All stats are out of 5.
Jump: ****
Dark Samus can jump but only twice but has a fast off ground jump and an ever faster air jump. The air jump covers a far distance(off ground does mainly the same as Mario) similar to Mewtwo. However like Mewtwo it is very floaty. When jumping Dark Samus is very venerable but can perform many air attacks. The logic behind this is that the Phazon gives him a slight boost in power but fades away.
Size: ***
Well.....Safe to safe same size as Samus but is slightly taller on which I will explain later.
Weight: ***
Dark Samus is slightly lighter than Samus but is still heavy enough to make a stand.
Speed: ****
Many disagree that Dark Samus shall be fast because of his Mewtwo similarities but think...
If you comment on this thread you have to know who Dark Samus is and if you've played a Metroid game with him in it you will see that he zips across the area like fox in melee. But to make it fare he isn't that fast.
Maneuverability: **
Dark Samus is somewhat slow in turning in any direction. Her attacking moves consist of good tactics and timing. But because of his boost of (logic) Phazon some attacks can be played very fast as attacking moves or GET ME THE F*CK OUT OF HERE!!! moves.
(Physical)Strength: **
Dark Samuses' physical strength is what he lacks. When applying a Hit and Run insident not much will happen, but like all characters there is a few moves that can K.O. Similar to the strength of Ness/Lucas
(Special)Strength: ****
Dark Samus is a special user similar to Ness/Lucas(but they ain't nearly as strong). Most of his powerful moves consist of using Phazon in the actual games and it's the same in brawl. Even her A moves consist of blasts of Phazon. Her doges aren’t that fast but can also prove to be useful when verseing a slow character.
Recovery: ****
If a open path lies within Dark Samuses' reach, he can reach it. Go back to the Hyrule Temple on Melee. Remember the bit to the far right and underneath is the little platform? We dark Samus can make that. This is to show she can recover.
Fall Speed: **
Imagine Mewtwo but a tad faster (probably his new fall speed). That is all dark Samuses fall speed is but you're think well now he'll suck. Well that’s where you're wrong because of the aerial. I’ve said to much you'll learn later.
Grab: *****
Dark Samuses must have. Her grabs are all part of him. It has a length of Links Clawshot but is as fast a Young Links hookshot without the long lag. the only Lag within this move is the recovering of the shot forward(Which is about a split second). The moves of the throw are also 'slick' to watch and pay-off as well. When using dark Samus remember you have the ability of one of the best throws within the game. Also when dashing when activated Dark Samus doesn't need to even stop unless he has a grab of someone.(This may seem broken but it isn’t, it has a unpredictable length because its invisible)
Comboability: **
Dark Samus cannot combo well. He can't kite either. But there is however some combos within this character e.g. like all characters.
KOability: ***
Dark Samus can KO better than Samus because unlike other 'casters' Dark Samus has nice knock back with his special moves and so forth.
Dark Samus floats above the ground and when dashing he hovers instead. Again imagine Mewtwo fatser, I mean way faster. Phazon is normally blue with mainy different blue tints.
Standard Attacks:
Neutral A Combo
Name: Minature burst
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Short
Range: Short
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: If caught within blast hits can go to 5
Dark Samus lifts his arm without the arm cannon and makes a small Phazon radiation blast.
This is similar to Zeldas standared A move.
Forward Tilt
Name: Forward Sweep
Damage: Low
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Short
Range: Moderate
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None
Dark Samus quickly puts his arm cannon above his head and sweeps downwards. When used there is speed lines that follow the arms cannon.
Up Tilt
Name: Upwards point
Damage: Low
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Low
Range: Moderate
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None
Dark Samus thrusts his arm cannon above his head very quickly. But takes a noticable time to bring down.
Down Tilt
Name: Lower Sweep
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Low
Lag: Low
Range: Moderate
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None
Dark Samus does a quick swing horizontally on the ground with his arm cannon.(yes it goes
Dash Attack
Name: Lunge
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Moderate
Range: Low
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None
As Dark Samus is Dashing he quickly lifs his arms in front of his head and pulls the backwards, pushing his head forward resulting in a headbutt.
Forward Smash
Name: Phazon Barb
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: Moderate
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None
Dark Samus punches forward but before he has reached hir optimal length he quickly makes a solid moderate sized chunk of Phazon that covers his whole arm which visually looks pretty neat.
Up Smash
Name: Phazon Bullet
Damage: Low
Knockback: Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: Low
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 2
Effect: None
Overall a weak move. Has the same animation as the Up tilt but before it reaches it max reach it fires a small but usable burst of Phazon. This move is however slower than the Up Tilt.
Down Smash
Name: Phazon implosion
Damage: High
Knockback: Low
Lag: High
Range: Moderate
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None
Imagine Samuses Down Tilt but with a pause. When Dark Samus does the same animation untill he reaches the ground he pauses for a split second and charges a Phazon Burst. When past the shot implodes causing a pretty powerful Smash attack but has severly large amounts of lag, this move does.
Aerial Attacks:
Neutral Aerial
Name: Shine Glisten
Damage: Low
Knockback: Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: Moderate
Duration: Quick as F*ck
Hits: 1
Effect: Stun for a spilt second.
This move requires perfect timing as the duration is almost 0.3 seconds. As falling from the sky Dark Samus focuses for a second a small phazon circle appears around him. However this move shall only work on the contact with the enemy. it cannot fend off projectiles.
Forward Air
Name: Shunt
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: Short
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None
While in the air Dark Samus pushes one of his shoulders fowards.
Backwards Air
Name: 180
Damage: N/A
Knockback: N/A
Lag: Short
Range: N/A
Duration: Very Short
Hits: N/A
Effect: None
Simple. Dark Samus quickly does a 180 in the air.
Up Air
Name: Row
Damage: Low
Knockback: None
Lag: Short
Range: Moderate
Duration: Short
Hits: 5
Effect: Quick stun
Imagine Samuses Up Smash done in the air, with no knockback, adds a stun and has Phazon?
Well thats all this move is.
Down Air
Name: Two Footer
Damage: Low
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Moderate
Range: Long
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None
this is Dark Samuses Meteor Smash. however imagine Captain Falcons Down Air but weaker and slower. It does however have a slight Phazon knockback if timed right like Young Link Down Air. And like most meteors it can be meteor cancelled.
Special Attacks:
Name: Phazon Blast
Damage: Low
Knockback: Very Low
Lag: When Fired: Short
Range: Long
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1-5
Effect: None
Dark Samus stands in hir charging posistion: He stands forwarly hunched with her arm cannon aiming towards the ground and charges. A fainted Blue light can be seen from within the cannon to prove he is chargin. As he is charging he glows a faint blue, so when it stops he is finsihed.
When firing from a charge he lifts his arm forwards and shot. When firng normaly he points forwards and shoots.(Can also be an instant blast)
Now for what comes out. Depending on how long you charge it for a number of 1-5 beams come out(1-3-5, 5 being fully charged). each having a different degree of movement. the longer the charged the more powerful each will be and the larger they shall be.
Its power/effectivness is like Marios fire ball but with more to it. Also some nice Phazon effects.
Up B
Name: Shine Spark
Damage: Low
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Moderate
Range: Short
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None
When activated Dark Samus pauses momentarily and charges for a second. While chatging the user gets to choose his path of movement. This is slighty similar to Fox Up B but has better effects and a longer length. When chargin Dark Samus hovers slightly above the ground some more and charges with a blue glow.When playing the shine spark animation Dark Samus puts one shoulder in front of him and fires in the direction. The attack however serves the same as Samuses dash attack power.
Forward B
Name: Boost Ball
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: High
Lag: Short
Range: Short
Duration: Long
Hits: As many untill time runs out.
Effect: When chargin, movement backwards.
Similar to the charges of Jigglypuff. Dark Samus turns into her Morph Ball and begins to charge. When chargin, Phazon cover him and is painting the ground. However when chargin Dark Samus moves slowly backwards but stops when finished. When the ball is released a blue trail of Phazon is left glowing on the floor in his tracks. Sadly this does no damage to enemys.
Down B
Name: Phazon Barrier
Damage: N/A
Knockback: N/A
Lag: Start:Short If finsihed: Lots
Range: Moderate
Duration: Moderate
Hits: N/A
Effect: None
When used Dark Samus makes a Phazon sheild around him that can deflect all projectile back to the opponents. However when used Dark Samus slowly rises and when he reach a certain he stops using the sheild and fall to the ground. However this is happened because lackage of Phazon so Dark Samus is permantly stunned as if her proper sheild has ran out.
Final Smash
Name: Corruption
Damage: High
Knockback: Low
Lag: N/A
Range: Max
Duration: 15 seconds
Hits: Mutliple
Effect: None
okay..Dark Samus grabs the Smash ball and glows the infamous smash colour. He walks steadly to the centre of the stage.(As this move last 15 seconds use it in the middle)He forces his arm cannon towards the ground and absorbs Phazon from the ground. Then a massive shot if fired towards the ground generating a massive Phazon wave that goes in both horizontal ways. This moves finishes once it hits a ledge plus it continues untill the 15 seconds are over(If fires about one per second). Through-out the whole phase Dark Samus has super armour just to let you know.
Grab Attack
Name: Pulsing
Damage: Low
Knockback: N/A
Lag: Low
Range: N/A
Duration: Short
Hits: 1
Effect: None
Once Dark Samus has grabbed his foe he puts his arm cannon beside their head and pulses with the arm cannon. This increases the arm cannons heat which does damage.
Forward Throw
Name: BANG!!
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Low
Lag: Moderate
Range: N/A
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 2
Effect: None
Dark Samus yanks his enemy onto the arm cannon and shoots them with a sudden blast.
Backward Throw
Name: Toss
Damage: Low
Knockback: Low
Lag: Low
Range: N/A
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None
Dark Samus throws his enemy behind her.
Down Throw
Name: Heel
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Moderate
Lag: Moderate
Range: N/A
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1
Effect: None
Dark Samus throws his enemy towards the ground. When the hit the ground Dark Samus slams his foot into their face.
Upwards Throw
Name: Multiple Shot
Damage: Moderate
Knockback: Low
Lag: Low
Range: N/A
Duration: Moderate
Hits: 1-5
Effect: None
Dark Samus chucks his enemy into the air. When reach at certain point Dark Samus fires several sudden shots.
Taunt 1
Dark Samus laughs his deep laugh why floating several pixels higher.
Taunt 2
Dark Samus floats steadily and absorbs Phazon. The Phazon appears from right beside in the air.
Taunt 3
Dark Samus crouches, points his arm into the air and pulls Phazon from the sky. When the Phazon makes contact he flashes with a bleu colour.
Winning Poses
All winning poses are the same as his taunts.
Air Dodge
Dark Samus shifts himself into the 3rd dimension similar to Samus.
Dark Samus teleports behind his opponent but once stopped he pauses for a second without super armour.
Dark Samus puts his gun in front of his face which protects him.
Onto stage apearance
A Phazon 'egg' grows out of the ground, inside is Dark Samus.