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#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
dude i understand how yu can get some of these perceptions from cursory watches of one piece episodes/media but yure flat out wrong in some of these assertions

luffy getz his *** whooped more than a negligible amount of times in da story. the author also makez it very clear that luffy is nowhere near da cream of da crop wen it comes 2 most powerful characters. 1 of da reasonz i enjoy it is cuz da author subverts da invincible hero trope. i can think of like 15 chars whod body luffy n are relevant enough 2 da story dat it may happen as it getz further

he also shows hella growth throughout da story. itz mostly shown in his leadership ability n decision making. im sure therez prolly essays on how much hes grown throughout da series

also yure *****ing about pacing but dats actually one of one pieces strongest aspects. almost every (which is a lot which makes even more impressive) plotline gets a resolution n da author is meticulous as hell in making sure theyre played out 4 da fanz. yure also basing it off da anime which is NOTORIOUS for filler bull****. one piece is like da equivalent 2 disney in japan so no **** dem *****z is gonna **** out irrelevant fluff 2 feed da masses

if yu dislike luffys derpy shtick dats fine but yure either deluding yurself in2 seeing flaws dat aint dere or going off limited viewership in yur criticisms of it

good gorf i ****in hate anime n hoped id never hav 2 argue over it but i culdnt stand 2 jus let yu **** all over a rare occurrence of quality in da medium

also i like acros avatar n think it fitz im well :D
I don't care about the fighting stuff, that's mainstay for any anime like One Piece, DBZ, HunterxHunter etc. That's quota and not an issue I have with One Piece.

The issues I have that I can't stand are him and the pacing.

If he is changing as a leader, he barely has changed on that front outside of just him doing what he pretty much always does for others around...which is no different from plenty of other anime in that genre. His character and derpy stick is really what does it in for me. I can't stand it, I legit think it is bottom of the barrel for a main anime character.

I hate the pacing because it drags it out way way way longer than it needs to. I don't mind an anime needing length, but this series drags out even simple arcs for padding. I am basing it on the anime because I don't read the manga, don't ask me to I'm not going to. I know the difference, but there is a tolerance to this, I can tolerate DBZ doing it to a point, One Piece take the cake for that and amplifies it to the worst degree.

I know there are good things to this series, art style is unique, I like side characters like Robin and Franky, some stories are kind of interesting.

But the bad aspects legitimately piss me off. I know this is a super popular anime and manga that people love, but I can't stand it.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Here i'll write it

Luffy goes to the new Red Pirate Zone where he meets the quirky pirate queen Cabbage. Luffy stares at her breasts and eats all her food, resulting in his imprisonment. the only way to free himself is to go on a journey to capture all 670 of her enemies, one at a time. Along the way he realizes the real One Piece in his life was his friends. Unfortunately they all catch jungle aids and die.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Here i'll write it

Luffy goes to the new Red Pirate Zone where he meets the quirky pirate queen Cabbage. Luffy stares at her breasts and eats all her food, resulting in his imprisonment. the only way to free himself is to go on a journey to capture all 670 of her enemies, one at a time. Along the way he realizes the real One Piece in his life was his friends. Unfortunately they all catch jungle aids and die.
Sign me up! I'll watch his friends catch jungle aids any day. :D


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
My parents told me to build them a guest bedroom on Friday night. I built them a guest bedroom.


Nothing surprises me anymore.
ngl exactly how i pictured ur living quarters
That's impressive Acrostic!

Also, I'm currently in a class called "From Apocalypse to Anime: Religion and the Imagination of the Otherworldly". First half of the class is Judeo-Christian apocalypse narratives, second half is anime and other modern films (such as Dogma) which depict apocalyptic themes or interpretations of heavenly ascent/descent. The syllabus of the second half of the class isn't set yet so if anyone knows of any anime with such themes please let me know :)
Attack on Titan.

Also this:

Overswarm teaches DGames again

now you teach me

I haaaaaaate anime

with a passion

I watched Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood for 4 episodes and I had to stop because of all the damn goofy anime stuff. I forced myself to watch some of Trigun and hated it. It was nearly unbearable and finally had to tell my girlfriend I couldn't watch it anymore. I watched Evangelion or whatever it is called from start to finish and found it to be intriguing at first and then laughably dumb afterwards.

My lady likes anime. So far the only anime I have liked was Death Note. That's it, bar none.

What anime would you suggest that doesn't have

A) a bunch of over the top crap like moms being giant robots with breasts and psychic abilities on roller skates

B) a bunch of cutesy anime stuff designed to be over the top because they can't naturally convey emotion properly like this:

C) stupid, stupid story lines made by an 8 year old boy
Deathnote is the only anime I'd universally recommend to anyone, even those that haven't seen a single episode of anime in their life. You would probably like Monster though. Also forget what Xonar says, Ghost in a Shell--at least the movies--is splendid. Should check out Baccano too. It has about as much "cutesy anime stuff" as Death Note. And it's in my top 5 if not top 3.
OS watch angel beats.

did you actually like though? There were some pretty good parts to it I thought.
As a weeaboo or something like that I can agree about somethings and others but really I don't feel like discussing what you guys are discussing. I just want to say that the one thing I can't even stand in animes are the freaking like "obnoxiously cute stupid sidekicks." That stupid little lion thing from bleach, dung beatle in bokurano, chopper in one piece, hell even Kyubi in Madoka but at least Kyubi tries to be a serious... whatever. It's just crazy how common they are and their only purpose is to be like "check how useless I am and how much I overreact!" Ryuk is one of the two biggest reasons I've never been able to like Death Note. Like seriously **** that character.
Haha I hate those characters too. Ryuuk was tight though, I don't feel like he really fits into the category.
July I hope they make you watch one piece! :D

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
i ****ing hate everything about anime; the culture, the fanbase (callin all yall fagbags), the cookie-cutter formula, the art style... everything. even the animes that id consider "decent" are only that to anime standards...

...and i still think deathnote is fantastic. one of my favorite shows ive ever seen period. its reasonably short too.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
@ Overswarm Overswarm

I am not a big connoisseur, but there are plenty that don't have plots written by 8 year olds (I normally enjoy plots written by 8 year olds and get my dose of more serious content from books). Do you have an issue with those cutesy over the top reactions when used for comedic effect? I see that **** constantly in pretty much any animated medium. I've seen those that do also capable of conveying very emotional scenes (not all, some are just cutesy ****) like Cowboy Bebop or Gurren Lagann, to use a pair of buzzwords.

Actually, on that subject, I think you would probably like Cowboy Bebop.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I love anime, though I am a lot less active on watching it than I used to be. I still love a lot of it for art and animation purposes.

There is just some stuff that really gets to me sometimes.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I'm not sure if Serial Experiments: Lain would somehow fall into the cutesy category for Overswarm or not, but if it doesn't, I'd highly recommend that (although I never finished it myself rip ;_; ).


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'm sad to hear OS dropped Brotherhood, because they really tone down the 'overthetop' anime stuff after the first few episodes and things actually get serious.

No Hetero

Jul 11, 2012
im reading commanders historys greatest military leaders by r g grant. itz a nice read if yure interested in military history/tactics n itz good 4 a shelf/rereads due 2 itz encylopedia like format

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I'm currently on a Michael Lewis streak, excellent author.

The Big Short - finished at christmas
Flash Boys- Currently reading
Liar's Poker- next up
I want to read Flash Boys. I know it's about High Frequency Trading and the traders involved in it. I have read Money Ball. It was a good read.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
It's been a very long time since I legit just sat down and read a book.

That doesn't include visual novels, I guess? I've read several if those I suppose.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'm sad to hear OS dropped Brotherhood, because they really tone down the 'overthetop' anime stuff after the first few episodes and things actually get serious.
They should have stopped earlier! I don't consider it a loss on my part any more than someone saying "Oh, you should have kept watching! They stop doing musical dance numbers after the 7th episode."

Watched Cowboy Bebop. It's okay. A lot of it is silly and pointless, but it's better than a lot.

Watched Attack on Titan. It was okay. Some cool stuff in it although it didn't go nearly as well as I thought it would. Then I saw how long it'd be inbetween seasons and have since lost interest in it entirely.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I haven't seen Cowboy Bebop but I think pointless is very hard to find in media overall, so I'm surprised to see you mention that. Idk tho.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
They should have stopped earlier! I don't consider it a loss on my part any more than someone saying "Oh, you should have kept watching! They stop doing musical dance numbers after the 7th episode."

Watched Cowboy Bebop. It's okay. A lot of it is silly and pointless, but it's better than a lot.

Watched Attack on Titan. It was okay. Some cool stuff in it although it didn't go nearly as well as I thought it would. Then I saw how long it'd be inbetween seasons and have since lost interest in it entirely.
IMO depends on how good the rest of the series is, or sometimes what the content is of the rest of the series. For example I can think of several pieces of media that open in what seems to be a standard way for that medium then after establishing it take a right turn and become a deconstruction. For those, spending time in the medium is necessary to establish what it's trying to criticize.

And Ghost in the Shell, the movies and the series are fantastic. Serial Experiments Lain is probably a good bet for you as well if you're into cyberpunk, series is confusing as hell though. Monster maybe?


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Main reason I commented at all was that I had the same initial gripe, OS. Stuck with it a bit longer and felt very rewarded as a result once the tone shifted.


Smash Ace
Feb 23, 2014
Dude sucks for you they have some pretty good boat waifus up for grabs in there.
thing about kancolle is i dont see the point in watching a bad anime or going through a convoluted sign-up process for a rng browser game when the main draw is the anime girls & you can just look through the fanart of em without any of that

(shiranui is the best one btw.)

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
So about a month and a half ago Zen inquired about my location so here I am.

OS I don't think you would like Ghost in the Shell. The main heroine wears a dumb unnecessarily revealing costume and the tanks are anime as **** for no reason other then the fact that they exist in an anime. While Ghost isn't super over the top with anime stuff it definitely is still there are you will notice it. You probably won't hate it but I don't think you would like it enough to find it worth an investment of your time.

On the subject of nonfiction I would always recommend Freakanomics. A lot of you probably already read that one but to those who haven't it's mega interesting, so check it out.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
thing about kancolle is i dont see the point in watching a bad anime or going through a convoluted sign-up process for a rng browser game when the main draw is the anime girls & you can just look through the fanart of em without any of that

(shiranui is the best one btw.)

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
shiranui is a ****ing psycho idk how you could honestly like that character
ill be enjoying my night battles while u enjoy getting stabbed
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