Age: 20
Location: Philadelphia
Political View: I'm with Alt4 on this one. I hate labeling myself, so it depends on the issue.
Your availability: Any day of the week, but after 7 PM till around midnight, but it's a bit flexible.
Some sort of way of contact: my aim is blazedaces . My gmail is and an e-mail to that is the best way to contact me in the shortest amount of time if I'm not on aim.
Hope there's still spots left...
Good luck everybody,
Edit: Sorry this was changed, but I was reminded by somebody's post this is starting on the 9th and I'm moving to a new apartment on the 12th. If it's possible to avoid just that one day it would be helpful. Again, I'm flexible even on this. I'm sure that for example by late night on the 12th I'll probably be able to access a computer, but the fact of the matter is I'm crossing my fingers comcast actually shows up on that day that I set up an appointment and they're simply not reliable.
I always have the lab I work at or the library for internet, but still...