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Event - E3 Invitational 2014 E3 2014 Rumor/Leak Discussion Thread

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Richard Nixon

Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2013
Watergate Hotel and Office Building
Pikachu's ears, Kirby's foot, and Sonic's shoe are all tiny bits of the characters that, when popped out, add graphic depth to the banner and make it look a little nicer from a design perspective, conveniently without obscuring the other characters. You'll notice none of the other characters overlay the panel borders, and that's not because those series aren't getting newcomers. It's simply because their artwork would get in the way of another characters' artwork. Pikachu, Kirby, and Sonic just happen to be designed/positioned in a way that allows for little bits of their art to overlap nicely without intruding much.

What I'm saying is, it's a design decision to improve the banner. It's just a design decision to improve the banner. There's no solid reason to believe otherwise.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Eh, on a first glance the outlines don't change color depending on where they're at, unlike with the playable characters.

Don't really want to spend much more time on a Tails picture honestly, a second Sonic rep is too far-fetched to make me spend time on.


Sep 26, 2013
Here you go:
Yeah, I'm just going to call bull.

I've noticed a trend. In all of these picture 'leaks', Reggie, Shulk, Tails, that the person taking the picture only ever takes an EXTREME CLOSEUP of the character and nothing else. At least the Palutena leak had Mario in it.

I think the majority of people would believe them more if they weren't always closeups.
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Smash Ace
May 22, 2014
Lurking on the Social Thread
Well, let's think about this. First off, I remember someone pointed out earlier in this thread concerning the Best Buy demo, if my theory of 5x10 is correct, they organized the columns the simplest way.


Now if this is correct, this means that Sonic's column would naturally have 5 slots. If that were true, even if Snake came back and Pac-Man made it in, that would leave 1 slot remaining. Tails, being a 3rd party, could naturally fit into this under Sonic. Now let's take a look at our close up Twin Tailed Fox and our close up Fastest thing alive

First off, I must say the detail they put into Tail's is quite good. The outlines are all where they need to be. The hand where it is "inside his foot" area has no outline, only the area around it. However, the hands of tails are much more shaded around the wrists. For the rest of the outline, as far as I can visually tell, it's the same as Sonic, the outline only covers the edges of his body, and nothing inside, such as the hand example I mentioned. What about the shoes?

The shading around the soles of Tails seems a bit different, however that could be attributed to outline thickness.

My final conclusion? Hex do your magic, this as good as I can do x.x

EDIT: As pointed out, the mouth is off from what Tails usually features. However his smile does appear to be larger than Sonic, part of the detail could be hard to make out due to the angle.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2013
Pikachu's ears, Kirby's foot, and Sonic's shoe are all tiny bits of the characters that, when popped out, add graphic depth to the banner and make it look a little nicer from a design perspective, conveniently without obscuring the other characters. You'll notice none of the other characters overlay the panel borders, and that's not because those series aren't getting newcomers. It's simply because their artwork would get in the way of another characters' artwork. Pikachu, Kirby, and Sonic just happen to be designed/positioned in a way that allows for little bits of their art to overlap nicely without intruding much.

What I'm saying is, it's a design decision to improve the banner. It's just a design decision to improve the banner. There's no solid reason to believe otherwise.
What's odd though is that last time it was ONLY Pikachu, even though the others were on that banner too, and we ended up getting a Pokemon newcomer.

And it's not like Sakurai has never teased us before.


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
Eh, on a first glance the outlines don't change color depending on where they're at, unlike with the playable characters.

Don't really want to spend much more time on a Tails picture honestly, a second Sonic rep is too far-fetched to make me spend time on.
Don't cast away leaks. Remember the

Deleted member

Pikachu's ears, Kirby's foot, and Sonic's shoe are all tiny bits of the characters that, when popped out, add graphic depth to the banner and make it look a little nicer from a design perspective, conveniently without obscuring the other characters. You'll notice none of the other characters overlay the panel borders, and that's not because those series aren't getting newcomers. It's simply because their artwork would get in the way of another characters' artwork. Pikachu, Kirby, and Sonic just happen to be designed/positioned in a way that allows for little bits of their art to overlap nicely without intruding much.

What I'm saying is, it's a design decision to improve the banner. It's just a design decision to improve the banner. There's no solid reason to believe otherwise.
While that may be true, it's kinda fun to speculate regardless just to have something to do before Mario Kart/E3 arrive.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2013
Honestly, I'm not so sure why everyone is soo excited? Remember, even if this IS true, it doesn't mean newcomers. Pikachu could very well mean Mewtwo and Jigglypuff, which, I find quite odd to be honest since Jigglypuff is always that 'hidden' character... And Kirby is most likely a tweaked Meta-Knight. If Yoshi got revealed in a Direct due to a new posture, I have no doubts MK will be shown at E3 to see his changes*nerfs*.

Sonic doesn't mean a 2nd Sonic rep either. Could very well just mean the very expected Pac-Man.
People think they must be newcomers because in the previous banner, ONLY Pikachu was popped out, and out of the 5 characters shown in that direct, the only newcomer was a Pokemon. If the new banner is hinting at vets, why weren't Link/Zelda and Samus popped out of the previous banner for Sheik and ZSS reveals?

As for Jiggs not getting revealed because she's a hidden character, I'm gonna guess that the "hidden" thing isn't applying here like it did in the Brawl Dojo. Why? Because we've already seen Luigi and Marth, and both of them are always hidden too. Also, look at the sum totals; are we really gonna have 5 Mario characters (6 with Yoshi) and 4 Pokemon as starters? That seems a bit odd, unless there just aren't any unlockables this time, or unless they intend to add even more Mario characters.


Sep 26, 2013
People think they must be newcomers because in the previous banner, ONLY Pikachu was popped out, and out of the 5 characters shown in that direct, the only newcomer was a Pokemon. If the new banner is hinting at vets, why weren't Link/Zelda and Samus popped out of the previous banner for Sheik and ZSS reveals?

As for Jiggs not getting revealed because she's a hidden character, I'm gonna guess that the "hidden" thing isn't applying here like it did in the Brawl Dojo. Why? Because we've already seen Luigi and Marth, and both of them are always hidden too. Also, look at the sum totals; are we really gonna have 5 Mario characters (6 with Yoshi) and 4 Pokemon as starters? That seems a bit odd, unless there just aren't any unlockables this time, or unless they intend to add even more Mario characters.
But Charizard isn't a newcomer, he was classified as a veteran by Sakurai. Pokemon only got one newcomer, the other was a veteran.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2012
Hmm that Tails picture, even if fake, is well done. The black outlines are drawn on correctly (i.e. there are no outlines where Tails' body parts overlap themselves). Also, upon first glance (just basing this off the clouds), the stage seems to either be the Spirit Tracks one, or Windy Hill.

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
Hmm that Tails picture, even if fake, is well done. The black outlines are drawn on correctly (i.e. there are no outlines where Tails' body parts overlap themselves). Also, upon first glance (just basing this off the clouds), the stage seems to either be the Spirit Tracks one, or Windy Hill.
I thought about this earlier when polo went to compare Spirit Tracks to this BG and had no results. Perhaps it's the 3D land stage? That would also fit the cloud aesthetic, so perhaps we should see if similar cloud patterns are in a 3DS shot of that stage

Shadow Ganon

Smash Cadet
May 15, 2006
Posting this here because it debunks those leaks I've seen regarding who is playing in the invitational and what the roster will be.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2013
But Charizard isn't a newcomer, he was classified as a veteran by Sakurai. Pokemon only got one newcomer, the other was a veteran.
Um... what? I never said Charizard was a newcomer.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2012
I thought about this earlier when polo went to compare Spirit Tracks to this BG and had no results. Perhaps it's the 3D land stage? That would also fit the cloud aesthetic, so perhaps we should see if similar cloud patterns are in a 3DS shot of that stage
Yea I haven't been able to find a cloud pattern on the Spirit Tracks stage that perfectly resembles the Tails BG. 3D Land would be a good contender, but from the pictures released, the clouds don't match that stage either.

I guess the fact that it's been difficult to associate the clouds to a stage previously revealed to the public would add to the authenticity of the leak.

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
Well, this denies that one CSS leak from the other day I reckon.
Not necessarily. The Best Buy demo could have less characters than the pro tourney. It certainly does hurt the leak very badly though

Also on the superstition side, Olimar's hand also leaves his border.


Sep 26, 2013
Not necessarily. The Best Buy demo could have less characters than the pro tourney. It certainly does hurt the leak very badly though

Also on the superstition side, Olimar's hand also leaves his border.
The thing is though, it's not just 'less' characters, it's a whole batch of characters not on that 'demo'

I'm calling bull.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 6, 2014
England, Cardboard Box
I thought about this earlier when polo went to compare Spirit Tracks to this BG and had no results. Perhaps it's the 3D land stage? That would also fit the cloud aesthetic, so perhaps we should see if similar cloud patterns are in a 3DS shot of that stage
The problem with 3D land is that all the clouds join are on the horizon and I couldn't find one seperate in the miiverse picture. My best guess is that it comes from the direct or the announcement trailer but I dont have time to look through them


Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2012
OMG I can't contain all this hype. Is that an official Smash Bros. GameCube controller????!!!!!!!!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2013
OMG I can't contain all this hype. Is that an official Smash Bros. GameCube controller????!!!!!!!!
I feel like those will just be for the official tourney, but I will absolutely buy one (or four) if they're made public.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2014
North Charleston, SC
Posting this here because it debunks those leaks I've seen regarding who is playing in the invitational and what the roster will be.
.....the end of the video made me so freaking happy.....they listened to us.....we finally have wired Wii U controllers.....and they're Gamecube......as a compeititive player, I'm so freaking happy.....
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Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
I still do wonder how. I mean there was that whole lawsuit business that got them to stop being made in the first place I thought?

Also I just went through all the press releases, PotD's and character pages. Not one has clouds that match the Tails leak.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2012
I'm assuming the playable characters mentioned (Little Mac, ZSS, Bowser, WFT, Marth Mega Man, Pit, Villager, Pikachu, Mario, Link, Kirby, Samus, Rosalina, Sonic, DK, Greninja, Olimar, Zelda, Fox), is the roster for the Best Buy demo.

Which I'm completely happy with.

Shadow Ganon

Smash Cadet
May 15, 2006
I'm assuming the playable characters mentioned (Little Mac, ZSS, Bowser, WFT, Marth Mega Man, Pit, Villager, Pikachu, Mario, Link, Kirby, Samus, Rosalina, Sonic, DK, Greninja, Olimar, Zelda, Fox), is the roster for the Best Buy demo.

Which I'm completely happy with.
I'm excited that we might get to see every single one of their final smashes as well.
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Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
I'm assuming the playable characters mentioned (Little Mac, ZSS, Bowser, WFT, Marth Mega Man, Pit, Villager, Pikachu, Mario, Link, Kirby, Samus, Rosalina, Sonic, DK, Greninja, Olimar, Zelda, Fox), is the roster for the Best Buy demo.

Which I'm completely happy with.
All this means now is our next faker will make a CSS featuring those characters.

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
This isn't about the invitational just fyi (I will say Nintendo is very likely aware of any behavioral issues players like M2K may have been a part of in the past, as such, it's their right to not want people like that to represent the Sm4sh product)

What about Battlefield or Lumiose City? They both have blue skies and clouds. Do either set of clouds match Tails or does only Spirit Tracks do it?
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Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Well, let's think about this. First off, I remember someone pointed out earlier in this thread concerning the Best Buy demo, if my theory of 5x10 is correct, they organized the columns the simplest way.


Now if this is correct, this means that Sonic's column would naturally have 5 slots. If that were true, even if Snake came back and Pac-Man made it in, that would leave 1 slot remaining. Tails, being a 3rd party, could naturally fit into this under Sonic. Now let's take a look at our close up Twin Tailed Fox and our close up Fastest thing alive

First off, I must say the detail they put into Tail's is quite good. The outlines are all where they need to be. The hand where it is "inside his foot" area has no outline, only the area around it. However, the hands of tails are much more shaded around the wrists. For the rest of the outline, as far as I can visually tell, it's the same as Sonic, the outline only covers the edges of his body, and nothing inside, such as the hand example I mentioned. What about the shoes?

The shading around the soles of Tails seems a bit different, however that could be attributed to outline thickness.

My final conclusion? Hex do your magic, this as good as I can do x.x

EDIT: As pointed out, the mouth is off from what Tails usually features. However his smile does appear to be larger than Sonic, part of the detail could be hard to make out due to the angle.
Tails' shoes are considerably rougher than Sonic's. There's no way Sonic's shoes would look so smooth and Tails' would look so rough. I agree with you about the shading at his wrists, that doesn't look what we've seen so far. This could be an early picture of Tails before his model was quite finished, but it's doubtful seeing as how close the 3DS release is. I'm fairly certain this a fake.

The fake 3DS images like these tend to come in groups (we just had a Reggie one); there seems to be one guy who puts out a bunch of fakes at time. I believe last time there was G&W fake and a fake showing a Green Hill Zone as a returning stage on the 3DS. It's likely form the same source.

This image doesn't include any other characters, most likely, because it would require them to come from another image and we would easily spot it as fake. There have been leaked pics debunked that way numerous times.

I had a bad feeling the best Smash players might get left out, since Nintendo left it to an Instagram contest and not a battle of skills.
The instagram contest was to decide one special fan who gets to compete against a winner of the tournament, not to pick the tournament players.
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