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Early Smash 5 Fan-Made Rosters (Ideal or Prediction)

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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Hey there, folks. I thought I'd post my idea for an ideal roster for Smash 5. It is 68 characters in the main roster, with 8 additional as DLC.

Main roster:
Rosalina and Luma
Bowser Jr.
Paper Mario
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
King K. Rool
Toon Link
Zero Suit Samus
Meta Knight
King Dedede
Bandana Dee
Captain Falcon
Porky Minch
Little Mac
Mii Warrior
Wii Fit Trainer
Rhythm Girl
Ice Climbers
Mr. Game and Watch
Duck Hunt
Mega Man

Cranky Kong
Samurai Goroh
Phoenix Wright
Simon Belmont
Jack Frost
Here's a picture! (couldn't find a Cordelia icon)

I can never understand why people feel the need to cut any third party character that isn't a cartoony mascot, but to each their own.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Hey there, folks. I thought I'd post my idea for an ideal roster for Smash 5. It is 68 characters in the main roster, with 8 additional as DLC.

Main roster:
Rosalina and Luma
Bowser Jr.
Paper Mario
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
King K. Rool
Toon Link
Zero Suit Samus
Meta Knight
King Dedede
Bandana Dee
Captain Falcon
Porky Minch
Little Mac
Mii Warrior
Wii Fit Trainer
Rhythm Girl
Ice Climbers
Mr. Game and Watch
Duck Hunt
Mega Man

Cranky Kong
Samurai Goroh
Phoenix Wright
Simon Belmont
Jack Frost
Ike and Ryu getting cut is sad. :/

I gotta ask though...why Cordelia? I know it's an ideal roster and all, but I was just curious, since she's kind of an outlier.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2017
Ike and Ryu getting cut is sad. :/

I gotta ask though...why Cordelia? I know it's an ideal roster and all, but I was just curious, since she's kind of an outlier.
Well, when it comes to the Fire Emblem characters, I wanted to captured a variety of different fight styles. Marth and Robin were fine for me to keep in, Hector comes to battles with his axe, and Anna can bring a variety of weapons to the fight. In the case of Cordelia, she can bring in a focus on using her lance in battle.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Well, when it comes to the Fire Emblem characters, I wanted to captured a variety of different fight styles. Marth and Robin were fine for me to keep in, Hector comes to battles with his axe, and Anna can bring a variety of weapons to the fight. In the case of Cordelia, she can bring in a focus on using her lance in battle.
Oh, I get wanting a lance user. I was just wondering why Cordelia specifically, is all. All the other ones you added were either some of the main characters of their own games (Marth for Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem, Hector for Blazing Blade, Robin for Awakening) or a character who had appeared in all but two games (Anna). Cordelia just seems random in comparison, so I was wondering why her specifically. :p

I'm not knocking her or anything. Cordelia's great, and one of my favorites in Awakening. It's just when compared to other potential lancers, she seems less important. Ephraim is a main lord who uses a lance, others like Chrom or a reworked Lucina get one after promotion, and Azura and Caeda are other major characters that use lances. Ephraim and Caeda even have signature named lances with Siegmund and the Wing Spear, respectively.

I rambled a bit, but I was just curious as to why Cordelia over all other lancers, haha.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2017
Oh, I get wanting a lance user. I was just wondering why Cordelia specifically, is all. All the other ones you added were either some of the main characters of their own games (Marth for Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem, Hector for Blazing Blade, Robin for Awakening) or a character who had appeared in all but two games (Anna). Cordelia just seems random in comparison, so I was wondering why her specifically. :p

I'm not knocking her or anything. Cordelia's great, and one of my favorites in Awakening. It's just when compared to other potential lancers, she seems less important. Ephraim is a main lord who uses a lance, others like Chrom or a reworked Lucina get one after promotion, and Azura and Caeda are other major characters that use lances. Ephraim and Caeda even have signature named lances with Siegmund and the Wing Spear, respectively.

I rambled a bit, but I was just curious as to why Cordelia over all other lancers, haha.
Honestly, I confess that I am not as familiar with the Fire Emblem franchise. Cordelia just happened to be a character I came across in my research and I just happened to pick her. I'm sorry if that's a bit of a basic reason.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Honestly, I confess that I am not as familiar with the Fire Emblem franchise. Cordelia just happened to be a character I came across in my research and I just happened to pick her. I'm sorry if that's a bit of a basic reason.
Nah, it's all good. Like I said, I like Cordelia, so it's fine by me. I just wondered if there was a bigger meaning behind her addition. :p

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
This is my Dream Roster, in spite of how uneven some series are and how unlikely many characters are.

Blue characters are playable from the start.
Red characters are unlocked.
Yellow characters are DLC.
Green characters are alternate costumes.
If I were less OCD and more willing to feature additional characters regardless of how it affects the CSS arrangement, I would throw Masked Man, Quote, Starfy and Dillon in there as well.

Base Game: 80 characters
Base Game w/ DLC: 95 characters
Newcomers: 23 characters
Newcomers w/ DLC: 34 characters

- - - - -

Meanwhile, in terms of my Perceived Realistic Roster, I have the following:

Blue characters are characters I believe are practically guaranteed.
Green characters are veterans I can see a possibly cut from the game for one reason or another, but definitely not for certain. It entirely depends on how the development cycle for a hypothetical Smash 5 turns out. If they don't return in the base game, they will likely appear as DLC.
Yellow characters are characters that weren't in SSB4 that I believe would be safe predictions. Far from shoo-ins, but not by any means a stretch of the imagination. A further lower end to this spectrum would include an Animal Crossing character, Takamaru, Isaac, and Banjo & Kazooie.
Red characters are who I believe will very likely be cut due to their respective series having made them fall out of relevance by that point. In a better case scenario, these characters will be considered bottom priority in development, being the decision between clones making a return or one of them being added last. They are more likely than not DLC if they even return to begin with.

Guaranteed Minimum: 47 characters
Maximum Presented: 67 characters
Predicted Total: 65~72 characters
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PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
This is my Dream Roster, in spite of how uneven some series are and how unlikely many characters are.

Blue characters are playable from the start.
Red characters are unlocked.
Yellow characters are DLC.
Green characters are alternate costumes.
If I were less OCD and more willing to feature additional characters regardless of how it affects the CSS arrangement, I would throw Masked Man, Quote, Starfy and Dillon in there as well.

Base Game: 80 characters
Base Game w/ DLC: 95 characters
Newcomers: 23 characters
Newcomers w/ DLC: 34 characters

- - - - -

Meanwhile, in terms of my Perceived Realistic Roster, I have the following:

Blue characters are characters I believe are practically guaranteed.
Green characters are veterans I can see a possibly cut from the game for one reason or another, but definitely not for certain. It entirely depends on how the development cycle for a hypothetical Smash 5 turns out. If they don't return in the base game, they will likely appear as DLC.
Yellow characters are characters that weren't in SSB4 that I believe would be safe predictions. Far from shoo-ins, but not by any means a stretch of the imagination. A further lower end to this spectrum would include an Animal Crossing character, Takamaru, Isaac, and Banjo & Kazooie.
Red characters are who I believe will very likely be cut due to their respective series having made them fall out of relevance by that point. In a better case scenario, these characters will be considered bottom priority in development, being the decision between clones making a return or one of them being added last. They are more likely than not DLC if they even return to begin with.

Guaranteed Minimum: 47 characters
Maximum Presented: 67 characters
Predicted Total: 65~72 characters
I don't think Greninja will be cut. He was the most popular Pokemon in the world when the X/Y season was happening, I think he's solidified his place as a core Pokemon character.

I would disagree with a lot of the characters in the green too, then again I found myself disagreeing with Mewtwo being there and he's been cut, so I guess I can't really say much there.

As for the dream roster, Resetti is an interesting choice, what do you want to see from him? I never thought much about his moveset, but I always thought it would be a great Easter egg if he normally had a chill icon, but if you LRAStart your match his roster icon turns angry like the one you got there.

I like your affinity for villains. Ridley, K.Rool, Vaati, Porky, Dark Matter, Black Shadow, and of course Wolf. I'm hesitant on a few, but for the most part I like that group.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Green characters are veterans I can see a possibly cut from the game for one reason or another, but definitely not for certain. It entirely depends on how the development cycle for a hypothetical Smash 5 turns out. If they don't return in the base game, they will likely appear as DLC.
Clones I get. DLC characters I get. Jr. I can even understand as he was lower priority.

But Robin makes no sense to me here. I feel like Robin should be lumped with Marth and Ike in the "not going anywhere group for FE." Not only is he promoted up the wazoo but he gives Smash a unique moveset design for a FE character and a character in general. He stands out in a number of good ways.

I'd be shocked if Robin went anywhere.

Red characters are who I believe will very likely be cut due to their respective series having made them fall out of relevance by that point. In a better case scenario, these characters will be considered bottom priority in development, being the decision between clones making a return or one of them being added last. They are more likely than not DLC if they even return to begin wit
I can understand Corrin even though I think he'd be higher priority for a number of reasons but I really don't think Greninja would be cut any time soon.

Feels like what Lucario went through in Pre-Smash 4 speculation (and Ike in Corrin's case). Greninja is incredibly popular and has been used in marketing substantially (like with Ash Greninja being the reward for the Sun and Moon demo).

He's the new Lucario at this point and he survived the generational jump unlike Zoroark.

I'm really not thinking Greninja is going anywhere unless the roster is gutted.

That said, remember. No character in the history of Smash Bros has been cut due to lack of relevance. If they go, its because it knocked them to lower priority and they ran out of time.

Also you included Phoenix Wright and had no cuts in your dream roster so 10/10
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PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
That said, remember. No character in the history of Smash Bros has been cut due to lack of relevance. If they go, its because it knocked them to lower priority and they ran out of time.
What about Pichu?


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
Unpopularity most likely.

It'd be odd to plan Doc and Roy if relevance was the issue, wouldn't it?
I feel like Pichu was kinda on Doc's level popularity before he came back for Smash 4, but I see your point.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I feel like Pichu was kinda on Doc's level popularity before he came back for Smash 4, but I see your point.
Nah. Doc was a lot more popular (Young Link too).

Doc has competitive popularity and genuinely had fans of his notably different playstyle like @GoldenYuiitusin

Pichu had neither of those as he's terrible and his playstyle isn't very fun (his all star trophy recommends using items and handicap for goodness sake).
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Deleted member

Guys, I don't mean to backseat mod, but delving off into discussion about specific characters in general was what lead to this thread being locked....

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Honestly, I confess that I am not as familiar with the Fire Emblem franchise.Cordelia just happened to be a character I came across in my research and I just happened to pick her. I'm sorry if that's a bit of a basic reason.
Explains why you're cutting Ike for Cordelia of all people.:rolleyes:

Ike is basically the most important character after Marth. So he ain't going anywhere.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
At the end of the day, Robin is only part of one game in a huge series. I have zero doubts that Robin would be the first FE character included after Marth and Ike, but I don't think it's altogether impossible that he would be cut down the line if a newer Fire Emblem with another avatar appears right around Smash's development early on. Again, Fire Emblem is very flavor of the month and it's why I don't view Robin as an automatic lock. Given, Awakening seems to get a lot of special treatment as seen in TMS#FE, Heroes, and Fire Emblem Warriors, so I don't think Robin will be cut. I just think he'll be a lower priority next time is all. There's a reason I have him as green and not red, after all.

Speaking of, we've had two Pokemon characters cut every Smash game since Melee and Pokemon remains a franchise that consistently gets cuts in spite of a lack of legal matters or engine-related issues. While Greninja is certainly in a better position than Ivysaur and Squirtle were, there's no way the Pokemon Company is going to push for Greninja to return over the new flavor-of-the-generation. The Pokemon Company, and nothing really to do with Greninja itself, makes me feel like this cut is inevitable just simply because of how often they pull this. Again, as I said with red characters already however, they'll be bottom priority. Not automatic cuts, but very likely resulting in them and likewise likely to come back as DLC.

tl;dr Green is "Lower priority", Red is "Bottom priority".
As for the dream roster, Resetti is an interesting choice, what do you want to see from him? I never thought much about his moveset, but I always thought it would be a great Easter egg if he normally had a chill icon, but if you LRAStart your match his roster icon turns angry like the one you got there.
I really love Resetti as a character in Animal Crossing and got upset when they made him only optional in New Leaf. I think having a fighter that goes into battle in a constant fit of rage would be very fun. Gameplay-wise, a lot of the support I've seen for Muddy Mole could easily be applied to Mr. Resetti himself in terms of being an underground-mobile character capable of setting up pitfalls. Between the fun mechanics and Animal Crossing easily deserving more characters than it has, Mr. Resetti would be my favorite possible addition from that series and a character I would easily support if I didn't have to worry about the actual likelihood to begin with.
Guys, I don't mean to backseat mod, but delving off into discussion about specific characters in general was what lead to this thread being locked....
My own response was simply in justifying why I have my characters marked red, yellow and green in one of my rosters. My goal was to defend the layout of my rosters as they stood, nothing more or less. I believe that puts it under fair grounds for being acceptable to post in this thread. Either way, I think we're all done with that discussion.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Nah. Doc was a lot more popular (Young Link too).

Doc has competitive popularity and genuinely had fans of his notably different playstyle like @GoldenYuiitusin

Pichu had neither of those as he's terrible and his playstyle isn't very fun (his all star trophy recommends using items and handicap for goodness sake).
Maybe not all characters are for Glory... maybe Pichu is for Fun. :awesome:

Sometimes I miss Pichu. But I'd rather have Squirtle and Ivysaur back first before Pichu.

If there's a SSB4 Switch, I would be ecstatic if it had Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Pichu... but I would be content with just Squirtle and Ivysaur.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
I really love Resetti as a character in Animal Crossing and got upset when they made him only optional in New Leaf. I think having a fighter that goes into battle in a constant fit of rage would be very fun. Gameplay-wise, a lot of the support I've seen for Muddy Mole could easily be applied to Mr. Resetti himself in terms of being an underground-mobile character capable of setting up pitfalls. Between the fun mechanics and Animal Crossing easily deserving more characters than it has, Mr. Resetti would be my favorite possible addition from that series and a character I would easily support if I didn't have to worry about the actual likelihood to begin with..
To avoid getting off topic again, I'll just leave it at ''Muddy is infinitely better than some reset-hater who isn't anywhere near close to Tom Nook or Isabelle in terms of potential''. To each their own, though..
Maybe not all characters are for Glory... maybe Pichu is for Fun. :awesome:

Sometimes I miss Pichu. But I'd rather have Squirtle and Ivysaur back first before Pichu.

If there's a SSB4 Switch, I would be ecstatic if it had Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Pichu... but I would be content with just Squirtle and Ivysaur.
I want em' all, but i'm afraid none of the three have any reason to come back with well over 800 pokemon to choose from.

Deleted member

Today I decided to reskin this roster with one particular condition: to fill the black space the current Smash Wii U roster has with all DLC characters, which lead to 13 new cases:

- Sylux and Black Shadow are removed, as this roster has 2 cases less, and are honestly the 2 most unlikely 1st-party characters of the previous roster.

- The "FE rep" case is the iffiest one, as it matches to either:
:4lucina: staying and getting the :falco: treatment.
• Or a FE newcomer who comes from a new FE or an old one, like Lyn, and relegates :4lucina: as a :4marth: like :4drmario: and :4darkpit: on my previous roster.

- "G7+ Pokémon" from my previous roster has become Decidueye.

- Elma is replaced by "Xenoblade rep", which likely leads to the Xenoblade 2 protagonist, presumably called Rex.

- The number of unlockable characters went from 20 to 18: Bowser Jr., Rosalina, Paper Mario, King K. Rool, Mr. Game & Watch, Duck Hunt, R.O.B., Ganondorf, Toon Link, Lucas, Black Shadow, Roy, Lucina, Falco, Wolf, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Greninja, Chibi-Robo, Wii Fit Trainer.
A new update with a bunch of changes:

First, I decided to make 3 versions of my roster:
- An honest version, which corresponds to what the roster would look like if the next Smash game is a Smash 4 port.
- A standard version, which corresponds to either how my honest roster would look like with DLCs or what it would like if the next Smash is an all-new game.
- And a deluxe version, which corresponds to either how my standard roster would look like with DLCs or if the next Smash game is very generous in terms of content.

Here they are with reasons included for each one:
- ICs, Wolf and Snake are back.
- 5 newcomers: Dixie Kong, Takamaru, a new Pokémon rep (either a Gen 7 or a Gen 8 Pokémon), Inkling and Rayman (added due to his trophies and to the Mario + Rabbids game).
- ICs, Wolf and Snake are back.
- 11 newcomers: Paper Mario (replacing :4drmario:), King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Takamaru, a new Pokémon rep (either a Gen 7 or a Gen 8 Pokémon), Isaac, Inkling, a new Xenoblade rep (likely from Xenoblade 2), Spring Man, Ribbon Girl (both sharing mostly the same moveset) and Rayman (added due to his trophies and to the Mario + Rabbids game).
- ICs, Wolf and Snake are back.
- 16 newcomers: Paper Mario (replacing :4drmario:), King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Takamaru, Dark Samus (as a :4samus: semi-clone), Bandana Dee, Isaac, Black Shadow (as a :4falcon: semi-clone), a new Pokémon rep (either a Gen 7 or a Gen 8 Pokémon), Chibi-Robo, a new Xenoblade rep (likely from Xenoblade 2), Inkling, Spring Man, Ribbon Girl (both sharing mostly the same moveset), Bomberman (added mostly thanks to Bomberman R) and Rayman (added due to his trophies and to the Mario + Rabbids game).

All of these rosters would be a different story if they were wishful rosters.
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Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
I've decided to make a roster based on my own lack of self-control. I'm not sure how well I can arrange this on Roster Maker due to the sheer amount of characters, but nevertheless, I will eventually.

My goal was to create the ultimate Smash Bros. roster. Pretending as if there wasn't a limit to time, resources, or even roster size. If this was the last Smash they did in the current format, before the next game reset everything back to square one and had a smaller roster with a focus on reinventing the series. So, naturally, I figured that this would have to be a huge undertaking, while still keeping a sense of cohesion. I couldn't just throw a character in willy-nilly without a proper idea in my head of how they'd work. So, using Smash 4 as a basis, I went ahead and made a roster that'd truly be the swan song to those who have followed the series since the beginning. Before I start, however, I want to note that this is including hypothetical DLC, and a lot of it. This is in no way the launch roster. I have no idea of who'd be launch and who'd be DLC, but it's a start.


Ultimate Smash.png

To the left is the starting roster, and to the right are any unlockable fighters (something which I think is a staple of the series). Now, at first sight, the main thought is probably "this is just Smash 4's roster with basically every other character in the series!"... And you'd be right. Mostly. I brought back fan-favorites Ice Climbers, Wolf, and Solid Snake, plus the surprising return of Pichu (I don't know, I feel like a self-damaging character has potential to be really unique in a game where rage exists). There are three glaring omissions,though:
  • Young Link, in my eyes, has been completely replaced by Toon Link, who was the natural progression of Young Link's concept; a younger, faster Link. And since I can't see transformations ever returning, I feel like Young Link's time has passed.
  • Squirtle and Ivysaur, while I have nothing against them, feel kind of empty without the Pokemon Trainer mechanic. I know what Project M did with them, and that isn't to say that these characters are bad choices, but I feel like having one Fire starter, one Water starter, and one Grass starter is a nice balance, and let the other Pokemon characters be more varied in their movesets.
While most of the characters stay the same as they did in previous games, custom moves will be greatly redone to allow more variety in character match-ups, with each move having different pros and cons to it. For instance, Ganondorf has the ability to change the Warlock Punch into Dead Man's Volley. While you get a projectile (and a reflect move whenever the volley is out), it can be reflected back at you like Dedede's Gordos, dealing more damage depending on how many times it's been reflected. That's just one example, however.



...Yeah, this is already looking kind of insane. More newcomers than there were overall characters in Brawl? This is in no way what I expect, but rather the final forty-ish characters I feel can be added to Smash in this hypothetical, limitless dream roster. There's no way I can explain all of them in detail, but there's a few I do want to go over:
  • The Miis get two new forms: The Mii Heavy, and the Mii Mage. The Heavy can be compared to the Swordfighter, in that it wields a giant mallet / club, but it functions like a typical tank, with some close-range grappling skills. Not much range, not too fast, but incredibly powerful. The Mii Mage is like the Gunner, in that it uses a lot of projectiles, but it focuses on elemental abilities and defense rather than the more offensive zoning that the Gunner offers.
  • Elma is a placeholder for a Xenoblade character, with my choices being her, Mecha-Fiora, or the protagonist of the upcoming Xenoblade 2. Depends on who ends up having the most unique skillset, I guess.
  • Spring Man / Ribbon Girl are placeholders for two Arms fighters. Currently, my top choices are Ribbon Girl, Spring Man, or Twintelle, but I'll need to play Arms and it's DLC fighters more to better understand it.
  • Alph is a semi-clone of Olimar, with Rock Pikmin and Flying Pikmin at his disposal in place of Olimar's Purple and White Pikmin. I'm still coming up with more unique moves for him.
  • Chorus Kids are a placeholder for a Rhythm Heaven character. They're the leading choice, but it depends on how the series continues, really. I thought about Marshall or Tibby, but they're just kind of... there.
  • Tails and Knuckles are both to Sonic as Luigi is to Mario: Similar bases, but completely different execution. Tails is based on aerial speed, and Knuckles uses power over speed.
  • Yes, another Fire Emblem character. The series is becoming incredibly important to Nintendo, and I feel like Fire Emblem on the Switch will have at least one unique character that'll stand out as a potential Smash fighter.
Any questions about character choices, I'll answer.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Cranky Kong as DLC is a terrible, TERRIBLE idea. The whole business model of DLC revolves around selling characters who are extremely popular. Cranky Kong would only be purchased by 5 people outside of the tournament organizers who have to have every character for events.

And honestly, Smash needs a drastic reduction in Fire Emblem characters. This isn't a Fire Emblem fighter. I'd reduce it to two in the base roster and if they're lucky they get a third one as an unlockable or DLC.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Cranky Kong as DLC is a terrible, TERRIBLE idea. The whole business model of DLC revolves around selling characters who are extremely popular. Cranky Kong would only be purchased by 5 people outside of the tournament organizers who have to have every character for events.

And honestly, Smash needs a drastic reduction in Fire Emblem characters. This isn't a Fire Emblem fighter. I'd reduce it to two in the base roster and if they're lucky they get a third one as an unlockable or DLC.
Not gonna delve too far into this for fear of going off topic, but since it relates to rosters in general, I'll just say this.

The series has fifteen games, going on sixteen (going on NINETEEN if you include spinoffs). Each game has its own unique cast of characters, so it's not like Zelda and especially Metroid which remain pretty much static at three or one important character(s), respectively.

How then, in our current roster of almost sixty, is six characters too much, never mind making the game a "Fire Emblem fighter?"

Once again, not trying to veer off topic, but I think this is okay since it's a roster question in a roster thread.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
A new update with a bunch of changes:

First, I decided to make 3 versions of my roster:
- An honest version, which corresponds to what the roster would look like if the next Smash game is a Smash 4 port.
- A standard version, which corresponds to either how my honest roster would look like with DLCs or what it would like if the next Smash is an all-new game.
- And a deluxe version, which corresponds to either how my standard roster would look like with DLCs or if the next Smash game is very generous in terms of content.

Here they are with reasons included for each one:
- ICs, Wolf and Snake are back.
- 5 newcomers: Dixie Kong, Takamaru, a new Pokémon rep (either a Gen 7 or a Gen 8 Pokémon), Inkling and Rayman (added due to his trophies and to the Mario + Rabbids game).
- ICs, Wolf and Snake are back.
- 11 newcomers: Paper Mario (replacing :4drmario:), King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Takamaru, a new Pokémon rep (either a Gen 7 or a Gen 8 Pokémon), Isaac, Inkling, a new Xenoblade rep (likely from Xenoblade 2), Spring Man, Ribbon Girl (both sharing mostly the same moveset) and Rayman (added due to his trophies and to the Mario + Rabbids game).
- ICs, Wolf and Snake are back.
- 16 newcomers: Paper Mario (replacing :4drmario:), King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Takamaru, Dark Samus (as a :4samus: semi-clone), Bandana Dee, Isaac, Black Shadow (as a :4falcon: semi-clone), a new Pokémon rep (either a Gen 7 or a Gen 8 Pokémon), Chibi-Robo, a new Xenoblade rep (likely from Xenoblade 2), Inkling, Spring Man, Ribbon Girl (both sharing mostly the same moveset), Bomberman (added mostly thanks to Bomberman R) and Rayman (added due to his trophies and to the Mario + Rabbids game).

All of these rosters would be a different story if they were wishful rosters.
+++Elma! Or whoever.
++ rayman
++ Ribbon girl spring man inkling
+The veterans
+ K rool, dixie
+Dark Samus
+position of random button

=anyone i havent mentioned.

--- Zelda?
-- implying Isaac is more likely than bandana dee despite the many recent Kirby games.
- paper mario
- isaac

Imo levels of satisfaction if this was the actual game: (relative. Ofc i would be happiest with the most characters)
Honest 9.5/10
Standard 7/10
Deluxe 8/10


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
The series has fifteen games, going on sixteen (going on NINETEEN if you include spinoffs). Each game has its own unique cast of characters, so it's not like Zelda and especially Metroid which remain pretty much static at three or one important character(s), respectively.

How then, in our current roster of almost sixty, is six characters too much, never mind making the game a "Fire Emblem fighter?"
My answer? It simply is. As I said, this is a Nintendo fighting game, not a Fire Emblem fighting game. Not withstanding the fact that such a niche franchise holds more roster spaces than Zelda, Fire Emblem characters on the whole are also far too similar gameplay-wise. If we added even more of them, it would doubtlessly be more of the same. Robin is the only one who truly stands out among the 6 FE characters in SSB4, so they need to be culled to reduce the homogeneity of the roster.

I don't see why Fire Emblem has greater importance and priority over any other Nintendo game. Using the sheer amount of games they've had is a ridiculous argument. There are hundreds of Nintendo games, across dozens of IP, with very passionate fanbases, who are woefully under-represented, so using your own logic they are way more deserving of representation than FE. Fire Emblem has had its time in he sun and it is time to stop hogging the roster of Smash and give other IP a turn.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Not gonna delve too far into this for fear of going off topic, but since it relates to rosters in general, I'll just say this.

The series has fifteen games, going on sixteen (going on NINETEEN if you include spinoffs). Each game has its own unique cast of characters, so it's not like Zelda and especially Metroid which remain pretty much static at three or one important character(s), respectively.

How then, in our current roster of almost sixty, is six characters too much, never mind making the game a "Fire Emblem fighter?"

Once again, not trying to veer off topic, but I think this is okay since it's a roster question in a roster thread.
I never found FE number too much for Smash until Roy decided to pop into relevance again. I dont think the issue is with the games or the characters. Just that the themeatic/mood/vibes balance has been distorted too much into the FE humanoid medieval fighters path. Its a bit too likely to face them playing on random.

But for smash5 it wouldnt be an issue for me anymore cos of newcomers. As long as they don't add any new FE reps im good. They dont need to cut anyone. I also dont want any new pokemon or mario characters but thats highly unlikely thats for diff reasons. (want other series get newcomers first).


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
My answer? It simply is. As I said, this is a Nintendo fighting game, not a Fire Emblem fighting game. Fire Emblem characters on the whole are far too similar for me to care about them. Robin is the only one who truly stands out among the 6 characters in SSB4, so they need to be culled to reduce the homogeneity of the roster.

I don't see why Fire Emblem has greater importance and priority over any other Nintendo game. There are hundreds of Nintendo games, across dozens of IP, with very passionate fanbases, who are woefully under-represented. Fire Emblem has had its time in he sun and it is time to stop hogging the roster of Smash and give other IP a turn.
But once again, is what amounts to about a tenth of the roster really "hogging" it, especially when every addition has been major character in the franchise? It's not like they added someone like Vaike or Gordin or Raigh.

More than that though, you can let other series get expanded on the roster without gutting the Fire Emblem roster. Those two aren't mutually exclusive.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
But once again, is what amounts to about a tenth of the roster really "hogging" it, especially when every addition has been major character in the franchise?
Yes... my answer is yes. You're not getting another answer out of me, they ARE hogging it. It's as simple as that. I wouldn't have a problem with it if they were Pokemon, since there is huge enough variety among pokemon for them to easily be able to pick standout characters, but instead nearly all the FE characters are homogenous and boring swordsmen.

And as to your other statement, I think they are mutually exclusive, because fighting games with large rosters are much more difficult to balance properly, so they are rather self-limiting in this regard.
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Deleted member

Opo, you're honestly wasting your time with questioning about his stance on FE. Trust me.
You would have an easier time convincing me the "Grass Starter" logic holds any merit for Decidueye if that says anything.

Best to just leave this be.
Last edited by a moderator:


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Let's try not to get the thread locked again. Discussing Fire Emblem representation as a whole is off topic here.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Let's try not to get the thread locked again. Discussing Fire Emblem representation as a whole is off topic here.
Is it really though? I'm not continuing it for reasons basically everyone else said, but is a discussion of roster size really off topic in a roster thread?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Is it really though? I'm not continuing it for reasons basically everyone else said, but is a discussion of roster size really off topic in a roster thread?
In regards to individual rosters sure, but I'm more concerned of the usual happening when it comes to stuff like this. I just don't want the thread to get locked twice in the same week.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I've decided to make a roster based on my own lack of self-control. I'm not sure how well I can arrange this on Roster Maker due to the sheer amount of characters, but nevertheless, I will eventually.

My goal was to create the ultimate Smash Bros. roster. Pretending as if there wasn't a limit to time, resources, or even roster size. If this was the last Smash they did in the current format, before the next game reset everything back to square one and had a smaller roster with a focus on reinventing the series. So, naturally, I figured that this would have to be a huge undertaking, while still keeping a sense of cohesion. I couldn't just throw a character in willy-nilly without a proper idea in my head of how they'd work. So, using Smash 4 as a basis, I went ahead and made a roster that'd truly be the swan song to those who have followed the series since the beginning. Before I start, however, I want to note that this is including hypothetical DLC, and a lot of it. This is in no way the launch roster. I have no idea of who'd be launch and who'd be DLC, but it's a start.

To the left is the starting roster, and to the right are any unlockable fighters (something which I think is a staple of the series). Now, at first sight, the main thought is probably "this is just Smash 4's roster with basically every other character in the series!"... And you'd be right. Mostly. I brought back fan-favorites Ice Climbers, Wolf, and Solid Snake, plus the surprising return of Pichu (I don't know, I feel like a self-damaging character has potential to be really unique in a game where rage exists). There are three glaring omissions,though:
  • Young Link, in my eyes, has been completely replaced by Toon Link, who was the natural progression of Young Link's concept; a younger, faster Link. And since I can't see transformations ever returning, I feel like Young Link's time has passed.
  • Squirtle and Ivysaur, while I have nothing against them, feel kind of empty without the Pokemon Trainer mechanic. I know what Project M did with them, and that isn't to say that these characters are bad choices, but I feel like having one Fire starter, one Water starter, and one Grass starter is a nice balance, and let the other Pokemon characters be more varied in their movesets.
While most of the characters stay the same as they did in previous games, custom moves will be greatly redone to allow more variety in character match-ups, with each move having different pros and cons to it. For instance, Ganondorf has the ability to change the Warlock Punch into Dead Man's Volley. While you get a projectile (and a reflect move whenever the volley is out), it can be reflected back at you like Dedede's Gordos, dealing more damage depending on how many times it's been reflected. That's just one example, however.

...Yeah, this is already looking kind of insane. More newcomers than there were overall characters in Brawl? This is in no way what I expect, but rather the final forty-ish characters I feel can be added to Smash in this hypothetical, limitless dream roster. There's no way I can explain all of them in detail, but there's a few I do want to go over:
  • The Miis get two new forms: The Mii Heavy, and the Mii Mage. The Heavy can be compared to the Swordfighter, in that it wields a giant mallet / club, but it functions like a typical tank, with some close-range grappling skills. Not much range, not too fast, but incredibly powerful. The Mii Mage is like the Gunner, in that it uses a lot of projectiles, but it focuses on elemental abilities and defense rather than the more offensive zoning that the Gunner offers.
  • Elma is a placeholder for a Xenoblade character, with my choices being her, Mecha-Fiora, or the protagonist of the upcoming Xenoblade 2. Depends on who ends up having the most unique skillset, I guess.
  • Spring Man / Ribbon Girl are placeholders for two Arms fighters. Currently, my top choices are Ribbon Girl, Spring Man, or Twintelle, but I'll need to play Arms and it's DLC fighters more to better understand it.
  • Alph is a semi-clone of Olimar, with Rock Pikmin and Flying Pikmin at his disposal in place of Olimar's Purple and White Pikmin. I'm still coming up with more unique moves for him.
  • Chorus Kids are a placeholder for a Rhythm Heaven character. They're the leading choice, but it depends on how the series continues, really. I thought about Marshall or Tibby, but they're just kind of... there.
  • Tails and Knuckles are both to Sonic as Luigi is to Mario: Similar bases, but completely different execution. Tails is based on aerial speed, and Knuckles uses power over speed.
  • Yes, another Fire Emblem character. The series is becoming incredibly important to Nintendo, and I feel like Fire Emblem on the Switch will have at least one unique character that'll stand out as a potential Smash fighter.
Any questions about character choices, I'll answer.
Chorus kids
Dark samus
Spring man
Ribbon girl
Waddle dee
Simon belmont
Wolf Snake ICs.

Not Elma.
Skull Kid
Chibi Robo
More miis tho mii heavy is a good idea ive never heard before.

More FE
Knuckles Tails.....
Banjo kazzoie
Shovel knight
Phoenix wright
Paper mario

4/10 for me. I wouldnt personally be happy about the choices. Tho ur balance is very varied and thats perfect.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Based on this Source Gaming article, assuming that Smash gets up to a hundred characters at some point, who would you want to see?

This would be my list; I'll put the explanations under a spoiler tag to save space.

No Cuts: with a hundred characters, there's no reason for it. I brought back every previously cut character, aside from Young Link (seeing as Toon Link's a replacement for him - they cover the exact same concept, with the only difference being appearance)

Limit of Two Characters per Third Party Company: as much as I wanted to include Eggman or Dante from Devil May Cry, I couldn't justify it to myself.

Mario characters: Toad seems to be the only core Mario character remaining, and Captain Toad gives him a more consistent identity and moveset to work with. (plus, it means Peach's moves won't have to change) I wanted to include an RPG character, and while I debated including Geno, Fawful is extremely popular, fully owned by Nintendo, and still left out of spin-offs for whatever reason.

Donkey Kong characters: Dixie and K. Rool are both clear choices for a future Donkey Kong character, and with 100 spots on the roster, there's no reason not to include both of them

Wario characters: while I could have gone with a Wario Ware microgame host, I felt like Captain Syrup would have more to work with. Plus, I find it odd that there are no pirates in the game, unless you stretch it to include Toon Link, and she's had at least four boss fights across the Wario Land games, which should be enough to work with.

Metroid characters: Ridley is long overdue, while Sylux was playable in Metroid Prime Hunters and is being set up to have a role in future Metroid Prime games

Zelda characters: even with a Majora's Mask themed moveset, I couldn't justify having half of the Zelda roster consist of Link variations. Midna and Skull Kid are both characters whose popularity has endured even if they only had a major role in a single game, and both could have very interesting movesets going by Majora's Mask/Twilight Princess and Hyrule Warriors.

Earthbound characters: I wanted a character who didn't use psychic powers, to guarantee that we'd get something unique. Between Masked Man and Porky, I felt like Porky worked better since he bridges Ness and Lucas's games.

Pokemon characters: bringing back Pichu might be controversial, but I figure if the rage mechanic becomes a mainstay, that would help him out a lot, though ideally his moves would be changed (to make him less of a clone, and to make it so he has more non-electric attacks). Squirtle and Ivysaur were completely unique; I get why they were cut in Smash 4 (they removed transformations and didn't want to risk putting too much emphasis on Pokemon in general or Gen. 1 in particular), but with a hundred characters, that isn't as big of a concern. Then there's Decidueye, who seems to be the new fan favourite.

Star Fox characters: bringing back Wolf is a no-brainer, and I added Krystal so that the franchise would have more options as far as unique movesets are concerned.

Kirby characters: Bandanna Dee is quickly becoming part of Kirby's core cast. Meanwhile, Dark Matter is the series' longest-running villain from what I recall (find it hard to consider Dedede a villain after Kirby's Dream Land), and the sword fighter mode seems best suited to a game like this (especially since it recently reappeared in Planet Robobot - the standard Dark Matter form would work as a final smash).

Kid Icarus characters: Medusa is the classic Kid Icarus villain, and she got shafted in Uprising. Besides, her boss fight in Uprising seems to have a lot of elements that could work in Smash, though it's been a while since I've played it so I'm not 100% certain.

Pikmin characters: Alph seems like he could easily become a semi-clone as opposed to an alternate costume

Animal Crossing characters: Isabelle's the breakout star of the AC franchise, making an appearance in Mario Kart of all games. Plus, her klutziness could result in her having a very different moveset from the Villager - think Phoenix Wright in MvC3.

Xenoblade characters: Fiora seems to be really popular, making an appearance in Project X Zone 2 over Shulk (though that could have been due to her similarities with KOS-MOS), and Elma's arguably the most important character in Xenoblade Chronicles X. (Cross, the player created character, seems like a blank slate, and most of the story seems to focus on Elma)

Retro characters: Star Tropics is well-known enough to make it onto the NES Classic - I get that the game never came out in Japan, so the dev team isn't as likely to have heard of Mike Jones, but in this day and age, that shouldn't be much of a factor. Sukapon is the main character of Joy Mech Fight, Nintendo's first fighting game, and it would be fitting to see him make a return in Smash. Takamaru was considered for Smash before, and Amazon's from the NES game Pro Wrestling so having it in Smash seems to work well. (of the wrestlers in that game, it looked the most distinctive)

Other Nintendo characters: the removal of Custom Robo and Golden Sun from Smash was just weird, especially since Isaac and Ray seem like they'd work really well as playable characters. I chose Isa over Saki because Isa's jetpack seems to give him more mobility options, while Saki's generally stuck on the ground. (plus he has a tag team mechanic with Kachi, which could work for some specials) The "Wars" games are a long running Nintendo franchise, with Andy seeming to be the face of it (at least in the West), and Eternal Darkness is a Nintendo-owned property that is very different from anything that Nintendo's done (at the very least, I'd love to see a stage that incorporates the game's sanity effects).

The Wonderful 101 seems like the sort of franchise that the developers would want to give a boost, and Inklings are obvious. Looking over the roster, I realized that I forgot to include Spring Man or Ribbon Girl, but I think I'll wait to see if ARMS is actually a success.

Third Party characters: I kept all of them, because there's no reason not to (assuming that every company cooperates). Bomberman and Ryu Hayabusa have a long history with Nintendo, dating back to the NES (and Koei-Tecmo has been very buddy-buddy with Nintendo lately, with Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Warriors). Heihachi was considered for Smash 4, though there'd be no way that he'd make it in over Pac-Man, and he's quite different from the other characters in that he's the face of his franchise despite being the main villain.

I considered a Dragon Quest character or Crono from Chrono Trigger as a second Square-Enix character, but I wanted to have a wider variety of genres from Square-Enix beyond RPGs, and of those, Tomb Raider is easily the biggest non-RPG franchise that they have. I don't get why Rayman wasn't in Smash 4 to begin with (they clearly talked to Ubisoft to get permission to include his trophy), and Shovel Knight is a huge phenomenon. It even has activity books, which isn't exactly something you can say about 99% of indie games.

For Terry Bogard, SNK has been making a comeback and Terry's moves (much like Ryu's) seem to transfer seamlessly into Smash. As for Travis Touchdown, Suda 51 has been asking Sakurai to include him for years, and he's showing no signs of giving up. Plus, he'd just be a lot of fun.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Based on this Source Gaming article, assuming that Smash gets up to a hundred characters at some point, who would you want to see?

This would be my list; I'll put the explanations under a spoiler tag to save space.

No Cuts: with a hundred characters, there's no reason for it. I brought back every previously cut character, aside from Young Link (seeing as Toon Link's a replacement for him - they cover the exact same concept, with the only difference being appearance)

Limit of Two Characters per Third Party Company: as much as I wanted to include Eggman or Dante from Devil May Cry, I couldn't justify it to myself.

Mario characters: Toad seems to be the only core Mario character remaining, and Captain Toad gives him a more consistent identity and moveset to work with. (plus, it means Peach's moves won't have to change) I wanted to include an RPG character, and while I debated including Geno, Fawful is extremely popular, fully owned by Nintendo, and still left out of spin-offs for whatever reason.

Donkey Kong characters: Dixie and K. Rool are both clear choices for a future Donkey Kong character, and with 100 spots on the roster, there's no reason not to include both of them

Wario characters: while I could have gone with a Wario Ware microgame host, I felt like Captain Syrup would have more to work with. Plus, I find it odd that there are no pirates in the game, unless you stretch it to include Toon Link, and she's had at least four boss fights across the Wario Land games, which should be enough to work with.

Metroid characters: Ridley is long overdue, while Sylux was playable in Metroid Prime Hunters and is being set up to have a role in future Metroid Prime games

Zelda characters: even with a Majora's Mask themed moveset, I couldn't justify having half of the Zelda roster consist of Link variations. Midna and Skull Kid are both characters whose popularity has endured even if they only had a major role in a single game, and both could have very interesting movesets going by Majora's Mask/Twilight Princess and Hyrule Warriors.

Earthbound characters: I wanted a character who didn't use psychic powers, to guarantee that we'd get something unique. Between Masked Man and Porky, I felt like Porky worked better since he bridges Ness and Lucas's games.

Pokemon characters: bringing back Pichu might be controversial, but I figure if the rage mechanic becomes a mainstay, that would help him out a lot, though ideally his moves would be changed (to make him less of a clone, and to make it so he has more non-electric attacks). Squirtle and Ivysaur were completely unique; I get why they were cut in Smash 4 (they removed transformations and didn't want to risk putting too much emphasis on Pokemon in general or Gen. 1 in particular), but with a hundred characters, that isn't as big of a concern. Then there's Decidueye, who seems to be the new fan favourite.

Star Fox characters: bringing back Wolf is a no-brainer, and I added Krystal so that the franchise would have more options as far as unique movesets are concerned.

Kirby characters: Bandanna Dee is quickly becoming part of Kirby's core cast. Meanwhile, Dark Matter is the series' longest-running villain from what I recall (find it hard to consider Dedede a villain after Kirby's Dream Land), and the sword fighter mode seems best suited to a game like this (especially since it recently reappeared in Planet Robobot - the standard Dark Matter form would work as a final smash).

Kid Icarus characters: Medusa is the classic Kid Icarus villain, and she got shafted in Uprising. Besides, her boss fight in Uprising seems to have a lot of elements that could work in Smash, though it's been a while since I've played it so I'm not 100% certain.

Pikmin characters: Alph seems like he could easily become a semi-clone as opposed to an alternate costume

Animal Crossing characters: Isabelle's the breakout star of the AC franchise, making an appearance in Mario Kart of all games. Plus, her klutziness could result in her having a very different moveset from the Villager - think Phoenix Wright in MvC3.

Xenoblade characters: Fiora seems to be really popular, making an appearance in Project X Zone 2 over Shulk (though that could have been due to her similarities with KOS-MOS), and Elma's arguably the most important character in Xenoblade Chronicles X. (Cross, the player created character, seems like a blank slate, and most of the story seems to focus on Elma)

Retro characters: Star Tropics is well-known enough to make it onto the NES Classic - I get that the game never came out in Japan, so the dev team isn't as likely to have heard of Mike Jones, but in this day and age, that shouldn't be much of a factor. Sukapon is the main character of Joy Mech Fight, Nintendo's first fighting game, and it would be fitting to see him make a return in Smash. Takamaru was considered for Smash before, and Amazon's from the NES game Pro Wrestling so having it in Smash seems to work well. (of the wrestlers in that game, it looked the most distinctive)

Other Nintendo characters: the removal of Custom Robo and Golden Sun from Smash was just weird, especially since Isaac and Ray seem like they'd work really well as playable characters. I chose Isa over Saki because Isa's jetpack seems to give him more mobility options, while Saki's generally stuck on the ground. (plus he has a tag team mechanic with Kachi, which could work for some specials) The "Wars" games are a long running Nintendo franchise, with Andy seeming to be the face of it (at least in the West), and Eternal Darkness is a Nintendo-owned property that is very different from anything that Nintendo's done (at the very least, I'd love to see a stage that incorporates the game's sanity effects).

The Wonderful 101 seems like the sort of franchise that the developers would want to give a boost, and Inklings are obvious. Looking over the roster, I realized that I forgot to include Spring Man or Ribbon Girl, but I think I'll wait to see if ARMS is actually a success.

Third Party characters: I kept all of them, because there's no reason not to (assuming that every company cooperates). Bomberman and Ryu Hayabusa have a long history with Nintendo, dating back to the NES (and Koei-Tecmo has been very buddy-buddy with Nintendo lately, with Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Warriors). Heihachi was considered for Smash 4, though there'd be no way that he'd make it in over Pac-Man, and he's quite different from the other characters in that he's the face of his franchise despite being the main villain.

I considered a Dragon Quest character or Crono from Chrono Trigger as a second Square-Enix character, but I wanted to have a wider variety of genres from Square-Enix beyond RPGs, and of those, Tomb Raider is easily the biggest non-RPG franchise that they have. I don't get why Rayman wasn't in Smash 4 to begin with (they clearly talked to Ubisoft to get permission to include his trophy), and Shovel Knight is a huge phenomenon. It even has activity books, which isn't exactly something you can say about 99% of indie games.

For Terry Bogard, SNK has been making a comeback and Terry's moves (much like Ryu's) seem to transfer seamlessly into Smash. As for Travis Touchdown, Suda 51 has been asking Sakurai to include him for years, and he's showing no signs of giving up. Plus, he'd just be a lot of fun.
Sounds fun! Here's how I'd do mine.

- All 58 Smash 4 veterans return.
- Ice Climbers, Wolf, Snake, Squirtle, and Ivysaur also return, bringing the total up to 63 characters. Ivysaur is controlled by Red in the background.
- Thirty seven newcomers.

Mario and Related Series: Captain Toad, Waluigi, King Boo, E. Gadd, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong, King K. Rool

Legend of Zelda: Impa, Midna, Ghirahim, Skull Kid, Darunia

Pokémon: Snorlax, Decidueye, Shiftry

Fire Emblem: Chrom, Celica, Alm, Caeda

Kirby: Bandana Dee, Magalor

Star Fox, F-Zero, Pikmin, and Animal Crossing, Punch-Out!!: Slippy, Samurai Goroh, Alph, Isabelle, King Hippo

New Franchises: Inkling, Chorus Kids, Starfy, Henry Fleming, Muddy Mole, Spring Man

Third Parties: Crash Bandicoot, Lara Croft, Frogger, Maxwell, Shovel Knight

A lot are more out-there personal choices, but hey. It's 100 characters, it's already unrealistic. :p
Apr 19, 2015
Based on this Source Gaming article, assuming that Smash gets up to a hundred characters at some point, who would you want to see?
Might as well do one myself. I'm too lazy to make an image, though.

- All 58 veterans return (no reason to cut any if the roster is that big)
- ICs, Wolf, Snake, Squirtle and Ivysaur also return.


Mario: Captain Toad, Waluigi
Yoshi: Kamek
Donkey Kong: King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong
Wario: Ashley
Zelda: Ganon, Midna
Metroid: Ridley
Kirby: Bandana Dee, Magolor, Dark Matter
Star Fox: Krystal
Pokemon: Gengar, Decidueye, Incineroar
Earthbound: Porky
F-Zero: Samurai Goroh
Kid Icarus: Medusa
Pikmin: Alph
New series: Isaac, Chibi-Robo, Inkling, Spring Man, Andy, Takamaru, Marshal, Wonder Red, Mach Rider, Dillon, Saki, Ray
Third-parties: Bomberman, Rayman, Ryu Hayabusa, Crash Bandicoot

37 newcomers total. I gave in to my bias more than I usually do.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Based on this Source Gaming article, assuming that Smash gets up to a hundred characters at some point, who would you want to see?
Jesus, now this roster idea is gonna take some time.

All Smash 4 vets return with Squirtle + Ivysaur + Snake + ICs + Wolf. (63)
Mario: Daisy, Cap Toad.
DK: Dixie, K. Rool.
Wario: Ashley, Mona.
Zelda: Mipha, Vaati.
KI: Medusa, Viridi.
FE: Micaiah, Anna, Azura.
Kirby: Bandana Dee, Adeleine.
Starfox: Krystal.
Pokemon: Clefairy, Decidueye, Mimikyu.
AC: Isabelle, Tom Nook.
Xenoblade: Elma.
Style Savvy: Sophie.
Chibi Robo: Chibi Robo.
Splatoon: Inkling.
Nikki: Nikki.
Retro: Lip, Takamaru.
Sega: Tails, NiGHTS, Ulala, Arle.
Namco: Xiaoyu, Valkyrie.
Capcom: Viewtiful Joe.
Square Enix: Terra, Bartz.
Ubisoft: Child of Light's Aurora, Rayman I guess.
Konami: Simon (Judgement outfit :awesome:)
Other: Cooking Mama, Shantae.

So 105 characters, I think.

I CLEARLY didn't pull this out of my biased ass at all.
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