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Durango CO / Farmington NM Area - Monthly Smash Tourneys

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Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
and who votes smashfest this week/weekend? i need practice.
I vote for the YES

I liked your vid nin! It makes me sad I wasnt in it though D: lol. Great editting and I think you are improving alot, just have to work on everyone else like the peeps say, as soon as your opponents become stronger, so do you.

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
lol with marth you can get out after 2. but with peach man i honestly dont know what you can do. im sure if we tested out all ways of DI with peach next time we will figure something out.
Nice combo vid, but all of your opponents really need a lot of work. Peach can get out of that chain grab at 10 percent by just DIing away and jumping if nessisary; it is that simple. Also the f-air to d-air works, but it is very easy to see it coming. And if you see it coming it is really easy to avoid.

You guys should come down to denver sometime for a touranment . I'm sure you guys would benifit a lot from the experience.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
You guys should come down to denver sometime for a touranment . I'm sure you guys would benifit a lot from the experience.
Ide love to play against you guys one last time, but Im moving on the 18th into the TX smash scene, So I dont think thats ganna happen sadly. My last tourney here is probably the one coming up in Farmington NM on Dec 9th. But who knows, brawl is around the corner, and I may see you all again when the new competion is revealed for that game.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
thanks dudes. what time this week? for me and mike tonight would be a good night. idk bout ben tho he always has work.

hey so about this tournament...
where is it?
what are the rules (preferably mlg)?
jordan can you find out if it is possible to make a pot for 2v2s?
and if so, how bout partnas with number NIN9?

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Heads up,

Practice this friday 12/8/06 for everyone going to participate in the Farmington NM tournament. It will go from 6:00 til whevever the hell you think you are satisfied. Bring an extra TV/CUBE/GAME/CONTROLLER if you got it.

Tournament Details:

MLG Rules from what I understand, standard.
Its in Farmington NM, at the new Plantronics store opening up.
I have not found out if there is 2v2, I would have to get ahold of the store I think, and I havent been able to do so. If anything we can just do a "Pot prize" and do 2v2s if there are enough willing people.
And sure nin, we can kick some ***** and take names :D


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2006

Hey so this is Ari...I was wondering how long will it take for the TBNJ vs Sebastian movie?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
thanks meleemarth. its victor right? im jared by the way. hopefully we will actually meet soon in person. yeah hes been kinda on a slump lately. hes def aware of it. i think its due to him tryin to get away from link and learn a higher tier character (captain falcon) cause links got trouble with some characters.


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2006
Tourney Bracket

Hey guys...for those of you who got a hold of the tournament program (Ask Brice or Gwen for the program...I know for a fact they both got it) here is a link to the tournament bracket so you can see how the battles went:
Here we go!

To all the masta smashas who competed...hope you had a great time and I will post here if there is gonna be another any time soon. Oh! And to all of you who didn't get to make it...check back for future reference!


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
thanks allot bombshelboy

you should either ask on the melee forums or search for the MLG rules.

duha and myseld were way better then the people we lost to.
i just stopped taking the match seriously once it looked like i would 3stock him and im guessing duha (mike) was just sandbagging a sandbager.
i easily beat the samus after i was out and i think duha did the same with the samus he lost too.

also, now that you have some sort of ranking system. if we do the tournament again could we make it so that i dont have to fight Jared (nin9) again in the first match? getting his marth on yoshi's story made me sad.
(i was the ganon btw)

ok, enough jhoning.
it was really fun and looking forward to the next one. i will try to be ready next time.

EDIT: also it was me who just reped you. i didn't know you went from durango. but you difinitly desirve the rep for hosting the tournment. thanks alot.

click onthe blue arrow on this quote for the MLG rules
[/QUOTE] there's alot of mombo jumb...match would be cool to be best 3 out of five.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
i agree. no random seeds and mlg rules should be in place. counterpicking my characters and my stages would have made a difference...


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2006
Actually, we had done no counter-picking characters purposefully as putting yourself at an advantage is a little cheap...I know I would way rather put my skills to the test than my advantage...you know what I mean?

Next time though, we will definetly have MLG rules...but don't expect the prizes to be so uber next time though, as the prizes were mainly because of it being the grand opening. Maybe next time we will do a prize pool...I'll talk to my boss about it and see what he says.

One last thing...the next time this happens, if we do have a prize pool setup, we will probably do a team tourney along side it. Probably won't do double-elimination if thats the case, but it would be worth it just so we could see some team setups.

It kinda sucks though...as I am not allowed to enter the tourneys, but its still fun to challenge the participants. Eh...I guess its still fun even if I don't get to compete, just because the atmosphere and good times still get experienced.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
sounds good to me.

id sorta prefer a 60% 30% 10% type pool.
you got 720$ out of that tournament, didnt you?

though your boss would probity want a piece of the pie

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Yeah, like jared said, Im not as good as I used to be. I dont practice as hardcore as I used to which has lead me to sloppy mindgames/l-cancels and from that braches off to little to no combos. But Im definatly getting back into the scene, just sort of like waking up from a long nap, you feel like ****. Im practicing again with link, and Ill get back to where I was and better hopefully.

Jared, I think Im ganna hold of on C. Falcon, I was feeling it for a bit, but I really want to keep working on link, I know Ive gotten worse, but Ima start working on him again. Seems like too much work to start up someone else when Ive gotten this far with one character. Anyway, yeah Im ganna whip my link back into shape, I decided this today, Wednesday Im ganna see if I do any better. Anyway, yeah send me those vids when you have em up


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
im glad your stickin with him it would have taken awhile to get falcon on the same level as link. HUGE tourny in houston is spring break friday-saturday march 10-11. its called HOST.


im lookin way into the future but it really sucks you leavin and all... we get a chance to frienly the top 3 in texas... caveman, rob$, and fastliketree... we should team up in doubles. BUT playin this wednesday should be fun times.

OHSNAP 2 is the oklahoma tourny on dec 21-22. i hope you seriously consider going!


next time your jiggs is all up in peaches dress please rest her lol...


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2005
Ontario, CA
Hey guys, this is James, the store manager from Play N Trade. I just wanted to thank all of you for showing up to the tournament and playing. Even though it was a very long day, we had a lot of fun. We definitely take our customers suggestions seriously, and we'll make sure to use MLG tournament rules for the next Smash tourney.

We weren't sure what most people in the area would prefer since this was our first tournament, and we didn't know if there were any serious players. This was a learning experience for us as well. I hope that the next tournament has just as good prizes and goes a lot smoother, although I'd expect just as many people, if not more, to show up again. Hopefully I'll get a chance to play some of you guys next time too! Thanks again for coming, and dont hesitate to offer suggestions to us!


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
thanks a bunch for hosting it man. it was my first tournament too and it was really fun.

just contact us on this thread once you schedule the next tournament.
welcome to smash boards btw.

alrighty, its time i got cracken on that anth final coming up.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
Thanks guys for throwing the tourny much appriciated.

and to let you know i was not sandbagging against that samus i just played like crap. I have no excuse for loosing to him. Although MLG rules would have kept me from being knocked out they werent and i got beat fair and square. My first tourny my nerves were high and got beat no big deal.

One suggestion i would give is that instead of doing matches in sets of 6. Once a TV is finished with you should have another match started as soon as it finished. We then could have did best of three and finished around the same time.

Jared that rest is playing over and over and over and over the match i lost to sebastian i had at least a 1 sec window to just hit down b and would have killed him. IT hurts but o well can't blame it all on one moment all though it would have most likely changed the fight alot.

thanks farmington for the great tourny it was fun.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
dude mike, im sure it doesnt hurt me as bad as you but i feel ya. but as well as that, think of how i feel beating sebastian...

ben: unfortunate with the marth at yoshis in the first round. sorry buddy.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
im glad your stickin with him it would have taken awhile to get falcon on the same level as link. HUGE tourny in houston is spring break friday-saturday march 10-11. its called HOST.


im lookin way into the future but it really sucks you leavin and all... we get a chance to frienly the top 3 in texas... caveman, rob$, and fastliketree... we should team up in doubles. BUT playin this wednesday should be fun times.
**** yeah, Ill be there man, should be enough time for me to get a new job down there and actually save up for a trip to take the new smash crew I form down there to come up :laugh: .

Im ganna try and bring my link up to a new level, hopefully by that time I (as well as you) will be able to compete on an even talent with some of those players you mention that will be there.

DSC: All of you guys, Ben, Jared, Mike, Andy, Martin, Elliot, ect... It sucks we just get to know each other a whole lot better ,and it looks like Jared and I just got the place hooked up with a brand new huge *** southern smash scene - joint with farmington thanks to that Tourney. Im envious, it also looks like Im leaving Durango right before it starts to bloom to the point I wanted it to - before when I started smash here. At least I got to see it though... and Im glad to have been here at what seems to be the beginning of a new competative area for CO. and NM.

Ill be back though to kick everyones *** in a few years, with of course my ness. LOL And Im sure we will see each other in TX tourneys, and for sure we will have to do 2v2s Jared.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
I thought nin9 said we were playing at your house wednesday night? if we can't let me know so i can talk to my roomates so we can all play

and why is it three in the morning and everyone on smashboards?

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Yeah wednesday, here, good smashin. Should be fine, just bring an extra cube/tv. And we are all on the boards because we obviously didnt get our fill of smash from that tournament. Im actually warming my old link combos up atm rofl... watching some ahniki , germ, and other link vids trying to learn a few other things...


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.

i dont know about everyone else. but ive got an anthropology test tomorrot at 7 in the morning. so ill be up for a while. study, browse the web for a break, study...

i dont know if ill be sleeping tonight, i kinda put this off for quite a while, and ill ace the next 2 classes if i ace the final.

EDIT: nice sig duha. but you didnt even smile when i told you that punny joke:'(


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
I don't have a cube or a wii to practice by myself at the momet and im on the boards cuz the only other thing i would be doing is sleeping. I don't have final tomorrow so no need for rest.

I was watching your old video's jordan and i must say you use to be alot better.

also you are correct about not getting enough at that tourny i felt like i hardly even played.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
**** yeah, Ill be there man, should be enough time for me to get a new job down there and actually save up for a trip to take the new smash crew I form down there to come up :laugh: .

Im ganna try and bring my link up to a new level, hopefully by that time I (as well as you) will be able to compete on an even talent with some of those players you mention that will be there.

DSC: All of you guys, Ben, Jared, Mike, Andy, Martin, Elliot, ect... It sucks we just get to know each other a whole lot better ,and it looks like Jared and I just got the place hooked up with a brand new huge *** southern smash scene - joint with farmington thanks to that Tourney. Im envious, it also looks like Im leaving Durango right before it starts to bloom to the point I wanted it to - before when I started smash here. At least I got to see it though... and Im glad to have been here at what seems to be the beginning of a new competative area for CO. and NM.

Ill be back though to kick everyones *** in a few years, with of course my ness. LOL And Im sure we will see each other in TX tourneys, and for sure we will have to do 2v2s Jared.
dude we all did get a lot closer this weekend. last frikin weekend. what the hell. everything sounds good. lone star state. and ness?!?! Ha! the G&W cant be stopped!

don't you say goodbye yet.

we still got all Wednesday night for a proper send off.
definitely no goodbyes yet clowns.

I thought nin9 said we were playing at your house wednesday night? if we can't let me know so i can talk to my roomates so we can all play

and why is it three in the morning and everyone on smashboards?
LOL dude i have no idea?!?! we're so gay. were still playin wedn.

HOW HAS NOONE MENTIONED THIS..? on the way to farmington... jordan leads the train of cars, followed by bryce, and then mike... red light... jordan makes it thru before the light... we're chillin talkin bout smash and we look up... in the dirt parkin lot, a white jeep doin DONUTS...
ME: huh? ummm, HA definitely JORDAN
ALL: LOL for like 1 minute straight!

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
HOW HAS NOONE MENTIONED THIS..? on the way to farmington... jordan leads the train of cars, followed by bryce, and then mike... red light... jordan makes it thru before the light... we're chillin talkin bout smash and we look up... in the dirt parkin lot, a white jeep doin DONUTS...
ME: huh? ummm, HA definitely JORDAN
ALL: LOL for like 1 minute straight!
Hey, had to do something to keep myself entertained while waiting for your slow ***** :laugh:

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
I <3 double posts.
B-Will Edit: Us mods don't. :)

Ok so what time are you guys ganna show up today?

Ive been practicing everyday, and I feel that I may be able to play like I used to- so bring it on biatchez!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2005
Ontario, CA
Hey guys, I was thinking about doing something like a Smash Bros night once a week at Play N Trade. Say on Wednesday nights, for example, we'd set up 4 tv's with SSBM and people could come in and play other people as much as they want. I think that it would be a good way to practice against a lot of other people and measure your skills. And it would also help us out by driving more traffic into our store. What do you all think? Would that be something you're interested in? Let me know. Thanks!


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
sounds like it would boost awareness for smash bros and your store at the same time, sounds good, no reason not to.

however i personally will not be making it down for regular smashfests on wednesday.

its the prospect of getting a tournament prize and prestige that puts e in a car for 1.6 hours.

and besides. wednesday nights are Daybreak/Lost nights.

but this should make people in the local area who like smash develop a connection to your store while giving them practice so that when you do eventually have a tournament they present a challenge.

Textbook Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
McAllen TX./Durango CO.
Hey guys, I was thinking about doing something like a Smash Bros night once a week at Play N Trade. Say on Wednesday nights, for example, we'd set up 4 tv's with SSBM and people could come in and play other people as much as they want. I think that it would be a good way to practice against a lot of other people and measure your skills. And it would also help us out by driving more traffic into our store. What do you all think? Would that be something you're interested in? Let me know. Thanks!
Sounds like an awesome idea, make sure you advertise it though :lick:

The larger this area seems to be growing for smash the more it makes me happy but sad at the same time rofl...

Tis ok, Ill just drive up here every Wednesday... or rather tuesday so I can get here in 24 hours


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
Hey guys, I was thinking about doing something like a Smash Bros night once a week at Play N Trade. Say on Wednesday nights, for example, we'd set up 4 tv's with SSBM and people could come in and play other people as much as they want. I think that it would be a good way to practice against a lot of other people and measure your skills. And it would also help us out by driving more traffic into our store. What do you all think? Would that be something you're interested in? Let me know. Thanks!
oh i would bring the traffic. but not on wednesday night. mike what days could you make it?

EDIT: jordan, hows four o'clock sound?
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