i think joking around with no hetero is a great way to desensitize people to no hetero, in a way (ex: will ferrell, or recently will arnett on conan). like, today my friend and i were playing on netplay, and he's super homo (has a boyfriend, loves the dong, yadda yadda). i camped him as sheik really hard and he was like "you are even more lame than okami. i didn't think this was possible" to which i responded "you think YOU'RE gay? I'M THE GAYEST PLAYER EVER!" hue hue hue hue. but he knows that i'm pretty liberal when it comes to LBGT rights, and we're bros enough to the point where it's chill to be a **** on occasion so long as it isn't excessive. anyway, since i'm pretty sure nabe isn't trying to oppress the gay agenda, he's in the clear. but if he really is trying to oppress the gay agenda, THEN I GOT YO BACK CIRCUS
i agree with xonar that people who excessively flaunt anything about themselves are distracting and tend to be bothersome, but i don't think flaunting in a distracting manner specifically correlates with gays since anyone is capable of doing such a thing, so hopefully people in the netherlands aren't lumping gays together as a flaunting bunch.
circus, i don't think it's homophobic for gorf to say it feels weird that he is watching 2 dudes kiss right from the get go; public displays of affection have the tendency to make people feel awkward and look away (come on didn't you watch captain america: winter soldier?). hopefully gorf isn't actually homophobic tho cause that'd be kinda lame.
impartially yours,
p.s. ya'll stole the hype from marshy's rap vid, except i'm actually ok with that since i wasn't included in it Kappa
I'm guessing you haven't read this entire exchange, based on what I see here. It may be best for everyone that you don't, or else this may never end, but I think I've covered a lot of what you're saying here and why it's...well, wrong.
The conversation you and Gorf were having didn't look unimportant at all, it looked (and is) extremely important. The reason I so clearly and purposefully avoided addressing it is because I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't trying to shelve it or shunt it to the side by making an unrelated post. It has nothing to do with any cultural privilege. I didn't get a chance to comment on marshy meeting Ran prior to your conversation starting, and wanted to get something in. It's true that I had no desire to take part in your discussion, and that's not because of the subject matter, but rather because I felt there was nothing to be added by me, and lots of happiness to be saved in my day by not inserting myself in the line of fire.
This is hard for me to believe since the next post you made involved you explaining that you basically wouldn't be offended by a hypothetical "No Homo" hydra being made, bizarro-mirroring your No Hetero account (irrelevant to the points at hand), followed by you telling me to "ignore Gorf for once." To me, that very much suggests that you think the conversation I was having with Gorf was not worth having.
I can appreciate the fact that you didn't have anything to add to the conversation. And I can also appreciate that this thread is multi-purpose and topics shift very fluidly. But saying things like "
back to the better topic" and "ignore Gorf for once" pretty clearly indicate a desire to move on completely.
#HBC | Nabe
Straight privilege works on a subconscious level. Even if you had no intention of getting involved, you unwittingly deterred the conversation due to how you were influenced by a pro-hetero society. Because you can never exist outside the vacuum of social influence, you can't avoid making decisions that take into consideration social norms between straights and gays. Your joke can be considered to touch upon this because we expect that marshy and Ranmaru are meeting under friendly circumstances.
However, the joke is in the fact that there is an ulterior motive that Ranmaru is interested in marshy which is why he's visiting him. The fact that this is the punch line is likely what Circus is referring to when he mentions that you are unknowingly painting homosexuality as abnormal because the normal course of their meet up would be for just two bros to hang out. The fact that the punch line is the idea of one of them being romantically interested is a punch line is because we don't consider that as a likely possibility because of how we've been influenced to think.
You are a riddle wrapped in an enigma getting day drunk on a porch with Mystery.
I don't think you can call it straight privilege to be posting about something other than the currently controversial topic in a social thread.
I get your point but it's an oversimplification of the issue.
If you walk in on your friends having a heated argument, you don't
have to join in the argument (indeed, it's probably best you don't if you don't have a burning point to make), but suggesting a change in topics before things can be hashed out tacitly says that whatever they're fighting about isn't serious enough to see through to the end.
Honestly Circus, I thought "Man I kinda wished I didn't post about marshy and me in the middle of this, because I'd want more talk about marshy and me." So I agree with Nabe. I mean, being straight myself I don't feel too interested in participating in this conversation as I feel I wouldn't have much to contribute, because I was too lazy in observing Gorf's original issue with it. You could say that I was more interested in marshy meeting ran talk before even thinking about this at all, even though it might plague you all the time.
Sure it means that I prolly have more straight privledge and am 'ignoring' something that you might care more about simply because I'm not experiencing the problems you might be. It's something I want to look into because I do think it is important that I do, it's just I"m too ****in' lazy at the moment.
Finally if this means that me being straight and not really being too interested in looking into a problem that really isn't mine is straight privledge, at least I acknowledge it. What else can I do? (besides actually giving my actual piece, which I might eventually do sometime)
I do think you should post more about it tho because we should try to understand each other more, especially since you dgames. We are bros. I wouldn't want you to feel like an outlier and distance yourself from us cuz of this.
I appreciate you saying that, but despite my recent posts, I really don't have much interest in becoming dGames resident thought police (doesn't mean I won't speak up again when I feel the need; I absolutely will). The best thing you can do other than acknowledging privilege is at least recognizing that when someone else calls you out on it, they aren't doing it for their health, nor to offend you personally (as someone who has been on the receiving end of this multiple times, I can vouch that this can be hard to do). If you have a legitimate problem with it, still say something. As frustrated as I am that so many people got defensive with me over the course of this whole thing, I
am glad that they spoke up if that's the way they really felt. Otherwise it really would just be like talking to a wall.