Okay, I've kept this charade going long enough. Time for me to come clean.
I made the CSS leak images. =P It was my little treat in honor of not being able to do a project like the Kirby Hats for this game. With the help of some friends from deviantART, we put together a master file based on all the content we amassed from the Direct, and then went to town. I posted the original 2 and then my friends posted the rest. I dunno where that Ridley image came from though. o_o
I didn't actually know what the real font was until today, after I posted the For Fun/For Glory image at the WhatTheFont forums at myfonts.com. Had I thought to look for it earlier, I would have used it in the leak, but alas, all I could do was use what I had at my disposal.
It was a fun romp while it lasted, but I couldn't let it last forever.