So for our past E3 showings for Ultimate, we’ve had:
E3 2018: “Everyone is Here!”, Daisy, Ridley
E3 2019: Hero, Banjo & Kazooie
E3 2020: N/A, but the reveal could have potentially been Min Min alone, Min Min + Steve, or Steve alone if we still had a show that year
For 2021, I dunno. I think we’ll at least see someone that’s familiar to the majority of Nintendo/Smash fans though, based on past precedent.
Waluigi, a Sonic character, Crash, Dante, Lloyd, Hayabusa, and Jonesy are some characters that come to mind (lots of commonly speculated characters, lol). Would love something more low key though, like Laharl, or something thought to be impossible, like Miku.