vladmir looks super op...
that is all
For real. Me and PX talked about it when they first showed just the concept, no screen shots or anything. Immediately we both said "If this guy doesn't get a ridiculous drain range, he's just gonna be averageish".Y'all are garbage if you think he's broken.. he looks like a better malzahar... get cleanse you good. I don't know how people think cleanse-able ult characters are good.
His ult is cleanseable? It's not like ignite? Garbage. Auto minus 10 points.
Also: to stop his own regeneration, Executioner Calling or Ignite. A character entirely founded on regeneration is not gonna like those things at all. I haven't looked at his base stats, but unless this guy is pretty tanky he's just gonna be a squishy with nearly the same regeneration as others with an ignite on him, that doesn't offer the DPS or utility they can.