In a purely physical existence, yes. But our existence may be more than that, and it is worth differentiating.
Yes, it may be more than that. But I see no reason to believe that it is.
Please repeat after me: "I am special. I am special. I am special."
What makes me special?
Lets see......where do I even begin? I've got it! Eureka! The comparison between a human and a computer is a strong statement. I'll give you that much; however, human beings are living, breathing, organisms that have various characteristics such as feelings, vital organs, souls, and a code of communication. We Computers......welll.....they don't have any of these characteristics. Computers......well.....have none of the above.
Computers don't breath, exactly, but they do need electricity to work. They don't sleep, exactly, but they do need to be turned off sometimes or else they won't really be able to function. They don't speak, exactly, but they definitely have a "code of communication." They don't have vital "organs" exactly, but they definitely have vital components.
I'll admit that they don't have feelings. But I think it's only a matter of time until some of them do.
Finally, souls? When you prove to me that humans have souls, then you can use that as an example of the differences between people and computers. Not before.
And now I'll explain this "soul" thing. Lets just get this out in the open. You, me, and everyone else on this forum has one. How do I know this? Because I possess something you don't? Not at all. It's not even because I'm highly spiritually enlightened. It's because I have one thing as far as my religion! I have faith that there is a God out there. A divine sovereign so to speak. I have faith that Christianity and all other monothesic religions that associate themselves with Christ are the truthes of this world. And I sure as heck believe that when I die that I won't wither away to nothingness for I will ascend to where all of Christ's people go.........heaven.
don't know. You believe.
I don't believe.
I don't believe that people have souls, and I don't see any reason to believe it. I'd love if it were true. Dying scares me, frankly. But I guess ignorance and self-delusion scares me even more.
You're welcome to believe in souls. I have no problem with you believing whatever you want to believe. But don't expect me to believe in something that it's impossible to observe in any way.
For me, the whole 'soul' thing is such pathetic nonsense. I don't believe it exists, just another crazy concoction from the zeal boys.
People are afraid of death. The idea of a soul is their way to avoid that fear.
There's nothing "pathetic" about it. I don't agree with it, but I can definitely understand and sympathize with the sentiments behind the concept.
If you want to be the savior of computers than that's your own agenda, although I don't think that you're gonna get a Nobel Peace Prize for proving that computers have "feelings" or "vital organs." You're speaking as if computers are "alive" or something
I don't believe that current computers are "alive." However, I don't think that there's any reason future computers (or robots, or whatever) couldn't meet nearly all the conditions necessary to qualify as life. The only conditions they might fail to meet are the ones that are (in my opinion) rather arbitrary, such as being carbon-based and having DNA.
For an example, lets say I was to strike the computer several times with my fists. It's not gonna "feel" my punches at all. Now lets say I was to do the exact same to you, you'd "feel" it, right? Get my drift?
Someone who was familiar with computers could easily attach sensors to a computer which would allow it to feel the impact of your fist. After all, don't keyboards essentially "feel" the pressure from your finger, and transmit that "feeling" to the computer?
Chemical reactions?! Please! You know good and well that religion and science just don't mix. (The Big Bang Theory is a bunch of malarkey!!)
You're right. Religion and science can't really mix. However, there are parts of both of them that can coexist.
This is actually one of the areas in which I think that they can mix. There's no way science can ever disprove the existence of a soul. Similarly, there's no way Christianity (or any other religion) can prove it.
There's no incompatibility there, as far as I can see. You can easily believe in both the existence of a soul, and every scientific principal we have.
I believe that Christ put it best when he said that "We walk by faith and not by sight." Just because God is not tangable and I can't see him with my eyes does not mean he doesn't exist. He isn't a fairy tale. He has walked the Earth andh e's 100 % REAL bro. How do I know this? Because I believe. I've seen the light! Faith and some Biblical Scriptures is how I know that you won't fade in to nothingness when you die. Our spirits will live on in the afterlife.
Well, it's fine with me that you believe that.
Just don't expect to convince me with faith alone. Until I see evidence, I don't intend to believe anything.
How the hell did we come from monkeys if they're still around?
No scientist believes that we came from monkeys. Our closest living relatives are chimpanzees, and we didn't evolve from them either. Rather, both humans and chimps evolved from the same ancestors a few million years ago.
Also, just because a species evolves doesn't mean that
every member of that species evolves the same way. It's possible for one species to split into multiple species.
Anyhow, none of that is really at all relevant to the topic at hand, but those kinds of misconceptions about evolution really bother me.