Hey Kuziiiiiiii how is Japan?
Ehh, its getting annoying. Lot of panic from the american media which is seeping over here. Most of it is false.
@Joey, if you really wanted people to stop talking less, you should've just stopped responding to J. Let him have his tangent.
@J, Sit down, take a chill pill and breathe. Your reactions to Joey's posts have been uncharacteristically angry while Joey has been posting in an uncharacteristically calm manner.
@Ran, you shouldn't follow J. That will lead to disaster as always in every sense of every possible meaning of everything. You should follow me out of pity because I am in Japan and there are nuclear meltdowns in process that threaten to destroy the earth.
@Soup, I am tired of your arrogance. Like, seriously. I understand you may be a pro in EM games, which is not my concern, but your debut in dGames has been far from spectacular. You constantly tell us that you are just playing the newb/wifom/troll card because you think its fun but then don't actually improve from there. If you do plan on sticking around for awhile, then drop the "ImProPlayingLikeANubToTroolU" act.
A smash64 mafia would be pri cool.