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Dallas Stuff

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Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
Felix45: Dont Tell Me What I Should Of Done Like Im Some Kind Of Dumb ***. you just shut up........... wait, i said no more spam, dont start nothin wont be nothin.
lole gj
btw of your 4 posts on this page all 4 are spam. really job well done. you truly are a man of your word.

edit: you now are 5 for 5 on spamcount for this page ALONE! keep it up man seriously we all love reading the garbage you put out. for real nothing pleases me more than to see you spam up the page. oh and FYI if you need to use 7 exclamation points in order to reach the 10 character min. to post that is spam. gj really.

smashfest in colleyville tomorrow w/ me, sbw, and yumcha probably. if you wanna play message me on AIM @ felix45


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2007
lole gj
btw of your 4 posts on this page all 4 are spam. really job well done. you truly are a man of your word.

smashfest in colleyville tomorrow w/ me, sbw, and yumcha probably. if you wanna play message me on AIM @ felix45
Accually, i did stop spamming after i said i would. first you couldnt keep your mouth shut, and i was replying 2 rawrs redquest to smash with me.:cool:


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2005
Upstate New York
Hey, Bluezaft, where is the clubhouse at, about? I know everyone else has been there before, but I wanna see if I could make the drive.

...and... ****, this thread is seriously messed up.

RAWR its Luigi

Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2007
Hey, Bluezaft, where is the clubhouse at, about? I know everyone else has been there before, but I wanna see if I could make the drive.

...and... ****, this thread is seriously messed up.

i agree with u so much

this thread = fights of best middle and low tiers [roy,link,ness,white falcon,]

at times its fun seeing people posting next sf and whose all gonna b there and u know stuff that matters

i also think 4 pages of saying bkm is uncalled for i understand why rage does it [its cause uman and rok r always saying they r the best]
im not getting in this fight im 2 old for this stuff ha i play games but yea come on guys plz stop spamming

i wanna c bluezafts sf questions and any mms that r happening :]


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2006
DFW/Houston/Texas Tech
lole gj
btw of your 4 posts on this page all 4 are spam. really job well done. you truly are a man of your word.

edit: you now are 5 for 5 on spamcount for this page ALONE! keep it up man seriously we all love reading the garbage you put out. for real nothing pleases me more than to see you spam up the page. oh and FYI if you need to use 7 exclamation points in order to reach the 10 character min. to post that is spam. gj really.

smashfest in colleyville tomorrow w/ me, sbw, and yumcha probably. if you wanna play message me on AIM @ felix45
Woo hoo I got mentioned!!! We should have a Lubbock crew right consisting of all 4 players right :laugh:???

Dec. 30 - Jan. 3, I'll be in Houston. Let us know as soon as you can on the upcoming date of the tournament.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
edit: ok so if anyone wants to play today message me on AIM @ felix45

we are probably going to play at smallbadwolf's house at around 6:30 tonight if anyone is up for that.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
fire's fest last night was great fun. james you missed out. i'm down for smashing again soon so jefsamjon, pootThe-.- or fire/misfire should contact me. by soon i mean lets play tonight cause this game's too fun and my young link is too fast/good. muahaha.

EDIT 1: i want to play SBW. cool *** falco. its been awhile since we've last played/destroyed all of the garland scrubs by ourselves.

EDIT 2: maybe i should call them garland semi-scrubs cause yall have all improved... nah still scrubs... lol. but for real. much better now. respect.


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.
hey felix where are you guys playing at??

me and some scrubby YL player named runningbrave want to go :-D

also: the garland scrubs are still scrubby as can be


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2007
bkm, whoever they are, undoubtedly suck tremendous nuts.
this is why i spam. its because of a-holes like this. but anyways, i realy hope i can make it to the next smashfest, im missing all the fun.

rawr: i feel you buddy, i took the time to kikda appoligize for all the spamming i did,because it only causes more spam. but if you didnt notice, not a post later, felix had to reply to my post and talk, you see rawr, they shouldnt take my kindness for weakness. i hate that.:mad:


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
uman you are still ****ing ********. you just dont know when to shut the **** up do you? I mean god **** you just keep spamming. we had half a page with no spam then BAM. there you go being your ******* self. gj again. way to keep your word.

ok guys if you want to show up ummm call my cell 817-734-3680 since no one got on AIM to message me :p

address is ummm

address is
Overhill Dr. Colleyville TX 76034
second house on the left
I forgot the address number so sorry :(
call me before you come if you do come!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2007
uman you are still ****ing ********. you just dont know when to shut the **** up do you? I mean god **** you just keep spamming. we had half a page with no spam then BAM. there you go being your ******* self. gj again. way to keep your word.

ok guys if you want to show up ummm call my cell 817-734-3680 since no one got on AIM to message me :p

address is ummm

address is
Overhill Dr. Colleyville TX 76034
second house on the left
I forgot the address number so sorry :(
call me before you come if you do come!
can you stop replying 2 every single one of my posts. god, you must like me or something


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
The same could be said about you. Please stop posting unless it has something to do with the topic at hand. No one cares about your e-pride, so just save it for the next smashfest. When is the next smashfest anyways? Still having your weekly one Fire!!?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 20, 2007
garland, TX
hhhhmmmm havent been on this thread in a while

which seems to be a wise choice on my part

any way, whats going down soon, havnt gone to nything smash related in a while

fire: im free thursday so if ur doing ur weekly thing im game

and im collecting that dollar u owe me for that mm we had or we could do double or nothing and u could give me 2 dollars =]lol


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2007
rawr, try 2 come by j-rocs tomorow and smash with me if your not to busy you have to play my link. but call him first, if he dosnt answer, call me: 214-371-6788 ask for darien.

idono, you might be able to come over to my place if my dad isnt here.

kidrobot: sup man, i wish i could play you 2.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 20, 2007
garland, TX
u post changing *******!!

the 2 dollars will be mine >={

if not thursday, hit me up whenever u feel like playin


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
the following is my response to 1 out of 5 or more of umans posts since my last login

im good enough(in smash bros) to not have to talk behind a computer screen. this goes for all the spammers out there, talk is cheap.

RAGE: dis regard all that racist bull i postedsince i dont go to any sf or tournys also takes away the right for anybody to say how good or bad my link is.

translation: rage let's pretend like nothing ever happened and ignore the racist comments i said.

also you forgot to capitalize Dis and didn't even realize that regard is two separate words: re gard. i suggest you dis re gard the previous sentence so you won't confuse yourself.
if you notice i never get that carried away somtimes
what the hell does this mean. please get a little kid or somebody who doesn't sound like an idiot to proofread the **** that you write

and since i dont go to any sf or tournys also takes away the right for anybody to say how good or bad my link is.
actually you tell me that we did play and i beat you, since i don't even remember this, i probly was not trying and reserve the right to say you suck. and i might have been blazed as well lmfao. buh could probably beat you lmfao he could beat me on herbz.

hey guess why your statement is hypocritical? you probly won't figure it out so ill tell you. since you don't go to smashfests this also takes away your right to say how good or bad you are. not that you constantly say you're the best link in dallas or anything, but i know 5 links better than you and fire can probably pick up link today and beat you by the next time you play, and rbrave can beat you with y.link and i can too. i know this without even playing young link ever. drew can beat you with y. link and probly can with link too lmfao. the fact of the matter is you will get pwned horribly the next smashfest you attend.

im good enough(in smash bros) to not have to talk behind a computer screen. this goes for all the spammers out there, talk is cheap.
every post you have made negates this statement.

this is my final post regarding you and i await your ignorant response that probably won't make any sense. but here is what you should know. i know you suck and ive played rok jroc and shine from your crew and i know that they all aren't that good. rok is your best and i can pwn him with a variety of char. if you all care so much about your crew then how come none of you ever attend anything other than rok. he is the only person that goes places around our local city and he plays a variety of people in dallas. this is probably why he is better than all of you. playing different kinds of players with skill levels above you is the only way to get better. this is why i think i would pwn if i ever traveled for it and why i think hylian is a clown after three years of competitive play, sadly he would beat you too. (hi, hylian!) lmfao you think you do well against rok because you play him all the time. i can tell you sure as hell that i don't play anything like him lmfao and i can tell you the same about many other players. i will tell you without a doubt he is better than you even though you think you are even with him. come out and see. remember to bring 15 dollars.

oh hylian when you read this along with every other thread on smashboards tell buh i have a transitive property for him. i know that tgm beats hylian(thanks to his comments on the houston thread), and hylian beats buh(based on what buh says). i know that jeremy feifer beats tgm(based on recent videos of him beating tgm(it was nice of you to go easy on him so it would be a close match jeremy), and i know i beat jeremy feifer(at g-kon tourny). so this means that buh<hylian<tgm<jeremy feifer< RAGE.

edit: oh and here's that vid of jeremy owning tgm - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDE2nTqmhZM

****, i am too ****ing nonchalant


Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2006
Abilene, TX
well since i see aint nobody doin nothin. another classic F4L tourney will be goin down saturday. real eager to see some new people so use yall christmas money or wateva to try and make it.

i'll pm bluezaft wit the info. and he'll put it in the first thread ya digg.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
about time f4l!

oh and bluezaft im going to need those link ditto vids up so uman knows how a real link plays...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 20, 2007
garland, TX
fire: by tomorrow do u mean christmas eve or christmas day........ dosnt matter cant make either =[

but im free wendsday and thursday if u jus wanna swing by my place and get some matches in :/


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2007
ok, **** you, rage. i see i cant stop spamming, and what rok has to put up with all the time. well rage since you think all those links can beat me, i challenge them too. im going to show you that im the best, and once i beat you right along with those other links and young links......... hmmmm i dont know, your still going to talk crap, just like you do rok all the time. he beat you at the tournement in san antonio, and you still act like you're better. rage, since your so good and all, crew battle us. just you vs uman, rok, dirt bag, and jroc. oh, and we can through in 5$ to make it more worth your while. i mean ****, i know your not getting anything for christmas, seeing that you had abusive childhood, but dont take it out on me.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
can I do that offer too? except up it to $40? I promise it will be worth your time. plus thats only like $10 per person. also if the rest of the BKM crew ever wants to MM me just speak up I'm all for it.

also: you are still going against what you said. you have done nothing BUT go against what you said 2 pages ago. you really are ****ing stupid. you need to learn when to shut up really. if you dont want this kinda thing to happen then the easiest way to make it stop is not post stupid **** like you do all the go**** time.

@7734 & sx - good games last night I had fun. 7734 you gotta learn up b out of shield and learn to use tilts!


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
Hey Rage:

Uman, please never post in this thread again unless you've got something worthwhile to say. You have yet to contribute ANYTHING to this thread, and it would be a very very bad thing if it turned into as much of a spamfest as you're making it. So I'm not kicking you out, but you need to go away for a good long while. Maybe do something fun and productive. Kick a ball around, make some Christmas arts and crafts, go with Rok and Jroc to a strip club.


Sep 11, 2003
More people should use correct grammar when talking crap about each other. Also, refrain from using wall of text'd style for it does not please my eyes. It'll make you seem a lot more intelligent even if the content of the post is pure crap.

Anywho, I never play any of the Dallas people outside of Drew, Wobbles, and Bluezaft, where is everyone else???


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
@chang - I'm in colleyville. thats like 30 minutes from you guys up in plano lol.

@wildboris - you want to do a $5 money match? I want to play you again!

edit: hey drew, chang, wobbles, or bluezaft, you guys wanna make a crew and go against jake, poot, brave, and rage?

:p just kidding jake

@uman -
Uman, please never post in this thread again unless you've got something worthwhile to say. You have yet to contribute ANYTHING to this thread, and it would be a very very bad thing if it turned into as much of a spamfest as you're making it.
god you really are ****ing stupid uman.

Dr Drew the Dragon

Sep 11, 2003
OK guys you've made it abundantly clear that you have some differing opinions on player talent. But that's really all they are, opinions. Thus they are completely baseless. I mean I can use smash math to claim I'm better than almost every highest level player in the country (Ken, PC, Chu, M2K, KDJ, etc.) But you know what? When I play them I don't seem to win... pretty much ever. Also you guys are so insistent on using friendlies to prove everything which is just beyond dumb. Friendlies never have and never will mean anything. If you want a perfect example look at the last tournament. I beat Bluezaft like 80% of the time in friendlies (maybe not quite that much but I definitely won a good majority) but he beat me in tournament when it mattered.

And someone needs to realize that the only to stop spamming is to ignore it. Stop responding to each other with baseless claims that mean nothing. You're not really arguing you're just yelling at each other. The only way to really decide who is better at a character requires them to play that character in a large amount of matches that actually have some merit to them (i.e. tournaments and money matches). And at this point I'm 99% sure there won't be enough events where everyone in these arguments will be attending and actually actively trying to prove their superiority with said characters, all this "discussion" becomes meaningless.

So I say let uman think he's the best Link in Dallas. And let Rage think he is the best Link in Dallas. I certainly couldn't care less as neither of them will ever be beating me in a tournament with Link (or at all for that matter) and thus it doesn't concern me. No one should really care at all so let's just let them think whatever and ignore it. Arguing about it isn't going to get us anywhere (as evidenced by the last... too many pages) so let's just let it die. Come back when you can put some actual evidence towards your trash talk. Evidence in the form of recorded matches from tournaments or for money that aren't just dittos because we all know dittos really don't prove much of anything.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2007
OK guys you've made it abundantly clear that you have some differing opinions on player talent. But that's really all they are, opinions. Thus they are completely baseless. I mean I can use smash math to claim I'm better than almost every highest level player in the country (Ken, PC, Chu, M2K, KDJ, etc.) But you know what? When I play them I don't seem to win... pretty much ever. Also you guys are so insistent on using friendlies to prove everything which is just beyond dumb. Friendlies never have and never will mean anything. If you want a perfect example look at the last tournament. I beat Bluezaft like 80% of the time in friendlies (maybe not quite that much but I definitely won a good majority) but he beat me in tournament when it mattered.

And someone needs to realize that the only to stop spamming is to ignore it. Stop responding to each other with baseless claims that mean nothing. You're not really arguing you're just yelling at each other. The only way to really decide who is better at a character requires them to play that character in a large amount of matches that actually have some merit to them (i.e. tournaments and money matches). And at this point I'm 99% sure there won't be enough events where everyone in these arguments will be attending and actually actively trying to prove their superiority with said characters, all this "discussion" becomes meaningless.

So I say let uman think he's the best Link in Dallas. And let Rage think he is the best Link in Dallas. I certainly couldn't care less as neither of them will ever be beating me in a tournament with Link (or at all for that matter) and thus it doesn't concern me. No one should really care at all so let's just let them think whatever and ignore it. Arguing about it isn't going to get us anywhere (as evidenced by the last... too many pages) so let's just let it die. Come back when you can put some actual evidence towards your trash talk. Evidence in the form of recorded matches from tournaments or for money that aren't just dittos because we all know dittos really don't prove much of anything.

finnaly, drew sees the light:confused::psycho::confused::psycho::confused::urg::chuckle:

f4l: i need to play your gannon again, i need to pay you back for that little 4-stock you did on me a while back.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
i was just joking drew, congrats on being an idiot! i wasn't the one to bring up smash math, but the one who said it was ********.

So I say let uman think he's the best Link in Dallas. And let Rage think he is the best Link in Dallas.

i openly said i don't care about it at all as wobbles beats me every time. i was responding to yet another sora keyblade master.

I certainly couldn't care less as neither of them will ever be beating me in a tournament with Link (or at all for that matter) and thus it doesn't concern me.
never say never

Dr Drew the Dragon

Sep 11, 2003
Rage: Then stop "responding to another sora keyblade master".

Considering how much you post concerning the topic forgive me for thinking you care about it. You may not care about being the best Link in Dallas but you very clearly care about pointing out that uman is not the best Link in Dallas for some reason that escapes me. In the end they're both spam. Also the smash math thing wasn't directed at you specifically but more making an example of how easy it is to make baseless claims when you really have no good evidence.

Mouf: u suck more :)
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