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DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
The Marvel wildcard results were really close, and it could have gone any number of ways. But first, here are the poll results!

  • The Flash's premiere costumes will be Reverse Flash and Wally West!
  • Captain America's premiere costumes will be Captain Carter and USAgent!
  • Aquaman's premiere costume will be Ocean Master!
  • The Hulk's premiere costumes will be Red Hulk and the Abomination!
  • By default, Zatanna's arcade mode rival will be the Scarlet Witch!
Here are the polls for Ms. Marvel's rival and the costumes:

-Oddball (Nightwing and Cyclops)
-Megadoomer (Nightwing and Cyclops)
-1SecondNinja (Nightwing and Cyclops)
-Infinity Sorcerer (Cyclops)
-Darkonedagger (Nightwing and Cyclops)


The votes were spread out pretty evenly this time:

-The Maker: 1
-Iceman: 2
-Ant-Man: 2
-Howard the Duck: 3
-Gwenpool: 5
-Hit-Monkey: 6
-Moon Knight: 7
-The Punisher: 8
-Hawkeye: 9
-Namor: 11
-The Wasp: 12

By a single point, our final character for the base game will be the Wasp! Congrats, Hex D. Jess Hex D. Jess !

Marvel wildcard winner.png

The timing worked out pretty well, seeing as the character's 60th anniversary is happening soon.

Job 115: nominate premiere costumes for Thor, Green Lantern, the Joker, and/or Magneto!

People seemed pretty eager to post premiere costume ideas for Thor, at least, so I figure we can jump into the next batch. (it's worth noting that you don't have to nominate costumes for all of them - some characters might not fit the concept) As usual, each character can have a maximum of two costumes.

Job 116: nominate a DC stage

Now that we've wrapped up the roster, I figure we can finish off the stages! Any DC location (aside from the ones that are in the game, obviously) is eligible.


Discussion: roster thoughts

Here's our final roster for the base game! (we'll be doing DLC later - I just don't want to jump into it right away)

BatmanUltimate Spider-Man
Wonder WomanCyclops
The FlashStorm
Green LanternIron Man
Martian ManhunterCaptain America
Green ArrowThe Hulk
Black CanaryThe Wasp
ZatannaScarlet Witch
Plastic ManBlack Panther
ShazamCaptain Marvel
John ConstantineMs. Marvel
NightwingThe Thing
RavenDoctor Strange
Blue BeetleGhost Rider
Doctor FateDaredevil
Harley QuinnDeadpool
Lex LuthorVenom
The JokerRocket Raccoon and Groot
DeathstrokeDoctor Doom
Starro the ConquerorDoctor Octopus
Ra's al GhulLoki

What do you think? Were there any additions that surprised you? Any seemingly obvious picks that we missed out on? (with only 26 characters per side, it was tough to fit everyone in) Any characters that you weren't familiar with beforehand?


I'm glad to see Wasp making it into the line-up (she's felt really underrated in recent years, since she didn't get the sort of focus that Iron Man, Thor, or the Hulk did despite also being a founding Avenger due to her and Hank being left out of the MCU Avengers), so her inclusion was a pleasant surprise. I was surprised to see Raven doing so well in the Teen Titans round, even getting more votes than Nightwing. (I figured that we'd get Nightwing and Cyborg from that round, considering that Nightwing's the leader and the original Robin while Cyborg's got a high profile thanks to the Justice League movie)

I think my favourite additions were Starro and the Thing - the Thing's easily my favourite member of the Fantastic Four, and Starro was an unorthodox choice who still made sense due to his role as the villain of the first Justice League comic.

One character who I was surprised to see not making it in was Black Adam. I can see why - he has the exact same powers as Shazam, so with spots being so limited, he might not have been seen as a priority, like Supergirl - but I figured he'd do better than he did. (both the magic rounds and the wildcard rounds were pretty one-sided in favour of Doctor Fate and Cyborg, respectively, when I figured it would be a close call between those characters and Black Adam)

I'm glad we did the DC magic round, because it turned out that I wasn't familiar with most of the characters who were nominated.

On the Marvel side, part of me wishes that we got more X-Men or more of their villains, though I suppose that can be saved for DLC. I wish I had found an opportunity to nominate Mystique, in particular, though someone like Apocalypse would make for a neat playable character. (plus, there's members of the X-Men themselves - Magik, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Psylocke, Cable...)


Some interesting statistics (well, I found them interesting):
  • roughly 37% of the roster first appeared in the 1960's, while roughly 21% of it first appeared in the 1940's.
  • out of the roster, 40 of the characters were men, while 11 were women, and 1 (Starro) was an undetermined gender. It's definitely an improvement over the halfway point, where there were only three women, and none of them were Marvel characters
  • a quarter of the roster was created by Jack Kirby (13 characters - Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, Magneto, Doctor Doom, Black Panther, Cyclops, the Thing, Loki, Scarlet Witch, the Wasp, and Darkseid)
  • Stan Lee created a little over a quarter of the roster (15 characters - there's a lot of overlap with Jack Kirby's list, since it's that minus Darkseid and Captain America but plus Spider-Man, Doc Ock, Daredevil, and Doctor Strange), which means that he was partially responsible for more than half of the Marvel side
  • roughly 77%, or a little over three quarters of the roster, was already in the Injustice or Marvel vs. Capcom games. For a while, it was looking like 100% of the roster would fall into that category, so I'm glad to see that we branched out! (in case anyone's curious, the ones who weren't in those games were Plastic Man, Constantine, Ra's al Ghul, Starro, the Thing, Daredevil, Ms. Marvel, Doctor Octopus, Loki, Scarlet Witch, Ultimate Spider-Man, and the Wasp - hopefully, if we get a Marvel vs. Capcom 4, Injustice 3, or an official Marvel vs. DC fighting game in the near future, some of those are included)
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Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2018
Stuck in the Special Zone
Edit: Disregard my votes, they wouldn't have made a difference lol

And now for some more Deadpool interactions:

Opening Dialogues:
Deadpool vs. Joker:

Deadpool: "Hi there, really big fan of yours! I've always wondered, what's your thoughts on the current state of the world?"
Joker: "Why, that's such an easy answer for me! Life's just one big joke, of course."

Deadpool vs. Rocket and Groot:
Deadpool: "Ough, I'm so hungry... can't you grow some fruit for me to eat?"
Groot: "I am Groot."
Rocket: "He says he's not the Giving Tree, can't help you with that. And don't get any funny ideas about me..."
Deadpool: "Nah, tried it before. You wouldn't agree with my stomach, but you would make a good cap."

Deadpool vs. Cyborg:
Deadpool: "Holy crap, Deathlok, is that you?! What happened to you?!"
Cyborg: "Not sure who you're talking about, but I'm definitely not your friend."
Deadpool: "Either way, you do sound like almost everyone I ever team up with. I think we'll get along just fine..."

Win Quotes:
vs. Rocket and Groot:
"Oh man, these weapons look so sick, what does this one do- What's that beeping noise, and why is it getting faster? ....oh god."
vs. Joker: "I just thought of probably the greatest Knock-Knock joke ever! Knock-Knock! ...oh right. Well, this is awkward."
vs. Cyborg: "I wonder, what happens when I push this button on your left ar- If anyone asks, you're paying for property damages, not me."
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 83:
LexCorp (Superman series) (Resubmission)
View attachment 357524
LexCorp is a fictional company from Superman comics and it's owned and created by Lex Luthor. It locates in Metropolis on planet Earth.
The headquarters of the company are towers that are shown on this picture.

The stage could take place inside the tower. The cameos are workers who work here in this company.

LexCorp tower could make sense as a stage considering that we could have a stage that takes place in Metropolis, one of most known settings in Superman comics.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
The votes were spread out pretty evenly this time:

-The Maker: 1
-Iceman: 2
-Ant-Man: 2
-Howard the Duck: 3
-Gwenpool: 5
-Hit-Monkey: 6
-Moon Knight: 7
-The Punisher: 8
-Hawkeye: 9
-Namor: 11
-The Wasp: 12

By a single point, our final character for the base game will be the Wasp! Congrats, Hex D. Jess Hex D. Jess !

View attachment 359670

The timing worked out pretty well, seeing as the character's 60th anniversary is happening soon.

Job 115: nominate premiere costumes for Thor, Green Lantern, the Joker, and/or Magneto!

People seemed pretty eager to post premiere costume ideas for Thor, at least, so I figure we can jump into the next batch. (it's worth noting that you don't have to nominate costumes for all of them - some characters might not fit the concept) As usual, each character can have a maximum of two costumes.

Job 116: nominate a DC stage

Now that we've wrapped up the roster, I figure we can finish off the stages! Any DC location (aside from the ones that are in the game, obviously) is eligible.
Honestly, I'm both surprised and not surprised by this outcome.
I grew up watching Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and while my favorites at the time were Iron Man and Black Panther, Wasp was always the standout character to me, and rewatching the show as an adult solidified her as being the best character in the entire main cast; She's just such an essential part of the classic Avengers, not just in the show but also very frequently in the comics; It feels a bit painful to look at the modern Avengers and see how Janet has essentially been wiped from the team, rarely making significant appearances; And, this may seem like a hot take, but Hope has not really done well to carry the Wasp legacy in the MCU either.
I'm very comfortable with Wasp being the final Marvel character, and I'd even go as far to say this is more than well deserved; She's a fan-favorite and is overdue for a proper comeback.
I do, however, find it surprising that other characters that I expected to get more votes did not get as many as Wasp, but I'll save that for the roster discussion.
On the note of 60th anniversaries, Ant-Man's is also this year. DLC, anyone?

For the Premiere Costumes, I will be going in the order of Thor, Lantern, Joker, and Magneto, although there will not be a lot of nominations for this group as a whole.
Beta Ray Bill

Beta Ray Bill is always a popular side character I see discussed when it comes to Thor, given that he was one of the first few characters to carry both the Hammer and his own mantle as an individual hero. His design is weird, but that is why he is a fan-favorite. and as an alternate to Thor this seems like a total shoe-in.
John Stewart

This one is obvious.
Guy Gardner

This one is less obvious.
If Green Lantern is to have a second premiere skin, I would like it to be Guy, a character who is often overshadowed by future ring-bearers because... well, quite frankly, I don't know. But Guy is just such a classic Lantern character with tons of history behind him, and his jackass attitude would make his dialogue and character standout way more than if we went with, say, Simon Baz or Kyle Rayner.

And, I think this should make sense to a lot of people, but if we're going to have 3 human Lanterns in the game, why not have, well, the first 3 human Lanterns of the Green Lantern Corps?
I have no nominations for The Joker.I have no nominations for Magneto.

Job 116: Final DC Stage
This one seems painfully obvious to have as a base game inclusion; We do not yet have a villain centric stage in the DC lineup (Gorilla City without Grodd not withstanding), it's an iconic location that references an iconic supervillain team in DC's history, and it is ripe for Stage cameos featuring characters that will likely not be playable (accounting for DLC). Cheetah, Scarecrow, Sinestro, the Rogues, Toyman, Heatwave, Metallo, Sportsmaster, Silver Banshee, you name it.
This should go without saying, but Doctor Psycho cannot be included as a cameo as he does not represent the Legion's brand of evil.


I will be saving the roster discussion for later.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
The Marvel wildcard results were really close, and it could have gone any number of ways. But first, here are the poll results!

  • The Flash's premiere costumes will be Reverse Flash and Wally West!
  • Captain America's premiere costumes will be Captain Carter and USAgent!
  • Aquaman's premiere costume will be Ocean Master!
  • The Hulk's premiere costumes will be Red Hulk and the Abomination!
  • By default, Zatanna's arcade mode rival will be the Scarlet Witch!
Here are the polls for Ms. Marvel's rival and the costumes:

-Oddball (Nightwing and Cyclops)
-Megadoomer (Nightwing and Cyclops)
-1SecondNinja (Nightwing and Cyclops)
-Infinity Sorcerer (Cyclops)
-Darkonedagger (Nightwing and Cyclops)


The votes were spread out pretty evenly this time:

-The Maker: 1
-Iceman: 2
-Ant-Man: 2
-Howard the Duck: 3
-Gwenpool: 5
-Hit-Monkey: 6
-Moon Knight: 7
-The Punisher: 8
-Hawkeye: 9
-Namor: 11
-The Wasp: 12

By a single point, our final character for the base game will be the Wasp! Congrats, Hex D. Jess Hex D. Jess !

View attachment 359670

The timing worked out pretty well, seeing as the character's 60th anniversary is happening soon.

Job 115: nominate premiere costumes for Thor, Green Lantern, the Joker, and/or Magneto!

People seemed pretty eager to post premiere costume ideas for Thor, at least, so I figure we can jump into the next batch. (it's worth noting that you don't have to nominate costumes for all of them - some characters might not fit the concept) As usual, each character can have a maximum of two costumes.

Job 116: nominate a DC stage

Now that we've wrapped up the roster, I figure we can finish off the stages! Any DC location (aside from the ones that are in the game, obviously) is eligible.


Discussion: roster thoughts

Here's our final roster for the base game! (we'll be doing DLC later - I just don't want to jump into it right away)

BatmanUltimate Spider-Man
Wonder WomanCyclops
The FlashStorm
Green LanternIron Man
Martian ManhunterCaptain America
Green ArrowThe Hulk
Black CanaryThe Wasp
ZatannaScarlet Witch
Plastic ManBlack Panther
ShazamCaptain Marvel
John ConstantineMs. Marvel
NightwingThe Thing
RavenDoctor Strange
Blue BeetleGhost Rider
Doctor FateDaredevil
Harley QuinnDeadpool
Lex LuthorVenom
The JokerRocket Raccoon and Groot
DeathstrokeDoctor Doom
Starro the ConquerorDoctor Octopus
Ra's al GhulLoki

What do you think? Were there any additions that surprised you? Any seemingly obvious picks that we missed out on? (with only 26 characters per side, it was tough to fit everyone in) Any characters that you weren't familiar with beforehand?


I'm glad to see Wasp making it into the line-up (she's felt really underrated in recent years, since she didn't get the sort of focus that Iron Man, Thor, or the Hulk did despite also being a founding Avenger due to her and Hank being left out of the MCU Avengers), so her inclusion was a pleasant surprise. I was surprised to see Raven doing so well in the Teen Titans round, even getting more votes than Nightwing. (I figured that we'd get Nightwing and Cyborg from that round, considering that Nightwing's the leader and the original Robin while Cyborg's got a high profile thanks to the Justice League movie)

I think my favourite additions were Starro and the Thing - the Thing's easily my favourite member of the Fantastic Four, and Starro was an unorthodox choice who still made sense due to his role as the villain of the first Justice League comic.

One character who I was surprised to see not making it in was Black Adam. I can see why - he has the exact same powers as Shazam, so with spots being so limited, he might not have been seen as a priority, like Supergirl - but I figured he'd do better than he did. (both the magic rounds and the wildcard rounds were pretty one-sided in favour of Doctor Fate and Cyborg, respectively, when I figured it would be a close call between those characters and Black Adam)

I'm glad we did the DC magic round, because it turned out that I wasn't familiar with most of the characters who were nominated.

On the Marvel side, part of me wishes that we got more X-Men or more of their villains, though I suppose that can be saved for DLC. I wish I had found an opportunity to nominate Mystique, in particular, though someone like Apocalypse would make for a neat playable character. (plus, there's members of the X-Men themselves - Magik, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Psylocke, Cable...)


Some interesting statistics (well, I found them interesting):
  • roughly 37% of the roster first appeared in the 1960's, while roughly 21% of it first appeared in the 1940's.
  • out of the roster, 40 of the characters were men, while 11 were women, and 1 (Starro) was an undetermined gender. It's definitely an improvement over the halfway point, where there were only three women, and none of them were Marvel characters
  • a quarter of the roster was created by Jack Kirby (13 characters - Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, Magneto, Doctor Doom, Black Panther, Cyclops, the Thing, Loki, Scarlet Witch, the Wasp, and Darkseid)
  • Stan Lee created a little over a quarter of the roster (15 characters - there's a lot of overlap with Jack Kirby's list, since it's that minus Darkseid and Captain America but plus Spider-Man, Doc Ock, Daredevil, and Doctor Strange), which means that he was partially responsible for more than half of the Marvel side
  • roughly 77%, or a little over three quarters of the roster, was already in the Injustice or Marvel vs. Capcom games. For a while, it was looking like 100% of the roster would fall into that category, so I'm glad to see that we branched out! (in case anyone's curious, the ones who weren't in those games were Plastic Man, Constantine, Ra's al Ghul, Starro, the Thing, Daredevil, Ms. Marvel, Doctor Octopus, Loki, Scarlet Witch, Ultimate Spider-Man, and the Wasp - hopefully, if we get a Marvel vs. Capcom 4, Injustice 3, or an official Marvel vs. DC fighting game in the near future, some of those are included)
While I was hoping more for Namor or Ant-Man, seeing Wasp here is also very neat. I will do submissions later (alongside the Storm moveset that I was writting during the announcement). But for the discussion.
I love the roster selection, feels very solid, thought I think some important characters where left behind for others that maybe could make in has DLC instead (thought I recognize that I also sinned of push a character like that into this, but at that moment we didn't even considered completely the DLC theme so uuuuh, gray zone).

I don't want to make the roster bigger but if I could add 4 more characters of each side into the base roster my elections would be Black Adam, Power Girl, the General Zod and Red Hood from DC and Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Namor and either Gwenpool, an X-Men (Gambit, Pyslocke and Magik being my top options) or Star-Lord. Most likely some of them would be my options for future DLC jobs.

Deleted member


Beta Ray Bill



Mighty Thor (Jane Foster)


Jokester (Earth 3 good guy Joker)

A cool setting for a stage. Would take place on the planet and would be full of fire. Characters like Granny Goodness and Desad watch over the battle.
Last edited by a moderator:
Aug 7, 2021
my office, probably
As far as the roster goes, I'm pretty pleased with it personally. I'm not overly familiar with DC as a whole as much as I am with Marvel (recommendations would be welcome), but it feels like we got a lot of the big names from both sides and very few really feel left out. If I were to do DLC, I would add Hawkgirl/Hawkman, King Shark, Black Adam, and Braniac for the DC side, and Hawkeye, Namor, Green Goblin, and Kang the Conqueror from the Marvel side. Those kinda feel like the biggest absences to me personally, although take that with a grain of salt since my standards for that are weird and I'm not much of a comic book reader.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
General Playstyle
Storm is a character with a big management of the stage, while her damage is very low she can make use of the arena to mantain the opponent away from her or do the contrary.

Unique Ability - Eerie Wind
Storm's UA lets her summon wind in eight different directions depending of the directional used. These gusts are independent of what Storm is doing so she can do them in any moment she want (except being attacked or being in blockstun). The wind affects the opponent's possition and certain projectiles that are normaly affected by gravity (like Deadpool's random items or some of her own projectiles). This effects are stronger when the opponent/object is airborne, Storm has a cooldown between uses of 2 uses in a row. While this concept was already used in MvC3 I revamped it a little to work more like Rachel's Drive in BlazBlue.

Additionally, Storm has two air dashes and a special "float" that unlike others this isn't fly but makes her descend slower allowing her to control the direction where she falls (and being able to push herself with Eerie wind).

Thunder Bolt236 + XStorm shoots a lightning sphere, if the botton is held it would charge to a bigger bolt that stuns the opponents. The direction is different between each button and at the same time can be controlled with Eerie Wind.
Lightning Strike214 + X (Air OK)Storm dashes spinning like a torpedo invovled in lighting forwards, then she can follow-up with a second and a third Lightning Strike in any of the 8 directions if she wants.
Ice Barrage623 + XStorm sweeps her hand down while leaving a trail of ice, if a projectile touch the trail she reflects it has an icicle that freeze the opponent.
Whirlwind41236 + XStorm summons a tornado in front of her, each button determinates the position of the tornado between light being at front of her and strong that is the farest distance. In fact, the move is based in Goenitz's infamous Yonokaze, Koku desu ka?
Level 1 Super: Hailstorm236236 + XStorm summons a hailstorm that shoots multiple icicles from above. She can direct those icicles with Eerie Wind.
Level 2 Super: Thunderstorm214214 + XStorm summons a giant thunder that pursuits the opponent's current location at the start of the move, while quite lengthy is unblockable so the best option is run.

Level 3 - Elemental Rage
All Buttons PressedStorm starts creating a massive wave of ice that congelates everything including the opponent, then she starts to create a cyclone around her and the enemy further attacking him and ends with multiple thunders colliding exploding the ice.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Discussion: roster thoughts

Here's our final roster for the base game! (we'll be doing DLC later - I just don't want to jump into it right away)

BatmanUltimate Spider-Man
Wonder WomanCyclops
The FlashStorm
Green LanternIron Man
Martian ManhunterCaptain America
Green ArrowThe Hulk
Black CanaryThe Wasp
ZatannaScarlet Witch
Plastic ManBlack Panther
ShazamCaptain Marvel
John ConstantineMs. Marvel
NightwingThe Thing
RavenDoctor Strange
Blue BeetleGhost Rider
Doctor FateDaredevil
Harley QuinnDeadpool
Lex LuthorVenom
The JokerRocket Raccoon and Groot
DeathstrokeDoctor Doom
Starro the ConquerorDoctor Octopus
Ra's al GhulLoki

What do you think? Were there any additions that surprised you? Any seemingly obvious picks that we missed out on? (with only 26 characters per side, it was tough to fit everyone in) Any characters that you weren't familiar with beforehand?
Alright, so, time for the roster discussion. I wanted to wait and see a few others' thoughts, and I'll be replying to them as it helps me keeps my conversational momentum.

What do you think?
Truthfully, I was doubting the base roster number as being the right one; 50 was the perfect sweet-spot, 52 seemed like too much. But, after seeing what the final character additions ended up being, I have to say that the right call was made and I'd have a hard time trying to cut it down by just 2 characters - though I should probably leave an asterisk on that.

The Marvel roster is alright. We got a lot of the must-haves but I don't feel like we went all the way.
Having only one spot on the roster for the entirety of Cosmic Marvel just feels a bit... off; but at the same time, there are very few characters I can justify being replaced. Initially, I would have said Doc Ock, as I don't think he's that popular or interesting enough to justify an inclusion; but there is also the given fact that he was cut from MvC3 at near completion, and part of me feels like Octavius in a fighting game needed to see proper justice due to this; not to mention Spider-Man's villains are still some of the most iconic Marvel ones, and having only Venom would feel too insignificant.
The X-Men feel too underrepresented as well. The ones we picked felt pretty essential to have, but 5 mutants (not counting Wanda) is just too few in my personal opinion, in a roster of 26 Marvel characters. Obviously, this is due to the Marvel landscape having changed a lot over the years, and a lot more characters have gotten popular in the mainstream, so adjusting needs to be made - and the rounds we had, put other characters in the forefront, for good reason too; Sure, we could have had MvC X-Men characters like Gambit or Juggernaut make a return, but Ghost Rider and Venom definitely deserved those limited spots more. I think just 1 more core member of the team would have helped round the mutant roster out; If I had full reign I'd replace The Thing with Colossus (both being heavy hitting characters), but The Thing also has a very justified inclusion and contrasts well with a few DC characters.
I also just feel like we could've afforded to have more off the wall picks, or just some less obvious choices. Going back to the 21st Century Round, Miles is a character I'm not surprised to see in the base roster, but I was really hoping for The Sentry and The Void for the particular reason that we needed a character like that. With that said I still voted for Miles, so I can't really say this was out of my hands either.
One thing I am very glad we avoided, however, was being too MCU heavy. Even with the Avengers, we didn't just copy the MCU lineup- Wasp is definitely the one that helped round this part of the roster out, given that she is important to the Avengers in everything besides the MCU. A lot of these choices are also just fan-favorites, and felt like natural inclusions rather than just us deciding to include them because of the MCU.

The DC side of the roster is near perfect.
I feel like we hit every major corner of the DC Universe and included the best characters we could, while also mixing things up and straying away from what's already been done in Injustice; Plastic Man and Starro especially reinforce that last sentence. I don't think NetherRealm would include those 2 characters in the Injustice games as fighters due to a tonal clash, but in a DC vs. Marvel roster they fit right in and are brand new to the fighting genre. Very glad we went there.
There is one change I would make, but I will get to it later as it goes alone with another question.

Were there any additions that surprised you?
Yes. Starro and The Thing.
I think everyone was pleasantly surprised by Starro. A character that nobody would really think of both due to the nature of its design and character, and a lack of relevance in mainstream DC (apart from The Suicide Squad, which I have a feeling is what inspired the pick). Very glad we all ended up including the pick; easily the best decision made on this roster; And I will say that this wound up inspiring character choices adjacent to this, that I myself will be submitting for DLC once we get around to it. There is also another DC character I'm surprised to be as popular as he was but I'll get to that in the next question.
The Thing is a character I'm surprised by mostly due to how the Fantastic Four is not really heavily featured in Fighting Games, and I expected that to carry over into this fan roster, but very surprisingly The Thing ended up beating Daredevil and Ms. Marvel. Out of all of the F4, he is definitely the most fitting to have included, so I'm glad this is the case, and the roster would feel short of Tank characters if we were to cut him otherwise.

Any seemingly obvious picks that we missed out on?
As far as the Marvel side goes, I nominated Hawkeye thinking he would be an obvious shoe-in; Green Arrow is already in the game, and Hawkeye vs. Green Arrow is one of the most iconic cross-company rivalries in all of comics, so I expected that to carry over. Not to mention he is also a very, very popular Avenger. He wound up being beaten by the Wasp, which I can't even complain about because it's too well deserved for her.
After the villain round, I expected Namor to pop back up again and win a future round, which is almost what happened here, especially given he is a counter to
Aquaman, and thus I predicted would be a priority for a DC vs. Marvel game. Personally, I wouldn't have had Namor in the roster, as he never was a character I really found to be all that interesting or essential to the makeup of major Marvel series, but I understand the appeal for him; He was one of Marvel's earliest heroes and most of what makes Marvel today would not exist without him. I feel like it's worth noting that he absence in this roster can be felt regardless of a personal bias.
Outside of those two, I can definitely name other major characters that deserved to be in the roster, especially on the Guardians front, but as far as the base roster is concerned, I'm not too bothered by that and can definitely wait for them to be DLC rather than being base.
One character who I was surprised to see not making it in was Black Adam. I can see why - he has the exact same powers as Shazam, so with spots being so limited, he might not have been seen as a priority, like Supergirl - but I figured he'd do better than he did. (both the magic rounds and the wildcard rounds were pretty one-sided in favour of Doctor Fate and Cyborg, respectively, when I figured it would be a close call between those characters and Black Adam)
Hopping over to the DC side of the roster, I 100% agree that Black Adam feels missing. I can see arguments for him being a perfect fit in the DLC lineup, but I would've rather had him in the base roster. I don't think it has anything to do with him sharing the same powers as Shazam, though, but rather that the other characters he was shafted for (Doctor Fate and Cyborg) felt more essential to include in favor of Adam, given that Fate is practically the face of DC's Magic side and Cyborg is one of DC's most important heroes. This is more-so a case of us just running out of space.
Going back to what I said earlier, however, about DC being only near perfect and there being a surprise DC pick: I'm very surprised Martian Manhunter was included in the base game. Definitely a character I like, but I've never felt like he was ever as well rounded of a character as the rest of the founding Justice League, including his replacement, Cyborg. There are definitely storylines where MM shines, though. But continuing off, I never really felt Manhunter is that important of a character to be base game, and I would make the argument that he could afford be pushed to DLC while Adam takes the spot; most of the reasoning for this is that he's fallen out of tandem with the modern image of the Justice League, as opposed to all the other present JL members still having huge importance in the JL and their own series and storylines.
This is definitely a hot take and I know many would not agree, but I definitely see Manhunter having more appeal as DLC whereas Adam seems too increasingly popular to ignore entirely for the base game. This also isn't saying that Black Adam and Manhunter are competing for a spot- they aren't similar in the slightest, but this is a definitely a case where I would say that if I had to pick 1 out of the 26 here to replace for Black Adam, the choice to me is obvious.

Any characters that you weren't familiar with beforehand?
Characters on the final roster? No, I knew all of these characters.
Nominated characters? Yes. Ragdoll, Dogwelder, Animal-Vegetable-Mineral-Man, and Onomatopoeia. I can't remember all the nominations but those four were definitely at the top of my head.

I'm glad to see Wasp making it into the line-up (she's felt really underrated in recent years, since she didn't get the sort of focus that Iron Man, Thor, or the Hulk did despite also being a founding Avenger due to her and Hank being left out of the MCU Avengers), so her inclusion was a pleasant surprise. I was surprised to see Raven doing so well in the Teen Titans round, even getting more votes than Nightwing. (I figured that we'd get Nightwing and Cyborg from that round, considering that Nightwing's the leader and the original Robin while Cyborg's got a high profile thanks to the Justice League movie)

I'm glad we did the DC magic round, because it turned out that I wasn't familiar with most of the characters who were nominated.

On the Marvel side, part of me wishes that we got more X-Men or more of their villains, though I suppose that can be saved for DLC. I wish I had found an opportunity to nominate Mystique, in particular, though someone like Apocalypse would make for a neat playable character. (plus, there's members of the X-Men themselves - Magik, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Psylocke, Cable...)


Some interesting statistics (well, I found them interesting):
  • roughly 37% of the roster first appeared in the 1960's, while roughly 21% of it first appeared in the 1940's.
  • out of the roster, 40 of the characters were men, while 11 were women, and 1 (Starro) was an undetermined gender. It's definitely an improvement over the halfway point, where there were only three women, and none of them were Marvel characters
  • a quarter of the roster was created by Jack Kirby (13 characters - Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, Magneto, Doctor Doom, Black Panther, Cyclops, the Thing, Loki, Scarlet Witch, the Wasp, and Darkseid)
  • Stan Lee created a little over a quarter of the roster (15 characters - there's a lot of overlap with Jack Kirby's list, since it's that minus Darkseid and Captain America but plus Spider-Man, Doc Ock, Daredevil, and Doctor Strange), which means that he was partially responsible for more than half of the Marvel side
  • roughly 77%, or a little over three quarters of the roster, was already in the Injustice or Marvel vs. Capcom games. For a while, it was looking like 100% of the roster would fall into that category, so I'm glad to see that we branched out! (in case anyone's curious, the ones who weren't in those games were Plastic Man, Constantine, Ra's al Ghul, Starro, the Thing, Daredevil, Ms. Marvel, Doctor Octopus, Loki, Scarlet Witch, Ultimate Spider-Man, and the Wasp - hopefully, if we get a Marvel vs. Capcom 4, Injustice 3, or an official Marvel vs. DC fighting game in the near future, some of those are included)
100% agree on Wasp being severely underrated. I'm very content with this outcome, even if my primary pick was Hawkeye.

I'm not at all surprised by Raven's overwhelming success in the Teen Titans round. Grayson and Cyborg are more iconic, but as far as fan popularity goes, Raven is practically the Queen of the Teen Titans, and I definitely would have voted for her too if I were in that round.

DC's magic category is pretty huge. Honestly I'm very glad we kept that round, and (putting Black Adam aside) our final base roster also ended up including the biggest magic users in the DC universe, with 5 total (Shazam, Doctor Fate, Zatanna, Raven, Constantine). I was afraid the magic side of the DC Universe would be overlooked in favor of more traditional heroes like Hawkman and Supergirl, but that was not the case.
Magic in general is considerably large for superheroes (more for DC than Marvel), so our total selection of magic characters in general is fantastic.

Definitely second that notion on the X-Men. I already went on that tangent earlier in this post though, and all of the other included characters also feel pretty necessary, even if I would have traded out some characters (like Miles for Sentry/Void, thought that's unrelated to the X-Men). One more core member would've helped round out the group in the base game, but nonetheless I think we can justify having quite a number of X-Men in DLC once the time comes.

Interesting statistics.
  • 58% of the roster appeared in the 40's through 60's, which I definitely think is fair. A lot of the most iconic superheroes are from those years.
  • 11 Women seems like a fair number to have, even if we could definitely have more; But Superheroes have also been pretty male heavy and certain aspects of the roster would feel very empty with those male characters, so I think an acceptable balance was struck.
  • Glad to see we also got in a lot of Marvel characters that weren't created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, but also still included enough of them to pay tribute to their legacy.
  • The non MvC/Injustice character really helped round out this roster and solidified it as it's own thing while also having all the appropriate choices. I wasn't to sure on Ra's Al Ghul making it in, but thinking about it over time, it makes a lot of sense to have the League of Assassins, one of the biggest shadow organizations in DC, represented on this roster, and Ra's in general is just such an important Batman villain that doesn't get enough popularity like Two-Face or Bane does. I don't think he's going to be in Injustice 3, given that they went with Damian as the resident LoA representative, so his inclusion on our roster makes him standout.
Quite a few of those Marvel characters were ones I was always surprised have never been in a MvC game, so I'm also very glad they made it here, Daredevil especially.

I love the roster selection, feels very solid, thought I think some important characters where left behind for others that maybe could make in has DLC instead (thought I recognize that I also sinned of push a character like that into this, but at that moment we didn't even considered completely the DLC theme so uuuuh, gray zone).

I don't want to make the roster bigger but if I could add 4 more characters of each side into the base roster my elections would be Black Adam, Power Girl, the General Zod and Red Hood from DC and Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Namor and either Gwenpool, an X-Men (Gambit, Pyslocke and Magik being my top options) or Star-Lord. Most likely some of them would be my options for future DLC jobs.
Just out of curiosity, which character was it?
Definitely agree that we still have big names, though, and the ones you listed all seem like perfect fits for DLC. Ant-Man is actually my top choice for a Marvel DLC, though I was under the impression that Hawkeye would've found his way into the base game and Wasp wouldn't have been nominated. Definitely caught me off guard when she was brought up.
I want to save my top 8 DLC additions for when it actually happens, as I feel like I have some good sleeper picks that I don't want to spill the beans on just yet. Nominations always feel more impactful when you don't expect them beforehand.

P.S. I used some colored text to break up all the white. Hope it doesn't bother anyone
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Just out of curiosity, which character was it?
Constantine, while I love the dude during the votations I end thinking that well, maybe he could fit more in the DLC side of the pool. Having him in the base roster is kinda like a fever dream haha. Thought has I said I don't mind since there is a reason why I end submitting him after all. Ra's is also a submission that I was doubting about being in the base game since he also feels like the perfect DLC bait but I'm very good with him too.

I still don't read your very lenghty opinion (I don't have problems with it, if I had the time I will probably write things like that). But I always liked to read your opinnions since I usually agree with them and I consider them very good and well fundamented. I will wait for those ideas of you!

EDIT: Finally had the time to read it, here are some of my own replies!
I also just feel like we could've afforded to have more off the wall picks, or just some less obvious choices. Going back to the 21st Century Round, Miles is a character I'm not surprised to see in the base roster, but I was really hoping for The Sentry and The Void for the particular reason that we needed a character like that. With that said I still voted for Miles, so I can't really say this was out of my hands either.
Has the one who submitted Miles, I actually wasn't that aware of how much Miles was liked, especially considering that I was the last submission so seeing that nobody else did it it feel like he wasn't very much considerated due being a "second Spider-Man", and having another character with a very similar name in a fighting game is always polarizing (see Dr. Mario in Smash or all the Gokus in DBFZ), I remind look at The Sentry (can't remind if it was in a video or in a series) so I didn't knew too much of him but reading his story of a hero who nobody can't remember since it would unleash an evilish entity sounds super cool and I'm quite sad he didn't did it (but hey, another big quantity of people voted for him, so maybe there is a chance!).

The Thing is a character I'm surprised by mostly due to how the Fantastic Four is not really heavily featured in Fighting Games, and I expected that to carry over into this fan roster, but very surprisingly The Thing ended up beating Daredevil and Ms. Marvel.
While I was surprised to see The Thing beating Ms. Marvel and especially Daredevil I don't feel that the Fantastic Four are actually overlooked by the fanbase, considering that is usually a common petition between the new faces for a hypothetic MvC game talk about the lack of any member of the F4 even if we already had their villains (most notably Dr. Doom, but also the Super Skrull who sorta give us a little touch of what it would be their gameplay).

As far as the Marvel side goes, I nominated Hawkeye thinking he would be an obvious shoe-in; Green Arrow is already in the game, and Hawkeye vs. Green Arrow is one of the most iconic cross-company rivalries in all of comics, so I expected that to carry over. Not to mention he is also a very, very popular Avenger. He wound up being beaten by the Wasp, which I can't even complain about because it's too well deserved for her.
After the villain round, I expected Namor to pop back up again and win a future round, which is almost what happened here, especially given he is a counter to Aquaman, and thus I predicted would be a priority for a DC vs. Marvel game. Personally, I wouldn't have had Namor in the roster, as he never was a character I really found to be all that interesting or essential to the makeup of major Marvel series, but I understand the appeal for him; He was one of Marvel's earliest heroes and most of what makes Marvel today would not exist without him. I feel like it's worth noting that he absence in this roster can be felt regardless of a personal bias.
Outside of those two, I can definitely name other major characters that deserved to be in the roster, especially on the Guardians front, but as far as the base roster is concerned, I'm not too bothered by that and can definitely wait for them to be DLC rather than being base.
I completely agree here, I was considering that Hawkeye and Namor where pretty much obvious choices, one for their popularity in transmedia content, the other for his legacy and both for having very obvious rivalities between Green Arrow and Aquaman....that is probably the exact reason why they where left behind. I think that maybe some people thinked that they would be too similar between them (A feeling that I think it would be bigger in Clint, since well if you know Namor you can expect him to be noticeable distinct). Thought is very difficult to think what place they should take in any case.

The non MvC/Injustice character really helped round out this roster and solidified it as it's own thing while also having all the appropriate choices.
I also agree a lot on this, it was the start point to have a more distinctive and unique roster. I was worried at the start of the project that it would feel like just "Injustice vs MvC" but it end in a good way with some characters that it's even impressive that they never appeared in any of the other two games.
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Deleted member

I'm a fan of our roster. I think we did a good job of representing the important characters while still having some fun oddball picks.

Stuff I liked:
We got most of the big faces in there. Really feels like an ideal roster.

Our newcomers are great too. Kamala, John, Plastic Man, Daredevil. Characters like Wanda and Loki feel long overdue. Wasp over Ant-Man (for now at least. I wouldn't be opposed to him layer if we can make him play differenly) is also something I'm very in favor of.

I think the roster is pretty well spread. A lot of 60s characters but that's to be expected with these companies. Lots of fun personalty types that I could see making for amazing story interactions. And we did a good job with making a diverse roster.

Stuff I'm eh on:
Starro was a pick I was pretty iffy on when we get in. He's grew on me a lot since but I would have liked to see that cosmic spot go to someone else. You'll never hear me agure against wildcard picks but he just felt so out of place at the time. I've definitely warmed up to him though.

I would have probably went for a different character over Miles. I love the guy but a second Spider-Man in a roster this size was a bit eh. Feel that spot could have gone to angoher "franchise", but Miles is good. Personally i may have swapped Cyclops out for someone like Gambit, Rouge, Nightcrawler or Psylcoke but he's hardly a bad pick.


I think we have room to get fun here. I'd like to see some more villians from non Batman franchises (though I feel if we're being realistic we should put at least one Batman character in DLC). I think fan favorites like Lobo, Black Adam, Starfire and others feel iike good DLC picks. Static Shock is another character I think would be perfect for DLC. Would be cool to dip into some slightly lesser used heroes. Huntress, Mr. Miracle and Big Barda. Question, Red Tornando, Stargirl, Captain Atom, Metamorpho. There's some really fun options.

There's a couple of main stray picks we could probably throw in. Hawkeye, Black Widow, Ultron / Vision, etc. I think some of the newer MCU heroes would be good for DLC. Moon Knight, Blade, She-Hulk, Shang Chi. I definitely want another mutant or two in here too. Lot of my favorites have already been listed. There's some obvious great options there. Lot of unexplored characters I think would be neat here. Luke Cage (and Iron Fist), Quake, Cloak and Dagger, Black Bolt and/or Medusa, amoung others. I want us to get creative with this.

If we dip into guest characters I think indie/other publisher characters would be cool. Spawn and Hellboy where done in Injustice 2 but I wouldn't mind seeing them back. There's also options like Hellboy, Invincible, a the Boys character, Kick Ass, Judge Dread or a Vallent character. I think we should save guest characters for the very end though, if at all
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Oh right!, I want to tell that I did some slight changes to the previous movesets I did (mostly Superman who was very out of the rest of the movesets since it was writted before establishing a gameplay). I also added some moves (especially to Deadpool, since I feel that even with the pair of changes based on Ultimate Alliance I recognize that it end being quite too similar to his MvC version that it was something that I wanted to change with a pair of additional moves. I'm also on my way to make movesets for Wanda and Oliver, that has a moveset enthusiast I would like to note that there are only 2 characters from the Marvel side without movesets (the proper Wanda and the recently added Wasp) and 5 from the DC side (Oliver, Plastic Man, Blue Beetle, Nightwing and Raven). I think that probably after do those two I will sleep into the moveset making until the DLC rounds, but I would love to see who else made a very cool moveset for them!


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
I think the final roster is solid overall, but as someone who nominated Starro, Howard the Duck, and Crazy Jane several times, more oddballs wouldn’t hurt in my eyes, similar to how 90’s CAPCOM gravitated towards Shuma Gorath and Blackheart for being different from a lot of the people in spandex.

On some characters who are a bit similar (Hawkeye and Green Arrow, Shazam and Black Adam, etc.), I think doing what Injustice and Smash do and making them Echoes/Premiums under the same slot or whatever you’d want to call it, with minor differences as it fits, would work, but I could also see the reticence towards that idea. We already have Miles with his own slot anyways, for one.

DLC…a few more Marvel and DC names could be added for sure,I’d definitely gravitate towards ones like Lobo, Swamp Thing, a few non-Batman villains, and some non-main-JLA members/other team reps for mainline DC. Marvel, I’m mostly alright with, maybe a few more villains, and I’d definitely want an oddball. For some reason now, Death’s Head is coming to mind, as he feels most appropriate for DLC rather than the main roster, as much as I like Howard. As for guests, I like adding in a few other comics publishers’ characters. I also think licensed characters that either published comics of could be interesting, as well. Godzilla and Scooby-Doo showing up would be funny. Obviously, we probably shouldn’t go overboard, though.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
For guest characters, I'm not sure what sort of limits we'll put on them (I'm planning to discuss DLC in more depth tomorrow), but one that I'm hoping to nominate if it's eligible is the Predator - it's had plenty of crossovers, and while it's light on dialogue/interactions, I feel like the imagery alone would make it worth it.

Sure, it would have to be toned down from the source material, but not as much as a Xenomorph, and there wouldn't be any ownership issues since it's owned by Disney. (Which is bizarre to think about)


I'm planning to make a moveset for the Wasp and maybe Plastic Man - I'm not familiar with Plastic Man, so I'll need to look into his appearances for inspiration. (I know he can turn into pretty much anything)
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
General Playstyle
Green Arrow is a versatile character, while he is mostly rellied to zoning he can approach the opponent and attack at point blank.

Unique Ability - Taking Aim
Green Arrow enters into a stance where he can't move but he can freely shoot at any direction, in this stance you have three different arrows assigned to different buttons:
  • Light Button (Electric Arrow): Oliver shoots electrified arrows, these arrows has a low chance of stun the opponent (the stun also provokes knockdown).
  • Medium Button (Ice Arrow): Oliver shoots freezing arrows, these arrows has a low chance of congelate the opponent.
  • Strong Button (Fire Arrow): Oliver shoots ignited arrows, these arrows has moderate chance to provoke a blaze status (inflicts additional grey damage).
  • Note that you can also charge the shoot to increase the chances of inflict a status effect.
Note that in this stance you can't block, but you can dash cancel the stance and use Hunter's Roll for move. This stance doesn't has any class of cooldown so it can be used mostly freely.

Hurricane BowMash XGreen Arrow spins his bow around his hand like a pinwheel.
Hurrican Bow - Follow Up236 + X during Hurricane BowGreen Arrow does a finisher attack doing a somersault kick.
Quick Shot236 + L (Air OK)Green Arrow shoots multiple arrows in rapid succession, you can mash the button to shot even more of them.
Traping Shot236 + M (Air OK)Green Arrow shoots a trap arrow that binds the opponent for a while, you can charge the shot for increase the lenght. The opponent can mash the button to liberate themselves faster.
Punching Shot236 + H (Air OK)Green Arrow shoots his iconic boxing glove arrow that deals hard knockdown to the opponents, you can mantain the button to make in even stronger and provoke a wallbounce instead.
Slider214 + XGreen Arrow does a slide kick, he can follow-up after with an arrow shot pressing the button again.
Wide Shot623 + XGreen Arrow shots multiple arrows like a fan upwards, you can held the butto to increase the quantity of arrows.
Wide Shot (Airborne)214 + X (Midair)Unlike the ground Wide Shot this move has different versions depending of the button pressed pointing diagonal downwards, downwards or back him.
Hunter's Roll236 or 214 + UA Button during Taking AimGreen Arrow rolls forward or backwards mantaining his Taking Aim stance, he is invulnerable during the roll.
Level 1 Super: Sky Alert
214214 + XGreen Arrow shoots a myriad of arrows to the sky that quickly descends nosedive against the opponent.
Level 2 Super: Perfect Shot
236236+ XGreen Arrow shoots an unblockable arrow, a simple but very effective super.

Level 3 Super: Target Practice
All Buttons PressedGreen Arrow throws an apple, if connects he shoots a smoke arrow that confuse the opponent, during this he starts to use a ice arrow to congelate the feets of the opponent and while inmobile he shoots a heavy boxing glove arrow at their face.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Constantine, while I love the dude during the votations I end thinking that well, maybe he could fit more in the DLC side of the pool. Having him in the base roster is kinda like a fever dream haha. Thought has I said I don't mind since there is a reason why I end submitting him after all. Ra's is also a submission that I was doubting about being in the base game since he also feels like the perfect DLC bait but I'm very good with him too.
I think Constantine fits perfectly in the base DC roster. He's a major character when it comes to the Magic side of DC, and has actually been getting more popular as of recently; He has a very sizeable fanbase, and he was also one of the most requested characters for Injustice 2. Definitely one that I'd say earns his spot.
If we only had 25 characters per side, I could see Ra's not making the cut but I'm glad that isn't the case.
And, like I said before, if any our base DC characters should be moved to DLC, it should be Manhunter, and I would argue for that to actually happen, but it was also a decision that was made before I joined.

Has the one who submitted Miles, I actually wasn't that aware of how much Miles was liked, especially considering that I was the last submission so seeing that nobody else did it it feel like he wasn't very much considerated due being a "second Spider-Man", and having another character with a very similar name in a fighting game is always polarizing (see Dr. Mario in Smash or all the Gokus in DBFZ), I remind look at The Sentry (can't remind if it was in a video or in a series) so I didn't knew too much of him but reading his story of a hero who nobody can't remember since it would unleash an evilish entity sounds super cool and I'm quite sad he didn't did it (but hey, another big quantity of people voted for him, so maybe there is a chance!).

While I was surprised to see The Thing beating Ms. Marvel and especially Daredevil I don't feel that the Fantastic Four are actually overlooked by the fanbase, considering that is usually a common petition between the new faces for a hypothetic MvC game talk about the lack of any member of the F4 even if we already had their villains (most notably Dr. Doom, but also the Super Skrull who sorta give us a little touch of what it would be their gameplay).

I completely agree here, I was considering that Hawkeye and Namor where pretty much obvious choices, one for their popularity in transmedia content, the other for his legacy and both for having very obvious rivalities between Green Arrow and Aquaman....that is probably the exact reason why they where left behind. I think that maybe some people thinked that they would be too similar between them (A feeling that I think it would be bigger in Clint, since well if you know Namor you can expect him to be noticeable distinct). Thought is very difficult to think what place they should take in any case.
I expected Miles to be submitted at some point, and originally I had planned to nominate him before I decided on Sentry. He's become an essential supporting and main character for the Spider-Man franchise, a lot of which can be attributed to Into the Spider-Verse's success. I think people just didn't nominate him because they were expecting someone else too.

On the topic of the F4 in MvC, I feel like it's worth noting that Human Torch almost made it into the game as a playable character, and that there were multiple other considerations on including the F4 in the same game.

I can understand why people would feel that way about Hawkeye and Namor. Although we so have two Spider-Men, so it's a bit of a double sided coin there.

Stuff I'm eh on:
Starro was a pick I was pretty iffy on when we get in. He's grew on me a lot since but I would have liked to see that cosmic spot go to someone else. You'll never hear me agure against wildcard picks but he just felt so out of place at the time. I've definitely warmed up to him though.
I felt similar about Ra's, but letting the character choices sit there made me really vibe with his inclusion. He already had plenty of moveset potential anyway so it was easy for him to win me over.
Out of curiosity, who would you have nominated for the DC Cosmic round?

I would have probably went for a different character over Miles. I love the guy but a second Spider-Man in a roster this size was a bit eh. Feel that spot could have gone to angoher "franchise", but Miles is good. Personally i may have swapped Cyclops out for someone like Gambit, Rouge, Nightcrawler or Psylcoke but he's hardly a bad pick.
Didn't you put Miles as your 1st vote for that round?
If it weren't for the fact that Cyclops hasn't been in a fighting game in MvC2, then I could see eye to eye on swapping out Cyclops for a different member of the X-Men. But I feel like he's long overdue for a Fighting game comeback.

Oh right!, I want to tell that I did some slight changes to the previous movesets I did (mostly Superman who was very out of the rest of the movesets since it was writted before establishing a gameplay). I also added some moves (especially to Deadpool, since I feel that even with the pair of changes based on Ultimate Alliance I recognize that it end being quite too similar to his MvC version that it was something that I wanted to change with a pair of additional moves. I'm also on my way to make movesets for Wanda and Oliver, that has a moveset enthusiast I would like to note that there are only 2 characters from the Marvel side without movesets (the proper Wanda and the recently added Wasp) and 5 from the DC side (Oliver, Plastic Man, Blue Beetle, Nightwing and Raven). I think that probably after do those two I will sleep into the moveset making until the DLC rounds, but I would love to see who else made a very cool moveset for them!
I've been thinking about doing a Nightwing moveset, as I had a few ideas for moves and a mechanic for Daredevil that didn't fit what I had going for that character. I'm not entirely sure if they'd translate well to Nightwing either but I'll give it a shot
While we're on the topic, what do you think of my Cyborg moveset?

I think the final roster is solid overall, but as someone who nominated Starro, Howard the Duck, and Crazy Jane several times, more oddballs wouldn’t hurt in my eyes, similar to how 90’s CAPCOM gravitated towards Shuma Gorath and Blackheart for being different from a lot of the people in spandex.

On some characters who are a bit similar (Hawkeye and Green Arrow, Shazam and Black Adam, etc.), I think doing what Injustice and Smash do and making them Echoes/Premiums under the same slot or whatever you’d want to call it, with minor differences as it fits, would work, but I could also see the reticence towards that idea. We already have Miles with his own slot anyways, for one.
Definitely wish we had more oddballs but not at the expense of some of the major characters we chose. It really is just a matter of if we were able to fit them or not, and we weren't. I do plan on going more into some oddballs for my DLC nominations, though.

I disagree heavily on making some characters just echoes/premiere skins of others. It frankly depends on the character; with Bizarro, yeah, I'll advocate for him being a Superman skin. But Hawkeye and Black Adam are both characters I think should be playable with their own movesets, as they're much higher profile and have a lot more differences to account for in their fighting styles and powers.
Black Adam and Shazam were both in the first Injustixe as separate playable characters with vastly different movesets, so I think we can all agree that the potential is definitely there and he doesn't need to be a skin.

It's getting pretty late, and a discussing is being planned tomorrow anyway, so I'm I'll just leave my thoughts on DLC and Guest characters for tomorrow.

Deleted member

Didn't you put Miles as your 1st vote for that round?
If it weren't for the fact that Cyclops hasn't been in a fighting game in MvC2, then I could see eye to eye on swapping out Cyclops for a different member of the X-Men. But I feel like he's long overdue for a Fighting game comeback.
I did. But if I'm honest. I wasn't vibing with the other picks that round.

Worded the orignal choice pretty badly. I think Miles is a good pick. I was just a little unsure about us having two Spider-Men on a roster this size.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
While we're on the topic, what do you think of my Cyborg moveset?
I looove it. The level up mechanics in fighting games aren't usual but well received in my eyes, makes the battle very interesing. Your Daredevil moveset is also great, even if some other characters has counter Unique Abilities you managed to make it different. I also would like a lot to see what you do with Nightwing!


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I wasn't aware how far along we were when it came to movesets, particularly for the Marvel side. At this rate, we might actually get through them all before we get to the DLC! (Thanks Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer and PinkFlare PinkFlare )

I'm hoping to get the next jobs posted at the usual time, though my internet connection's been inconsistent as of late. I might be a little later than normal, but I'll post my Wasp moveset in the meantime while I have the chance.


Wasp moveset
Unique Ability: Pym Particles - using Pym Particles, the Wasp can shrink from her normal height (5'4", so already shorter than most - Wolverine's often described as being short, and she's only an inch taller than him) to about half of that, boosting the speed of her attacks but resulting in her taking more damage. Pressing the Unique Ability button while she's shrunk returns her to normal size. In addition, using the Unique Ability button for her specials has different effects.

Wasp's Sting (quarter circle forward + attack - air OK) - the Wasp shoots a beam of bioelectric energy from her hand, with the damage and duration of the beam depending on which version was used
  • UA Variant: Janet shrinks down to Wasp size, flying forward and shooting the beam repeatedly. This is a multi-hitting attack where the individual hits don't do much damage and don't have as much range as the full-sized version, but they add up quickly, dealing more damage overall if all of the beams hit​
Wasp's Flight (Shoryuken motion + attack) - the Wasp shrinks down a bit (enough for her wings to come out) and launches herself into the air, uppercutting while twirling around. While she's falling, left or right can be used to aim where she'll land.
  • UA Variant: the Wasp shrinks down to wasp size, where she's much more agile - she flies much higher, though given her size, it's more difficult to hit the opponent with it. She doesn't change back to normal size until she's landed, making it harder to anticipate where she's going to be. This is mostly used for evasion.
Shrink Fu (quarter circle back + attack - air OK) - the Wasp shrinks down to insect size and flies forward, flip-kicking to knock the opponent into the air (since Pym Particle users keep their normal strength when shrunken down)
  • UA Variant: Pym Particles can be used for more than just shrinking, though Janet doesn't use the growth aspect often. She uses it here to grow to roughly twice her normal size and punt the opponent into the air, dealing more damage, though it briefly makes her a bigger target. This one can't be used in the air.
Making Change (reverse quarter circle back - back to down, then attack) - Jan pulls out a coin and flips it - at the peak of its arc, it grows gigantic thanks to Pym Particles, keeping its momentum
  • UA Variant: Jan rolls the coin along the ground instead, and it slowly grows as it crosses the screen.
Level 1: Death Blossom (half circle forward + attack) - the Wasp flies into the air and spins around, firing out energy blasts in all directions. This attack is difficult to avoid, but the individual beams don't do much damage, so it's less effective if the opponent is far away.

Level 2: Not the Bees! (quarter circle forward x2 + attack) - another ability that Janet doesn't use often is her ability to communicate with insects - in this case, she summons a horde of bees and wasps, grown large enough to be seen thanks to Pym Particles, which fly forward and damage whatever they touch.

Level 3: Sentry Stomp (press all buttons) - based in part on a time where she fought the Sentry; Janet shoots out a burst of energy which staggers the opponent, triggering a cutscene where they stumble back. A shadow covers the ground before Janet, now in giant form, stomps on them. Stepping back and charging up her Wasp Stings, she fires them while at giant size. She then returns to normal size, ending the super.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
We'll be using PinkFlare PinkFlare 's Nightwing costumes and Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's Cyclops costumes! For the rivalry poll, we had a tie, so I'll go with whichever one that I didn't vote for, meaning that Plastic Man is Ms. Marvel's rival!

Here's the DC stage poll:

I would have nominated a stage myself, but I figured that the nominations covered the main ones that I wanted to see.

Magneto won't be having any premiere costumes.


Job 117: arcade mode rivalries for Black Canary and Storm

Same as usual; part of me feels like I could do four of these at once instead of two, but I worry that four would be a lot.

Job 118: nominate a Marvel stage

Like with yesterday, this is the last Marvel stage for the base game, so anything that isn't already in the current stage line-up goes!


Discussion: DLC

I know we've talked about this before, but I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on how to handle it.

My current idea is to have each season consist of eight characters, with two of them being guest characters that have crossed over with Marvel or DC. As well, there's be four stages - one for Marvel, one for DC, and one for each guest character. (I don't know how many seasons we'll do - I'm torn between two or three, since having three seasons would mean 24 DLC characters, which feels like a lot)

However, I know that when it comes to fighting games like Mortal Kombat, some people have issues with guest characters, feeling that it means that there's less of a chance for fan favourites to make an appearance if the developers choose to add a guest character instead. I wanted to see what people thought.

If we do go with guest characters, I wanted to see what people considered the cut-off point. For example, if we go with anything that's crossed over with a Marvel or DC property, then that opens the door to the likes of Lebron James or Rick from Rick and Morty thanks to Multiversus, or Doomguy thanks to Wolverine's appearance in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (Doomguy was playable in the PC version). On the other hand, if we limit it exclusively to properties that originated in comics and crossed over with Marvel and/or DC, then that might cut down on the options to the point where people might not be as passionate about it.

Whether or not we include guest characters, there's also the question of how we're going to choose the Marvel and DC line-ups. Are we going to go with themes, like the base game, or are we going to do something similar to FazDude's indie thread where you can nominate anyone, but once you've nominated them, then you can't nominate them again for the rest of the season? (Though someone else would be able to nominate the character in a later round)

If we decide to do themes, I'd like it if members of the thread could make suggestions - it seems fairer, since I'd be the first to admit that I have massive blind spots when it comes to Marvel and DC (the cosmic and magic sides of those companies, for starters), and there's less space than in the base game. (Unlike the base game, where each company had the same jobs, maybe we could cover different jobs depending on the company - for example, we could start off with a cosmic DC character and a street level Marvel character, rather than picking a cosmic character for both sides, depending on what areas feel underrepresented in the current roster) I already have an idea of what's missing thanks to yesterday's discussion, but I'd like to hear your pitches.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
While I love a lot making movesets (and I'm actually writting Wanda's) I also want to contribute in other things that are quite more far to end like for example, the endings!

Doctor Strange Ending:
With the menace of Thanoseid being nullified trapping him in a mystic prision Stephen wasn't aware that the problems only started. With a new menace under the name of Trigon Strange decided to call a new team to defeat this new enemy, and so we see him alongside Dr. Fate, Raven, Valkyrie, Enchantress and Etrigan, they are the new Midnight Sons!

Deleted member


Baxter Building

Fantastic Four are some of Marvel's longest running characters, so it would be good to give them a stage. It would take place on the tower. Herbie floats around. The Fantasti-Car sits in the background. Eventually Giganto (I was consdering Galactus but I figured the Four's first villian would be a good throwback) will appear and cause chaos in the background and the four will jump in the ship to go and fight him. If the Thing is in play then his spot could be taken by a character like She-Hulk, who has sometimes been a member of the team.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Marvel stage submission:
Xandar (Resubmission)
View attachment 357320
Xandar is a planet from Marvel Comics and it's a homeworld for Nova Corps, an intergalactic police. The whole planet is covered with green plants and high-futuristic buildings (Which they have advanced technology). It locates in Tranta system in Andromeda galaxy according to comics.

The stage would take place at Xandar and the Nova Corps alongside with other inhabitants make a cameo in background. Occasionally, you could spot Ego the living planet in background (It references the time where Nova corps used to live on him).

Xandar would be cool choice for a stage, considering that it's a one of MCU locations that doesn't take place on Earth and it would make sense somehow to include the stage in game.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Discussion: DLC

I know we've talked about this before, but I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on how to handle it.
Alright, going by parts.
My current idea is to have each season consist of eight characters, with two of them being guest characters that have crossed over with Marvel or DC. As well, there's be four stages - one for Marvel, one for DC, and one for each guest character. (I don't know how many seasons we'll do - I'm torn between two or three, since having three seasons would mean 24 DLC characters, which feels like a lot)
This is my exact idea, so I'm good with it, two or three seasons with 8 characters feels like a good option, especially considering the nature of the game has a "game for the fans" that are more than happy to pay more to see their favorite characters. If we are going to a balance in each season we will end with 9 new Marvel chracters, 9 new DLC characters and 6 guests...the last part is the one that I find quite more divisive but I will try to talk about them later.

However, I know that when it comes to fighting games like Mortal Kombat, some people have issues with guest characters, feeling that it means that there's less of a chance for fan favourites to make an appearance if the developers choose to add a guest character instead. I wanted to see what people thought.

If we do go with guest characters, I wanted to see what people considered the cut-off point. For example, if we go with anything that's crossed over with a Marvel or DC property, then that opens the door to the likes of Lebron James or Rick from Rick and Morty thanks to Multiversus, or Doomguy thanks to Wolverine's appearance in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (Doomguy was playable in the PC version). On the other hand, if we limit it exclusively to properties that originated in comics and crossed over with Marvel and/or DC, then that might cut down on the options to the point where people might not be as passionate about it.
Thats are my exact thoughts right now, while I was always supporting on the Guest Character everyone needs to put limits.

First for all the number...I think 6 are kinda too much, so maybe only 4?, I know that the quantity of possible guests is just that damn big that 4 slots feels like too little but we need to remind that mostly this game is for Marvel vs DC. About how those 4 characters would be distribuited, is easier to do with two seasons but in a 3 seasons format probably we will end making the last season exclusively of Marvel and DC characters (or the opossite, only the first one), on the other side we could have 2 seasons but each one with 10 characters at the oposite of 8 thus having 10 characters from each side apart of our 4 guests.

About the limitations, I understand that limit ourself to only comic book characters could feel like too much restrictive (even if covers an actual good chunck of franchises), I think we can expand it a little more, also allowing characters that even if don't come from comics they had their own comics (of course those comics should at least be quite recognizible, or in the other side, be published by Marvel or DC), with only that you actually have a very big lineup of choices without going out of branchs.

Thoug in my honest opinion I think we should not left behind the characters who born in this media (maybe even extending ourself a little to the Graphic Novels, considering that even some stories of Marvel and DC where writted in this format).

You know I could even be open to something like Scott Pilgrim if that was the case! Maybe we could have a balance here too, with two characters coming from the comics and other two from other media that still has a name in the comics but to be honest, not all things needs to be a 50/50.

Whether or not we include guest characters, there's also the question of how we're going to choose the Marvel and DC line-ups. Are we going to go with themes, like the base game, or are we going to do something similar to FazDude's indie thread where you can nominate anyone, but once you've nominated them, then you can't nominate them again for the rest of the season? (Though someone else would be able to nominate the character in a later round)

If we decide to do themes, I'd like it if members of the thread could make suggestions - it seems fairer, since I'd be the first to admit that I have massive blind spots when it comes to Marvel and DC (the cosmic and magic sides of those companies, for starters), and there's less space than in the base game. (Unlike the base game, where each company had the same jobs, maybe we could cover different jobs depending on the company - for example, we could start off with a cosmic DC character and a street level Marvel character, rather than picking a cosmic character for both sides, depending on what areas feel underrepresented in the current roster) I already have an idea of what's missing thanks to yesterday's discussion, but I'd like to hear your pitches.
I'm quite on in the All-Strife model of DLC, but I wouldn't be against the use of themes, thought I would like that there where individual jobs for each company instead of have paralellisms.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
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Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2022
I have one question tho, we are starting to have too much premiere costumes in so little, I guess there it would be a poll in the future to decide which of these premiere costumes would be DLC?, and also iirc there it was also talk for cross-company premiere costumes.

Deleted member

I have one question tho, we are starting to have too much premiere costumes in so little, I guess there it would be a poll in the future to decide which of these premiere costumes would be DLC?, and also iirc there it was also talk for cross-company premiere costumes.
For a crososver game and a 50+ character roster I don't think it's too crazy. Some of our options coming up proablly won't have any and some would take less work than others. Making some dlc could work though.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I have one question tho, we are starting to have too much premiere costumes in so little, I guess there it would be a poll in the future to decide which of these premiere costumes would be DLC?, and also iirc there it was also talk for cross-company premiere costumes.
I feel like it's going to slow down as time goes on. The first dozen or so characters in the roster have 6-8 decades worth of legacy characters, evil counterparts, alternate universe versions, etc., but even someone like Magneto didn't get a single nomination for these premiere costumes. Someone like Cyclops, or Ra's al Ghul, or Harley Quinn might not get any either.


Hulk ending:

With Thanoseid defeated, Hulk heads out to the desert to be on his own. Unfortunately, as always, the military refuses to leave him be - General Wade Eiling has been keeping an eye on the Hulk, and he considers the green goliath to be a threat to American interests. As a result, he sends Major Force to take the Hulk out. The Hulk is more annoyed than anything, telling Major Force to leave him alone.

(full disclosure, I'm not familiar with Captain Atom, so I don't know how well his rogues gallery works together; I just figure that General Eiling would have a similar reaction to the Hulk that General Ross does)


Wolverine ending:

Wolverine decides to celebrate by heading to a bar in Alberta, only to have his peaceful drinking interrupted by an annoyingly loud man next to him. The man in question is Lobo, and after arguing over the quality of the drinks in this place (Wolverine saying they're the best drinks on the planet, while Lobo says that it's watered down horse-- (he's interrupted before he can finish)), the two of them start brawling, ending similarly to how it did in the Marvel vs. DC mini-series. (though minus Wolverine smoking the cigar afterwards, presumably; between the ESRB and Marvel's editorial mandate about smoking, I doubt that would make it in)



Aquaman returns home to Atlantis after a hard-fought victory. He's met by a distraught Mera, who says that while he was gone, an intruder took the throne of Atlantis by force. She and Aqualad tried to stop him, but he fought with the strength of a thousand Atlanteans. Aquaman bursts into his throne room to find Namor the Sub-Mariner sitting on his throne, flanked by a small army of Marvel's Atlanteans. Both proclaim themselves to be the rightful king of Atlantis, which leads to Aquaman, Mera, and Aqualad meeting Namor and his forces in battle.
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Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2022
I feel like it's going to slow down as time goes on. The first dozen or so characters in the roster have 6-8 decades worth of legacy characters, evil counterparts, alternate universe versions, etc., but even someone like Magneto didn't get a single nomination for these premiere costumes. Someone like Cyclops, or Ra's al Ghul, or Harley Quinn might not get any either.
Fair enough, but more or less in the same topic, all the roster would be playable from the start or we will have unlockable content?


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Fair enough, but more or less in the same topic, all the roster would be playable from the start or we will have unlockable content?
In my experience, most fighting games tend to have everyone (or pretty much everyone) available from the start - there's not as much of a reliance on unlockable characters as what Smash has. Maybe Thanos and Darkseid could be unlockable, but that seems like that would be the extent of it.

With the competitive fighting game scene being the size that it is, it seems like it would be a pain for tournament organizers to make sure that every single system has a save file with every single character unlocked - Tekken Tag Tournament 2 had about 60 characters, and none of them were unlockable, at least in the Wii U version that I have.

I can see how having unlockable characters would give people an incentive to keep playing, to go through arcade mode x amount of times or beat the story, etc., but on the other hand, it can be annoying if you want to play as a certain character only to need to spend a ton of time just to unlock them.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Ms. Marvel ending:

Captain Marvel and Superman beat Thanoside with a one-two punch, but despite being beaten, Thanoside laughs.

"Did you think this was the end? This is only the beginning!"

Suddenly, a giant blue space hippo appears, throwing Galactus's broken body in front of the heroes.

"He thought he could beat me because he eats planets, but I eat entire universes! And I'm starting with yours!"

All seems lost - if this space hippo could beat Galactus, what hope do they have? That's when Ms. Marvel steps up, giving a speech about how she's watched heroes like them all of her life. They didn't give up when things looked even more hopeless than this, so why would they give up now? Their spirits restored, the heroes get ready to fight, with Ms. Marvel giving the rallying cry: "Avengers, A--"

Kamala's fanfic writing is interrupted by her mother calling her for supper.

(the misspelling of Thanoseid's name was intentional; I feel like Kamala wouldn't have seen it written down, so she'd go with the most logical guess)

The Thing ending:

The Thing is at a poker game with Gambit, Guy Gardner, the Black Panther, Ted Kord, She-Hulk, and Big Barda. They each lay down their hands one at a time, with Guy having a better hand than Ben, though the Thing thinks that Guy cheated with that fancy ring of his. Guy accuses Gambit of cheating instead, and it turns into a big brawl involving most of the group. Ted watches all of this, confused, as T'Challa calmly puts down his winning hand and collects the pot.

EDIT: nobody's suggested any rivalries yet, so I'll put some ideas out there.

For Black Canary, I'll suggest the Wasp - both of them arguably overshadow their male counterparts (at the very least, it seems like there's a reason why Black Canary is part of the DCEU while Green Arrow's only got a mention in Peacemaker that acknowledges that he exists and is a brony), and depending on the continuity, both of them helped found their world's super-teams. (Even if Black Canary only did that in the post-Crisis Earth)

For Storm, I'm going to nominate Martian Manhunter - both are incredibly powerful members of their respective teams with really common weaknesses. (I thought about nominating Ra's Al Ghul, but he's already rivals with Wolverine and Magneto)
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
I can make a new poll with that in there if you want.

EDIT: Here's a poll with the Batman Who Laughs if you still want him included; I'll leave the original poll up in case you don't.

I do want to include him, thank you for that c:

He's very popular for a recently created character, ties into our Multiverse theme and he was a skin for Joker in Mortal Kombat 11. It all fits.
Truthfully, I completely forgot about the character when I did my costume nominations. I was laser focused on getting the Lanterns in as I thought there'd be a lot more competition.

I won't be home for another 4 or 5 hours, but when I get back I'll reply to everyone and get the new jobs done. Thank you


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2022
In my experience, most fighting games tend to have everyone (or pretty much everyone) available from the start - there's not as much of a reliance on unlockable characters as what Smash has. Maybe Thanos and Darkseid could be unlockable, but that seems like that would be the extent of it.

With the competitive fighting game scene being the size that it is, it seems like it would be a pain for tournament organizers to make sure that every single system has a save file with every single character unlocked - Tekken Tag Tournament 2 had about 60 characters, and none of them were unlockable, at least in the Wii U version that I have.

I can see how having unlockable characters would give people an incentive to keep playing, to go through arcade mode x amount of times or beat the story, etc., but on the other hand, it can be annoying if you want to play as a certain character only to need to spend a ton of time just to unlock them.
Alright I understand, I was thinking that after this would be a class of game that it would also appeal to a casual audience considering how mainstream the superheroes are and that class of things are the ones that makes the take the hook. Maybe it could be more a thing for the additional content like the skins, the cards and the figurines.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
For DLC, here's what I'm thinking so far:

-at least two seasons with eight characters each - two characters per season will be guest characters
-depending on if people stay invested during the DLC period, we might have a third season that's all Marvel/DC
-for guest characters, they (or their series) has to have crossed over with Marvel or DC in comic form, and they have to have a comic of their own. (for the purposes of this, manga counts - I know that Marvel's had official crossovers with Attack On Titan and My Hero Academia, at least)
-when it comes to guest characters, I feel like it's best to do direct crossovers rather than going all "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" - for example:
  • All Might from My Hero Academia appeared in Deadpool Samurai (where he teamed up with Deadpool to fight Thanos)
  • All Might also appeared in Jump Force where he fought Goku from Dragon Ball
  • that doesn't mean that Goku's eligible (unless anyone can find an official crossover between Dragon Ball and either Marvel or DC)
-however, Deku from My Hero Academia would be eligible since All Might appeared in a Deadpool manga - hopefully all of this makes sense. (I don't want to limit it to specific characters from a series if another one would work just as well)
-likewise, to use a DC example, any character from RWBY would qualify, but even though RWBY crossed over with BlazBlue and Persona 4, those series wouldn't be eligible.
-we'll be using the All Star Strife method, where you can nominate any character, but once you've nominated them, you can't nominate them again for the rest of the DLC season - someone else will have to nominate them instead.

I'm probably making this unnecessarily complicated, but tl;dr: eight characters, two of those are guest characters, there will be two (maybe three?) seasons, you can nominate any character once per season, and guest characters should have comics of their own and should have crossed over with Marvel/DC officially.

EDIT: Planet of the Apes is eligible for this, apparently? And so is ALF.

Wikipedia doesn't have a complete list, though - it leaves out Marvel Zombies vs. the Army of Darkness, a crossover with the Evil Dead franchise.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
For DLC, here's what I'm thinking so far:
  • that doesn't mean that Goku's eligible (unless anyone can find an official crossover between Dragon Ball and either Marvel or DC)
Does Fortnite count? It's not DC or Marvel directly collaborating with Shonen, but it means that Goku has official experience beating up Spider-Man and Batman.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Does Fortnite count? It's not DC or Marvel directly collaborating with Shonen, but it means that Goku has official experience beating up Spider-Man and Batman.
For simplicity's sake (and to prevent what feels like all of fiction competing for four spots), I'm going to go with no. I haven't played much of Fortnite (played two games back when the Thanos event was a thing), but by my understanding, they're just skins, and they don't behave like the actual characters. (You're not going to see Spider-Man or Wonder Woman shooting people to death, generally speaking)

If people want to, I can count it (I'd have to look into what properties have been included in Fortnite), but I'd prefer to stick to crossovers that happened in comics rather than stretching it to other media.
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