Swiss has implied to be a dayvig, implied to know for sure that there's an SK, implied this and that ... his posts are full of implications and it's clear that you won't get anything from taking these implications at face value. I'll eat my hat if he actually knows whether somebody else has received the abilities you used to have.


#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
(took these notes after D1 had ended.)

#695 TBG - Ugh, this annoys. I don't elevate him. Other people do, I just don't want to do anything about it. I listen to him and I give his words more weight because of his rep and I know he's intelligent. You really need to just go with the flow more. Still not sure why you're opposed to giving out a game.
#702 KP - Don't really care for the shot at him. He can expect logic can't he?
#714 TBG - I'm not sure what's so bad about it. Still not sure why you don't want to give a game.
#718 Swiss - If you make it.... Not entirely sure of intent.
#725 KP - You're an idiot. I haven't actually ever sheeped him on anything. "Mysterious how everypony drops AM like a hot tamale." That makes me want to beat your head against a wall.
#733 Swiss - Agreed.
#734 Vult - Hi. I want to see good things from you. You've been satisfactory so far. Town-lean.
#736-7 Ran - Not sure where this came from. I call you scum then you vote me... OMGUS?
#738 KP - Half the reason why I hate this slot is because of the unnecessary jabs at people. Not really that funny but w/e. Die.
#739 Ran - Link to Vinyl. I'm ok with this as scum tell now. Covering for him =/= good.
#741 Ran - Don't like the wagon jumps.
#747 RR - *Don't remember what I was about to say about this...*
#765 Gheb - Ugh, you too? Why is no one looking at logic here? I'm using him as a backboard for thoughts and he's doing the same to me. I really have no solid town read on him just because of his rep and earlier play with him.
#768 KP - Again with the jabs. You annoy the living **** out of me.
#777 Ran - Scum. Hitting all the power players and me again. Linked to Vinyl and hitting strong points of town. I don't like it.
#778 Vult - I like the looking. Town.
#792 Swiss - Refrain from dying?
#812 KP - I think you're missing the point here. Why exactly does being a douche appeal to you so much?
#855 Gheb- How much do you think RR is scum at this point? Can I have some reads please?
#857 Gheb - Agreed.

Don't know if that'll work or not...

In other news they put my ponies back. BW is happy again.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
And while we're on the subject: what exactly was it that made you prefer Vinyl over frozen / Glyph as lynches when it came to inactivity? Since they were comparable what made you so sure that Vinyl is the one that needs to die the most? Vinyl died and flipped scum so that's definitely a fact that speaks in your favor but that doesn't mean that an explanation from your side isn't due. The way I see it there was no particular reason to see Vinyl's level of inactivity as more damning than that of the other players mention so there must've been something else that bothered you about him, no?
You make a pretty good point that sets Vinyl off from those guys.

Your questions are kinda weird though. Did you forget what I said or what?

I never said that really preferred Vinyl over those guys as a lynch, or suggested Vinyl as a lynch at all. Actually, I only devoted half of two small posts to Vinyl, pointing out that I didn't like something he posted about Tcat. I was kinda just trying to get my foot into the game by giving everyone something they might have overlooked. It didn't even have anything to do with his activity level. And I didn't really follow up with it. <_<;

Weren't you paying attention to the slot you wanted to lynch?

(Disclaimer: I'm not saying that I didn't think Vinyl should be lynched over those guys. I didn't even read FF or Glyph on D1. I would've liked if more people talked about Vinyl, but I also understood that people weren't willing to accept a proposal for another candidate on the table when we were supposed to be narrowing our choices. I dropped it because it wasn't going anywhere and Swiss and Tcat were more relevant to me and the rest of the Town at the time.)

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
YesterDay Ryu claimed to have an extremely powerful, semi-confirmable role that caused a lot of people to ultimately decide against lynching him. Now that there are supposed to be results he claims that his active abilities have been removed completely which means that whatever he claims to have been able to - kind of a big part on why he wasn't lynched - he is not actually able to do anymore. And now all of a sudden there's a "clause" about his role that makes it look important to keep him alive again? There's at least one assumption too much in that story for me to completely buy it. This is the kind of WIFOM scenario where I'd personally just straight up prefer to use Occam's Razor and lynch him rather than to wait for what next fantastic claim he has to offer. But I'll admit that I don't feel certain enough about it to actively push a lynch on him right now. Something keeps me hesitating - for now I'd definitely prefer to squeeze some answers out of Glyph and frozen. Especially now that one inactive player has already flipped scum I feel like that could prove to be fruitful.
Well, okay. I don't think I agree but I'll respond later with some more detail after more people give input.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Multiquoting is such a pain with this new forum -.-


This is what I'm talking about:

So I'm curious: does everyone have Vinyl as town or scum or what?

hold up,
you skimmed the thread and what stuck out to you was Vinyl?


Specifically this

[Vinyl quote]

because I not only disagree with it but also find it a little scummy that he said that. "Sheeping", or as I consider it, "voting with someone because their idea is good" is the best ever, especially early Day 1 when single votes don't have much pressure behind them. Basically his critique of Tcat is bad.
Yes, it's only two little remarks about Vinyl but the point is very concrete and you even mention that you found whatever little Vinyl offered to be somewhat scummy. The only stronger push you've made so far has been against Swiss and I don't remember you making any kind of statement of Glyph or frozen. Is it really as weird as you seem to think if somebody concludes from this that you had a clear preference towards lynching Vinyl over lynching the other two slots? I think anybody who reads through your posts would've come to the same conclusion as I did. Alledging that I have not been paying attention isn't the sensible choice, I know exactly what you've been saying and what not.



May 26, 2012
ballin mad hardbody son
mod note: kraken puns has no swag

second mod note: ima start over the voting log each day phase. you guys can check the end of day votecounts provided in each lynch scene if yall ever wanna get a more comprehensive idea of voting records. also if someone knows how to format collapse tags to ensure that only one collapse thing appears without fail then please pm me with this extremely valuable knowledge

Votecount 2.2
frozenflame751 (1): Gheb_01
Not Voting 9 - Glyph, BadWolf, Kraken Puns, Red Ruy, Frozenflame, Glyph, Swiss, Vult Redux, TBG.

Voting Log
TBG ->
Vult Redux ->
Kraken Puns ->
Red Ruy ->
frozenflame751 ->
Gheb -> frozenflame751
Glyph ->
Badwolf ->
T-Spin ->

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Yes, it's only two little remarks about Vinyl but the point is very concrete and you even mention that you found whatever little Vinyl offered to be somewhat scummy. The only stronger push you've made so far has been against Swiss and I don't remember you making any kind of statement of Glyph or frozen. Is it really as weird as you seem to think if somebody concludes from this that you had a clear preference towards lynching Vinyl over lynching the other two slots?
I do know what you're referring to, but I think you interpreted it way wrong. I just am not sure if it was a mistake or intentional.

I think it's quite weird, if one considers that I replaced in 1 week ago today. I don't know if this applies to everybody on this site, but if I don't mention someone after replacing in it probably means I didn't read them yet, or didn't think they said anything memorable. It is weird that you think I took the time to compare activity levels of those three players and push only one because I weighed the their pros and cons within the first few hours of being in the game.

If you'd forced me to choose at that moment, then sure, I would have preferred to lynch Vinyl. But that's because I had a slight negative read on him and no read on anybody else (I'm exaggerating, but you get what I mean).

I think anybody who reads through your posts would've come to the same conclusion as I did.
Not if they read carefully enough and consider the circumstances

Alledging that I have not been paying attention isn't the sensible choice, I know exactly what you've been saying and what not.
You implied that I had factored in Vinyl's activity level when I pushed him! That is, like, whoa. I was not in the game long enough to know who was active and who wasn't. You also implied (via language like "made you so sure that Vinyl needed to die the most") that I methodically and carefully planned my push when I was really like "derp guise i found this what do you think"
Of course I would think you weren't paying attention.

T-spin Double Kill

Feb 4, 2013
Kantplay Tetris League
Gee, Kraken Puns sure is a bad hydra.

Kraken Puns explain why you were townreading Vinyl.

Swiss why did you switch the wagon off of Vult? Obvious reasons, I'm sure, but spell it out for me anyways.

Multiquoting is such a pain with this new forum -.-


This is what I'm talking about:

Yes, it's only two little remarks about Vinyl but the point is very concrete and you even mention that you found whatever little Vinyl offered to be somewhat scummy. The only stronger push you've made so far has been against Swiss and I don't remember you making any kind of statement of Glyph or frozen. Is it really as weird as you seem to think if somebody concludes from this that you had a clear preference towards lynching Vinyl over lynching the other two slots? I think anybody who reads through your posts would've come to the same conclusion as I did. Alledging that I have not been paying attention isn't the sensible choice, I know exactly what you've been saying and what not.

This is weak as balls.

Gheb, why the **** can't this be distancing and why is it enough to turn around the scumread you had on AM?

@Swiss: Help me rationalize why I dislike Gheb so much. Is it reasonable? Help me lynch him?

@Badwolf: Read on Gheb.

@Red Ryu: Gheb or Swiss. Which do you want dead more?


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2012
kraken puns is unfunny

Oh and the oscar goes to Ran for most obvious town.

Feel like TBG's the direction today

How do people feel about the likelyhood of vult bussing vinyl ?

I think it's certainly a possibility, but I don't read it as a bus any more than I do genuine input.

Coin flipped Vote frozen

Crackhead is mad ugly.

We've got some sort of night killer who just targeted a inactive, so why are you pressuring with votes? Why are you pressuring anything instead of voting a scumread?

Not liking Gheb's interaction with Vult, although I do understand the Town read when he read AM as Scum. I feel the same way. (additionally, finding out Riddle's computer blew up lessens the scumread on AM alone)

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I do know what you're referring to, but I think you interpreted it way wrong. I just am not sure if it was a mistake or intentional.
I don't think you've convincingly laid out why it is a mistake and not just a different way of looking at things that could viewed as equally true - saying that I made a mistake implies that I'm wrong about something but I can't see what I'm supposed to be wrong about no matter how many times I read through it. Nothing I've said or assumed about this scenatio contradicts anything that has actually happened.

And why would I intentionally make a mistake for the purpose of giving you pro-town credit?

I think it's quite weird, if one considers that I replaced in 1 week ago today. I don't know if this applies to everybody on this site, but if I don't mention someone after replacing in it probably means I didn't read them yet, or didn't think they said anything memorable. It is weird that you think I took the time to compare activity levels of those three players and push only one because I weighed the their pros and cons within the first few hours of being in the game.
OK, let's break the scenario down to its essence. This is what has happened:

Vult: "Guys, after reading up a bit I think Vinyl is leaning a bit towards the scummy side."
Vult: "Gheb, why did you push for Glyph and frozen to get vigged but not Vinyl. Their activity level was comparable."
Gheb: "Interesting point, but since their activity level was comparable there must've been something that made you prefer Vinyl as lynch, correct? After all he was your second strongest push yesterDay following Swiss."

How is that a weird question? No, you couldn't have compared their activity levels only a few hours after you replaced in. But since you actively compared their activity levels in #849 - before I had even talked to you about the activity thing - I thought it was pretty obvious that you must have read them at some point. I assumed you did it because you yourself said you did it. So what exactly is the weird part about asking this question?

You implied that I had factored in Vinyl's activity level when I pushed him! That is, like, whoa. I was not in the game long enough to know who was active and who wasn't.
No, you implied that you had factored it in:

I don't disagree that they were good Vig options, but I'd have thought Vinyl's activity was comparable to theirs, if not worse.
That was before I had ever talked to you about the inactivity levels of these three players.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
We've got some sort of night killer who just targeted a inactive, so why are you pressuring with votes? Why are you pressuring anything instead of voting a scumread?
Uhhh, why are you assuming that the night killer targeted Vinyl on account of his inactivity? The way you post it makes it seem like you assume that the Killer is going to continue getting rid of inactive slots for us. That's a dangerous line of thinking. I think it's more likely that he targeted Vinyl because he was generally considered to be townie - Vult was the only one who had mentioned to find him scummy but he found no agreement. I will not assume that there is a killer who will consistently perform pro-town actions just because an inactive player died last Night and flipped scum. Unless we have reason to believe otherwise I'm going to assume that there is an SK who picks out slots that are generally considered townie by the majority.

And if it helps you, I think frozen is indivdually scummy, as is Glyph. If you look at their posts - and not just the lack thereof - you will surely find things that incriminate them. I'm not just pressuring them to become active - once this whole nonsense about the "weird question" is settled, I'm actually planning to push a lynch on them and will not base my argument on inactivity [though that will inevitably be part of it].

Not liking Gheb's interaction with Vult, although I do understand the Town read when he read AM as Scum. I feel the same way. (additionally, finding out Riddle's computer blew up lessens the scumread on AM alone)
Don't give me that crap. If you understand and agree with my line of thinking then just straight up speak out what it is you don't like about my interaction with Vult. Saying "you don't like it" with no follow-up to it [and actually followed by a direct contradiction] reeks of an excuse to jump a wagon later on so you can be like "yeah, I already had problems with that guy earlier!". You have to give me more than that.


Kraken Puns

Smash Apprentice
Jan 21, 2013
Under the Sea (Kary/Rake)
It's not weak, you're just bad at this game.

For the love of gorf, can you please stop being so negative about other players?

I don't care whether they're bad or not, I don't really want to hear it. If you think they're wrong, then by all means say that- but that doesn't have to involve putting other people down.

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Vult: "Guys, after reading up a bit I think Vinyl is leaning a bit towards the scummy side."
Vult: "Gheb, why did you push for Glyph and frozen to get vigged but not Vinyl. Their activity level was comparable."
Gheb: "Interesting point, but since their activity level was comparable there must've been something that made you prefer Vinyl as lynch, correct? After all he was your second strongest push yesterDay following Swiss."

That was before I had ever talked to you about the inactivity levels of these three players.
I said that on Day 2, after I dropped Vinyl, after Vinyl had died, and after I had been in the game long enough to realize that I probably had more posts than Glyph and FF put together.

It's not weak, you're just bad at this game.
Unless I'm remembering wrong, that's the second or third time you've resorted to calling people stupid (or some synonym of that) and/or bad in this game. Does doing that help you as Town?

T-spin's question is totally valid, not stupid, and you should answer it. But why didn't you answer it in the first place?
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