Final analysis of Smash Ultimate newcomers, not including echoes or returning veterans:
- First Party: Inklings, Ridley, King K Rool, Isabelle, Incineroar, Piranha Plant, Byleth, Min Min, Pyra/Mythra (9).
- Third Party: Simon, Joker, Hero, Banjo-Kazooie, Terry, Steve, Sephiroth, Kazuya, Sora (9)
- Old characters: Ridley, Simon, King K Rool, Piranha Plant, Banjo-Kazooie, Terry, Sephiroth, Kazuya, Sora (9)
- Modern characters (10’s decade foward): Inkling, Isabelle, Incineroar, Joker, Hero*, Byleth, Min Min, Steve, Pyra/Mythra (9).
* Hero crossover ls Smash X DQXI, so technically he is a modern character, though his alts are from previous games.
- Male fighters: Ridley, King K Rool, Simon, Incineroar, Joker, Hero, Terry, Sephiroth, Kazuya, Sora (10)
- Female fighters: Isabelle, Min Min, Pyra/Mythra (3)
- Both genre: Inklings, Byleth, Steve/Alex, Banjo-Kazooie. (4)
- No genre: Piranha Plant (1).
An update in best selling japanese IPs,
bold those who have playable characters and with
* those who has some other content in smash (AT, music, spirits, stage, etc):
1) Final Fantasy
2) Sonic the Hedgehog
3) Resident Evil *
4) Dragon Quest
5) Monster Hunter *
6) Metal Gear
7) Tekken
8) Street Fighter
9) Pac-Man
10) Mega Man
11) Kingdom Hearts
12) Souls
13) Power Pros
14) Devil May Cry *
15) Castlevania
16) Frogger
17) Simple
18) Tales *
19) Megami Tensei (includes Persona)
20) Professor Layton