2ManyCooks I saw you playing at Alberta Beat Down, you did decently & i'm glad you're here to represent Dr.Mario a little bit, but here's a bunch of tips that could help you improve your game
- Work on your punish game: In the few games i've seen, it was kind of sub optimal to say the least, the best advice i could give you is that, at the moment where you punish your opponent with Jab, you'd rather try go for a grab or eventually a downsmash/usmash. In other situations, DownTilt could have been better.
- For the sake of autocancels, use FullHop Pills over SH Pills, most notably, FullHop B Reversed Pills are a very nice way to get right back into the action, & depending of how close you are to your opponent & his reaction, you can get things out of it, it's a very nice tool really.
- Even as a Doc lover, a secondary is really helpful for some matchups: I personally choosed Game&Watch because he has a do-able matchup vs Sheik, a matchup in his favor vs ZSS, and usually fares well vs swordsmans. So it kind of covers the troublesome matchups of our favorite doctor. That being said, feel free to choose anyone
- Questionable DI at times, but it happens to me sometimes.
I'd be of course glad to discuss more with you about our tricks for Doctor Mario, as well as with anyone on this social thread: let's keep the good work