Shout outs
Frozen Flame: First of all, awesome meeting you for the first time. I had a great time playing melee with you, and appreciate that you hosted IRL mafia for us! I deff hope we do some dgames meet somewhere this summer or next summer (cuz we obv are coming to apex right? RIGHT?!?) I may also need to re-cap all that you told me because I only really got the gist of it, and would like it in text-form so I can re-read it, hehe. Also tips on how not to be nervous in an IRL setting. If I had more TIME to act I’d prolly maybe do better? Maybe. I dunno. Also let me know what you thought of my doc. :D Trying to un-rust.
Red_Ryu: Justin. JUSTIN IS YOUR NAME. I HUNG OUT WITH YOU BEFORE WITHOUT KNOWING YOUR NAME HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. RODRIGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I found your reaction to my outburst in IRLmaf awesome. Also tough stuff during mylo/lylo. Talking about AtE, I wonder how much AtE we’d see from J if he was there. Would he get on his knees? He acts, right?
Sword.Dancer: STEPHENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Good seeing you after all these… YEARS. Man. You have improved, and I have not. I need to get on that, and will try. In IRLmaf, I never had a problem with you read wise, I just could never really get a solid read on you. More like I was just leaving you there and focusing on others who I may have problems with at first. I only disliked your ‘defeatist’ attitude in the second game, but can understand why you would do that as I have done that before when I wasn’t even listened to. It is kind of hard to establish yourself as town when you mess up (You claiming me and Branden are town too early, and backpedaling), otherwise if you didn’t, and I didn’t mess up, I would think we’d have a better chance at finding scum (who were both quiet haha).
Bardull: BARDULLLLLLLLLLLLLL. GREAT SEEING YOU MANNNNNNN. I totally understand the reason for you going on break, as I had to do the same. School, working out, re-defining myself and how I structure my life and time, etc. But you should come back whenever you feel you have that extra time. Also loved how you read me right and was like “Yeah, I knew you were town bro.” I appreciate that.
BSL: YOOOOOOOOOOO. I keep misreading you. Sorry for latching on to you all the time. Liked your play in the second game while I was dead. Otherwise I still don’t know how to find scum you so I’m throwing stuff out there.
Raziek: Yoo it was good to see you again man! Nothing much else to say (as I didn’t play you much in smash) but that I don’t know how to read you yet. I am trying to figure out how to play irlmafia while wondering “how do they just keep talking.”

Also good play in the last game.
KevinM: The old twin brother of Mevin K, who sleeps soundly in the crevice with only a sheet thin blanket that was mine. We didn’t get to play melee but maybe another time. Just let me know what big tournies you’ll go to and maybe I’ll see ya there. I might go to Rom, cuz I wanna get back into smash. This is also the first time I realized I was the only person with BLACK hair in the dgames room. WTf.
Ryker: Good to see you again man. I liked that you were able to see some town in me, and I can understand how I went down in that game for shoddy play. Dang it glyph.
Glyph: Dang it glyph. GOOD SEEING YA BRO. Glad to see that we are good to go for sharing of the $1300 profits. xP I think your role in the second game was anti-town as in you were kinda making me seem scummy (I think) by asking me a question and just tunneling me. If I were to answer, I would obviously say no to the question. Your coin flip thing just confused me, not made me nervous. Of course, it seemed like I was saying nothing because I was saying I didn’t like the direction you were going with because I couldn’t tell if you were scum for it or just town trying to get the game going. Obviously discussion had been going yet you came back to me again and again with hard questions I’m like wtf. So maybe the term ‘anti-town’ didn’t come into mind at first but that was what I was trying to say.
Trey: It was good seeing ya man. WTF were we thinking when we were going to subway. It was a miracle to find Soroko to drive us to ANOTHER subway, and who also played smash. He was awesome and I will be re-connecting with him when I can.
Branden: It was fun playing Uno with you, I WON hahaha. Also, I should pay more attention to you in irlmafia. You should play a game of forum maf just cuz.