Character Name: Ryker
Character Race: Human (White/Caucasian)
Age: Rumour says 22
Text color: Red (Because it would be unfair to also choose white and blue)
Appearance- A slim, somewhat short individual with a bearded face and a deceptively charming shine to his eyes, only seen on seldom removal of his faded baseball cap. The features of his face seem at once crooked, misplaced, and perfect. He wears an ordinary t-shirt and worn jeans, each a size too large, but he carries himself like a prince.
Description- Ryker was reportedly born and raised to the tournament competitive life, in the Deep South, an oft-fabled land of sweet tea, tangy meat, hats, and average-to-poor hygiene. He is known far and wide in the competitive circuits, but only by his gamertag. Ryker comes and goes like words on the wind, whispers of a charming smile, a bulging brain, breath smelling of mint and tasting of salt. It is rumoured that his love of tacos is second to no man, and that behind this love is a great and terrible secret, which drives him to win any and every competition he applies himself to. He will not rest until the job is done, and when it is, he is immediately gone without a trace. Only the trophies remain at venues to attest to his existing at all.
Weapons/Techniques/Etc.- Ryker is out of his regular terrain here, but he still wields his weapon of choice - a game controller with a very long retractable cord and surprisingly sharp plug. His over-sized clothes belie his quick reflexes and hide his svelte, farm-tanned form. When angered competitors haven't been immediately driven off by the sight of him, he has been known to quickly and skillfully settle any situations that come his way. He expects to hold his own against any odds.