Zen's #310 for lyfe.
No but seriously he's right.
Obviously if you don't enjoy mafia, you probably shouldn't be playing. Even if someone for whatever reason doesn't enjoy the game, but decides to still play, no one is in any position to tell anyone else how they spend their free time playing games on the internet.
The point is though, yes, obvious mafia is supposed to provide players and hopefully the mod with some level of entertainment. That's why we play games, to entertain ourselves. However, that DOES NOT mean that every person's personal enjoyment is the most important factor in mafia. Far from it. We all agree to play together and establish certain rules both spoken and unspoken because we agree that mafia is entertaining, but it requires certain limitations on what can be done by individuals within the game in order to endure that it is entertaining for everyone playing to at least some degree, and that the actions of others can only minimally impact the ability of others to enjoy the game.
For example, I think it's pretty obvious that we agree here that people playing to their wincon makes the game more entertaining for everyone in games as a whole. However, any self centered ******* could think that mafia is OMG SO MUCH MORE FUN AND EXCITING if he claims his role on his first post of every game and expects the doctor or whoever to keep him alive as long as possible.
Sure, maybe that's how he has fun, but too bad, he plays like a ****ing ****** and ruins the game for everyone else. Thus, personal entertainment DOES NOT trump playing in accordance with what the community generally regards as acceptable play.
Long story short, having fun IS a priority, however it is not the be all, end all determining factor of how people should play mafia. Having such a viewpoint is distinctively immature and self centered, and comes dangerously close to contending something like "If one enjoys winning, one should only engage in activities one can win, because that's how one can have the most fun, and when playing games, OMG HAVING FUN IS MORE IMPORTANT THAT ANYTHING EVER ALL THE TIME."
tl;dr If you can't balance playing to win with having fun in any game, stop playing the game until you learn how or just stop forever.