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Durango CO / Farmington NM Area - Monthly Smash Tourneys

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Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
Wednesday i will never be able to make it. got crossover on Wednesdays. Friday, and saturdays would be the best days for me to make it down next semester. but i have to see what football is going to look like.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Hey guys what does DSC stand for? Durango Smash Crew? I have no idea :(

Also, reading from previous posts, it seems like you southern smashers are starting to boom, thats good, hopefully we can all set up a time and place for a North vs South CO tourney or something epic like that.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
we have 5 good smashers everyone else we are currently training

and i think we are about to lose too due to people moving.


Smash Cadet
Dec 15, 2006
Farmington, NM
For the play n trade weekly...

If you are searching for a night I think Tues, Thur, Fri, or Sat are the best days, and if you do get a weekly event going I would try to show up every week.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2005
Ontario, CA
Weekly smash bros at PlayNTrade

I'm trying to avoid Friday and Saturday's mostly because those are our busiest nights. Tuesday or Thursday sounds great to me though. Does anyone object to Tuesday evenings? As soon as I have a day of the week set I'll start advertising to make sure a lot of competition shows up.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
well non of will be going tell after new years but any day besides Wednesday would be alright.

Also the new and improved offical DSC signature

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
"DSC ABROAD" lol... Sweet man, Ima start a new southern TX area thread soon, try and get the valley's scene going soon.

**** straight Southern Colorado is boom'n. Bout time too!

DSC = Durango Smash Crew


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
its good to be in dallas again. OHSNAP 2 is next week, i cant wait. BUT im down for weeklies any day of the week so its up to mike and ben...

jordan: last i checked alaska, south dakota, oh, and as well as a few african countries need their smash scene jump started>>> but dont forget, 4 corners is where you started pimpin. DSC ABROAD!


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
i didnt thing others would be up for weekely 50 minute drives just for a smashfest.


ill probly catch a ride with jared(9) sometimes but for the most part ill prob just wait for a tourny to come round.

on the other hand id do well to pratice aganst the farmington people.

whatever, ill do what i do. (or it it "ill do what i did"?)
i was looking at the sig, and i didnt i couldnt realize what was missing... and then it hit me, no space animals. why are there no space animals in durango? all my good combos are on fast fallers:'(

you find that Rome disc yet? it really is a kick ass show. you should watch it. (and send it back)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
farmington is not a bad drive to have some fun smash matches. I proabally wont go every week but i will make it an effort to get down there. At least we don't have a 20 hour drive like textbook. now that is dedication. /sarcasm.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
sweet. i will destroyed by many at ohsnap 2 this week. same thing will go for host 2. but the experience will make me SO much better i cant wait for either; last HUGE tourny i went to was in '04. hows the lone star state treatin ya so far? i walked outside saturday with a jacket on and right away i was like wait a second... perfect weather in dallas.

Buz Buzkil

Smash Cadet
Dec 18, 2006
lol I know....about time I joined this.....anyways.

So yeah I spent the last few days cursing at this site....doesn't like hotmail email accounts...grrr....

so yeah if you see my email on this site...ignore it lol....agswanson@fortlewis.edu will not be in existance too much longer. So use FenrirMount@hotmail.com


Just wanted to say hi...read as much as I can handle for now. Can't wait to smash again. And now I am going to go watch as the snow starts to fall again :(

buz buz buz buz

Buz Buzkil

Smash Cadet
Dec 18, 2006
ok I am catching up on this thread hehe.....lol yeah those donuts were freaking me out....hello in the passenger seat :( hehe....but sooo cool...awesome job very NINJA Jordan

Also...for a smash night if you guys want another to join when I can...best days are Saturdays or Fridays...I work early and have classes early.

Yes I am practicing during the break (now that my memory card is mine again mwhahaha)....go pika power....anyways . . .



Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
When: 1/13/07
Where: 17370 Caribou Dr. E. Monument Co, 80132
Rules: Mlg rules
Entry FEe: $5 for singles $5 for doubles, $2 for food.
The Tournament will obviously begin around 12pm-1pm. Everyone is allowed to stay the night so i suggest that people bring blankets and stuff. Also, i would suggest bring some extra money just incase you randomly get hungary. There is a bunch of restaurants here. Um other then that, make sure you have breakfast before you come and just try too respect house rules.
Im also thinking about having a giant food eating thing after the tournament at a local chilli's restaurant to celebrate Christmas/New Year. So i guess just start saying whether or not you want to do this or not. If the answer is yes, bring some extra money.
Whos bringing what:
Bloshi- Tv and Cube
El_LoVo- 2 Tv's and Cube
Chap- Cube
The Marronator-cube

(more tv's plz and possibly a computer that can do the brackets for us)

MLG Rules:
8min time limit
2 out 3
4 stock
no items
stages allowed: Yoshi's Story, Battlefield, Final Destination, Dreamland 64, Fountain of Dreams, Pk Stadium.
cheating will result in a game loss and if again, match loss....
Counter pick stages: Basically any stage that is outrageous like icicle mountain, rainbow cruiz, poke floats etc no crappy stages like that....

no time limit
4 stock
best 2 out of 3
The rest of the rules are the same as 1v1

Also- there are many players coming to this, so i had to adjust the date while giving some and losing some people. But i set it for the 13th because durango smash players are gonna make it then. And, there are players from ddrfreak.com coming so theres going to be more people then normal...definitely.....


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
GWEN another D smasher on the forum W00t

oh and melee worked me out guys we need to step up our game but i think jared and victor would be a great match to watch two different syles of marth. I think melee might have a bit of an edge but it would be close.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
The new guys I play with here are making me get some new experience its great, they can beat me a good portion of the time and Im learning alot more, including new link combos :D yay!


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Hey Guys, please let me know when you start you weekly smash tournaments due to the fact that I want to start adding you to the ranking system for NVGA Colorado Chapter.as well as advertise for your tournaments on the C3 website. If you haven't been to the ranking system yet go here:


If you have any questions about this go here:


for just hit me up here.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
i dont even have a gamecube at my place so its easy to forget about smash for break.

i played bloshi, spirit dragon, and thlm over break though.

spiritdragon: (#1 ranked in CO/ ferdi) plays sheik and 4stocked me. since 9 said he hates sheiks aswell i think he would own us all.

bloshi has a verry nice yoshi. he also beat me, except for once.

THML (the other guy who mains ganon) and i were even in wins.
spiritdragon said he thoght i was a bit better (which would make me the #1 ganon main in CO... as far as i know :D) but i think THML was way more professional and would do better in the tournment scene. i really need to work on the revirse Uair.
they were just wowed by my downB spikes.

o ya, spirit dragon, hands down, has the best ganon. hes just pro. Beat me with every alt he had. (but i did beat his ganon once. while he was messing around on the ledge with ganon, i got 2 quick spikes:))
he also had verry nice falcon punch combos.


Buz Buzkil

Smash Cadet
Dec 18, 2006
No Smash bros and lots of snow in Denver....very quiet...so bored :(

I will be back to practicing in the next few days.



Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
i dont even have a gamecube at my place so its easy to forget about smash for break.

i played bloshi, spirit dragon, and thlm over break though.

spiritdragon: (#1 ranked in CO/ ferdi) plays sheik and 4stocked me. since 9 said he hates sheiks aswell i think he would own us all.

bloshi has a verry nice yoshi. he also beat me, except for once.

THML (the other guy who mains ganon) and i were even in wins.
spiritdragon said he thoght i was a bit better (which would make me the #1 ganon main in CO... as far as i know :D) but i think THML was way more professional and would do better in the tournment scene. i really need to work on the revirse Uair.
they were just wowed by my downB spikes.

o ya, spirit dragon, hands down, has the best ganon. hes just pro. Beat me with every alt he had. (but i did beat his ganon once. while he was messing around on the ledge with ganon, i got 2 quick spikes:))
he also had verry nice falcon punch combos.

Wtf too much credit :psycho:

Anyways, sorry about the no replies to your post for like a couple days, I was so busy with some family coming from Texas and I had to shovel up so much snow that I'm tired of winter already -_- why couldn't this happen during school.

Moving on, all you need is practice, more mindgames, and less spiking(unless its eddie spiking[the uair spike]) and your Gannon is set. Because the way you played was really flawed, like down b'ing when you're pressured can lead to very unsatisfactory results, plus its easy to avoid so its generally not a good thing to do unless you're using it to KO in which there are better options. You also needed to use Fair more, its just the cream of the crop move of Gannon's, massive damage and knockback, fairly huge hitbox, strong priority, the works! But you were lacking in it and used his Bair more, although Bair is generally safer cause its slightly less predicted it is generally only used to edgeguard. Once again, more fairs >.< it can hit below the sweetspot line of a ledge so you can KO people that way.

Next is your general move pattern, its too predictable, sometimes I would just wait there and see where you're teching and then just grab you out of it, very predictable Sheik mindset but I guess you just haven't played with many Sheiks so I can understand that. But you should do more things to avoid this, like rolling(Gannon's is one of the best cause its fast and can be spammed) or just jumping out of shield immediately out of your tech. Also, you needed to shieldgrab more, just anticipate dash attacks/blocked aerials and grab.

The stomp is a very powerful move, although its a meteor spike and so having it being cancelled puts you at a disadvantage, so try to stay away from this, just use it when you're chaining it against fastfallers. His Uair spike is good in a couple of ways, first, its hitbox is great, able to get near sweetspotters, and just anyone further away from the ledge, use it alot more. Also, chaingrabbing, DThrow chaingrab whatever the hell you can, always try, if it works awesome, if it doesnt then Uthrow to techchase/uair/whatever. Work on your Wavedashing because it makes Gannon faster, and trust me, the speed is needed.

Tech whenever you can! Ledges/Walls/Ground techs can all save your life from the momentum it gives you!(<3 teching Gannon's jab) And so you should try to. Also, I suggest getting a secondary to cover up for your Gannon's weakness, because quite a few characters outweight him in comboability and generally easy kills. Your Down B spike is unexpected XD try to use it if you know the person is trying to sweetspot(they go below or around the middle of the side of the stage) so you can give them a suprise when they get back up, seriously, you get that spike like everytime and its mad good.

I'll hopefully get to play most of you guys at MM's tourney, just practice up, play more against these specific characters: Fox/Marth/Sheik/Link/Luigi/Peach/Yoshi/Jiggz/ICs/C.Falcon and up that mindgame tenfold.


Stomp at 81% to tapion punch
and Ban FD against Falco. God I hate that bird...


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
thanks for advice SD.

some of that stuff i knew and am working on, like needing to WD, platformdash and eddie spike.

but some of the stuff you told me changes my mentality, the guys here in durango tell me not to roll and downB spike.
i tried to stop rolling because of this, but i do remember someone saying ganon had one of, if not the best, rolls.

ya, i think the downBing thing when frustrated comes from 4 years of playing smash like a casual party game. if you think i downB too much now, you should have seen me 2 month ago.

nobody here in durango really meteor cancels (except for duha when he's jiggly) but i still should stick with the reverse Uair until i learn it.

i obviously dont present much of a challenge, but i dont think i was giving you too much credit. i think the reason you didnt play sheik much that night was that you would 4stock me the majority of the time.
once you get old enough to travel to tournaments on your own terms, i think you could start making a name for yourself.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Ferdi you make it sound like your the ganon masta hehe, im sure i could eat your ganon with mine XP. Lol but for the most part good advice

Zenjamin- Ganon is sopposed to roll, but im sure the way your doing it is wrong. Ganon should roll to gain distance faster also, its a good getaway move. But if you just keep constantly rolling behind someone then thats not good. Anyways, im just saying all this based off of what i read.

Buz Buzkil- everytime i see the end of your posts and it says "buzz" you make me want to punch a baby because it is that annoying.. plz stop the gayness


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
ya, i used to roll behind people all the time. and that's probably what nin9 was talking about. I've stopped that now(for the most part)

saying buz at the end of a post is not nearly as annoying as "yo, this is dancing fighter G" at the begining of every post.
gwens a cool person so please dont give her crap in the durango forum.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Ferdi you make it sound like your the ganon masta hehe, im sure i could eat your ganon with mine XP. Lol but for the most part good advice

Zenjamin- Ganon is sopposed to roll, but im sure the way your doing it is wrong. Ganon should roll to gain distance faster also, its a good getaway move. But if you just keep constantly rolling behind someone then thats not good. Anyways, im just saying all this based off of what i read.

Buz Buzkil- everytime i see the end of your posts and it says "buzz" you make me want to punch a baby because it is that annoying.. plz stop the gayness
Didn't we Gannon ditto? I remember it led to a Falcon ditto =/

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
LOL so I got "challenged" (as this guy would put it) down here to what I thought was just a simple few friendly games. First thing that happens when I meet this guy is his ripping on my video and how he thinks I made a bid scene by moving down here ( I dont know the guy but hes ripping into me anyway rofl). So, I proceed to 4 stock him after he repeatedly tries to ice climber infinite me... The guy gets so mad that he kicks me out... WTF. Texas is weird rofl... Long live ness, didn't need my link.

So the first tournament is coming up down here, Dan is a good player and he says that the guys that host these things are pretty **** good even after playing me, so this sounds like it will be fun. Ill let you know how it goes and see if I can record some for ya. DSC FTW


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
Hey Duha, when are you heading back into Durango?

ya, i got smashed... hard
by eggs, mallets, butt lasers, and sheik's emo high heels.
they do have smash skill on me.

(looks at SD)
i have a car.
ney na na na na na!

Texas sounds way gay, you should come back.

happy 2007


Smash Cadet
Dec 15, 2006
Farmington, NM
Sounds like you were some of the good players at the Farmington Tournament. I think I lost to probably Mogo as Marth and to the guy who got 1st, and my younger brother got 5th in that tournament. A few days ago they said the weekly smash night was still in the works, since they need to obtain some store copies of smash beacuse they sold their copies after the tournament. It will be exciting to play other people when its set up, but I've been practicing and playing with my younger brothers since then so I might be a bit better now. Weekly smash would be awesome, and I could probably bring my brothers and some of their friends along to it when they aren't busy. I visit the store sometimes, so I will be sure to keep asking them about it.
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