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DG Interview Thread: Walrus? Toasted


  • Total voters

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Favorite avatar you have used in the past?

Favorite DK main?

How fun is it to run this place?

Can I make a 30 man private game here?

Scum, Town or Indy and why?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
What are the most interesting games you've seen appear on DGames?

Who is your least favorite player to try to read on DGames?


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Aaaaaaand I guess that's a wrap

questions are closed, so now I'm gonna try schedule something with sold

I must know though...how am I doing with this thing? I feel like I'm kinda 'eh,' giving how lazy I am lol. I would honestly rather have Zen/someone else do this >>

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

Sold, what does it take to be a mod of Dgames? Why are you a mod of Dgames? Like, what incentive is there?

How did Gord convince you of approving Youtube mafia?

How much do you like your hair? How much money would someone have to pay you to get it cut?

Say you had to leave Dgames forever, and you were given the option to pass on your modding ability to someone else. Who would it be and why?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge

Why are you trash at Pokemon?

Why am I trash at Pokemon?

Make a Rockin joke?

Are we gonna rock a mafia game like a hurricane soon? SoiledLaundry really has to ride.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Um I guess. Like if anyone has anything else they better hurry up lol.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Whats your favorite video game, book, movie, anime, etc. and why.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
What!? Sold said you already did the interview and that you just had to post it.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Insert Rockin-y intro here. I told him to post the interview and he wasn't gonna and I wasn't havin nunnadat so since it was done I offered to format it. I'm sure Rockin can write a bantery intro for Soldie later.

Deal with it.



Thank you for joining with us. How does it feel to be in this interview?

Oh great, I've definitely been waiting forever. It's about time dudes :glare:

Hey hey, why should you blame the interviewer when it's your fans are the ones that took so long to get you chosen?

You're not one of my fans too? :c

MOVING ON! Make a joke about Rockin.

It's hard to make a gay joke while keeping it appropriate for DGames, haha.

Why are you so ****ty at soku?

You're a moth, why are you so ****ty at everything? Go eat some cotton-balls, scrub.

And actually I think I'm okayish at soku so w/e.

Do you feel like your position as the list moderator affects your ability to join games negatively?

Oh definitely. Some of the games that I've worked on with you guys or have seen passed me by have looked really nice. I'm kind of restricted to playing in open games or things like uPicks, and the most fun in mafia to me is trying to figure out the set-up and optimize my actions around that.

What's your typical response to a proposed set-up you don't approve of?

I always tell them exactly what the problem is and what has to be done to fix it.

Or more specifically why it's a problem, and generally the host will find a way around that problem or will scrap the role that was causing the problem all together.

I don't really give people specific suggestions, just vague ideas of where to go. I'd hate if my influence caused too many similar fixes to common problems, haha.

Has there ever been a case where a set-up was simply unacceptable to a point that it had to be completely re-done?

Yeah, there's been a few. Do I need to share any specifics? I don't want to drop any names on any of them.

(You can share as much as you want to share)

Just to be vague as possible, there's been multiple occasions where people try to add too many killing roles, or a gimmick that can be abused or is unnecessary

Are there any guidelines you follow in particular when looking over a set-up?

Yes, I have a few general guidelines. Like there are certain instances where these are okay, but for example the first thing I always look for any possible follow the cop strategies.

Or like in general I look to see if massclaiming would break the game on D1, that's a big problem.

Other stuff like indies, recruiting anythings, killing roles, or an abundance of power roles all around.

I don't want what I'm thinking about killing roles to get misconstrued, I just always make sure that there's something to counteract them or balance it out.

Would you join more closed games if a list moderator other than you would regularly asked for advice?

More often, yes. There's a lot of players and established mods on this site that I'd definitely want to play a game of theirs.

Have you ever met Ryker IRL? Why does he smell so bad?

Nope. Ryker says he doesn't smell bad. This sounds like a lot of propaganda to me, he's a more credible source than some nasty European furry.

Why are you stalking this thread so you can plan every answer in advance?

Yes. Obviously.

and because I like the attention :c

Who's better, me or you?

At what? Mafia? Probably you. Most other things, including being an upstanding citizen, definitely me.

Why is it me?

Because I allow everyone, including and especially yourself, to not get stomped every time Sold2 joins a mafia game. It'd just be mean if I won everything.

What are you best/worst plays ever?

My best play as town is probably Muppets mafia. I replaced in late D2, helped the king decide on lynching Xonar who flipped scum, though I was a bit hesistant, and then through the rest of the game I was pointing to SRB, the other scum. When I finally became king in lylo, I got'em after a drawn out exchange between him and Blue Yoshi.

As scum, my best play imo is actually from Legend of Zelda mafia in the staff room. Day 1, my scum mate Teran, who had the super valuable executioner role, was definitely going to get lynched. I faked a day cop innocent on him and managed to stall my own lynch until Day 4. And before I went down, I had managed to shoot the doctor, commuter, and lynch the real cop even after he claimed. I definitely did all that a mafia team could want out of someone, though we still lost :c.

My worst play of all time was Secret of Roanoke from AllIsBrawl. Long story short, I let Ryker live because I thought he was an indy, and we really needed to lynch mafia. Ugh. He was mafia.

My flying pumpkin that shoots lasers out of it's *** claim in touhou might be my worst scum play ever. But it had to be done and I regret NOTHING. It should have worked! It really should have!

What, specifically, is it about kingmakers that make them stand out to you over typical mafia?

It gives you a very specific audience that you have to appeal to. In a normal mafia, a lot of people are convinced in entirely different ways or expect certain things out of people. I'm too easily annoyed trying to explain my logic to so many people. I also really dislike trying to get a majority from particularly hesitant or stubborn towns, it's super frustrating and time consuming.

Make another joke about Rockin.

Haha, okay I got this one.

What's the difference between a Ritz and Rockin?

A Ritz is a snack cracker, but Rockin is a crack snacker! Bahaha you get it? Because like gay joke pfffft.

I hope that ones not overused or something :x.

*middle finger to sold2*

I'm sorry, you're just too easy to pick on.

Make a joke about Joey, ideally ridiculing his downright silly use of Pichu at the end of his posts.

It really is just silly. Joey's so gay he uses Pichu at the end of his posts, bahahaha.

bad joke, :172:

What's the best setup you've reviewed?

Of all the set-ups that have been played out already, I really liked Pizza mafia

The indy lovers really set it apart and was well executed. Also I really liked the flavor, haha.

Do you enjoy being the /in bot, why are you the only one?

Yes, I like being an /in bot. It makes me feel mega cute sometimes or something.

And contrary to popular belief, marshy still actually updates the queue sometimes.

Every time he does, it baffles me.

Marshy's just mysterious, and too cool for you.

Do you like me?

Yeah you're okay soup. Just okay though.

Why do you hate me? :c

Because you change your avatar too often and your text color too often and I hate you and your emotions. Although this avatar is kinda cool.

What's your fav mafia role?

I really like Neighbors. Private communication in general makes a mafia game so much different to play (and I think funner) and it's also like a mafia game within a mafia game when they're not confirmed town.

Who's your fav veteran?

I think that award goes to mentosman. I really enjoy his playstyle />

Who's your fav newbie?

I don't really talk to them enough, but I guess Shadow Moth. Dude plays some cool games, pretty good at mafia. Only downside is that he's a stupid moth.

Do you like that the DGames community has gotten more social?

Yeah. A lot of us are really like minded people, we all play a lot of the same things and have the same humor. I consider a lot of you my best (internet) friends.

What's was your favorite game to read?

Nightmare Before Christmas. The shenanigans that happened with Gordito were toooo funny, and outside of that it was still a great game.

What do you think of the current MvP system?

It serves it's purpose well. I think that mods are a bit too lenient on giving out MvPs but it has encouraged new players to come and for people to play more seriously.

Who was your favorite Bicycle Buddy?

Definitely JTB. Let's be Bicycle Buddies again sometime yo.

Can you not make a joke about Rockin?

Okay. Done.

What's the worst crisis you've had to avert in DGames?

I don't think we've ever really had a crisis. Things are pretty chill back here. Maybe when some dudes went and trolled the smash 64 section or when there was a big fuss about private games.

Why is Gheb such total garbage?

Because he's stubborn and bad at everything. But more importantly he's a European and doesn't recognize his inferiority.

As a mafia player, who do you respect the most?

Evil Eye. That dude is just so thoroughly convincing when he wants to be. I mean I think walls are stupid and anti-town, but damn he uses them well, and they're just so easy to understand. That 32 page wall in PF was a massive exception lol.

What's your favorite mafia game you've ever played?

Nightmare Before Christmas gets mention again for the hilarious Gordito story. That guy deserves like 3 MvPs for that game. LoZ mafia gets another mention too, simply because my great play, it sticks out in my mind. But overall, the best mafia game I've ever played is probably Mario Kart. It was all around just a great game, even if the indy and mafia shooting each other at the end was kinda silly.

How would you fix Neopolitan Ice Cream?

Dude that vanilla section in the middle ruins everything. I want chocolate and strawberry all the dang time. Sometimes I want strawberry and vanilla. But chocolate and vanilla? Like who thought that was a good idea to put them side by side like that let's be real. So yes I would switch the strawberry and the vanilla. Or heck I might just switch the vanilla out for something else entirely, peach would be good.

How delicious was that scone you walked 5 miles for?

It was pretty good. Like I wouldn't do it again. But it was pretty good.

If the world ran out of Rocky Road flavored ice cream, what would you do?

Probably start eating Moose Tracks instead. That stuffs pretty good. Maybe some sort of caramel swirl? I dunno man. I just don't know.

Who are your mafia arch-nemeses? Why?

I don't really have any. I guess Ryker gets special mention for being my evil opposite in mafia and because we always hate each other in mafia games.

If you could meet up and chill with 5 DGamers IRL, who would it be?

Ryker, Laundry, Gova, Evil Eye, and Glyph. I love the late night Skype crew, and we would hang out and flex our muscles and it'd just be a wonderful time. There's a lot of other combinations I'd love but that's the first one that'd have to happen.

What moment(s) in mafia really made an impact on the way you view the game?

Mostly AllIsBrawl games, since that was my origin. Secret of Roanoke was a big wake up, that I needed to start looking at motivation and not just take everything as a probability or fact when I called Ryker an Indy instead of him being Mafia. Laundry's games in general really influenced my understanding of how mafia set-ups were made and how to balance around things.

On smashboards, Newbie 3 made me really dislike walls and excessive text in general. Unintended Consequences introduced me to Occam's Razer and how simply good it is, that complicated things will just blur your vision. Dragonball Z is when it really hit me how important it is to be able to convince someone, especially picking one player in specific you have to convince and getting it done.

How awesome is Condemned going to be?

Super awesome. I'll make sure it's awesome. Like Evil Eye is going to do a great job too but whatever I am I'm going to be the best whatever ever and everyone's going to talk about my whatever FOR EVER.

Can you make one last joke about Rockin?

Rockin's like the vanilla in Neapolitan ice cream. I'll let you guys figure out that joke (other than I hate vanilla).

A man approached you at a deserted gas station at 3am claiming to be Rockin asking you to make a joke about Rockin. What would you tell him?

Like what are you doing at a deserted gas station at 3 AM even. And what am I doing there oh my god. I'd probably just walk away and pretend this never happened.

Favorite avatar you have used in the past?

Definitely the Sailor Jupiter avatar where she looks so triumphant. Sailor Scouts forever! That one's getting a comeback sometime after Ragnarok.

Favorite DK main?

Will, definitely. Dude's just so fun to watch, always really hype and he's always improving. Everytime I feel bad about my character, that DK is limited in some what, Will breaks that and does something incredible.

How fun is it to run this place?

Sorta fun. Things get kinda boring and repetitive, but you all are pretty cool.

Can I make a 30 man private game here?

If you can get 30 people willing to play a 30 person game? Sure. Good luck, haha.

Scum, Town or Indy and why?

Scum, it's so much easier to do things when you don't have to second guess everyone's alignment every second. Besides that, I really enjoy trying to figure out the set-up and how best to use a role, so scum's extra information and powers are fun to use. And I'm good at sacrificing myself to aid my team mates, so indy doesn't really work that well for me.

What are the most interesting games you've seen appear on DGames?

Ragnarok Mafia is definitely the most interesting game I've seen. It was really good you guys should've been there for it.

Other than that, OS games are always interesting, the two FF7 mafias looked really neat, and uTrick was a really cool game too.

Who is your least favorite player to try to read on DGames?

A lot of players I always read as scum, and a few I always read as town. The only players who consistently have me flipping reads on them are J, Gord, and Rockin. Something about that generation of players just makes it frustrating to figure out what they're doing.

Sold, what does it take to be a mod of Dgames?

It takes COURAGE. I mean it takes an iron fist that the puny villagers cannot fight back against! I mean. Basically you just have to listen to people and stay cool.

Why are you a mod of Dgames? Like, what incentive is there?

Someone has to do it. I kind of like the responsibility? I dunno it gives me something to do, and it gives me a sweet red name and user title. Also the staff rooms are HILARIOUS, and I enjoy going through people's infraction history. It's just a good way to pass time.

How did Gord convince you of approving Youtube mafia?

The set-up was ridiculously swingy but that's what he wanted. The original set-up was even more ridiculous, so I think what happened was I was so overwhelmed by the original set-up's swingyness that the improved version looked PERFECT to me, haha. I think that's called Door in the Face or something.

How much do you like your hair?

I'm quite fond of my hair, it keeps me warm and looking pretty spiffy. It's kinda like a good friend, always there for me.

How much money would someone have to pay you to get it cut?

Oh dude, people are paying me to have my hair cut all the sudden? Like what an amazing deal. There's a certain point where I pretty much have to get my hair cut, it starts curling and looking all stupid. At this very moment, I'd take $10 or maybe like a meal at Denny's or something to go get it cut. Actually if you paid for the haircut I'd probably go ahead and do it.

Say you had to leave Dgames forever, and you were given the option to pass on your modding ability to someone else. Who would it be and why?

Can't really drop any names on this one. I don't want to affect anyone's behavior or make a big fuss about this. Just let it be known that I've already thought this out and there's a contingency plan for my absence.

Why are you trash at Pokemon?

Because you try and take the game seriously.

Make a Rockin joke?

Yeah sure. Rockin's so dumb he thinks Electrivire is cool. Pfffffft.

I'm sorry that was a low blow.

But I'm sure you're used to those.

Are we gonna rock a mafia game like a hurricane soon? SoiledLaundry really has to ride.

You know it man. You ready to get... down and DIRTY? :cool:

Apparently rockin wanted to ask him some other questions and I absolutely encourage him to do it. Also, suspiciously, I remember FAR FEWER rockin jokes in this than requested in the thread :mad:


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I effing hate these files. -_-;

It looks like posting up the interview is gonna take longer then expected. I'll be sure to have everything done though by tonight

The thing is, there WAS more to the interview then EE said, but it seems (as I'm just noticing now) that the file I saved didn't have the rest of the interview (in fact, it seems to have copied the last one. Let me explain the methods that of what I do

1)First I get someone to interview.

-When the day is over and they/I can't go on for whatever reason, I would save the file as "interview of (insert name)"

- The more times we stopped, the more numbers it'll have at the end (1, 2, 3)

2)Once it's finished, I open up all the previous files of them and then put in the codes on the post

I'm guessing I just accidently made a copy of the 2nd (of the 3) files. Fortunatly, I'm only missing the small half of the interview, so I'll just need about 10 minutes or so once I come back from work.

Sorry again.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
"What's the worst crisis you've had to avert in DGames?

I don't think we've ever really had a crisis. Things are pretty chill back here. Maybe when some dudes went and trolled the smash 64 section or when there was a big fuss about private games."

lol kuz <3333333333333

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Aw shucks. It was the part that didn't get saved or whatever that was the good part. Wait nvm it got the good part.

But it's missing Rockin's questions (and Gova's never got answered lol). Oh well I might edit those in sometime.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
**** you Sold I NEVER get lynched, and I totally wouldn't have!

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Roanoke mentions, Flying Pumpkins, and Moose Trax as his #2 ice cream makes this a successful interview.

I'm also amazed that my games have had such an impact on the way you understand balance. I mean, I knew I was at least decent at it but Sprite always seemed to have a better knack for it than I. I should probably do an R&S game here with him if he's up to it.

And yeh, SoiledLaundry gonna get Down and DIRTY. B)


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Yeah well nobody asked your opinion maple syrup sucker because it's wrong.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Laundry you have to realize that a lot of the understanding I gained from your set-ups is from the mistakes you made as well as what worked. Cough -experimentals- cough ;).


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Sold may be an somewhat inactive player, but there is wisdom and thought whenever he does post. While he's known as one of the newer generation of Decisive Game Players, Sold as already shown a bit of potiential to becoming a great player (aside from being inactive from time to time). Don't call him 'Soldie Locks' or else he'll use the banhammer on you. Instigator (along with EE) of Rockin and J jokes, give it up for Soldie Locks-err, I mean....Sold2!

.....crap, I'm so banned. x.x


Thank you for joining with us. How does it feel to be in this interview?

Oh great, I've definitely been waiting forever. It's about time dudes :glare:

Hey hey, why should you blame the interviewer when it's your fans are the ones that took so long to get you chosen?

You're not one of my fans too? :c

MOVING ON! Make a joke about Rockin.

It's hard to make a gay joke while keeping it appropriate for DGames, haha.

Why are you so ****ty at soku?

You're a moth, why are you so ****ty at everything? Go eat some cotton-balls, scrub.

And actually I think I'm okayish at soku so w/e.

Do you feel like your position as the list moderator affects your ability to join games negatively?

Oh definitely. Some of the games that I've worked on with you guys or have seen passed me by have looked really nice. I'm kind of restricted to playing in open games or things like uPicks, and the most fun in mafia to me is trying to figure out the set-up and optimize my actions around that.

What's your typical response to a proposed set-up you don't approve of?

I always tell them exactly what the problem is and what has to be done to fix it.

Or more specifically why it's a problem, and generally the host will find a way around that problem or will scrap the role that was causing the problem all together.

I don't really give people specific suggestions, just vague ideas of where to go. I'd hate if my influence caused too many similar fixes to common problems, haha.

Has there ever been a case where a set-up was simply unacceptable to a point that it had to be completely re-done?

Yeah, there's been a few. Do I need to share any specifics? I don't want to drop any names on any of them.

(You can share as much as you want to share)

Just to be vague as possible, there's been multiple occasions where people try to add too many killing roles, or a gimmick that can be abused or is unnecessary

Are there any guidelines you follow in particular when looking over a set-up?

Yes, I have a few general guidelines. Like there are certain instances where these are okay, but for example the first thing I always look for any possible follow the cop strategies.

Or like in general I look to see if massclaiming would break the game on D1, that's a big problem.

Other stuff like indies, recruiting anythings, killing roles, or an abundance of power roles all around.

I don't want what I'm thinking about killing roles to get misconstrued, I just always make sure that there's something to counteract them or balance it out.

Would you join more closed games if a list moderator other than you would regularly asked for advice?

More often, yes. There's a lot of players and established mods on this site that I'd definitely want to play a game of theirs.

Have you ever met Ryker IRL? Why does he smell so bad?

Nope. Ryker says he doesn't smell bad. This sounds like a lot of propaganda to me, he's a more credible source than some nasty European furry.

Why are you stalking this thread so you can plan every answer in advance?

Yes. Obviously.

and because I like the attention :c

Who's better, me or you?

At what? Mafia? Probably you. Most other things, including being an upstanding citizen, definitely me.

Why is it me?

Because I allow everyone, including and especially yourself, to not get stomped every time Sold2 joins a mafia game. It'd just be mean if I won everything.

What are you best/worst plays ever?

My best play as town is probably Muppets mafia. I replaced in late D2, helped the king decide on lynching Xonar who flipped scum, though I was a bit hesistant, and then through the rest of the game I was pointing to SRB, the other scum. When I finally became king in lylo, I got'em after a drawn out exchange between him and Blue Yoshi.

As scum, my best play imo is actually from Legend of Zelda mafia in the staff room. Day 1, my scum mate Teran, who had the super valuable executioner role, was definitely going to get lynched. I faked a day cop innocent on him and managed to stall my own lynch until Day 4. And before I went down, I had managed to shoot the doctor, commuter, and lynch the real cop even after he claimed. I definitely did all that a mafia team could want out of someone, though we still lost :c.

My worst play of all time was Secret of Roanoke from AllIsBrawl. Long story short, I let Ryker live because I thought he was an indy, and we really needed to lynch mafia. Ugh. He was mafia.

My flying pumpkin that shoots lasers out of it's *** claim in touhou might be my worst scum play ever. But it had to be done and I regret NOTHING. It should have worked! It really should have!

What, specifically, is it about kingmakers that make them stand out to you over typical mafia?

It gives you a very specific audience that you have to appeal to. In a normal mafia, a lot of people are convinced in entirely different ways or expect certain things out of people. I'm too easily annoyed trying to explain my logic to so many people. I also really dislike trying to get a majority from particularly hesitant or stubborn towns, it's super frustrating and time consuming.

Make another joke about Rockin.

Haha, okay I got this one.

What's the difference between a Ritz and Rockin?

A Ritz is a snack cracker, but Rockin is a crack snacker! Bahaha you get it? Because like gay joke pfffft.

I hope that ones not overused or something :x.

*middle finger to sold2*

I'm sorry, you're just too easy to pick on.

Make a joke about Joey, ideally ridiculing his downright silly use of Pichu at the end of his posts.

It really is just silly. Joey's so gay he uses Pichu at the end of his posts, bahahaha.

bad joke, :172:

What's the best setup you've reviewed?

Of all the set-ups that have been played out already, I really liked Pizza mafia

The indy lovers really set it apart and was well executed. Also I really liked the flavor, haha.

Do you enjoy being the /in bot, why are you the only one?

Yes, I like being an /in bot. It makes me feel mega cute sometimes or something.

And contrary to popular belief, marshy still actually updates the queue sometimes.

Every time he does, it baffles me.

Marshy's just mysterious, and too cool for you.

Do you like me?

Yeah you're okay soup. Just okay though.

Why do you hate me? :c

Because you change your avatar too often and your text color too often and I hate you and your emotions. Although this avatar is kinda cool.

What's your fav mafia role?

I really like Neighbors. Private communication in general makes a mafia game so much different to play (and I think funner) and it's also like a mafia game within a mafia game when they're not confirmed town.

Who's your fav veteran?

I think that award goes to mentosman. I really enjoy his playstyle />

Who's your fav newbie?

I don't really talk to them enough, but I guess Shadow Moth. Dude plays some cool games, pretty good at mafia. Only downside is that he's a stupid moth.

Do you like that the DGames community has gotten more social?

Yeah. A lot of us are really like minded people, we all play a lot of the same things and have the same humor. I consider a lot of you my best (internet) friends.

What's was your favorite game to read?

Nightmare Before Christmas. The shenanigans that happened with Gordito were toooo funny, and outside of that it was still a great game.

What do you think of the current MvP system?

It serves it's purpose well. I think that mods are a bit too lenient on giving out MvPs but it has encouraged new players to come and for people to play more seriously.

Who was your favorite Bicycle Buddy?

Definitely JTB. Let's be Bicycle Buddies again sometime yo.

Can you not make a joke about Rockin?

Okay. Done.

What's the worst crisis you've had to avert in DGames?

I don't think we've ever really had a crisis. Things are pretty chill back here. Maybe when some dudes went and trolled the smash 64 section or when there was a big fuss about private games.

Why is Gheb such total garbage?

Because he's stubborn and bad at everything. But more importantly he's a European and doesn't recognize his inferiority.

As a mafia player, who do you respect the most?

Evil Eye. That dude is just so thoroughly convincing when he wants to be. I mean I think walls are stupid and anti-town, but damn he uses them well, and they're just so easy to understand. That 32 page wall in PF was a massive exception lol.

What's your favorite mafia game you've ever played?

Nightmare Before Christmas gets mention again for the hilarious Gordito story. That guy deserves like 3 MvPs for that game. LoZ mafia gets another mention too, simply because my great play, it sticks out in my mind. But overall, the best mafia game I've ever played is probably Mario Kart. It was all around just a great game, even if the indy and mafia shooting each other at the end was kinda silly.

How would you fix Neopolitan Ice Cream?

Dude that vanilla section in the middle ruins everything. I want chocolate and strawberry all the dang time. Sometimes I want strawberry and vanilla. But chocolate and vanilla? Like who thought that was a good idea to put them side by side like that let's be real. So yes I would switch the strawberry and the vanilla. Or heck I might just switch the vanilla out for something else entirely, peach would be good.

How delicious was that scone you walked 5 miles for?

It was pretty good. Like I wouldn't do it again. But it was pretty good.

If the world ran out of Rocky Road flavored ice cream, what would you do?

Probably start eating Moose Tracks instead. That stuffs pretty good. Maybe some sort of caramel swirl? I dunno man. I just don't know.

Who are your mafia arch-nemeses? Why?

I don't really have any. I guess Ryker gets special mention for being my evil opposite in mafia and because we always hate each other in mafia games.

If you could meet up and chill with 5 DGamers IRL, who would it be?

Ryker, Laundry, Gova, Evil Eye, and Glyph. I love the late night Skype crew, and we would hang out and flex our muscles and it'd just be a wonderful time. There's a lot of other combinations I'd love but that's the first one that'd have to happen.

What moment(s) in mafia really made an impact on the way you view the game?

Mostly AllIsBrawl games, since that was my origin. Secret of Roanoke was a big wake up, that I needed to start looking at motivation and not just take everything as a probability or fact when I called Ryker an Indy instead of him being Mafia. Laundry's games in general really influenced my understanding of how mafia set-ups were made and how to balance around things.

On smashboards, Newbie 3 made me really dislike walls and excessive text in general. Unintended Consequences introduced me to Occam's Razer and how simply good it is, that complicated things will just blur your vision. Dragonball Z is when it really hit me how important it is to be able to convince someone, especially picking one player in specific you have to convince and getting it done.

How awesome is Condemned going to be?

Super awesome. I'll make sure it's awesome. Like Evil Eye is going to do a great job too but whatever I am I'm going to be the best whatever ever and everyone's going to talk about my whatever FOR EVER.

Can you make one last joke about Rockin?

Rockin's like the vanilla in Neapolitan ice cream. I'll let you guys figure out that joke (other than I hate vanilla).

A man approached you at a deserted gas station at 3am claiming to be Rockin asking you to make a joke about Rockin. What would you tell him?

Like what are you doing at a deserted gas station at 3 AM even. And what am I doing there oh my god. I'd probably just walk away and pretend this never happened.

Favorite avatar you have used in the past?

Definitely the Sailor Jupiter avatar where she looks so triumphant. Sailor Scouts forever! That one's getting a comeback sometime after Ragnarok.

Favorite DK main?

Will, definitely. Dude's just so fun to watch, always really hype and he's always improving. Everytime I feel bad about my character, that DK is limited in some what, Will breaks that and does something incredible.

How fun is it to run this place?

Sorta fun. Things get kinda boring and repetitive, but you all are pretty cool.

Can I make a 30 man private game here?

If you can get 30 people willing to play a 30 person game? Sure. Good luck, haha.

Scum, Town or Indy and why?

Scum, it's so much easier to do things when you don't have to second guess everyone's alignment every second. Besides that, I really enjoy trying to figure out the set-up and how best to use a role, so scum's extra information and powers are fun to use. And I'm good at sacrificing myself to aid my team mates, so indy doesn't really work that well for me.

What are the most interesting games you've seen appear on DGames?

Ragnarok Mafia is definitely the most interesting game I've seen. It was really good you guys should've been there for it.

Other than that, OS games are always interesting, the two FF7 mafias looked really neat, and uTrick was a really cool game too.

Who is your least favorite player to try to read on DGames?

A lot of players I always read as scum, and a few I always read as town. The only players who consistently have me flipping reads on them are J, Gord, and Rockin. Something about that generation of players just makes it frustrating to figure out what they're doing.

Sold, what does it take to be a mod of Dgames?

It takes COURAGE. I mean it takes an iron fist that the puny villagers cannot fight back against! I mean. Basically you just have to listen to people and stay cool.

Why are you a mod of Dgames? Like, what incentive is there?

Someone has to do it. I kind of like the responsibility? I dunno it gives me something to do, and it gives me a sweet red name and user title. Also the staff rooms are HILARIOUS, and I enjoy going through people's infraction history. It's just a good way to pass time.

How did Gord convince you of approving Youtube mafia?

The set-up was ridiculously swingy but that's what he wanted. The original set-up was even more ridiculous, so I think what happened was I was so overwhelmed by the original set-up's swingyness that the improved version looked PERFECT to me, haha. I think that's called Door in the Face or something.

How much do you like your hair?

I'm quite fond of my hair, it keeps me warm and looking pretty spiffy. It's kinda like a good friend, always there for me.

How much money would someone have to pay you to get it cut?

Oh dude, people are paying me to have my hair cut all the sudden? Like what an amazing deal. There's a certain point where I pretty much have to get my hair cut, it starts curling and looking all stupid. At this very moment, I'd take $10 or maybe like a meal at Denny's or something to go get it cut. Actually if you paid for the haircut I'd probably go ahead and do it.

Say you had to leave Dgames forever, and you were given the option to pass on your modding ability to someone else. Who would it be and why?

Can't really drop any names on this one. I don't want to affect anyone's behavior or make a big fuss about this. Just let it be known that I've already thought this out and there's a contingency plan for my absence.

Why are you trash at Pokemon?

Because you try and take the game seriously.

Make a Rockin joke?

Yeah sure. Rockin's so dumb he thinks Electrivire is cool. Pfffffft.

I'm sorry that was a low blow.

But I'm sure you're used to those.

Are we gonna rock a mafia game like a hurricane soon? SoiledLaundry really has to ride.

You know it man. You ready to get... down and DIRTY? :cool:

What is your style in Mafia?

Besides my trademark lurking? I try and keep everything organized and stick to things I think are important. It annoys me when people make lots of little one liner posts about off topic things or if they're just nitpicking. I think getting distracted by what's not important is an incredibly simple and common way for mafia to manipulate you, or to manipulate people as mafia. A lot of the "important" cases and stuff people make on the earliest days are blown out of proportion and what's really important is how everyone else deals with it. I also really enjoy trying to figure out set-ups and playing around the set-ups. I like trying to see what the host's idea for the game was and how to best use my role, especially when I receive an odd role. In a lot of games, night actions can be what determines the actions of the day, instead of the usual other way around.

Why every interview opportunity you ask, you ask them to make a Rockin joke?

Because [Rockin] is easy to pick on and it's kind of a tradition. Do you not appreciate all this attention?

Can you make a Rockin Joke? Something that Evil Eye would appriciate?

What's the difference between Rockin and a Bakery? Not ALL the buns at a bakery are creamed.

Is there a Mafia you was dissipointed in?

Any of the ones that didn't finish or had lots of replacements. Or games that got wrecked by rulebreaking.

Thank you for your time. Do you have any last words you'd like to say?



Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
While Sold begins to post who his 3 people he want to see interviewed, I would like to make an announcement.

I am no longer doing any further interviews. Thing is, I'm not getting into it as I was before. The main reason I started doing it was cause there was a mix up between me and Zen and therefore, I felt bad. So instead of letting it slowly die, I decided I do a bunch of them.

We already gotten a bunch of them now, so I think it's time I pass the mantle over to someone else (if they're willing to do it). Whoever it is is entirely up to ya.

Sorry I can't continue this interviewing thing any further.
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