Oh, ledgesnap. Yeah, ledgesnapping isn't a thing because it takes away the precision necessary with sweetspotting the ledge. If you aim your recovery well, you won't need a ledgesnap. The area you can grab the ledge is large enough to avoid grounded retaliation if you aim well. You can't normally grab the ledge when your back is facing it, but, at the very least, Wario can do it during his helpless fall animation.That's not what I was talking about. It's that thing where you can do a recovery move or a jump and it takes you right to the ledge.
I disagree. Anyone can combo off the edge, and "just staying away from the edge" isn't as simple as you make it sound, especially on stages like BF and YS. If you can force an SD at a low percentage, it should take more skill to do so than doing a basic recovery.
Even then, the things they took out that wouldn't have conflicted with Melee heavily outweighs the things that they left in. I'm just going to leave this here, because I've been on these forums long enough to know that this would turn into a "list literally everything or you lose" situation very fast.
Oh, yeah, Snake, and also...
The other ones that didn't have theirs weakened didn't have good recoveries in the first place.
There are two major problems with this argument. The first is that you are completely ignoring the difference in reward between gimping and recovering. Recovering is getting back on the stage, in this case at a low percentage where you would not normally be KO'd, whereas gimping is forcing a SD at a low percentage. Forgive me if I'm crazy for thinking that the former is way less rewarding than the latter. The second is that you are implying that whoever is losing deserves to lose immediately. If this is true, then why isn't Smash like fencing or MvC where you lose on the first hit? Why aren't we playing at 300% handicaps?
You are completely wrong about Ultra's and people really need to stop with the whole "if the loser isn't a hobo then the game is giving them too much" mentality, but I won't go into the former for fear of total derailment and I already went into the latter.
Those are nice, but most of those are very minor and don't even come close to making up for what they took out. I'd rather have a shield destroyer than a slow-*** ***, I'd rather be able to hold them for longer and possibly get a gimp setup (that I would have to skillfully edgeguard to earn) than be able to throw behind me, and I would definitely rather be able to not die at 40% than have a stupid elbow charge that isn't even close to as effective. The little frame buffs are cool and I like those, but they're worthless without what makes Wario good in the first place.
Then why did they do it? They claimed that they were "answering the prayers" of people who wanted him to use his Wario Land moves, but I can't entirely believe that they're that scrubby. Why would they take away the defensive aerial parts of a character that was designed to be in a defensive aerial game? No idea.
Some characters aren't as efficient as others, just like some characters aren't as efficient at comboing vertically, just like some characters aren't as efficient at using platforms for comboing and tech chasing. Everyone is different.
What does it matter? They were using Melee as a basis, and many of the Melee-related mechanics don't actively give the middle finger to Brawl--Of course it's going to have a lot of Melee stuff.
Mario got his Down-B recovery from Melee improved. Luigi can store his Melee Forward-B, allowing him to recover with incredible ease. Ganondorf got his Down-B jump recovery from Melee back but doesn't automatically suicide when he Forward-Bs someone, and he still gets the uppercut on a whiffed Up-B. Falcon's Up-B has a bigger range where he can grab the ledge, he gets his Down-B jump recovery from Melee, and Forward-B lets him grab the ledge now. ROB's Up-B is much more unpredictable and doesn't allow him to avoid all combat by flying under the stage. Charizard's jumps go higher. Lucario's Up-B can hit people. There are plenty of useful and improved recoveries in this game.
It's the game's place to say where you are in a more advantaged or disadvantaged position, so I can't say whether or not recovery should be easy or not. However, all I'm saying is that people should see results for putting in effort.
Gaining a desperation move for getting the snot beat out of you is just questionable balance. It's not necessarily that the winning player should gain better options than the losing player, but, why not just leave it alone or give both characters that move from the start?
P:M Wario's D-Air functions well as a combo-starter, especially when we throw footstooling into the mix. Wario Land wouldn't be the same without a Ground Pound (though that totally could've been his new Down-B), so it was added to the mix. Brawl Chomp is a mediocre move that doesn't really set up for anything, whereas P:M's Chomp regularly deals 13 damage and sets up for tech chasing pretty well. The frame buffs just aid in his new playstyle. We have different (though seemingly less effective) frame traps now. We're still good at edgeguarding. Our recovery isn't atrocious. You're really blowing his negatives out of proportion.
It's difficult to design an aerial character with Melee physics without making them centralize around a single tactic. Look at Jigglypuff--Wall of Pain, insta-kill Rest, able to stuff aerials with her own moves. They're not just out to ruin Wario's viability because he was a good character in Brawl.