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Death Battle Match-Up Exploration Thread - Day 50: Dennis Hopper King Koopa Vs. Jim Carrey Eggman

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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
I feel like there's also another factor to consider: their catalogue of inventions.

Engineer has much fewer machines: Sentry, Dispenser and Teleporter. But he's much more experienced with them. Engineer is a TF2 class all about positioning: what machine you want to build, where to put it, and what the right time is to place it. With something like that, Engineer is in a "one punch 1000 times" kind of deal.

Conversely, Sandy's backlog of inventions is much more diverse: extendable boots, a knock-out ray, a molecular separator ray, a submarine, Sandy has a metric ton of inventions under her belt. I do believe the varied nature of her inventions could give her a level of unpredictability against Engi, though that ultimately depends on if she can strategize well enough to exploit it.

Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles) Vs. Diavolo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) X5
Achilles (Greek Myth) Vs. Cú Chulainn (Ulster Cycle) x5


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
A glance at all of the crap Sandy invented in the later seasons nobody watched is a pretty expansive list by comparison to Engineer. Interdimensional portals, jet pack, knockout rays, some DNA rewriting ray that turns people into squidward, all kinds of bizarre cartoony junk. On paper if she used all of this competently she should easily win.

But she's a cartoon character who is regularly depicted as incompetent despite being able to pull out these devices from nowhere, and they're all always just for one episode. When presented with a problem, it's not like she pulls out her arsenal of weapons to actually use them, she forgets about them the next episode like nothing happened. They're just there to prop up whatever the current episode's plot is. That knockout ray? It's used for a gag where Patrick accidentally knocks her out with it. She has many opportunities in the show to use this tech to help her and clearly chooses to not do so.

Engineer is one of the weaker TF2 characters but he's still a hardened professional no nonsense mercenary, I'll give it to him.

Netero/Whitebeard x5
Grodd/Donkey Kong x5
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Ngl I just think, considering that the characters in Spongebob have more or less their actual sizes irl, how much would the Engineer have problems killing a squirrel? (It's that she can make a mecha or something like that, but it doesn't stop the fact that its. a. squirrel)
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Ngl I just think, considering that the characters in Spongebob have more or less their actual sizes irl, how much would the Engineer have problems killing a squirrel?
If it were a normal squirrel? Fairly pretty easy. Being from Texas and considering the nature of TF2, I guess he could've been taught how to skin a squirrel.

But Sandy is a squirrel of equal-to-surpassing IQ to Engi that also knows Karate. She might give him a bit of a rough time before Engi manages to get a lethal blow in, probably.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that Sponge Out Of Water gives us The Rodent, Sandy's superhero version that's basically an IRL squirrel the size of a human.
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Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
Oh? What exactly would Sandy have that Engineer wouldn't? Not judging your opinion, I'm just curious as to your reasoning.
Very simple. Toon force. Aka Plot Armor. She can literally say no to damage. This alone outclasses basically everything Engineer can do.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
I don't think the plot armor is a power that you can actually add here...
Indeed. Besides, not all Toon Force is equal. There are certain levels of Toon Force across all characters. But SpongeBob characters are routinely the low Tier 3, apparently: Squidward could get hit in the face with a nuclear blast and all he could say was a flat "ow". For reference, Tier 1 characters (Bugs Bunny) can jump out of their own cartoons and into the real world, and even draw their own cartoons, too.

But that's not to say Engineer is entirely outclassed either: he can fight toe-to-toe with a powerful reality-warping wizard called Merasmus, although he requires fighting alongside his own team to do so.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
So this fight was nuts, but the winner bolted with the victory! The winner, by count, is The Engineer.

Moving onto our next battle, we have...


The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, the mascot-turned-destroyer from Ghostbusters!



The Jolly Green Giant, the laughing mascot from General Mills!

There are foods that can be good for you, and foods that can be bad. This match-up basically shows the two extremes of this duality, putting sugary, diabetic goodness against nutritious, healthy goodness!


AlRex AlRex x10
Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds x5
Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer x15
GolisoPower GolisoPower x 20
MasterWarlord MasterWarlord x10
JOJONumber691 JOJONumber691 x10



Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
I'll give X4 to Captain Kirk VS Han Solo, X3 to Finn & Jake VS Mordecai & Rigby, and X3 to Harlem Globetrotters VS the Monstars.

As for this match, it's tricky. The first Staypuft was a manifestation by Gozer, the evil God, but they have reappeared separately, it seems, mainly in video game boss fights and the Real Ghostbusters cartoon. In the SEGA Genesis game, he's basically elastic, can shoot fireballs and eye lasers, and manifests to serve a different Goddess out of another ghost. In the cartoon, he manifests out of a boy's dream, and seems to be a wholly separate entity from any Gods, mostly. He is at first an antagonist, but sometimes a partner to the reluctant Ghostbusters, helping them fight off other giant ghost-possessed monsters such as Murray the Mantis. There are a lot of incarnations, it seems, I dunno if I'll list them all out. I know the more recent Ghostbusters game had him also able to make little Staypuft clones, but he was also in a weakened state compared to the first movie. In some incarnations, mainly the IDW and Real Ghostbusters comics, it seems like you have to destroy him on a molecular level, especially given he is some kind of phantasm rather than a regular being. The Ghostbusters have specialized equipment for that, hence why they were able to blow him up, though it became harder when he returned in some instances. In general, he is also a giant stomping being who can throw around marshmallow goop. A lot of this info was aided by the Ghostbusters Wiki.

The Jolly Green Giant...he seems more of an intelligent being, or at least able to converse like a human usually can more consistently. His origin doesn't really have much of an explanation beyond "he wanders around crop fields and enjoys vegetables". What I can tell you is that the guy is ridiculously strong. You may be thinking "well, of course, he's a giant", but that's not even the half of it. He scooped stars from the sky, forced the sun down to make it night time, broke off a large chunk of the moon and turned it into a small river of liquid cheese, held the moon again to create light for his veggies to grow, can casually hold lightning, and he can basically use magic, turning the moon into a flashlight and, via his can, teleported this poor kid into his alternate cartoon reality. Mascots really enjoy doing things like that for some reason. All of this to say, I think in terms of attack potency and hax, the Jolly Green Giant has it covered.

Can the Jolly Green Giant use his magic to molecularly destroy Staypuft, if we count all of Staypuft's incarnations together? I am unsure. Staypuft definitely isn't doing much to harm the Green Giant, from what I know. If it were Gozer themselves, then maybe, but the Staypuft manifestation, maybe not. One method that could potentially be used: the Green Giant could potentially just use Battlefield Removal on him, or BFR, which is somewhat similar to how the Ghostbusters bust ghosts, and trap him inside of a veggie can. However, given that in certain incarnations, we see the Ghostbusters able to just release him again, this might not fully count. The question remains if the Green Giant could transmutate the Staypuft Marshmallow Man into something more harmless. I feel like if, say, he got turned into a corn cob, maybe that would count as a win, but even then, via his residue being left over in some Staypuft Marshmallows, that has resulted in another ectoplasmic entity or some such in the Real Ghostbusters cartoon, known as Monster Munch (a living sandwich, not a British snack food). So even if this happens, the Green Giant may be inadvertently creating another enemy for himself.

So, my thinking is this: Staypuft is not as strong as the Jolly Green Giant, and the Jolly Green Giant has magic that may be able to destroy him in a similar manner to how the Ghostbusters did, but I don't know for sure. However, it is the only way I can think of for one to kill the other, so I will say that the Jolly Green Giant wins this for the time being.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
My nominations:
Twinbee VS Opa-Opa x2
Captain N VS Segata Sanshiro x2
Wreck-it Ralph VS The Hulk x1

I mostly agree with Alrex, where Green Giant wins by using his powers.
While I know that Stay puft marshmallow man can breath fire and shoot lightning bolts from his eyes.
Green Giant can control the things that appear on sky like sun or stars for example.

They both have great endurance as they're giant creatures and both have superstrengh according to their appearances.
One thing that Marshmallow man has but Green Giant doesn't have is summoning his minions to assist him in the battle.

I think Green Giant could win considering that he would grab the sun and melt him, killing the marshmallow man.
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Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
An advertisement character who we have to take the gag feats of seriously since that's the entirety of their content (Jolly Green Giant) vs a fairly stock kaiju (Stay Puft).

The only real argument for Stay Puft to win would be magic from Gozer who can apparently do abstract things like create Stay Puft in the first place, but the character is Stay Puft, not Gozer. The reality warping feats posted by AlRex suggest a win for JGG. They're both giants without a lot of strength feats due to being gag characters, so, I don't think physical strength/durability is that relevant.


Guldo/Dio x3
DK/Grodd x7


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
So yeah, I couldn't find much about the Stay Puft Man aside from what everyone's told me on this thread, but from what I've seen of Jolly Green Giant, I think he just might take it. Unless there's some ridiculously obscure Ghostbusters stuff that gives him a ridiculous feat to match JGG.

Avenger Edmond Dantes Vs. Xiao x5
Achilles Vs. Cu Chulainn x5
Shulk Vs. Diavolo x10


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
The Stay Puft Man marshed into battle, but quickly mallowed out! The winner is The Jolly Green Giant!

Now, ladies and germs, I hope you love science, because our next Death Battle match-up is...

Dexter McPherson, sole proprietor of Dexter's Laboratory!



Jimmy Neutron, the Boy Genius!

In every school, there's always that one kid that seems to know absolutely everything. In some extreme cases, like these bright young children, they may be more advanced than the entirety of civilization!


AlRex AlRex x10
Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds x10
GolisoPower GolisoPower x10
MasterWarlord MasterWarlord x10
Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer x5

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Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
Captain Kirk VS Han Solo X5
Finn & Jake VS Mordecai & Rigby X2
Carmen Sandiego VS Waldo X2
Harlem Globetrotters VS Monstars X1
I’ll have something for this match later. I dunno if I’ll have anything to contribute to the super-anime ones that are coming up.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
They can both pull whatever cartoon science junk they want out of nowhere. They can both create time machines, which is pretty much the pass they need to say they can just make anything, basically.

I will say Dexter much more regularly engages in combat than Jimmy. He has a kaiju sized mech that can go into space, and most notably, this mech is NOT episodic, unlike most inventions used by both characters. He actually uses it on a regular basis when he is in trouble, so I believe if they were both in-character that he would have a very real chance of using it instead of forgetting it.

Dexter's universe has actual superheroes in it such as obvious parodies of the Hulk and Galactus from Marvel, which he can go toe to toe with when using the giant mech. The Galactus rip off is intending to devour the planet and is 10x the size of Earth or so. Dexter does not fight it directly, but the heroes he has interacted with do, along with the superhero Monkey he created.

The most physically impressive monster in Jimmy Neutron is Poultra, who is the size of a building or so. Jimmy has no method whatsoever of fighting it physically and has to do things like lay traps and baiting it into consuming something that is effectively poison to it.

Dexter should stomp.


DK/Grodd x5
Whitebeard/Netero x2
Guldo/Dio x3
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
I agree with MasterWarlord MasterWarlord about Dexter's mecha part, but also it can shoot out the missiles and even shoot a big laser as an attack method. Not to mention that it can squish him with it's foot.

For feats, they both have laser guns that serve as their weapons and they both can build very advanced inventions.
Speaking of inventions, most of Dexter's inventions are robots while Jimmy's are gadgets like Cheese Ray Ray example.
His robots could defeat Jimmy in some way.

Jimmy Neutron is equipped with Jetpack while Dexter is equipped with Bird suit, so they could fly during the battle (One thing that bird suit has are weaponized claws that could attack Jimmy while flying in the air).

Dexter's backwards belt could be use as an gagdet to escape from Jimmy's attacks.
(Also speaking of attack evasion, Jimmy also could dodge Dexter's attacks if he couhd)

As for their inventions, I see that Dexter's inventions are more stronger than Jimmy's, since he could protect himself from Jimmy's attacks with his Exo-suit. Jimmy's inventions don't tend to be very dangerous sometimes.
I forgot that they both have shrink rays in their arsenal. They could be used in some point.

I think Dexter could win the battle, considering that his giant robot could take Jimmy down I guess.
Not sure about it too much, but Dexter could win the battle.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Quick question here: yes, Dexter's inventions are extremely more advanced than Jimmy's, but there's one factor in Dexter's inventions that could possibly play into Jimmy's favor: their destruction.

A running gag of Dexter's Laboratory is that Dexter's big sister Dee-Dee somehow finds a way to destroy every one of his inventions, every time out of an innocent and childlike, if destructive, curiosity. Now pardon me for my ignorance, but if somebody who's definitely not a genius like Dee-Dee can destroy his inventions easily, who's to say Jimmy can't analyze Dexter's machines and find a way to destroy them in turn?
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
I think that maybe Jimmy's quite more sympathic actitute would make him pair with Dee-Dee for make her disable his artifacts, or even Dee-Dee would randomly appears hijacking his brother. If we don't count Dee-Dee I think the winner is Dexter, but if she can be present the winner would end being Jimmy (or well, technically the actual winner would be the proper Dee-Dee)


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
I think that maybe Jimmy's quite more sympathic actitute would make him pair with Dee-Dee for make her disable his artifacts, or even Dee-Dee would randomly appears hijacking his brother. If we don't count Dee-Dee I think the winner is Dexter, but if she can be present the winner would end being Jimmy (or well, technically the actual winner would be the proper Dee-Dee)
Oh, I'm not saying we put Dee-Dee into this, I'm just using her as reference to ask about the durability of Dexter's own inventions.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
It's a Dexter vs Jimmy Neutron match up, not Dexter vs Jimmy Neutron and Dee Dee. She could be there to interfere but the matchup doesn't specify she is there, there's a lack of information for that. There are Dexter's lab episodes where Dee Dee isn't in it or plays a minor role.

If Dexter was going to be handicapped by Dee Dee, Jimmy could also just as well get handicapped by Sheen or Carl screwing something up. It's not as much of a focal point in the series because Sheen and Carl are Jimmy's friends and he doesn't hate them like Dexter hates Dee Dee, but plenty of episode plots in Jimmy Neutron happen because of Carl or Sheen screwing something up.

As far as Dee Dee destroying Dexter's inventions making them potentially seem weak, keep in mind her usual methods of destruction are going into the lab and pushing random buttons. Her catchphrase is "what does this button do?" It's not like she's just destroying things with brute force as far as I remember. Not going to say it's never happened as a gag before, though, because it probably has.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Looks like Jimmy got his brain blasted! The winner is Dexter!

Somebody better turn up the AC, because this match is gonna be scorching hot:


Blaze the Cat, the Princess of the Sol Empire!



Starfire, the Princess of Tamaran!

This match-up turns up the heat between two pyromantic princesses from other planets, who have come to the world of our heroes, eventually joining their ranks as protectors of the world!


AlRex AlRex x10
MasterWarlord MasterWarlord x15
Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds x10
GolisoPower GolisoPower x10
Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer x15

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Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
Captain Kirk VS Han Solo X6
Finn & Jake VS Mordecai & Rigby X2
Carmen Sandiego VS Waldo X2

As for this match-up, transitive property will solve this for me. IIRC, Starfire served on the same team as Wally West, AKA the third Flash, and has been able to keep up with him. This is the same Flash that DEATH BATTLE determined would beat Archie Sonic, the most souped up version of Sonic. This feels cheap, but this’ll be my answer right now. Starfire wins.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Captain Kirk VS Han Solo X6
Finn & Jake VS Mordecai & Rigby X2
Carmen Sandiego VS Waldo X2

As for this match-up, transitive property will solve this for me. IIRC, Starfire served on the same team as Wally West, AKA the third Flash, and has been able to keep up with him. This is the same Flash that DEATH BATTLE determined would beat Archie Sonic, the most souped up version of Sonic. This feels cheap, but this’ll be my answer right now. Starfire wins.
It's not like it specifically says, but odds are this is the Starfire from the Teen Titans cartoon, right? That's what the picture is, and that's the main reason anyone knows the character.

Cartoons tend to largely depower comic book characters from their composite source materials.

Grunty vs K. Rool x8
Grodd Vs DK x4
Whitebeard vs Netero x2
Guldo vs Dio x1

Glancing at the OP, the matchups I nominated are related by being two anime time stopper villains (Guldo/Dio), two gorillas (Grodd/DK), and two main villains from Rare franchises in Smash (Grunty/K. Rool).
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Alrighty, here are the Respect Threads for both Blaze the Cat and Starfire.

It's not like it specifically says, but odds are this is the Starfire from the Teen Titans cartoon, right? That's what the picture is, and that's the main reason anyone knows the character.

Cartoons tend to largely depower comic book characters from their composite source materials.

Grunty vs K. Rool x8
Grodd Vs DK x4
Whitebeard vs Netero x2
Guldo vs Dio x1

Glancing at the OP, the matchups I nominated are related by being two anime time stopper villains (Guldo/Dio), two gorillas (Grodd/DK), and two main villains from Rare franchises in Smash (Grunty/K. Rool).
I have her labeled under DC Comics, and not specifically Teen Titans, I just know that Teen Titans (2003) was her most popular appearance.
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