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Event - E3 Invitational 2014 E3 2014 Rumor/Leak Discussion Thread

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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
New leak apparently, it involves the invitational:
  1. Categorized by Real name - Alias

  2. Players:

  3. Kevin Toy - PewPewU
  4. McCain LaVelle - MacD
  5. Christopher Szygiel - PC Chris
  6. Daniel Jung - KoreanDJ
  7. Lilian Wei - Milktea
  8. Gonzalo Barrios - ZeRo
  9. Neha Chhetri - Lilo
  10. Kevin Nanney - PPMD
  11. Kris Aldenderfer - Toph
  12. Hendrick Pilar - DJ Nintendo
  13. Dakota Lasky - Rapture
  14. Justin Hallett - Wizzrobe
  15. Samantha McNaughton - Peachyhime
  16. Hugo Gonzalez - HugS
  17. Ken Hoang - Ken
  18. Cristin DeSaro - Crismas

  19. Commentators:

  20. D'Ron Maingrette - D1
  21. Wynton Smith - Prog


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
I really don't think it fair for Mother to be the only series to lose reps. I feel like Sakurai would realize Mother fans would feel scorned if they were the ONLY series to be down reps.
I agree. That was just my personal preference.

Deleted member

In regard of Lucas, there is no reason for him to be cut:
1.Doesn't make much sense for a series losing a rep with no replacement
2.I've heard somewhere that Sakurai is a Mother fan(I need confirmation on this)


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
I asked on Gfaqs, but could you post an example from Brawl of this happening, side by side to what occurs with Ridley's portrait?
I cant get video footage myself, but this video should demonstrate the fact that the character boxes "Bounce" when you go over them.


This bounce is achieved by raising the pixels of the box.

(And the fact its a mod showcase doesnt change this, because it does this in the vanilla game, I just couldnt find a good video with the vanilla CSS)

Deleted member

I really don't think it fair for Mother to be the only series to lose reps. I feel like Sakurai would realize Mother fans would feel scorned if they were the ONLY series to be down reps.
I agree. No series has ever really gone down in reps in Smash history. (Mario losing Doc from Melee to Brawl is highly debatable, as Wario and Diddy were added, and while they have different icons from the Mushroom icon, one can't deny they are part of the greater Mario universe.)

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
I cant get video footage myself, but this video should demonstrate the fact that the character boxes "Bounce" when you go over them.


This bounce is achieved by raising the pixels of the box.

(And the fact its a mod showcase doesnt change this, because it does this in the vanilla game, I just couldnt find a good video with the vanilla CSS)
...That....its hard to make out, but I saw it on Sheik....so what this suggests is a new theory. Image 3 could be real, and the image was taken the second Ridley was selected, thus his box would pop out and be out of place to other static boxes.

Well, this is certainly interesting. The 3rd image, if this is correct, now has no issues.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
Wrote a thread in Wii U general discussion about some detective work I did about that character select screen leak. Somebody suggested I repost my findings in this thread.

The original thread is here: http://smashboards.com/threads/definitive-proof-that-the-character-select-leak-is-fake.356301/

Copy paste of that thread below:


I've been looking at the screenshots and doing a bit of research based on what I know about graphic design and photography. Here are my findings.

The most telling image is this one:

If we look at the, we can see some pixelation. Somebody who's decent at creating hoaxes knows that some screen aliasing, or "moire" as it's sometimes called, makes for a convincing image, as does pixelation when up close.

The nice thing about anti-aliasing on raster images is that it's easy to count to columns of pixels to deduce facts about the image. In this case, I found that the circle portion of the metroid icon is 17px in diameter, and the circle surrounding the franchise icon is 34-35px (give or take)

One thing I know about producing graphics for video games is that most graphics are raster (made of pixels). When you design for a specific device with a specific resolution, you create menu art so that the pixels of the art match perfectly with the pixels of the screen, so that no resampling is taking place, and you get as sharp an image as possible.

Knowing that this game is in 720p or 1080p, we can deduce whether or not this dimension makes sense in the context of a resolution that large. Below is an image with a reproduced metroid icon using the dimensions stipulated in the above image.

Compositing the other screenshots to match the size of the pixel-perfect metroid icon, we can see that even with some margin of error, the supposed character select screen doesn't fill a 720p resolution, and doesn't even come close to filling a 1080p resolution.

The only way the icon could be that small and still have the content fill the screen is if the graphic of the metroid icon is being UPscaled for the menu, and that would be a terribly sloppy thing coming from a seasoned video game developer. It's one thing to upscale rendered 3D models, but it's another thing to create art for a menu that has to be upscaled. There's no reason for that.

Furthermore, when you take a picture that's close enough to the screen that you can see pixels, you SHOULD see some sub-pixel separation (the red green and blue elements of a pixel have a slight gap between them that is typically indiscernible at a distance, but very apparent up close.

Not only that, but with most camera lenses, taking a picture that close and at that angle would result in some blurriness somewhere in the image, because the depth of field can't possibly be that large. Plus, content that is that far off center in the shot is NEVER auto-focused on, so why the heck is that metroid icon that sharp in the first place? We shouldn't be able to see pixelation that easily without some blurriness.

AND EVEN STILL, what kinda screen are we looking at that the colors don't distort at such a sharp angle? Is the guy using a magic camera??

I took the liberty of taking a photo of that metroid icon at actual resolution (pixels of the image match the pixels of the screen) at a similar angle with some elements around it to replicate the context. here's what it looks like:

I used my iPhone to take the photo. I also took some photos with my DSLR, but I couldn't even get the dang thing in focus being that close to the subject. What are the chances the guy had a macro lens with him? Pretty slim.

This is a photo of an IPS panel, which has very good color fidelity at sharp angles, and even this screen doesn't keep colors as well in a photo. You have to stage a photograph REALLY well to keep screen artifacts to a minimum, and what are the chances a photographer got the chance to do that? As you can see, the subpixel separations are very apparent, which is not the case in the "leak."

Also.... the perspective of these images doesn't really make that much sense, which is what happens when you use a free transform in Photoshop to produce the perspective. Photoshop distortion isn't the same as camera lens distortion, which produces fisheye. There is little to no fisheye on these images, and the only way that would come from a camera is if the photographer zoomed in from a distance, rather than taking the picture up close. What are the chances of the images being this crisp and clear under those circumstances??

Hopefully if you weren't sure before, you can be sure now. These images just SCREAM "fake." I give the guy props for thinking of putting the moire and trying to use the multiple angles thing to pass it off as real, but he can't fool me.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
@ aldelaro5 aldelaro5 Welp, go try that out. I don't have Brawl on hand.
Just checked with dolphin and free look with a huge zoom in.

When you hover, the box does "pop out" but goes back to his initial position after

Initial position:

When you hover:

So, yes it does move from some pixels but it doesn't raise the box it makes it pop out.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Just checked with dolphin and free look with a huge zoom in.

When you hover, the box does "pop out" but goes back to his initial position after

Initial position:

When you hover:

So, yes it does move from some pixels but it doesn't raise the box it makes it pop out.
While that is coincidental, it doesn't matter since it didn't happen with Marth.

That's my predicted roster.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Olimar looks so out of place in the front row, which makes me feel like that spot is for a 3rd DK Rep. Olimar just doesn't fit with all of those franchises up top. I don't know where I'd put him though. (I'd personally put him in the Chorus Men spot, but I understand you are going by the Sal leak.)

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
Just checked with dolphin and free look with a huge zoom in.

When you hover, the box does "pop out" but goes back to his initial position after

Initial position:

When you hover:

So, yes it does move from some pixels but it doesn't raise the box it makes it pop out.
But we have a precedent now from a prior game that could explain the issue. That is a big deal concerning our debate from last night.

While that is coincidental, it doesn't matter since it didn't happen with Marth.
It only happens when you first hover over the box. Marth could have been hovered over a few seconds, so your argument is invalid to this evidence.
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Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
Just checked with dolphin and free look with a huge zoom in.

When you hover, the box does "pop out" but goes back to his initial position after

Initial position:

When you hover:

So, yes it does move from some pixels but it doesn't raise the box it makes it pop out.
Good proof there. Despite the fact, we don't know how SSB4 works entirely, so this proves that being a few pixels different does not matter, as it does change position in brawl.

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
I'm just seriously wondering why it's not the whole box that is moving on this leak if it was moving.
Perhaps it did? The box may have either just began expanding, or just about finished shrinking.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
In this case, the right border should be off (why only the bottom?)


euh... I don't know anything about competitive despite m2k but is this good?
It could pop out a different way then, perhaps up and down and not right out at you. That could explain the issue as well.

Deleted member

I feel like they (the players) would have said something by now.
I wouldn't be too sure about that, especially because this is an official Nintendo event. I feel like they wouldn't be allowed to say anything until Nintendo gives an OK.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 25, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Wrote a thread in Wii U general discussion about some detective work I did about that character select screen leak. Somebody suggested I repost my findings in this thread.

The original thread is here: http://smashboards.com/threads/definitive-proof-that-the-character-select-leak-is-fake.356301/

Copy paste of that thread below:


I've been looking at the screenshots and doing a bit of research based on what I know about graphic design and photography. Here are my findings.

The most telling image is this one:

If we look at the, we can see some pixelation. Somebody who's decent at creating hoaxes knows that some screen aliasing, or "moire" as it's sometimes called, makes for a convincing image, as does pixelation when up close.

The nice thing about anti-aliasing on raster images is that it's easy to count to columns of pixels to deduce facts about the image. In this case, I found that the circle portion of the metroid icon is 17px in diameter, and the circle surrounding the franchise icon is 34-35px (give or take)

One thing I know about producing graphics for video games is that most graphics are raster (made of pixels). When you design for a specific device with a specific resolution, you create menu art so that the pixels of the art match perfectly with the pixels of the screen, so that no resampling is taking place, and you get as sharp an image as possible.

Knowing that this game is in 720p or 1080p, we can deduce whether or not this dimension makes sense in the context of a resolution that large. Below is an image with a reproduced metroid icon using the dimensions stipulated in the above image.

Compositing the other screenshots to match the size of the pixel-perfect metroid icon, we can see that even with some margin of error, the supposed character select screen doesn't fill a 720p resolution, and doesn't even come close to filling a 1080p resolution.

The only way the icon could be that small and still have the content fill the screen is if the graphic of the metroid icon is being UPscaled for the menu, and that would be a terribly sloppy thing coming from a seasoned video game developer. It's one thing to upscale rendered 3D models, but it's another thing to create art for a menu that has to be upscaled. There's no reason for that.

Furthermore, when you take a picture that's close enough to the screen that you can see pixels, you SHOULD see some sub-pixel separation (the red green and blue elements of a pixel have a slight gap between them that is typically indiscernible at a distance, but very apparent up close.

Not only that, but with most camera lenses, taking a picture that close and at that angle would result in some blurriness somewhere in the image, because the depth of field can't possibly be that large. Plus, content that is that far off center in the shot is NEVER auto-focused on, so why the heck is that metroid icon that sharp in the first place? We shouldn't be able to see pixelation that easily without some blurriness.

AND EVEN STILL, what kinda screen are we looking at that the colors don't distort at such a sharp angle? Is the guy using a magic camera??

I took the liberty of taking a photo of that metroid icon at actual resolution (pixels of the image match the pixels of the screen) at a similar angle with some elements around it to replicate the context. here's what it looks like:

I used my iPhone to take the photo. I also took some photos with my DSLR, but I couldn't even get the dang thing in focus being that close to the subject. What are the chances the guy had a macro lens with him? Pretty slim.

This is a photo of an IPS panel, which has very good color fidelity at sharp angles, and even this screen doesn't keep colors as well in a photo. You have to stage a photograph REALLY well to keep screen artifacts to a minimum, and what are the chances a photographer got the chance to do that? As you can see, the subpixel separations are very apparent, which is not the case in the "leak."

Also.... the perspective of these images doesn't really make that much sense, which is what happens when you use a free transform in Photoshop to produce the perspective. Photoshop distortion isn't the same as camera lens distortion, which produces fisheye. There is little to no fisheye on these images, and the only way that would come from a camera is if the photographer zoomed in from a distance, rather than taking the picture up close. What are the chances of the images being this crisp and clear under those circumstances??

Hopefully if you weren't sure before, you can be sure now. These images just SCREAM "fake." I give the guy props for thinking of putting the moire and trying to use the multiple angles thing to pass it off as real, but he can't fool me.
The picture you analyzed has already been assumed to be fake and posted by a different person than the original leaker. I know nothing about the photography lingo that you use and I'm not able to view the images you posted, but does what you're talking about apply to the original 2 pictures as well?
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Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
I wouldn't be too sure about that, especially because this is an official Nintendo event. I feel like they wouldn't be allowed to say anything until Nintendo gives an OK.
Correct, no way they don't have a NDA. Even if you asked, no one would admit it, without fear of legal action.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
It could pop out a different way then, perhaps up and down and not right out at you. That could explain the issue as well.
Do remember that the effect has to be visible (otherwise it doesn't make sense) so I'm not sure but it wouldn't look visible for me.

The picture you analyzed has already been confirmed fake. I know nothing about the photography lingo that you use and I'm not able to view the images you posted, but does what you're talking about apply to the original 2 pictures as well?
would love to know that as well.
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Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
Do remember that the effect has to be visible (otherwise it doesn't make sense) so I'm not sure but it wouldn't look visible for me.
Without more pictures, it's impossible to say either way. Either way, the debunk has been debunked, so we're back to it could go either way, unless the 3rd image has another issue

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
New leak apparently, it involves the invitational:
Zero is the guy who won Apex this year right? I've played him in melee, he's a pretty cool dude.

I don't know though there are a few names that seem to be missing.

(If Mew2King isn't invited Mewtwo might not be coming back :( because they'd be afraid he'd rage)


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I can't take this anymore. Why should I care any more when it can go either way? It could be fake, it could be real, who knows anymore? Maybe we will get a peek of the screen at E3. See ya then.
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Without more pictures, it's impossible to say either way. Either way, the debunk has been debunked, so we're back to it could go either way, unless the 3rd image has another issue
Wrote a thread in Wii U general discussion about some detective work I did about that character select screen leak. Somebody suggested I repost my findings in this thread.

The original thread is here: http://smashboards.com/threads/definitive-proof-that-the-character-select-leak-is-fake.356301/

Copy paste of that thread below:


I've been looking at the screenshots and doing a bit of research based on what I know about graphic design and photography. Here are my findings.

The most telling image is this one:

If we look at the, we can see some pixelation. Somebody who's decent at creating hoaxes knows that some screen aliasing, or "moire" as it's sometimes called, makes for a convincing image, as does pixelation when up close.

The nice thing about anti-aliasing on raster images is that it's easy to count to columns of pixels to deduce facts about the image. In this case, I found that the circle portion of the metroid icon is 17px in diameter, and the circle surrounding the franchise icon is 34-35px (give or take)

One thing I know about producing graphics for video games is that most graphics are raster (made of pixels). When you design for a specific device with a specific resolution, you create menu art so that the pixels of the art match perfectly with the pixels of the screen, so that no resampling is taking place, and you get as sharp an image as possible.

Knowing that this game is in 720p or 1080p, we can deduce whether or not this dimension makes sense in the context of a resolution that large. Below is an image with a reproduced metroid icon using the dimensions stipulated in the above image.

Compositing the other screenshots to match the size of the pixel-perfect metroid icon, we can see that even with some margin of error, the supposed character select screen doesn't fill a 720p resolution, and doesn't even come close to filling a 1080p resolution.

The only way the icon could be that small and still have the content fill the screen is if the graphic of the metroid icon is being UPscaled for the menu, and that would be a terribly sloppy thing coming from a seasoned video game developer. It's one thing to upscale rendered 3D models, but it's another thing to create art for a menu that has to be upscaled. There's no reason for that.

Furthermore, when you take a picture that's close enough to the screen that you can see pixels, you SHOULD see some sub-pixel separation (the red green and blue elements of a pixel have a slight gap between them that is typically indiscernible at a distance, but very apparent up close.

Not only that, but with most camera lenses, taking a picture that close and at that angle would result in some blurriness somewhere in the image, because the depth of field can't possibly be that large. Plus, content that is that far off center in the shot is NEVER auto-focused on, so why the heck is that metroid icon that sharp in the first place? We shouldn't be able to see pixelation that easily without some blurriness.

AND EVEN STILL, what kinda screen are we looking at that the colors don't distort at such a sharp angle? Is the guy using a magic camera??

I took the liberty of taking a photo of that metroid icon at actual resolution (pixels of the image match the pixels of the screen) at a similar angle with some elements around it to replicate the context. here's what it looks like:

I used my iPhone to take the photo. I also took some photos with my DSLR, but I couldn't even get the dang thing in focus being that close to the subject. What are the chances the guy had a macro lens with him? Pretty slim.

This is a photo of an IPS panel, which has very good color fidelity at sharp angles, and even this screen doesn't keep colors as well in a photo. You have to stage a photograph REALLY well to keep screen artifacts to a minimum, and what are the chances a photographer got the chance to do that? As you can see, the subpixel separations are very apparent, which is not the case in the "leak."

Also.... the perspective of these images doesn't really make that much sense, which is what happens when you use a free transform in Photoshop to produce the perspective. Photoshop distortion isn't the same as camera lens distortion, which produces fisheye. There is little to no fisheye on these images, and the only way that would come from a camera is if the photographer zoomed in from a distance, rather than taking the picture up close. What are the chances of the images being this crisp and clear under those circumstances??

Hopefully if you weren't sure before, you can be sure now. These images just SCREAM "fake." I give the guy props for thinking of putting the moire and trying to use the multiple angles thing to pass it off as real, but he can't fool me.
As for this?

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
As for this?
I don't really get the photo mumbo jumbo tbqh lol. Far as I can tell, it just says it's possible it's fake, and it's be hard to pull off those images with his phone. Doesn't say it's impossible though.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2014
North Charleston, SC
Wrote a thread in Wii U general discussion about some detective work I did about that character select screen leak. Somebody suggested I repost my findings in this thread.

The original thread is here: http://smashboards.com/threads/definitive-proof-that-the-character-select-leak-is-fake.356301/

Copy paste of that thread below:


I've been looking at the screenshots and doing a bit of research based on what I know about graphic design and photography. Here are my findings.

The most telling image is this one:

If we look at the, we can see some pixelation. Somebody who's decent at creating hoaxes knows that some screen aliasing, or "moire" as it's sometimes called, makes for a convincing image, as does pixelation when up close.

The nice thing about anti-aliasing on raster images is that it's easy to count to columns of pixels to deduce facts about the image. In this case, I found that the circle portion of the metroid icon is 17px in diameter, and the circle surrounding the franchise icon is 34-35px (give or take)

One thing I know about producing graphics for video games is that most graphics are raster (made of pixels). When you design for a specific device with a specific resolution, you create menu art so that the pixels of the art match perfectly with the pixels of the screen, so that no resampling is taking place, and you get as sharp an image as possible.

Knowing that this game is in 720p or 1080p, we can deduce whether or not this dimension makes sense in the context of a resolution that large. Below is an image with a reproduced metroid icon using the dimensions stipulated in the above image.

Compositing the other screenshots to match the size of the pixel-perfect metroid icon, we can see that even with some margin of error, the supposed character select screen doesn't fill a 720p resolution, and doesn't even come close to filling a 1080p resolution.

The only way the icon could be that small and still have the content fill the screen is if the graphic of the metroid icon is being UPscaled for the menu, and that would be a terribly sloppy thing coming from a seasoned video game developer. It's one thing to upscale rendered 3D models, but it's another thing to create art for a menu that has to be upscaled. There's no reason for that.

Furthermore, when you take a picture that's close enough to the screen that you can see pixels, you SHOULD see some sub-pixel separation (the red green and blue elements of a pixel have a slight gap between them that is typically indiscernible at a distance, but very apparent up close.

Not only that, but with most camera lenses, taking a picture that close and at that angle would result in some blurriness somewhere in the image, because the depth of field can't possibly be that large. Plus, content that is that far off center in the shot is NEVER auto-focused on, so why the heck is that metroid icon that sharp in the first place? We shouldn't be able to see pixelation that easily without some blurriness.

AND EVEN STILL, what kinda screen are we looking at that the colors don't distort at such a sharp angle? Is the guy using a magic camera??

I took the liberty of taking a photo of that metroid icon at actual resolution (pixels of the image match the pixels of the screen) at a similar angle with some elements around it to replicate the context. here's what it looks like:

I used my iPhone to take the photo. I also took some photos with my DSLR, but I couldn't even get the dang thing in focus being that close to the subject. What are the chances the guy had a macro lens with him? Pretty slim.

This is a photo of an IPS panel, which has very good color fidelity at sharp angles, and even this screen doesn't keep colors as well in a photo. You have to stage a photograph REALLY well to keep screen artifacts to a minimum, and what are the chances a photographer got the chance to do that? As you can see, the subpixel separations are very apparent, which is not the case in the "leak."

Also.... the perspective of these images doesn't really make that much sense, which is what happens when you use a free transform in Photoshop to produce the perspective. Photoshop distortion isn't the same as camera lens distortion, which produces fisheye. There is little to no fisheye on these images, and the only way that would come from a camera is if the photographer zoomed in from a distance, rather than taking the picture up close. What are the chances of the images being this crisp and clear under those circumstances??

Hopefully if you weren't sure before, you can be sure now. These images just SCREAM "fake." I give the guy props for thinking of putting the moire and trying to use the multiple angles thing to pass it off as real, but he can't fool me.
I feel like you guys should be talking about this more than anything. I mean, I have no idea what most of this stuff means cuz I'm not really into all this drawing...picture...stuff, but from what he's saying, it seems legit. Probably the most well explained explanation out of this whole thread. And he's pretty confident in it too. I figured this is more important to talk about than character select portraits popping out.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
I don't really get the photo mumbo jumbo tbqh lol. Far as I can tell, it just says it's possible it's fake, and it's be hard to pull off those images with his phone. Doesn't say it's impossible though.
Basically he is saying that it is way to pixelated to be an HD game.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
I feel like you guys should be talking about this more than anything. I mean, I have no idea what most of this stuff means cuz I'm not really into all this drawing...picture...stuff, but from what he's saying, it seems legit. Probably the most well explained explanation out of this whole thread. And he's pretty confident in it too. I figured this is more important to talk about than character select portraits popping out.
That is what I tough

But anyway this still doesn't tell me who came originally with the ip story and does this evidence applies to the first 2 pic?
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