The latest Dynasty Warriors installment has over 70 playable characters.
It would be a shame if Hyrule Warriors only had 4-5 playable characters. This is the one game where they can go all out on making playable characters for a Zelda series.
Copy over from my post at a Zelda forum:
This brings to the question, what will the Neutral side be? In these games, there are always
-Good(Which I assume to be Hylian/Kokiri/others that help link)
-Bad(Ganondorf's minion's and the human-like bosses, of course)
-Neutral - Hard to say, who do you think would be playable characters in this side? Would be interesting to discuss.
My guesses so far for the characters, though.
Good - Zelda, Link, Sheik, Impa, Midna(Human form), Hero's Shade(Would be awesome), some of the warriors that you meet in Telma's bar from TP, and I guess, possibly, Fierce Deity.
Bad - Dark Link, Ganondorf, Demise, Vaati, Hilda, Yuga, Ghirahim, Sorcerer's Sisters.
Neutral - So far, I only really have one guess of who I think will be in the Neutral team, and that's Zant. I think everyone who's played TP will understand why I chose him to be Neutral.