Man, a lot to catch up on. I'll keep it short.
Orca - I really want to see your Zelda piece finished, maybe a few physical features tweaked here and there, and maybe some more lingerie and jewelry to reflect Zelda's usual apparel. Just don't overdo the fantasy-feel of it. It's Zelda in
our world, so she's going to be a bit more modernized. If you're finishing it for your friend, finish it for me too
Anxiety is getting the best of me!
Thundermistress - "Smash Artist" title? NO WAY!
Everyone else - Let's not burn bridges with one another. It's evident that all those who've visited this thread are either artists or those who appreciate art, so let's stay unified with one another under the banner of "social creative upheaving" (for lack of a better phrase). An artist should never be criticized for their work no matter how much time they put in to it - especially for a public cause such as this. Everyone who has submitted artwork has put forth their efforts to pleasure the infinite audience of SWF with their own, individualistic rendition of our beloved Smash characters. All of those who put the time to critique the artwork seen in this thread - I salute every last one of you too, as you've given us your time to aid the artists; to help further the artists' skills both technically and conceptually. A critique should
always be an honor, no matter what is addressed. And finally, to all of the voters. You've taken the time to sort through many pieces of work and give us your input on which drawings mean the most to YOU, and while it contributes to the contest, it also says a little bit about yourself, and by doing so, you've contributed more than "just a vote" to this thread. I believe that we should all stand strong as the Smash Artists League, artists, critics, and voters alike. Let these contests continue to thrive forever.
Thank you.