What has appeared in every Legend of Zelda game thus far? If you said Link, bad guys, or weapons, you are right but if you can't tell by the title, we will be disucssing dungeons, one of my favorites apsects of the Zelda series. Before you posts whatever, here are some guidelines of what you can post about:
- What your favorite dungeon is and why? Same goes for your least favorite dungeon and why.
- Puzzles that you've come against
- Bosses/mini-bosses
- Possible new ideas for dungeons
- Why the f*** is there always a forest/fire/water temple?
Anyways to start, the Ocarina of Time's Fire Temple is one of my favorite dungeons in the series. For one, you get to wear the Goron Tunic which is my favorite tunic in OoT (even though it's a simple color swap). You learn the Bolero of Fire outside of the temple (my favorite transporting song in OoT). Lastly, the boss of the temple is Volvagia who even though is a big fire dragon (which is the definition of cliche) I find awesome.
As for least favorite, the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time. I would say for my reason "It's obvious" but I would be breaking my rules. The constantly changing of the water levels is a pain in the a** but I glitch I saw on Youtube can help with that when I replay OoT.
So now let's hear from you.
- What your favorite dungeon is and why? Same goes for your least favorite dungeon and why.
- Puzzles that you've come against
- Bosses/mini-bosses
- Possible new ideas for dungeons
- Why the f*** is there always a forest/fire/water temple?
Anyways to start, the Ocarina of Time's Fire Temple is one of my favorite dungeons in the series. For one, you get to wear the Goron Tunic which is my favorite tunic in OoT (even though it's a simple color swap). You learn the Bolero of Fire outside of the temple (my favorite transporting song in OoT). Lastly, the boss of the temple is Volvagia who even though is a big fire dragon (which is the definition of cliche) I find awesome.
As for least favorite, the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time. I would say for my reason "It's obvious" but I would be breaking my rules. The constantly changing of the water levels is a pain in the a** but I glitch I saw on Youtube can help with that when I replay OoT.
So now let's hear from you.