#HBC | Red Ryu
Red Fox Warrior
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I don't care about the fighting stuff, that's mainstay for any anime like One Piece, DBZ, HunterxHunter etc. That's quota and not an issue I have with One Piece.dude i understand how yu can get some of these perceptions from cursory watches of one piece episodes/media but yure flat out wrong in some of these assertions
luffy getz his *** whooped more than a negligible amount of times in da story. the author also makez it very clear that luffy is nowhere near da cream of da crop wen it comes 2 most powerful characters. 1 of da reasonz i enjoy it is cuz da author subverts da invincible hero trope. i can think of like 15 chars whod body luffy n are relevant enough 2 da story dat it may happen as it getz further
he also shows hella growth throughout da story. itz mostly shown in his leadership ability n decision making. im sure therez prolly essays on how much hes grown throughout da series
also yure *****ing about pacing but dats actually one of one pieces strongest aspects. almost every (which is a lot which makes even more impressive) plotline gets a resolution n da author is meticulous as hell in making sure theyre played out 4 da fanz. yure also basing it off da anime which is NOTORIOUS for filler bull****. one piece is like da equivalent 2 disney in japan so no **** dem *****z is gonna **** out irrelevant fluff 2 feed da masses
if yu dislike luffys derpy shtick dats fine but yure either deluding yurself in2 seeing flaws dat aint dere or going off limited viewership in yur criticisms of it
good gorf i ****in hate anime n hoped id never hav 2 argue over it but i culdnt stand 2 jus let yu **** all over a rare occurrence of quality in da medium
also i like acros avatar n think it fitz im well :D
The issues I have that I can't stand are him and the pacing.
If he is changing as a leader, he barely has changed on that front outside of just him doing what he pretty much always does for others around...which is no different from plenty of other anime in that genre. His character and derpy stick is really what does it in for me. I can't stand it, I legit think it is bottom of the barrel for a main anime character.
I hate the pacing because it drags it out way way way longer than it needs to. I don't mind an anime needing length, but this series drags out even simple arcs for padding. I am basing it on the anime because I don't read the manga, don't ask me to I'm not going to. I know the difference, but there is a tolerance to this, I can tolerate DBZ doing it to a point, One Piece take the cake for that and amplifies it to the worst degree.
I know there are good things to this series, art style is unique, I like side characters like Robin and Franky, some stories are kind of interesting.
But the bad aspects legitimately piss me off. I know this is a super popular anime and manga that people love, but I can't stand it.