Smash Journeyman
I decided to take out my old N64, that I got for Christmas when I was younger. I took a ton of crappy quality pics for your viewing pleasure.
Here's the N64: I'll keep this thing my whole lifetime if I can. It's a classic console.
Here's my four controllers:
For the longest time, we only had 3. But two years ago, I was in a Gamestop, which no longer carried N64 games or accessories. I noticed a grey N64 controller sitting on the shelf behind the counter. I asked the clerk how much it was, and he immediately handed it to me and told me that someone had given it to them for free since they would not buy it from him, so he just gave it to me for free. What a steal that was!
Unfortunately, all four of the controllers have worn out joysticks, due to me and my friends playing games like Mario Party and Smash on them so much.
Here's our holy smash 64 cartridge:
There's tons of great games for the 64, my first video game was Super Mario 64:
So, let's start up the game, just have to blow into it a few times and it's ready to go.
The intro starts playing, in case you didn't start tapping start:
Look at those cute Yoshi's:
Until finally we see the title screen:
It's always fun playing VS matches on the console:
There's plenty of single player fun though:
And finally, it's always fun to read the character descriptions for nostalgia:
That's about all the pics I took. Do you still have your N64? I'd love to see some pics. It's amazing how this game is still alive today.
Here's the N64: I'll keep this thing my whole lifetime if I can. It's a classic console.
Here's my four controllers:
For the longest time, we only had 3. But two years ago, I was in a Gamestop, which no longer carried N64 games or accessories. I noticed a grey N64 controller sitting on the shelf behind the counter. I asked the clerk how much it was, and he immediately handed it to me and told me that someone had given it to them for free since they would not buy it from him, so he just gave it to me for free. What a steal that was!
Unfortunately, all four of the controllers have worn out joysticks, due to me and my friends playing games like Mario Party and Smash on them so much.
Here's our holy smash 64 cartridge:
There's tons of great games for the 64, my first video game was Super Mario 64:
So, let's start up the game, just have to blow into it a few times and it's ready to go.
The intro starts playing, in case you didn't start tapping start:
Look at those cute Yoshi's:
Until finally we see the title screen:
It's always fun playing VS matches on the console:
There's plenty of single player fun though:
And finally, it's always fun to read the character descriptions for nostalgia:
That's about all the pics I took. Do you still have your N64? I'd love to see some pics. It's amazing how this game is still alive today.