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Doom's Super Sexy Shota Shellder Smashfest. Northern NJ. 1/24/09.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Keitaro, ADHD/ChromePirate is definitely better than you at this point... Just letting you know. You're capable of beating him, but he's better and will probably win. >>;
Yeah, your right. He's beaten Atomsk, you, and was able to take a match off M2K just like me. I'm sure he's far better. And since Izumi beat Blackwaltz again with MK, he's far better than me too....although I'm 6-0 against Izumi. /ignorance

If you're not going to think before you post then don't post please.

I don't know how great NL's Diddy is personally since I haven't played it in a long time but I can easily say that ADHD's Diddy is almost as good if not just as good.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Yeah, your right. He's beaten Atomsk, you, and was able to take a match off M2K just like me. I'm sure he's far better. And since Izumi beat Blackwaltz again with MK, he's far better than me too....although I'm 6-0 against Izumi. /ignorance

If you're not going to think before you post then don't post please.

I don't know how great NL's Diddy is personally since I haven't played it in a long time but I can easily say that ADHD's Diddy is almost as good if not just as good.
I kno how great ur momma is.....jk lmao

i dont kno how u can compare when u havent played me recently. Last time was prolly around CH3. But whatever. I forget this is Personal Experience Land!


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
lol, at least I didn't post "I'm more scared of ADHD" like Inui when you've beaten him every time but once.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2008
QFT rofl



I <3 Logic. I dont even kno why i read the boards anymore. Just nonsense. Bout to shun this ****.
I never got to see that vid :(.

I havent seen Keitaro play in months. Every time I see him at an event he's always on his phone XD


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
It's not my fault inui said that. I'm going to keep improving and do what I can always and as long as there are better people around here I will not stop to keep trying. I don't know why you have to defend yourself NL if its nonsense.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Yeah, your right. He's beaten Atomsk, you, and was able to take a match off M2K just like me. I'm sure he's far better. And since Izumi beat Blackwaltz again with MK, he's far better than me too....although I'm 6-0 against Izumi. /ignorance

If you're not going to think before you post then don't post please.
lmao you're not that good, dude. I don't even consider you a tourny threat right now tbqh, or at least just a small one, and ADHD terrifies me. He hasn't had the chances to prove himself yet, so I can totally understand you thinking you're better than him. Just wait and see what he does at events when he finally starts getting around.

Keitaro said:
lol, at least I didn't post "I'm more scared of ADHD" like Inui when you've beaten him every time but once.
NinjaLink and I have played three times. The last time he beat me was in August, and the two sets I lost were extremely close. I won 2-0 at HPatPM on October 4th and have been beating him in teams a lot. I've also been outplacing him a lot and beating people that keep beating him, like BlackWaltz. I also recently scored a lot of the big wins he's scored recently, like NEO and Chillin. I honestly now think it's entirely possible that I'm better than him now in terms of being a tournament threat/placing high. He's obviously better overall due to his variety. I'm not trying to be cocky or a douche. I'm just stating facts and judging based on them.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
K, next time I'll take a set from M2K. Then maybe, just maybe, I'll be decent in your mind.

Last time we played you said I should have 2-0ed you but that you got lucky when I sded 2nd match. Wait, nvm. There's no point in bringing up the past cause you got 101 times better since then right? :p


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
K, next time I'll take a set from M2K. Then maybe, just maybe, I'll be decent in your mind.

Last time we played you said I should have 2-0ed you but that you got lucky when I sded 2nd match. Wait, nvm. There's no point in bringing up the past cause you got 101 times better since then right? :p
Taking a match and then getting two and threestocked =/= good.

Uh...November on laggy TVs? KotC or some crap? Awesome. I believe I won some MMs after that in a match-up where literally the only thing I had going for me was untested theory while you were highly experienced in it and bragged about ****** Snakes with Falco... I think you're a really cool dude and I love having you at events, but you're not a top player tbqh. Step it up and you'll get there. You don't take 1st at stuff with extremely high level players a lot like I can. ~_~


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Lag helps Falco, what are you talking about? :laugh:

Lag is the absolute worse thing for a Falco, that's why I refuse to play online. Also juuust in case you couldn't tell, there has been alot of sarcasm in my posts.

You really need to take your personal opinions out of your judgement of things. It'll help people like you alot more instead of hate :(

Luckily I'm easy to like people, no homo.

I've only been posting sarcastically to see if you'd give up posting but you haven't. I really don't care for anyone's opinion on my skill at all. My Falco can be on or off at times. I already know what I can do and what I'm capable of and shall continue to improve myself so I don't need any of your theorpy but thanks anyway.

This is SnakeFalco, I'm done here.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
It's not my fault inui said that. I'm going to keep improving and do what I can always and as long as there are better people around here I will not stop to keep trying. I don't know why you have to defend yourself NL if its nonsense.
Logic is amazing isnt it? I dont kno why i bother.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2007
Alexandria, VA
you guys all argue like ur married... LOL


Inui - yo good **** but lets play some casuals next time! and fukkoff metaknight! lol good job ****** tho...
teh_spamerer - u know u liked those donkey spikes ;o) and that glide attack to upB over the edge was nasty...not to mention those spikes against me XD
NEO - u gotta wash yo ay-uss...
dmbrandon - haha ur a funny dude... fux with my ganny? or just play with my monkey...ur pick
ADHD - i wanted to diddy ditto u XD ...fukking hat
BlackWaltz - thank u for teaching me to NEVER EVER go BIG monk vs olimar... god dammit...
HAT - u go girl
Mrdc - i dont remember exactly who u were but i remember we had some fun matches... good ****!
DK Smash - wtf son step ur ****! u play pokemon trainer and ganny? too goodz!
theDoom - theres nothing i can express in words to show the love i have for you...no homo...and u da man good **** holding the super sexy shoda shellder smashfest of awesomeness!! come down again soon and visit with everyone!
HEERO - i dont really remember u either but i remember we also had some fun matches...good ****!
Vist - u drove for a million hours thank u so much u r the man! come over more son!

and everyone else i forgot...had a great time...good metaknight practice lol...but yeah lets all dos again sometime! thanks again for hostin this Doom hope there will be more to come!


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2007
Alexandria, VA
i wanna marry atomsk....but that would be ****...kinda like when my pokemon trainer whoops up on his... XD ...or should i say...when our PTs **** any other team in the universe...especially when i BUST A LOAD!!!!
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