Ok Mr. Ignorance...
Those weren't clips from videos already seen. I hadn't even put up real matches yet. If you'd take the time to notice i put out the combo video some 3 months ago. We didn't have our first full matches out til about a month later. Not to mention the last combo video was thrown out there less than a month into the game.
And secondly, if you haven't read from ALL OVER these boards, Brawl has no actual combos. Combos are inescapable. Everything in a brawl combo video is escapeable. Just by good reads, spacing, timing, and what little tech skill this game has can make a string of attacks to be a "brawl combo."
lol, my bad on the combo video/matches release time. It just that i seen some of the matches in the combo video. What i meant was to have matches just for the combo video and dont release them as matches. Just keep those matches for the video only.
Combo's do exist in brawl. A combo in any game you play is an attack that strings atleast 2 attacks into one. Yes you can do that in brawl, especially with mk. Some examples would be:
-Consecutive U-airs > b-air
-Consecutive U-airs > UpB
-Dash attack > u-tilt > bair
those are only a few that i can get off on the people that i play with.There are more.
don't listen to him, I for one would like to see what you are capable of, you could even combine the clips as a sort of trailer (or maybe that was what you intended to begin with)
if you would like to see what he is capable, then go to the thread that says dojo's new vids. lol
like i said before i wasnt planning on getting on his nerves, i just was giving pointers. A lot of combo videos or just clips from matches rather then combos. If you do not use combos, then call it a gameplay video. Several people have done that and it makes it seem more enjoyable/plausable since they do not combo, but have good gameplay clips.