You did not say "Obama was president at the time Bin Laden was killed", but directly suggested "It was good that Obama finally caught Bin Laden"
Well, cause it's obvious? "Obama" = "Obama's Administration." You weren't thinking I was praising Obama for strapping on a six guns and drawing down on the bearded foe in person, were you? That is the point, though. Al Q's leader was finally got, but people want to sit around and act like Obama's wasted the last 8 years. All because now within literal weeks of his term's end when there's nothing more he can do, one mentally challenged and potentially closeted homosexual shoots up a gay night club, but Obama and Progressives are "weak" on terrorism? Please.
<insert anything> because America.
How exactly is that a reasonable argument?
Because it seems I have to restate the obvious with you. Anyone who's taken US History knows how this country came to be. Immigration. Since there's no denying that, to hold some facile opinion that it won't work anymore is basically trying to contradict how America was founded. Call 'em oranges, already.
"Anyone in the entire world is entitled to invade Western nations, take advantage of the productive citizens and eventually assert political dominance"
This is the progressive agenda, folks! Welcome to white genocide!
If that is how you read it, then you are cynical. Yes, anyone in the world has the right to attempt citizenship in the US. It's not guaranteed, obviously. But then again, it's not the first step a lot of the time. Work Visas and such. If you come here to work, then you live here. If you live here, then yes, you should have a say in the political landscape. But no, you won't find droves of immigrants purposefully coming here to somehow usurp or undermine the "white" way of life (racist, much?).
Tell me, Sucumbio, how tolerant would you be if hundreds of homeless immigrants broke into your house and started helping themselves to food, clothes, entertainment, valuables, the toilet, shower and bedroom? They're entitled to a portion of your "American Dream", disadvantaged as they are. You better not complain as they inevitably turn your humble abode into a den of debauchery! It's part of their rich culture!!
And, there you have it. Your entire stance, poised atop a pinnacle of outrageous fear mongering and nonsensical conspiracy theory. Truly, you had me at "debauchery."
So anyway, let's be serious for a moment. The American Dream, is in a nutshell, turning something small into something grand. Start a mom-n-pop restaurant, turn it into a million dollar franchise. Come up with a nifty logo, find it on millions of tee-shirts. Invent MySpace, or Facebook, or whatever. Small to big. Yes, everyone has the -right- to achieve this. Our freedoms in America are set up to ensure this is possible for everyone. If we shut that down, turn it off, we let the terrorists win. We live in fear. Why would you want to live in fear? Clearly you're already trembling under your bed at night with images dirty immigrants pounding down your door to eat your pop tarts. You sound as if you may be the next one to go off the deep end and shoot up a mosque or something. Seriously, no offense intended, radical thinking is just so plainly obvious that your outbursts are hard to ignore in light of this.
Your perspective severely falls short in asserting that illiterate, traumatized, possibly violent, likely vengeful, low-IQ, third world "refugees" are capable of respecting Western traditions, let alone becoming productive citizens.
I see. So, for instance, my grandfather who fled China during the communist takeover, and who grew up in a pig farming village in Canton, didn't make his way to Boston where he'd be educated and work as an engineer for Raytheon. Or his wife and her sister who also fled communist China and went to work for the State Department at the Boston Naval Shipyard during WWII. Or his daughter, a true 1st generation ABC, graduated MFA, Tufts University.
Illiterate: technically, until he learned how to read. All people are illiterate to start. Duh.
Traumatized: I'd say so. His village was ransacked by the local warlord on a monthly basis. Hence why China was so unhinged and easily fell to the Communist regime.
Possible Violent: Aren't we all? If we're backed into a corner? My father emigrated from the UK, after serving 2 years fighting the NRA in Belfast, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, Special Ops. Definitely capable of much violence.
Likely Vengeful: Sure, because all the world's problems are definitely Uncle Sam's fault. America is to blame for China's plight in 1911.
Oh wait, no it wasn't.
Low-IQ: Of course, because dirty pig farmers have no chance in hell of being born with enough brains to expand beyond the simple life.
Now I understand that my own personal history is of little interest to you. But it just goes to demonstrate that you're unable to see the connection between who you are, and where you came from, vs. the newbies to the game. Everyone in America with the only exception being literal Native Americans, came from another country, and more often than not, did so not on some whim, but because they saw an opportunity for personal growth and development.
I see! So enforcing borders does absolutely nothing! The assumed efficacy of deporting illegal immigrants versus systematically enabling them is just magical thinking! There's actually no difference! TRUST ME!
Let's just allow millions of questionable foreigners to establish themselves within our communities because the dangerous ones are definitely going to get in regardless--there's absolutely no stopping them! Why even bother funding the police or military? They're completely useless!
A handful of easily identifiable enemy infiltrators versus thousands of guaranteed infiltrators hiding behind the veil of political correctness? No difference! What's a massacre or two? or three, or four, or five, or six... NO DIFFERENCE!
Yeah, pretty much. I mean, except for all the obvious racism. Foreigners aren't questionable by -default-. Wearing a turban on your head doesn't immediately mean 9/11 attacker or Marathon Bomber. If we thought that way all the time, we'd have to kill ourselves, since how many white anglo-saxon protestants commit crime? I mean, really, there's no basis for racism, there never is. It's just close-minded thinking and irrational fear.
- Omar Mateen called 911 during his attack to pledge allegiance to ISIS and pray to Allah. Isolated!
... and Al-Nusra.
They aren't the same, actually, quite different. Meaning he was all over the place. Not to mention none of the -actual- ISIS leaders have taken credit. If someone goes and kills a bunch of people while screaming "FOR ISIS!" that doesn't make them part of the ISIS agenda.
Oh, and "According to FBI Director James Comey, in the past few years Mateen confusingly expressed support for both the Islamic State and Hezbollah—even though the latter group is an avowed enemy of the Islamic State and is fighting against it in Syria on the side of Bashar Assad." -
So yes, Isolated.
- Homosexuals are executed in 11 Islamic countries. Isolated!
No, just irrelevant to the debate as a whole.
52% of Muslims in the UK (!!) think that homosexuality should be punishable by law. Isolated!
There's plenty of nut-bag Christians who feel the same way, what's your point?
more examples of stuff that's not what I was talking about
I get it, you think because he said he's doing it for the good seats in Muslim Heaven then all Muslims should be punished as a result. Good thing you're not running for president!
Better security? How about not allowing someone like Omar Mateen to work as a security guard (or even letting them into the country). That might help!
Someone like Mateen. Let's just change his last name to McVeigh. That's what the slippery slope is. I understand you want to cure the cold by cutting off the head but for every time succeed in stopping one person preemptively through such horrible tactics as racial profiling, we're cutting our noses to spite our face.
The FBI was fully aware of Mateen, they could have stopped him well in advanced, but they were hampered by political correctness.
No, they just dropped the ball, and even they've admitted it.
"Okay... getting a bit derailed here" -Sucumbio
Hey, you brought him up. I was merely pointing out just how not-supported by Republicans he was.
News flash--deciding who can stay and who must go is a fundamental aspect of any community, it's called "having standards". It's an immigrants job to meet our standards if they wish to live here, not the other way around.
A legacy of being overrun by terrorists?
Oh yes, I'm sure the original intent of the constitution was to protect the "freedom of speech" of foreign nationals seeking to destroy it. Give me a break. Progressives only invoke the constitution when it's convenient.
Islam may obscure itself as a religion like any other, but it's primarily a political ideology with the ultimate goal of global subjugation under Sharia. Go read the sacred Islamic texts then you might understand how ridiculous that "slippery slope" warning is. Don't conflate all religions into a functionally indistinct blob.
Fun Fact!: There's more genocidal antisemitism in the Quranic literature than Mein Kampf.
Let's agree that the sky is blue while we're at it...
Why do you endorse unrestricted immigration from third world countries if you don't like the idea of adding to the homeless statistic?
Here are some sensible questions to ask: What are the causal factors for homelessness? Why are so many people on welfare? Why do so few strive to break out of welfare? What happens to the people on welfare when the economy collapses?
I'm tired of explaining the catastrophic consequences of welfare/socialism to no avail, I'd rather just link
this. Watch it or don't watch it, I don't care.
I know some of you think that supporting Bernie Sanders is the upstanding compassionate thing to do, but it
really isn't, it
so isn't.
I now await the inevitable response where Sucumbio prattles on about how badly I've misinterpreted his position.
Center for Immigration Studies Report Exaggerates Immigrant Welfare Use
Does Immigration Induce Terrorism?
Here's a couple of documents for YOU (see I can do that too).
Bottom line: You believe that we have enough now. Probably should have stopped letting newcomers in 30 years ago. You look around and see blacks and Hispanics and other minorities, and turn your nose up. Dirty mongrels. Undeserving. They're lazy. They're draining your resources, taking food out of your mouth, money out of your pocket. They're banding together and putting people in power who will pass legislation making it easier for them to take what you have. They're prone to crime because they lack the fundamental morals only hard-working whites can possess.
If I've somehow got you all wrong, please... PLEASE, correct me. I'd hate to think I have this opinion of you when I shouldn't. But if you wonder why I've come to this conclusion, it's simple. You've literally left me nothing else to go on. You repeatedly link your ideas to vbloggers who couldn't get within 1000 feet of the President (even if it -was- Trump) because of what terrible human beings they are, and expect us to respect these as intellectually honest and sources of integrity. You've masqueraded your ideas as common sense when it's really just veiled racism. Heck, not even so veiled, it's kinda blatant. We're really lucky this is the DH, because anywhere else on the forum, and this whole discussion would have been shut down by now due to its overwhelmingly insensitive and hateful nature. I mean, you realize your audience isn't just some v-neck sweater rowing club, right? Help me understand, please. That's 3 pleases in one paragraph, my desperation to comprehend your world view is truly remarkable.