It probably also had a hand to play in getting all the veterans back to smash.
Who would you currently regard as the most deserving Nintendo character that needs to be playable in smash and why?
A hard question. I suppose we need to consider scope and impact of the character (and the games). My top three choices would probably be:
1. Paper Mario: Main character of big franchise. Popular outside smash circles. Still relevant franchise of nintendo to this day.
2. Impa/Vatii/Majora´s Mask/Variety of characters from LoZ: Its harder to pin point who is the most deserving of the LoZ characters but the franchise is huge. Its a surprise that the cast has remained so small especially when compared to Fire Emblem.
3. Rhythm Heaven cast: While not as big as the franchises above, it has had quite a healthy life with many games.
I know I am going to probably get raged on for this but I didnt pick these other popular characters because:
Isaac from Golden Sun/ Character from F-Zero/Chibi Robo: The franchises have been dead for a while now. I absolutely would love to see them in smash, partially because this could open the doors for new games in their respective series and I would kill for the ending of Golden Sun and a continuation of F-zero, but I wouldnt call them "deserving" in the traditional sense. I would pin them more as "these should get a second chance".
Waluigi: He is an odd case. He is probably the spin off character supreme and that is the big issue here. More than just smash, I think he desreves to he deserves to debut in a Mario´s mainline games for once or at least join the Wario Ware crew.
Takamaru/Mach Rider/Retro character´s gallore: This one is really hard to measure. Mot of the iconic retro characters (except maybe ice climbers, sorry my lovelies
) represent an important part in Nintendo´s history. Ice climbers were chosen because of moveset. Picking retro choices is a lot harder because there is a plethora of options and its harder to define who is more deserving especially since characters like Duck Hunt and G&W were chosen as "surprise characters".