First, you comment is an oxymoron. Second, Sakurai has specifically stated that the character must
carry some history with them. The character HAS to be around a while to meet that requirement. And there is good reason for that. In 2006 or so, games like Braid and Fez were
the indie games. But now, when you think "indie," you don't think of these games. They don't have the same presence today. What does that mean for Shovel Knight.
There will be a day when Shovel Knight will just be forgotten. The games I mentioned were popular only a generation ago. Where will Shovel Knight be next generation. Shovel Knight is at a huge risk for two big reasons. First is that Yacht Club is trying to shove the game down people's throughts. The amiibo. The cameos. More games and releases. There will eventually be customer fatigue. The second, and major, risk is that Shovel Knight is not timeless. It was made in the time where the fad was to make a game "be retro." This fad seems to be fading, especially as better and better tools come out which allow indie developers to make better games. Shovel Knight is locked in a fad he'll likely never escape.