Thread jumped 20 pages the last time I checked it, so Ima just share a few thoughts on today.
Honestly, I dropped off of playing Smash since Sephiroth came out and haven't felt like getting back to it. As it turns out, I'm just far more interested in speculation than actually playing the game itself lol. I haven't gotten around to playing P/M, and I'm probably going to skip out on playing Kazuya as well until we get to the last DLC character. Quite frankly, I wasn't as interested in all the bits involving Kazuya's moveset, but the stuff outside of it was always going to intrigue me. According to Sakurai, Heihachi wasn't chosen because he didn't have devil genes, which sounds pretty silly, but looking at how devil gene is implemented, I guess Sakurai didn't envision anything Heihachi could use for specials. 39 tracks currently makes Tekken the series with the most music in Vol 2, and it's very unlikely CP11 will outdo that number of tracks.
As for the Mii Costumes, Lloyd was not surprising the slightest since he was the last Smash 4 costume of the bunch. Dragonborn was a Mii Costume I was thinking would happen before Vault Boy, so I'm sorta surprised Fallout got content in Smash before Skyrim did. To me, games with customizable protagonists are easy shoe-ins for Mii Costumes since the whole idea around customization is playing around with how your character looks and plays, so Dragonborn would fit more for a Mii Costume than an fighter to me. Dante and Shantae were the biggest surprises of the Mii Costume lineups throughout Vol 2. I was of the impression that Dante would only be in Smash as a fighter since Devil May Cry had no presence on a Nintendo platform up until a few years after the Switch came out. To me, it was either make it or break it, so this was a surprise. As for Shantae, I just wasn't expecting a Mii to have a somewhat revealing upper body costume since none of the Mii Costumes are that revealing. We don't even have a shirtless male Mii Costume for that matter, but regardless, it's nice to see Shantae come out with an additional track. It seems apparent that only Indie game characters get to have 1 track alongside their costumes probably because licensing isn't as restrictive with the people behind the games in comparison to the companies that own bigger IPs. I sure do wonder what would happen if CP11 ends up being an Indie character.
Speaking of, I'm glad Sakurai finally said CP11 will be the last DLC character in Ultimate. I don't hate speculation by any means, but I'm glad he just outright said this will be the last character instead of leaving it open ended to get people's hopes up.