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Diddy Kong Appreciation Thread: From Dinky to Diddy, From the Jungle to the Brawl.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
I just downloaded Donkey Kong country on the Wii's virtual console and I've been playing it quite a bit. It's made me more excited about Diddy Kong being a character in brawl. He would be a fun character, small and agile. I support him and think that the Donkey Kong franchise deserves another character.

By the way, kin3tic-c4jun-3, why do you keep mentioning Resident Evil in your arguments? You're not trying to insinuate that Resident Evil deserves a character in Brawl are you? 3rd party franchises shouldn't be compared with 1st party franchises when considering brawl, they are on a whole different level.


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2004
Diddy Kong should have been in Melee...

He is the most deserving character for Brawl...

RE has nothing to do with nintendo (other than RE0 and 4, which are multiplatform games)

Snake doesn't even deserve it... but he's in... we don't need any more characters who just made it because of one game they had on a nintendo system...

Diddy is just plain awesome...

CM august

Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2007
Brisbane, Australia
Side character? He got the starring role in Donkey Kong Country 2, on his very second appearance. Donkey Kong himself took a back seat to him in that game. DKC2 is widely regarded as the best in the triology. Said triology was the Super Nintendo's biggest seller. You may as well say that anybody who isn't Mario is a side character.

And when it comes down to it, popularity determines character additions, plain and simple.
And no, DK does not need more chars. What have they done with that franchise in the past 10 years? Nothing but gimmickey, younger audience, deviations that aren't TRUE DK titles.
This is what ticks me off. Who is responsible for Donkey Kong's lack of exposure lately? Nintendo, that's who. They've neglected him for years. What was once the company's flagship series right next to Mario is now what we see today.

You might take that as incentive for Diddy not to make it in, but I take it as every reason Diddy NEEDS to be in. If this latest entry into the Smash series has minimal Donkey Kong exposure yet again, then Nintendo will continue to cast him into the sewers. The DKC series is not only part of the highest quality and most polished games in Nintendo's history, they were also major hits. They deserve better than this.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2007
Ontario, Canada
luigi's a sidekick. you want me to boot him too?
He's been around longer, and is part of what is possibly THE biggest Nintendo title - ever. And YOU don't boot people lol...

RE has nothing to do with nintendo (other than RE0 and 4, which are multiplatform games)

Snake doesn't even deserve it... but he's in... we don't need any more characters who just made it because of one game they had on a nintendo system...
But the characters would be more plausable; fighters that play a main role. Read back to my other posts, and I've already explained quite a few things that people aren't considering - I don't feel like repeating myself. I'm starting to think I'm arguing with kids.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2006
under the rainbow
I'm starting to think I'm arguing with kids.
Me too, or at least a mentally ******** adult. Sorry for having to degrade to the level of insults.

Yeah, I already gave good reasons why Diddy should be in brawl. Read back on those please and honestly tell me you think Diddy shouldn't be in. ****, the whole thread probably has ****loads of reasons why he should be in.


But the characters would be more plausable; fighters that play a main role.
Can't those characters and Diddy both be in? Or are these apparently plausible fighters "more deserving", therefor only they can be in brawl?


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
He's been around longer, and is part of what is possibly THE biggest Nintendo title - ever. And YOU don't boot people lol...

But the characters would be more plausable; fighters that play a main role. Read back to my other posts, and I've already explained quite a few things that people aren't considering - I don't feel like repeating myself. I'm starting to think I'm arguing with kids.
i really don't like the logic you're giving us. just cause diddy's a sidekick, childish, etc. doesn't mean he won't have a place in smash. i mean when you think of the DK series, you know diddy may be one of the first things you think of. he has gained such a huge fanbase in the short time he was put in a game, enough to merit him the star of the sequel.

plus attributes like his unique moves that he does in the DK series, and you got yourself a perfect fighter for smash


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
I don't want Diddy in Brawl, because he looks too childish.

I shouldn't make my descision on appearances? My good folk, look at Tingle.

Diddy's a chimp with a hat, who eats bananas. Compare that to a man with a beard who has a rocket launcher, and you've got to be either an idiot, or 2 years old to say the chimp is better. Anoter thing is that while characters like Ness are childish, he does things like shoot fire, and beat people with a bat.

Diddy does cartwheels.

Oh, but this is all just my opinion...

I know this is a couple pages back, but this thread is extremely difficult to keep up with. Anyway..
I'm a huge fan of both characters you alluded to here, and I can honestly say that I'd MUCH rather see Diddy than Snake. Of course, I'd love to see both, but if I had to choose (like you brought up), I'd definitely choose the chimp with a hat who eats bananas.. And still don't consider myself and idiot (I don't think I need to state that I'm also not 2 years old as well). Diddy is just that great of a character..And if put in Brawl, his look would surely be very different than what's been seen in games like Double Dash and Diddy Kong Racing. They brought Donkey`s (for lack of a better word) bad-*** look back, and they`d do the same for Diddy.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
But there aren't as many DK fans as Metroid fans, or RE fans, or Mario fans, or Zelda fans. And when it comes down to it, popularity determines character additions, plain and simple.
Now your comparing DK with the best of the best. There's no franchise in the world who can ever be compared to Mario in populairity, Zelda is easly the best franchise in it's gerne, Metroid... I don't know for sure, the games aren't well received in Japan, whereas the Donkey Konga games did - and I'll be honest here with ya: Metroid Prime sure IS a better game than Donkey Konga...

And as you might know, the Diddy and Ridley threads are by far the biggest support threads here at Smashboards. However, keep in mind that the Japanese nearly aren't as hyped on Ridley as most of us are here so Diddy probarly has a bigger fanbase international.

Can't agrue with you about Resident Evil... Though you can safely asume we won't see any RE characters in Brawl while Diddy is a very big posibility after Ike's confirmation.

And no, DK does not need more chars. What have they done with that franchise in the past 10 years? Nothing but gimmickey, younger audience, deviations that aren't TRUE DK titles. There are many, many other characters and franchises that need spots in this game besides DK.
In the past 10 years? If it where just 12, I could counter this all with one word: Donkey Kong Country, and frankly... I still can, but with explenation. Donkey Kong Country is still a very well known game... It got ported on the Gameboy Color, on the Gameboy Advance and recently on the Wii Virtual Console (where it's the 5th most populair game right now) . Rare may be gone, but that doesn't mean that DKC doesn't has any dedicated fans left.

And what's wrong with appealing to younger audience? You would agree with me if I said that Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are huge populair games, yet besides myself and a friend, the only people I saw playing the games where childeren from 7 to 11. And I see a lot more childeren playing Mario Kart Super Circuit on their GBA than I see people from our ages. DK, just as Mario and Pokémon are games everybody can enjoy.

But yeah, I hate the Bongo's aswell, but so far, there are already 2 real DK games accounced which I can't wait to play: Donkey Kong Bongo Blast, and DK Jungle Climber.

Besides... Wario's whole moveset looks like it's one big gimmick just like the WarioWare games, and I hear nobody complaining that the WarioWare games aren't real Wario games. =/

This isn't Mario Tennis, or Mario Golf. Not Diddy Kong's Racing or Mario Kart. This is Brawl, and this is where the big boys come to play.
Big boys as Kirby, Zelda, Peach, Pikachu, Kirby, Yoshi and Squirtle? Diddy fits in easly among them.

Even still, he's a side character no matter how you look at it. He's second to others.
Hell no he isn't! Diddy's importance in the DK franchise is far more than that! In the Rare era, the two of them even where completely ALIKE. Whereas DK was only playable in DKC, Diddy was playable in 2 games, in which he stared one: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest. Don't forget the Diddy Kong Racings either, where even DK isn't playable in.

Before the Rare buyout, Rare was developing 2 Donkey Kong games: Donkey Kong Racing, and Diddy Kong Pilot. If Rare was just longer around, Diddy could easly have his own sub-franchise to Donkey Kong right now.

Luigi and Falco both made it to Melee, whereas their roles in their games aren't nearly as important as Diddy's. And even if he wasn't - who else would be a better DK character for Brawl? Mario and Zelda even have their damsell in dress playable... And Diddy clearly isn't less than them.

And with that being said...


Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Don't provoke me, otherwise I might upset you by saying 'Diddy doesn't look cool'.
Honestly has anyone came to this thread and actually stated anything even remotely reasonable(intelligent) as to why Diddy shouldn't be in Brawl?

So far I haven't any good arguments, Then again I could of missed something because I didn't read all of the pages in this thread.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2007
Qualicum Beach, BC
quick question is that 3 or 4 people now who have came up with no reason actually good why diddy shouldn't be in brawl and tthen just got pwned and either said I like diddy or stoped posting in this thread.

GJ guys


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
nah, it's more. about a year ago two guys came in here and spammed over and over that diddy wouldn't work. they were banned for periods of time before coming back and spamming. eventually they came to their senses and accepted the fact.

that's how awesome diddy is


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
the only reasson i fill diddy would not be in is because diddy might not be pleasing to the younger crowd.I mean look pokemon wtf really wtf that just goes to show how random things can get in brawl:)


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
the dk name is old now thats what i'm saying ask a ten year old thise.
"Hey do you like pokemon or Donky Kong" and they will most likely reply with pokemon try it.


Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2005
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Um...that doesn't matter. I'm sure ten year old kids are familiar with Diddy Kong anyhow. Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, Mario Strikers, Diddy Kong Racing being re-released...to use Pokemon as a reason for Diddy Kong not making it is very, very stupid. =l


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2007
lawl.... of course diddy will be in brawl.... kids are gonna want to buy this game too, not just teens and young adults... tahts why they need the diddys, toads, pokemon etc... thing is, IF hes in he'll be paired with dixie, or havea lame move set, because I strongly doubt the appearance of the peanut pop-guns, rocket barrels or his guitar...


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
lawl.... of course diddy will be in brawl.... kids are gonna want to buy this game too, not just teens and young adults... tahts why they need the diddys, toads, pokemon etc... thing is, IF hes in he'll be paired with dixie, or havea lame move set, because I strongly doubt the appearance of the peanut pop-guns, rocket barrels or his guitar...
What??? This is Brawl we're talking about! The game that just approved a Pokemon trainer fighting from the sidelines and weird purple minions that pop up everywhere when you break some sort of weird "laws" invovling characters turning into trophies. Also, have you seen the screen shots for the one player mode? What's going in those??
This game is going to be insane. Peanut pop-guns, rocket barrels, and guitar playing monkey's are at home here.

On a different note, (kind of), I've wanted Diddy to be in a Smash game since there was news of a sequal of 64.
Diddy for Brawl!!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2007
Between the grahm and the 'mallow.
Well I loved Diddy ever since I first played as him in Donkey Kong Country 2, and I was glad when I saw nintendo's effort to try to revive our favorite monkey, plus his boombox was way more pimpin than Dixie's crap guitar skills :p. Who can deny a potbellied little monkey who likes cool jams?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Kenowhere, Wisjohnsin
Kay...Diddy Kong...the second most popular DK toon ey...not saying much since i'm sure DK itself isn't winning any top Nintendo prizes anytime soon but anyways imo, nerf clones buff new concepts the end

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
I was hoping they'd actually incorporate DK's roll move from Donkey Kong Country, into brawl. Perhaps over his headbutt move?

I agree that Diddy should have his cartwheel move. Perhaps it could be a Running A move or a smash B one.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Why does everyone think that all the people who play pokemon are ten year olds... >_>;
probably cuz its true...thatd be my answer
Such a failure. But I suppose I shouldn't kick them while they're down, so, anyway, yes, Pokemon is more popular, but that doesn't mean Donkey Kong is unheard of. I'm sure those kids have at least heard of the series.
exactly. the DK series is not automatically nonexistent just cuz Pokemon and Naruto are on TV dammit. all the DK series needs is another recognizable action-adventure/platforming game (without the bongo controls) and youll see how many gamers would rush towards it
Well I loved Diddy ever since I first played as him in Donkey Kong Country 2, and I was glad when I saw nintendo's effort to try to revive our favorite monkey, plus his boombox was way more pimpin than Dixie's crap guitar skills :p. Who can deny a potbellied little monkey who likes cool jams?
Diddy is a pymp...established
he should do his cartwheel for an attack
o rly?


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2007
Ontario, Canada
How can you possibly deny that a character like Snake or Link, is not as cool as a character like Diddy, unless you're 12?

I said it before, and I'll say it again:

The DK series has gone down hill, and DK is good enough for Smash.

Diddy looks ********. The only reason you could like him is if you're a die-hard fan, as proven by all the idiotic "Diddy 4 Brawl!!" responses.

I'd rather see someone like Isaac from Golden Sun in Brawl, because that suits my tastes, and a game that revolves around fighting, better.

All you've people have said are things like "Diddy is popular enough", but I'm sorry to say it again (and again, and again), but the DK series has lost a load of it's popularity since it's golden years. FACTUALLY, popularity and relevance puts characters in Brawl. DK is not relevant or popular in this day and age. You can't argue that - it's fact. DK has been overshoadowed by some handheld games for the past 10 years. I've been saying this and no one's listening.

Yes, Pokemon can look ******** as well. Yes, there are childish characters. My point is that we don't need more of them, and characters that look more like actual fighters are better.

I'm not saying Diddy won't be in Brawl. I'm saying other characters deserve more spots. I'd rather see Shiek return than a monkey. You guys are making yourself look like idiots or children by arguing that Diddy pwns all, and 'rocks' because he plays one melody with a guitar.

Actually, I take it all back. I really do hope Diddy is in, because then I can snap his neck with someone I like to call Snake. Here's hoping we get online too!

Diddy 4 Brawl!!!
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