PS, enlighten me. I would like to hear your opinion. No flaming or spams, anyone, please.
PS, you've always wanted to have MK banned. o_0
will do
I personally feel that MK is too good of a character and bad for the health of the game. Several characters have left brawl due to MK alone, spak to any brawl + player and the first response you hear when they justify brawl + as a better game is "MK isn't as broken (then they list the other pros)." Imagine how much more healthy the scene could be had we kept some of these plays tat have left us.
Added to this.. MK is greater then the entire cast by a large margin, one so large that there is a direct correlation between your results and how you deal with MK. Ask yourself how much time you have pt into the game... how much time did you put into learning to beat/use mk, when you put this mk time in and when you noticed that you started placing better. Anyone that actually plans on ever winning a toruny (excluding chu possibly and he has even touched mk before) has picked up mk, even if they have not used them in tourny they have played him inside and out. People bring up this bs about "look at placings, mk doesn't win them all," my response to them is that everyone test there **** on mk, mk has threads devoted solely on how to beat him... even to stop specific moves, and despite all this he still dominates the scene. This is just pathetic that dam near EVERY player devotes there time to defeating 1/35th of the cast and that 1/35th of that cast still continues to dominate. This is clear evidence that MK istoo good of a character. I play MK now, and beat 90% mk users and no matter how much easier the match gets i wil always want him banned. If i main him and get 1st because of him i ill still want him banned.
We all agree the MK is beatable... but d you know why? Because we put in 100 times more time then mk users into the [insert main] vs mk match up, that and mot mk users don't have a brain. majority of top players of a non-mk users can beat mk mains with mk.
i an continue... i'm lazy XD these arguments should do fo now, let me know f you would like more :D
ps: if for nothing else he should be banned to keep brawl alive, even if it is because people don't want to deal with him. Over time i'm sure mk has lost us more then what the lack of him would lose us.
but... i want ic's infinite's banned before mk XD my argument for that... omg >.< i'll take mk all day if we can get rid of those