While I do agree to a large extent that Nintendo gives no ****s, I kinda believe there's a better example to be made than #SaveSmash. Something like the opposition to fan projects while providing very little recourse themselves might be a better example. To go in depth:
I'm saying that because on the surface SaveSmash's not affecting Nintendo much at all. But the issue for Nintendo (even as it is a relatively small issue) is that them shutting down tournaments in situations when they can't enforce their own terms - even their own tournaments...
... it give people like Ludwig Ahgren plenty of room to go "I'mma make my own charity tournaments. With Blackjack and hookers!". Also, without Nintendo ads. It's a problem for Nintendo's marketing and messaging, especially when the competitive community at large has begun to turn to Patreon and charity drives (this also happened with the Squid House, the Splatoon replacement tournament). If Nintendo C&D's such a charity tournament, well, they'll get even more bad PR at least and risk having that story picked up by more outlets.
And Ludwig raised
$260K+ throughout his Melee tournament - with all of that going to charity. It was "only" a $25K prize pool. That tournament attracted a 50K viewership number - those 50K people would've ordinarily likely seen the Big House (The tournament that got C&D'd initially, Nintendo-sponsored) and seen those Nintendo ads. But nope. Neither Dexit nor many other of the controversies have such a "luxury", even if it's small.
Nintendo wants to lean into the competitive scene because it's, well, free marketing. Nintendo also will never leave games like Melee alone (despite what prominent Melee players like Leffen and Armada want). That's been the case with how they've approached competitive scenes.
But I'd argue that the real and percieved mistreatment from Nintendo's end, as well as how people like Ludwig have responded, are undermining Nintendo's marketing; and there's a chance that the uproar will force Nintendo to the negotiating table with a group that has become outright hostile towards Nintendo and skeptical of Nintendo's intentions with anything. Time will tell if this happens (there's a chance this does not and a real split endures, granted).
It's not just something that affects Smash's competitive scene either - the Splatoon competitive scene set up the Squid House when Nintendo cancelled the NA Online Open' livestream ($27K+ raised IIRC), and the ARMS scene is largely not happy about Nintendo's treatment either.
Kinda think they'd not want Midnight Bliss because then they'd have to make an official Bowsette.
Nah, but as far as Darkstalkers is concerned, I'm not picky. Perfectly fine with Morrigan, Demitri or Jedah, hell even the lower profile characters like B.B. Hood and Jon Talbain would be welcome surprises.